Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Although many are tired of flogging the dead horse known as Sarah Palin, her story tells a tale of Americana.

It's not about heroism or greatness. It's about people's need for heroes. There's no doubt this woman is of limited intellectual capacity. Yet she has been elevated to an almost "Joan of Arc" status by many desperate for a modern day right wing hero. These deluded fools have created an image of the down to earth, common sense loving American Mom that will save us all from pinkos like Truth 101.

None of them can come up with a real reason or substantial position Palin has on any issue. They just say "she's real." Or "she's one of us." I guess the one of us means she's an idiot living in a fantasy world of Sunday family picnics and boys and girls saving themselves for marriage. Just like them.

Many of the people that were deified by the hero worship culture were very humble. Eisenhower and Omar Bradley were just two guys doing their jobs. Even Reagan seemed to understand it was all an act on his part. But Sarah Palin has embraced her status as right wing hero and savior. And her ego is leading to jealous hatred among the right. Dan Quayle asks "why her and not me?" The picture at the top should make that answer obvious.

But that's another dirty little republican secret. Look good. Say what the Cheney Cabal tells you to say and wear a dress. While you and abortion are distracting the idiots that want to screw you, we'll keep screwing America.


Sue said...

Truth, you speak the truth and do it so well! Loved this!

Holte Ender said...

Republican cynicism knows no bounds, no ethics, no respect, for voters intelligence, when they push Palin as a serious person, as a republican icon to be listened to, to be considered as a potential Presidential candidate. You sum it up well.

Jack Jodell said...

Man, are the far-right elements of the Republican Party ever morally and intellectually bankrupt!

Leslie Parsley said...

Dang, even David Brooks has called her stupid and a woman of no substance.

Grung_e_Gene said...

I demand you remove Sarah Palin's head from the gorgeous body of Lynda Carter!!!

Infidel753 said...

Evidently idiots, like any other constituency, want to be represented by one of themselves.

Les Carpenter said...

Ever consider that if the left, especially the far out extremer wacko left, would stop publicizing their disdain for Palin perhaps she would not enjoy the audience she is receiving?

I mean after all a lot of people feel protective and ready to defend one so demonized by such a large segment of the public.

At any rate you are right Truth, and I for one believe there is a helluva lot more important issues to concern ourselves with.

I like Palin personally, but I wouldn't vote for her for the highest office in the land.

Infidel753 said...

Are teabaggers really so shallow that they rally around someone they wouldn't otherwise support just because of her being demonized by the left?

The left's demonization of Palin is dwarfed by the right's demonization of Obama (though that's not why people care about Obama -- it's because he's actually President).

Les Carpenter said...

Infidel753 - Perhaps it is because she at this point is merely a private citizen, just as you and I are.

She has no national power and it is likely she never will.

She is personable, even likable, however she is not presidential timber. But what the hell neither is Obama so perhaps I see the lefts need to trash her.

My take, well ... it's sorta like the Tiger Woods situation, Who Gives a Shit.

Unless of course one secretly fears her for some reason.

Infidel753 said...

Unless of course one secretly fears her for some reason.

That would hardly be surprising. Due to the Republican party's winner-take-all primary system, it's not inconceivable that she could be the party's Presidential nominee in 2012 if she made a serious run. That would give her a non-trivial, if still low, chance at the Presidency.

I was not impressed with Obama when he ran for office (I supported Hillary) but that was due to his inexperience and lack of ideological commitment. He is not blatantly irrational or out of touch with reality like Palin is.

I could live with someone like McCain or Romney as President. The prospect of Palin as President is indeed something that all sensible people would fear and should try to avoid.

I just wanted to say said...

Schmuckhead Truth101 is getting desperate

Les Carpenter said...

Infidel753 - I'll tip my hat since you did. I actually was a Romney supporter. He has great business experience, a proven business tract record, and in spite of what one may say about him as Governor of Massachusetts he did a reasonably good job.

McCain, the maverick, gave up on the title. I believe that is why he picked Palin. She is a maverick and if nothing else brought life to a rather lackluster campaign.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Your points are well taken RN but in these times, he;;, just about all times, reasonable ideas and beliefs are thrown out the window in the name of sensationalism.

Sane gun control measures which everyone would support are rendered impotent in the political debate by fools that say "he wants to take away our guns and let criminals have free rein."
And other such crap.

That's how the republicans get the apathetic idiots of our Nation to get out and vote for them. Or attend tea parties.

Many on the right, the sane ones, have spoken favorably of the Fair Tax. Try getting a big crowd to show up and listen to that speech given in a responsible, well thought out manner. But get Rush and Glen to tell the tea partiers to go to the park on Saturday and bitch about the screwing government is giving them and the crowds are huge.

For too many people it's not reform and progress they want. They just want to bitch about stuff. Then they use the word "conservative" to their love of the status quo.

