Watching the political situation unfold on every level, it's pretty clear who's in charge these days. The tea baggers.
Republicans and Democrats alike are now tripping all over themselves to please these jokers by whining about spending and deficits. But the sad fact is both parties are pandering not to conscientious citizens who actually care about the size and cost of government, but to a hoard of nuts that fit Johnny Rotten's self description of "anarchist" almost to a tee.
Talk to these deluded fools at and tea party and you get the same meaningless catch phrases from each one about taxes and spending. Ask them to explain where they stand and what they want and you get blank stares or rambling bullshit at best.
As Johnny kind of said "They don't know what they want. But they know how to get it."
What they have is two political parties sucking up to them like they really have answers. The republicans must because anyone with half a brain has left their party to keep their self respect. The Democrats think they must because they are proving themselves to be spineless jellyfish. Incapable of transferring the message of hope and change to anything meaningful. Now major leaders of the Democratic Party are telling us to get whatever health care reform bill we can so we can claim victory no matter how shallow.
All that has been accomplished by their efforts is infighting among Democrats. Embarrassing hypocrisy among republicans. And government on every level now dysfunctional for fear that some asshole will make a sign in his garage to carry at the next tea party.
On CNN today Jack Cafferty asked a loaded question about government and spending because the budget had increases for Veterans benefits and law enforcement. Of course the nutjobs will scream less spending. Even though they will support every bill to spend another 100 billion on the occupations. Even though they all raised hell about Walter Reed.
A popular phrase among the right and left now is "We want our Country back." Well, I want my government back from the influence of these anarchist nutjob tea baggers.
I guess this is the first time teabaggers have been in charge of anything, anywhere since Plato's Retreat closed.
(Is my reference too obscure?)
I love the fact that a supposedly obscure bunch of teabaggers has held the great political parties, that really accomplish so much, hostage.
These bunch of mouth-breathing idiots have somehow figured out how to tie the government of the US into knots. How could this happen. How could these in-bred fools put a halt to "health care" legislation when "The One" is so behind it?
Could it be "We the People?" Just asking.
Good day sir.
At one in the morning the Senate (still in session because Republicans have been stalling and filibustering the health care bill) roll (wheelchair) in Sen Byrd to vote on the Defense bill.
A bill Sec. Gates said needed to be signed today so he could cut checks to pay for our Afghan troops supplies and ammunition.
But the Republicans decided to stall the Defense bill, so Sen Byrd (who is now getting a standing ovation) is yelling shame to the Republican Senators. That old KKK'er looks like death warmed over.
Obama wants a meeting with the Chinese leader at the climate change meetings and is told the Chinese have already left for the airport.
In fact Obama is told that India and other countries have already left the building.
Obama finds out all these countries are still in the building having a meeting without the USA (him).
When Obama enters the meeting he is told he is rudely interrupting the meeting.
Finally everyone talks and we get an agreement, worth nothing.
Meanwhile, out in the hall the foreign press is trying to block the American press from getting into the meeting, and Obama leaves, unhappy.
Sen. Imholt (who has been saying all year that he will lead a party of Republican Senators to the climate meetings) shows up by himself and cannot get a meeting with any of the 140 countries attending, including the American group.
So he gets some reporters to meet him in the hall where he starts blasting the false climate change, and states that the United Nations was started because of false climate change cries.
The foreign press calls him nuts , and he issues an apology.
Right now Reid is meeting with Nelson to try and make an agreement - wait - the meeting is over, no agreement, Nelson says no way.
Reid is now writing the bill and will be all night. That should make for good law.
Sen. McCain blasts Sen. Franken for cutting off Sen. Lieberman, but CSPAN has tape of Sen. McCain cutting off Sen. Dayton during the Iraq war debates.
Saturday, Sen. Reid will present his managers portion of the health care bill. The Republicans want it read out loud, which will take 8 hours.
Howard Dean and blue dogs are saying No to the bill, which means the bill will die - zero Republicans will vote for it.
Sen. Michell Bachmann MN (bimbo) says the Democrats have to get back to reality, but thinks she is perfectly sane.
Meanwhile, Washington D.C. is in the middle of a snowstorm, supposed to get 10". That happens maybe once in ten years in Washington.
Senate starts at 6:45 am to vote on bills and read the mangers additions to the health care bill.
They will probably all get snowed inside the great dome, and kill each other, or start having sex with the pages.
With any luck, the teabaggers will torch the Capitol.
Law and Order: Well, "we the people" certainly elected all the fools in both houses of Congress.
