For generations, overzealous Christians have declared the time of the Rapture to either be here or coming soon. I usually made sport of them because they've been saying this for the last 2,000 years. I understand God's timetable is different from ours but to be frank, we humans are a pretty sorry lot. There's far more hate in the world than love. John Lennon sang "All You Need is Love" and conservative bigots, idiots and homophobes hated him for it. If God were waiting for us to become so rotten that He decided it were time to put an end to us, we must really have some awful things to look forward to from ourselves.
But there are certain signs that are leading me to think the Rapture is here. The signs point to the "Beast" as being none other than the revered leader of the republican party, Rush Limbaugh.
They say the Beast will be a great deceiver. Who is better than Rush? The last honest thing he said was that he had seven cheeseburgers for lunch. He is the master of lies. He has convinced millions that he has their interests at heart while he's all cozy in his huge mansion.
So many of these nutty zealots are frightened of "The Mark of The Beast." They think it's a firearm owners card. Or a Social Security number that signifies this. No my deluded right wing friends. The mark is the bumper sticker millions of you proudly display on your bumpers that says "Republican, and proud." You may as well tattoo Satan's picture on your foreheads as display that obvious sign of fealty to your leader.
As Peter Finch's character in the movie "Network" said, the media is the most awesome goddamn for force in the whole godless universe, so Rush the Beast has channeled this into his own devilish agenda. The media allows him the most listened to timeslot, 11AM to 2PM every afternoon to spew his message of hate and destruction of America to the masses. The MSM rarely if ever calls Rush the Berast to task for his lies. Their silence shows their fear and makes the Beast more powerful.
The Beast is here today. He is not riding a horse. No horse is strong enough to carry him. He is riding the airwaves every weekday from 11AM till 2PM central time.
I enjoy a good ass kicking on a Sunday morning. This man is evil pure fucking evil. He and all the others like him and we're talking the big boys here that are heard all over this country and on several stations in any given area at the same time.
Just as important are the little bigots that stations hire who spew the same and in some cases worse shit than the big boys.
All over - everywhere the message is the same non stop.
It is the reality and part of the same reality is that media like this has become a weapon far too powerful and I say we are losing because of it.
This is why the corporations must not gain control of the Internet because you would not see opinions like this easily if at all.
well done Truth. Do I believe the rapture is here, do I believe there is more hate in the world then love, NO. But I do believe Satan is paling around with Limpy and his ilk.
The old saying "The Devil Looks After His Own" is a good fit Limbaugh, unlike his suits.
He has found a way to make millions of dollars and he is sticking with it. There is no doubt the majority of his 20 million listeners a week have a big impact on the way Republican speechwriters frame their words, they can't run the risk of pissing Rush off, and therefore his followers too.
Good one truth.
Rush's bumper sticker might read "when the Rapture comes this fat MF's still gonna be in this car cause even God can't lift my sorry ass".
Might need two stickers to get the whole message to display.
You had me at the title, lol
Good lord, was he really wearing that tie or was it photoshopped? The very existence of such a tie would surely be a harbinger of the Apocalypse.
It's easy to spot the Devil. He attracts the worst in society, just watch for the gathering crowds. It's like a public lynching. The more people, the louder the screams, kill him!
Truth, all you have to do is say Rush or Palin and your hyena following come a barking.
I believe Lennon was a hara krishna worshiper wasn't he? Hope that's working out well for him today. He proclaimed to be one thing yet I guess with a hundred million dollars or so you can pretend to be anything you want. All you have to do is write a song with love in the lyrics. With enough money you can profess all that progressive crap, pretend to care about the poor, fool the masses and the loons will put you on a altar. Wow... isn't that what you're saying about Rush?
But I guess Rush is different because he professes that Constitution crap that is so full of those negative rights your prince Barry has condemned. Damn rich white founders.
Tonight I will light a cigar on all your behalf. Once again you have made the case that instead of looking inward at the logs in your own liberal eyes... it is much easier to point out the splinters in the eyes of we conservatives. Well done!
BTW, in San Diego, I seldom listen to Rush because he is on from 9 to 12... the same time that the wacko mormon Glenn Beck is on whom I rarely miss.
Wait... is that more barking I hear?
Terrific piece. One time I was headed back to Denver from Loveland. There was this long, long line of cars heading north - bumper to bumper. It backed up all the way to Denver and probably beyond, a distance of 55 miles. Later I heard it was Rush who was speaking in Ft. Collins. This was probably about 15 years ago.
I do not know what is so attractive about this guy - certainly not all his blubber.
Truth - I'm with you on this one.
Rush is a negative force in our world.
True - there is a lot of hate in the world. I think there is just as much love, but hate is overwhelming. I mean, how many newspapers would be sold on the basis of love?