You may well have to lead the charge away from the word "conservative" Rational Nation Man. It's becoming as bad a word as "liberal" to many.

beachmom said...

It's amazing what comes out in the news late Friday night when the libs think we're all tucked in for the weekend. Could the drafter of the Senate's healthcare hostile takeover been having an affair BEFORE his separation from his wife? Oops. After all, this stuff just doesn't HAPPEN! Then he nominated his mistress for the US Attorney General position currently held by one of the dumbest people in America? YEOW!

The Unprecedented One, currently shielding the Red House social security under "Executive Privilege" another UNPRECENDENTED act in this unprecedented presidency, of course blames someone else, this time the Secret Secret, where THREE agents are in danger of being canned for the actions of the First Wookie's friend, Desiree Rogers, who in an UNPRECENDENTED act, actually sat her fat a s s down to dine with the aristocracy! Guess she feels she's OWED! The Gunny might say that she's an affirmative action employee but in this case, it's just a little cronyism on the First Fat Booty's part.

So let's get this straight. Desiree Rogers was absent at the normal post for the social secretary, the Obummer's are playing cover up, and some average joes/janes are paying the price. Classic Obummerism. Never take the blame, put it on someone else, and skate away. Blame Bush. Blame Cheney. Blame anyone else. It's the liberal way. After all, "The Perfect One" never makes a mistake.

Patrick M said...

The fun thing is that I could rework this and it would be an accurate description, by the right, of an overpuffed left-wing icon:

There's no doubt this [man, Barakc Obama] is of limited intellectual capacity. Yet [he] has been elevated to an almost "[Messiah]" status by many desperate for a modern day [left] wing hero.

The right is not the only bunch going for the lowest common denominator here.

I may have to snatch the pic though for the spank bank. :)

TAO said...

Now I see what people mean when they say "those boobs of the republican party...."

I am glad she is running and I believe wholeheartedly that she needs to dress just like she is in the picture...

She is truly a superhero to her base....

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

If you would type that Obama was of superior intellectual capacity, then used all the other stuff, you may have an accurate description Patrick.

And I wonder if Tiger is thinking along your lines as to spanking the monkey in the privacy of his own closet? Would have saved him lots of trouble and would ahve saved his wife from the possible gift of an std.

My blog is mostly a serious venue for serious people Patrick. Perhaps you could post on masterbation. The responsible choice.

Patrick M said...

101: If you would type that Obama was of superior intellectual capacity, then used all the other stuff, you may have an accurate description Patrick.

When I see an example of his "superior" intellectual capability I'll let you know. The only thing I've seen him have over Sarah Palin so far is the ability to deliver a speech from a teleprompter. And that's getting damned old.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The man is a pragmatic leader. What would be stupid is if Obama would still be reading his speeches from a piece of paper. Obama never shies away from one on one interviews or press conferences. Where's the teleprompter there Patrick?

And where are all your rightie politicos that make speeches without teleprompters at Patrick?

Why do you and your buddies have a problem with Obama using efficient methods of communication with the American People? Is it becase the message from the right is stale so you want all discourse stifled?

Leslie Parsley said...

" The only thing I've seen him have over Sarah Palin so far is the ability to deliver a speech from a teleprompter."

I could say something equally as shallow, like "at least he can speak (English). Actually, teleprompters have been in use for generations by presidents on both sides. In some notable cases they didn't help at all.

SJ said...

@Rational Nation USA,
I've thought about whether she should just be ignored too, a lot lately... but I ignored George W. Bush in the late 1990s in his run up to the Republican primary and I really wish I hadn't.
A lot of Right wingers wouldn't vote for her today just because they've been embarrassed into conceding the truth about her stupidity, like Conservative New York Times Columnist David Brooks.
Sarah Pain is dangerously incapable and unqualified and it must be said loudly, every single time she steps up to a microphone, anywhere.

Last month I wrote the following about her, -and about us as a nation:

"We want pretty people to be good and smart, after all, if they’re not, what does that say about us for liking them?
It would be nice if someone with Sarah Palin’s looks, background and experience; a child of teachers, a beauty queen, a parent, a woman who sought state office and attained it, was actually a capable leader and dedicated public servant
–but she’s not. All the pretending and best PR won’t make her into anything other than the bumbling out-of-her-element wannabe that Charlie Gibson interviewed last year. All she remains is the walking remnant of that failed GOP grab at the national female vote made in hopes of capturing Hillary Clinton’s supporters. In this way, she’s as counterfeit and ceremonially significant as RNC Chair Michael Steele. Steele is illegitimate for reasons I trust are too obvious to you (and frankly too embarrassing) for me to go into here.

I stand by that statement I made I and appreciate TRUTH 101's steadfast beating of a dead horse, as well as everyone else here reaching in for a swing.

Mike said...