Tom: What a comedy of errors. I'm laughing so hard, I'm crying.
We've got to face up to the fact that voter apathy, coupled with corporate money and slanted, only partial corporate media coverage, are the real causes of our dysfunctional and ineffectual government. The less the government can get done, the happier big money is, because then they won't be interfered with and will be left free to screw us further and make even more money. They have succeeded in buying off numerous members of Congress and have established a nifty little plutocracy for themselves. The money the insurance industry and pharma companies have poured into lobbyists and lying media ads against health care reform is proof positive we are living in a corrupted, self-serving plutocracy.
The average citizen is working too hard and long these days, and is so awash in materialism, that few take the time or effort to do a proper examination or study of the issues. That's why they can be sold the most bald-faced lies and liars and will time and again go along for the ride. They have neither the guts nor desire to really engage in the fierce debates of the age, so they vote not on issues, but on personality, looks, slickly produced ads, slogans, and the person whose campaign is yelling the loudest and most frequently.T HAT is how we end up severely shortchanged, with a-holes like LIEberman, Nelson, McConnell, Boehner, Bachmann, Kyl, DeMint, Foxx, and the rest of those plutocratic prostitutes. It is thoroughly disgusting. Yet we must carry on relentlessly with our struggle for truth and justice anyway, even though we are outnumbered and the deck is stacked against us.
Lets see, work for a senator or house member for a few years....
Then as your boss progresses up the seniority list you eventually get yourself in a position to trade your years of sweat equity and networking into a very lucrative position as a lobbyist...
Then you basically 'own' your old boss...
Teabaggers have absolutely nothing to do with events today...thats all staged to cover the REAL action...
Besides look at see where Freedom Works get their money from....
Nothing has anything to do with 'We the People'
We are beyond 'reform' we are beyond 'elections'
It revolution time...
I get it.
The teabaggers certainly amplify the ignorant statements made by both parties, although there's plenty of ignorance to go around.
I really don't know if both Dems and Reps are really as stupid as they appear to be, or if they just want to humor us by acting as if balancing the budget is a sane thing to do.
We have no real aggregate demand from the private sector, we have to deficit spend. I work with teabaggers, and they cannot understand no matter how many times I try to explain it to them.
The reaction I usually get after explaining the Stimulus or what the FED actually does is - You drank the KoolAid man.
And that's before I leave the room.
Platos Retreat was a sex club for straight couples. The Tea Baggers don't seem capable of such anarchy, whether it be in the UK or the US.
Cause I Wanna be Anarchy
As in all things there tends to be truth on every side, to some degree.
I tend to agre with both LaOT and TAO.
Problem is we'll all be so busing calling one another names and pomting fingers that at he end of the day, whenever that is, we'll likely find ourselves right where we started.
The left and the right are both guilty. And for the kool aid. Differrent party, different flavor, same stuff.
Rational Nation USA,
I think you're right about us being busy pointing our fingers at each other and getting nowhere.
I might be paranoid,hell I probably am paranoid-but it sure brings up parallels with the way colonial forces operate in their empires.Divide and rule. If the locals ever team up they'd drive the colonists asses out-but if the locals are at each others throats....
and I guess to a certain extent we all drink a little koolaid.
Oso - Well said. I simple love your parallel analogy.
I say to hell with signs and banners...lets just roll a big ol' guillotine to Washington and up to the steps of Congress...
Let them understand what the concept "Government of the people, by the people, for the people" really means....
Maybe I could have been clearer on the tea baggers. They were manipulated into a movement by Dick Armey, Glen Beck and others because they are idiots and easily manipulated. For some reason, elected officials forgot they are an angry, anarchist mobthat doesn't understand what they're angry about and don't care. As long as they can be angry, the good times are rolling for them. Regardless of what the speakers are telling them to be angry about.
Like a lynch mob. All whipped up now, they act on primitive instinct alone. Their actions are destroying, what they claim they are protecting.You never know what people that twisted will do. Violence is a real option for them.
Is it violence when I have visions of Lieberman's head on the end of a pole?
Actually, it seems Lieberman can't be found - he's just poofed. While they're stocking the Cap with cots, so congressmen don't have to go out in the storm, no one can find Joe.
Guess Joe went home to spend the last night of Hanukkah with his wife - after being assured that his absence wouldn't have an impact on either party.
Senate finally passed it... I'm exhausted!
If nothing else it gives tea baggers something else to get pissed off at. And it pisses off republicans as well. Those are always good things.
I think the key difference here is that on the left, the anarchists are the fringe. On the right, the teabaggers have become the mainstream.