Egotisical, drug adicted, whack jobs who hide in their cars while his maid buy illegal drugs live off attention.
But anyway, who is this Rush fellow?
I appreciate the "hyaena following" remarh Rattler. The truth is though that I'm on the lower end of the liberal pantheon around these parts.
And get real about Rush and the Constitution. He spews nonsense and has no more knowlege of the Constitution than my dog.
President Obama however, taught Constitutional Law and truly loves America and freedom. Rush only loves the rich. He Loathes his poor and middle class followers for their mindless devotion to his hateful message that keeps them enslaved to the Walmarts and convenience stores that pay slave wages.
Excuse me, but the Sign of the Beast is surely an admission ticket to a Dane Cook concert. Or the fact Dane Cook can pack arenas. Or something like that. It's gotta be Dane Cook-related.
Truth, it was the $500 I saved last year shopping at Walmart that allowed me to buy this computer. Sorry, Obummer may have taught constitutional law but I don't think it was ours. Maybe the class was titled unconstitutional circumventing 101. He no doubt got most of his notes from his bud Ayers.
If you don't like Rush... don't listen. I'm sure another episode of Springer or the View is on.
The problem with making weight one of the top criticism of Rush Limbaugh is that... if he loses weight, is does he become that much less repulsive?
For a guy you despise as a "socialist" or whatever Rattler, President Obama sure mad alot of money and has a fine house in a high dollar Chicago neighborhood dude. He wears fine clothes too. When he's galavanting around in a chairman Mao outfit, then talk to us about Ayres and Obama. Right now your argument is without merit. Just a parroting of Limbaughisms.
A bit over the top. Many Liberals, being who they seem to be, seem to relish doing precisely that which they criticize conservatives for of doing.
As usual both are equally as guilty of this "sin" and frankly it has become an amusing game.
Ahh, but to revisit 1776. When men ere men, and the goal of creating a nation of individuals truly had meaning.
Well it still does today. For some at least.
Off the soap box and on to other pursuits.
You do have to give me this RN. I get visited by many reactionary righties that don't leave comments anymore after Helga the Right is Right Lady ordered them not to. As well as people of character and intelligence like you and Rattler. None of you has disputed my research and conclusion about Rush "The Beast" Limbaugh.
Perhaps when good Christians start disappearing, then you will believe?
Rattler - If you don't like Rush... don't listen.
And the other side of that coin? If you don't like what liberals write on a blog, find one that is more to your liking.
Huzzah, Leslie nailed it. Freedom of speech also = freedom of the rest of us to call bullshit when we see it :)
TRUTH, you give el Rushbo too much credit.
Overall, the American people dislike him. He is popular with a MINORITY of Americans.
Don't waste your precious blogging on an unpopular bigot.
The more you draw attention to the gasbag the more people believe he means anything.
The truth, the TRUTH is that he appeals to a minority of the American people. But he has a very LOUD minority that make it seem like he has a majority of Americans who agree with him.
That is NOT reality. He is popular with regional listeners.
Who cares what the idiot says. He's been wrong one very election that he has stuck his porcine nose in.
From the Daily Beast blog:
Congressional Republicans have turned to Rush Limbaugh to lead the battle against Obama. One problem: A poll says he's less popular than Jeremiah Wright.
Republicans who have turned to Rush Limbaugh to lead the fight against President Obama may have backed the wrong horse. According to one recent poll, Limbaugh turns out to be one of the most unpopular political figures in the country.
Shaw: there was no way in hell I was going to let a good title go to waste.
I've always been welcome to be the voice of the left at The Rattlers blog. He's welcome here.
Rush Limbaugh is the devil, that's for sure. He is diabolical in that he has put millions under his spell and compelled them to listen to him. When will the evil stop!
As for his tie, it's a hypnotic pattern that causes those of us who are too stupid to think for ourselves to flock to Rush and slavishly parrot his talking points.
Thankfully we uneducated millions are so easily turned to his message and therefore the evil Republicans are in control of all branches of the government and Rush's agenda is ascendant. He is too diabolical for his own good.
BTW, I hate fat people.
Good day sir.
If I was going to sit down with someone and have a beer... (or Latte for you lefties) I would much rather be spending my time with those like Truth101 than those on the right (who are more than not correct btw!) Why would I want to converse all the time with those I agree with? I am the first to claim, I do not know it all. I enjoy hearing opposing opinions as wrong as they may be. I enjoy Truth's sarcasm. For the rest of you weasels though, lighten up, look in a mirror and be glad your cat still loves you!
One more thing,
"Perhaps when good Christians start disappearing, then you will believe?"