By now most everyone here has at least heard of The Palin's op-ed piece in the WaPo. A friend actually sent it to me this morning. I guess he thought maybe I hadn't seen it.

It's ironic that someone who says (re: climate change) that policy must be based on "sound science" actually supports teaching creationism/Intelligent Design in schools. Furthermore, she clearly doesn't understand the "climategate" emails at all and is just repeating what other ignoramuses have said.

She is so ignorant and her ignorance is so viral that I no longer find her amusing. She's the H1N1 flu of U.S. politics. Now where's the vaccine?

Leslie Parsley said...

SJ: Evil and ignorance should never be ignored. That's how Third Reichs are born. I like your analysis of her. I did one on her and her followers.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Another example of the delusional right making stuff up to fit their narrow minded views. Thanks for reminding us of that Mr. Stimpson.

SJ said...

@Leslie Parsley,
Read your post on the 4th, -Right on.
Here's the thing no Republican has ever been able to explain to me, and I defy the GOP supporter Patrick M posting on this thread to do it:

With the plethora (I'm not being sarcastic here) of capable Republican women out there
WHY did they settle on this idiot?

1)Christy Todd Whitman
2)Linda Lingle (who almost got a child healthcare program off the ground in Hawaii and she's a true fiscal Conservative)
3)Kay Bailey Hutchison

That's just to name three. There are scores more, seriously. While I wouldn't vote for any of these women because I think they're on the wrong side of many issues, I would never say they weren't qualified or stupid, BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT. They're career politicians who've accomplished much for their constituents and would never come off like ditzy schoolgirls in front of softies like Katie Couric and Charlie Gibson. You'll all note that I didn't even have to resort to picking moderates like Olympia Snowe or Susan Collins -who also are Republicans and are qualified to lead the nation unlike Srah Palin, who quit her fucking job as Governor because her responsibilities as an elected official were a distraction from her personal ambitions.

If the GOP were going to limit themselves to so cynnical a strategy as insisting on a woman for the last election because they thought women will just vote for a woman -any woman they put forth after Hillary Clinton captured the nation's imagination, --why this idiot? Why this jackass out of all the smart, experienced dynamic women out there in the GOP? Seriously, they just won't admit they made a HUGE f'ffing mistake picking this moron Palin.

The GOP obviously thinks nothing of endangering the country by putting straw men at the wheel. The pushed George W. Bush over McCain in 2000, and whatever I might think of Senator John McCain, the man is an infinitely more intelligent and principled leader than George W. Bush could ever imagine being.
I say all of this as a Liberal who votes Democrat down the line.

I also say:
Sarah Palin did Alaska a big favor by quitting. Palin should do the same favor for the country and rid us of herself by conceding the inevitable and getting herself a talk show or cable news spot.

Oso said...

excellent responses here,both to us liberals as well as those less-than-liberal folk! You have a good site here gonna have to drop by more often.

Thanks for the link to your article on the Palin.
I've often thought that same thing.Sheila Bair is another excellent conservative Republican to add to the mix.

TAO said...

Call me a pig....

I'm voting for the little vixen for president in 2012...

The democrats always give us the brainy ones and the Republicans always give us the old money pecker heads...

I want white trash in the White House!

Sarah Palin for Presdient in 2012!

It won't make any difference what she does while in office we will just blame the liberals and Obama...

You go girl!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You're just channeling your inner, rich white republican TAO.

You will sober up soon.

SJ said...

seriously, don't put Palin's face on Lynda Carter's body again.
It's just disturbing.

Leslie Parsley said...

SJ: Of course there are bright qualified Republican women who could take the office of president and do it justice.

But, dumb men (and not so dumb men) are threatened by women who have more smarts. And since the Republican party is made up of mostly - but not all - stupid men, there you have it. They want their women cutesy and empty-headed.

Thus, a stupid, ugly old man is going for just such a bimbo to be his running mate. Knowing nothing about her, having met her only briefly at a governor's conference, having interviewed her for only one hour, and having not had her properly vetted, McCain selects a woman of no substance. Worse, he still defends her. Ah, what a maverick.

The only woman on your list I don't agree with is Hutchinson. We took some classes together in college. Very, very nice gal, but not exceptionally bright. Not real stupid as in SP, but not quite as smart as I'd like to see in someone sitting in the president's office.

SJ said...

It's a dangerous and cavalier attitude the GOP has, as the Vice President becoming President is not unprecedented in our history, I mean hell, its almost generational.
--and, I'll take your word on Hutchison. I think she's a strong debater though (disagree with her on almost everything except her Pro Choice stance on Abortion) and I've seen her explain herself (and her fucked up supply-side ethos) on the PBS News Hour without looking like an idiot which is frankly hard after the last twenty years.
I'd hate to see her in office, but I wouldn't be freaking out because I thought she was a complete boob... as I know Plain to be.

sue said...

Good one.