Good observation. I think that's accurate.
So, now send all the congress critters home....
The last full week before Christmas and I hope that the teabaggers can find something to be happy for...
Tis the season...
TC: I think the key difference here is that on the left, the anarchists are the fringe. On the right, the teabaggers have become the mainstream.
Maybe by default. But I'm hoping the wet noodle Dems and centrist Republicans will wake up after this and get a little tougher.
Most reliable polls say the righties are still very much a minority. They're just loud and they have a lot of big bucks behind them. Hell, Dems have always been poor and right now they're the most miserable lot of disorganized people I've ever seen.
Tomcat; that would be nice if it was true. Sadly, the anarchists became part of the Obama Administration. Or did you miss the Van Jones episode?
Those who aren't anarchists in this administration are socialists. They're doing their best to take over 1/6 of our economy by way of this healtcare monstrosity.
Which reminds me, didn't Obama campaign on "openness?" Didn't he promise something about his administration being the most open ever? And here we have Dirty Harry Reid writing the bill behind closed doors, hoping to spring it on us and ramrod a vote through before anyone can read it.
The only good news from this crowd is that Obama will come home from the Copenhagen climate change summit without a deal.
Tom Redhunter,
Tom with all due respect,I think you're letting your ideology get in the way of your view of the Obama administration.
Obama is a centrist who along with his brain trust got beaucoup $ from lobbyists from the finance/insurance sector.These people aren't stupid, they gave the $ because they knew Obama would play ball and he has done so.
Fantasy stuff like czars/birth certificate/ACORN/socialist agenda lessen your credibility and help Obama.
You should attack him on the issues.IMO he has continued Bush policy. His financial reform is a shell as is his healthcare reform.
You would do well to examine the past and the actions of Obama's advisers. There's not a lefty among them. Rather it is composed of Clinton retreads and other denizens of the Goldman/Citi web.
"Those who aren't anarchists in this administration are socialists."
Jeezus Christ, that is fucking comic gold!
A litte advice TtR: Get thee to a university bookstore, buy a primer on political philosophy, and read it.
isn't it amazing? It's way past not wanting to do the heavy lifting and actually read a book. The ideologues they listen don't read them either.
Maybe Auntie Oprah can read me my favorite story from last Christmas… Pleaaaaaaaaassssseee Auntie OH pleassseeee
The Night before Obama
“Twas the night before Obama, when all through the ‘hood
Not a voter was stirring, better knock on some wood
The wonders were sung by the media with care,
In hopes that The One soon would be there;
Congress was settled all smug in their federally funded beds
While visions of ear-marks being passed in their heads
But Joe and Sarah Six Pack and their many sons
Still clung to religion and bought some more guns
When out of the heartland there arose such a clatter
A Gov named Blagojveich suddenly matter’d
Trying so hard to make a big splash
Threw out the rules and asked for some cash
The freshness of Barack like the new-fallen snow
Lost some of its luster, almost like us mortals below
When what to our wondering eyes should appear
But another billion dollar bailout to smooth over our fears
With a new cabinet, much smarter and less thick
And with a vice president not named Dick
More rapid than Blackberries, the believers they came,
And He interviewed and vetted and called them by name;
Now, Dashel, Now Biden, now Michelle you damn Vixen!
On Rahm, On Gates, and you’re kidding, Ms. Clinton?!
To the top of the mountain, this (bleep’s) off the wall!
Now work away! Work away! Work away all!
Who would have thunk it, as if pigs (with lipstick) could fly
But there he was, a Savior from up on high
So on to Washington his angels did flew
With hope and change and Oprah came too
And then in a twinkling, I heard on the news
All the new programs and policies starting to ooze
As I sat at my table to write the big check
I heard a knock just off my back deck
There He was in splendor, from his head to his toes
“I’m here to redistribute – have some from Plumber Joe”
A bundle of goodies he flung off his back
Heck, he admitted, he secretly cheered for the Pack
His ears – how they wiggled, his speech oh so merry
His words were like roses, he even said “Call me Barry!”
He was a good dancer and jived like a bro
He could shoot a three pointer, as smooth as a pro
An unlit heater he held tight in his teeth
“I’d smoke it, but Brokaw would give me such grief.”
He had a thin face and had hardly a belly,
He was smooth and slick like petroleum jelly.