Worried about that good Christian bad Christian thing. The way I read it ALL are guilty and it is NOT by works. We may be in line with a lot of people we disagree with. And some we thought for sure to be there will be gone. Lets just hope all whom are called, answers. Including Rush and Obama.
Isaiah says "Faith without good deeds is dead."
I'm sure there was something in there also about gluttony LaOT.
I just hope when the Rapture comes we're finished with our beers Rattler. And truth be told, I think that's why most visit this humble blog or Pamela's far more successfull Oracular Opinion. Everyone is welcome.
Well, perhaps my well know sense of humor and kind and gentleness help.
Look in the mirror my so called Truthful friend and see the lying image of thyself. I have some new for you and people like you. Rush Limbagh is not our president and he does not make policies. The one to complain about is your saint and savior Barack Obama.
He is the one that is transforming America to a socialist state, Apology Tour, Kowtowing to dictators, Closing Gitmo, Stimulus, TARP, Card Check, Climate Gate, Copenhagen I, Nobel Peace Prize, The Cambridge Police acted stupidly, 4 months to make a troop decision, Ft Hood Massacre, Christmas Bomber, CZARS, Van Jones, Anita Dunn, Tax Cheats, Daschle, Geithner, Rangle, Health Care takeover, Hidden meaning, Hating on Tea Parties people, Blue Pill, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer, Wasserman, Chris Dodd - Countrywide, Raising Debt Ceiling, 14 Trillion dollar deficit, removing missle sheild, insulting our allies, ignoring the people of Iran, stupidly naive foreign policy, bowing to dictators, teleprompter, withholding info about Qom nuclear site, Copenghagen II, Buying votes for healthcare bill, special exemptions for Unions, Mao Christmas ornaments, bitter clingers, If you don't like my policies you are a racist. Supreme Court needs "empathy", Andy Stern, I have more but I'm getting a head ache.
We are not a racist country nor should we be portrayed as one as the left wants you to believe.. We are a tolerant nation of hardworking people who once ruled the world, I personally, and i know that i am not alone when I say that our Grandfathers and Grandmothers did absolutely not lay down their lives for the sake of their country in order for the suit wearing CEO'S of today to throw away as they see fit. I never expected to be here writing this "blog" looking for support but it seems that not too many people are willing to see what support they can find.
I am sure that if you are continuing to read this then you must emphasize with the message i am trying to relay. The indigenous people of this country are being singled out as easy targets by our government and the support given to the non indigenous people of this country seem to be welcomed and supported....it just seems so wrong to me.
Now don’t get me wrong i believe in issues such as immigration but it must be managed, it must be controlled. Just like the spin the Libs put on the Scott Brown victory story and on Obama's health care plan or bill or whatever the heck he wants to call it. I call it a line of bull, and a sack of lies..
I shiver to think what my future could have been if I listened to the insidious rhetoric of charlatans such as Harry Reid, and the ambassadors of affirmative action who reside in the Congressional Black Caucus.
Sure, some of the "stuck on stupid" blacks who worship Obama are going to address me in derogatory names, but I possess something which they lack; Honor, Integrity, and Character. To them I say, continue to be slaves to the liberals for your vote.
First of all, BAA, learn brevity. Your comment is not only tedious, but I would say it's rude. Anyone who went off on a long tangent like you just did in a real-life discussion would be considered a boor, plain and simple.
Second, you need to learn about political philosophy. It's utterly ludicrous to say Obama "is transforming America to a socialist state." Right away, you lose all credibility and we have no reason to pay any attention or respect to what you have to say.
So I'll pay your comment no further attention.
I read the first two sentences then scrolled down to see what Stimpson had to say.
Truth, I'm thinking BAA is the same person as Patrick J. Buchanan at my blog's current thread. And maybe the same person as "guenevere" in a previous thread at this blog.
And "guenevere" is the same person as the "Xavier" who showed up at my blog to insult me shortly after I told "guenevere" to learn brevity.
(the giveaway re: guenevere and Xavier - they both hyphenated "asshole")
Rush as the Anti-Christ? Sure. Why not. Good post.
I still it's Dane Cook.
Damn this group and it's intellectual elitists. WTF is Dane Cook?
Dane Cook
He's a highly popular, highly unoriginal standup comic.
Kind of like Larry the Cable Guy then?
Yes, but Cook actually played to 12,000 in my city - a record draw for a comic over here. Even Larry didn't draw that size of an audience.
Shaw said: "Congressional Republicans have turned to Rush Limbaugh to lead the battle against Obama. One problem: A poll says he's less popular than Jeremiah Wright."
Then there's no better time than now for them to team up for the "Rush is Wright Comedy Tour". The hottest ticket since Liddy and Leary. They hate the country and want it to fail.
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