He was clever and a right smart old egg
I have to admit, it sent a thrill up my leg (over)
In a blink of a eye and a twist of my arm
Soon I had to confess I had no cause for alarm
He said he protect me, make sure I’d find work
As he laid out all his promises, I felt a tear jerk
And laying a hand up on my shoulder
He assured me, that he’d make the climate much colder
He sprang for his hybrid, he gave a shout out
“Come on dude, did you really have any doubt?”
I heard one last thing, ere he drove out of sight
“Happy Seasonal Greetings to all and good night.
What Tom the Redhunter points out is a the difference in philosophies of the Republicans and Democrats. The Dems believe government plays an important role in making our lives and America better. The republicans have a naieve faith in private enterprise. Greed doesn't motivate patriotism or brotherly love though. It doesn't make America better or stronger. It only makes the rich, richer. And by them paying for legislators, they can own government. Thus seeing that it only serves the rich.
A great con job.
Well put,Truth. you summed the philosophies up well.
Ideologies aside, I do think Tom is a damn fine blogger.
I'm so fucking sick of the "Bush's fault" crowd.
What exactly the fuck does that have to do the idiots in the current administration who are putting us farther and farther into debt right now?
As for the wars, the dumb shit in the White House made all sorts of promises to get the fuck out, right? And what has he done about it so far? Promised 30,000 more troops.
Maybe you should redirect your focus to the present or future instead of the past administrations.
Perhaps you should borrow one of Ann Coulturd's dildos and fuck yourself Mr. Collins. And as usual, could you start posting under one moniker instead of the now 20 to 30 that you've been using please?
not sure if you'd seen it,but 1/12 of this year-GWB blamed all his economic woes on the previous Administration. 8 years later.So applying GWB's standard Obama has 7 more years to blame crap on the previous administration.
Harry Reid has scheduled the vote for ObamaCare, once again, in the dead of night. Just like all the rest of the Vampires do it.
Ben Nelson should have chapped lips when he is done kissing all the people he has screwed.
The only difference between a politician and a prostitute is that the politician is ultimately more expensive.
One of the reasons we are in these wars and this financial mess, is because we forgot the lesson of History.
We have made these mistakes before. If we forget again, we might not survive.
Scream loud the mistakes of the idiots that brought us here.
Maybe future leaders will learn and develop better approaches to the same problems.
A Christmas wish to all and even the Liberals, and even Tom... We are still all Americans, so let me wish you all a Happy Holiday, what ever your Holiday may be.
Both the liberals and the Islamofascists have an ingrained and indoctrinated belief in being victims of US oppression. They use this "humiliation" of them and other whiny groups to justify any attacks on the Great Satan. Thus, they treat global terrorism as a joke.
The liberal self-loathing and their entitlement style of thinking wherein they are "OWED" and their taking for granted all the prosperity, security, stability, and opportunities of the US, while damning each one of us who disagrees with them, shows them to be the true fascists and the enemy in our midst. To the spineless and apologetic politically correct leftists, America is the problem in the world! This is ironic since WE are the place where millions from around the world are welcomed to the most open, diverse, and prosperous nation on earth. Yet you liberals will seize any opportunity to curse it and castigate us!
But in the spirit of the Holiday season that is upon us, let me say this to the liberals, who, even though they are misguided, blissfully ignorant, and in love with a socialistic nanny state. We are still all Americans, so have a Happy Holiday, what ever your Holiday may be.
I Told Jah So,
"WE are the place where millions from around the world are welcomed to the most open, diverse, and prosperous nation on earth."
Except,of course,for Mexicans.
Law and Order what a great timeline. I saw that thing with Byrd and I also saw McNutso chastising Franken for not allowing King Joe more time. I am pleased to know that the hypocrite is guilty of the same behavior.
I appreciate the reminder to everyone that ir was Reagan who never retaliated against the Ayatollah and Iraq for seizing our embassy and holding our citizens hostage over 400 days.
Bush and Co. claimed that Iran and Syria were training and supplying insurgents to kill Americans in Iraq.
Had I been president, Tehran and Damascus would be parking lots today if I had proof they were arming and training people to kill Americans.
Think again Brother Toljah about whom you are calling spineless. It is the heores of your party who are the spineless jellyfish. They're too afraid of religious zealots to admit they don't really want abortion illegal. They're afraid of leaving the quagmires on Iraq and Afgahnistan and losing defense company contributions to their pary.
The leaders of the right are a bunch of sissies. Cheney was afriad to call Bush personally after he shot his buddy on the hunting trip.
The Democratic Party is the party of real
Truth said:
The leaders of the right are a bunch of sissies. Cheney was afriad to call Bush personally after he shot his buddy on the hunting trip.
Ya know Truth101, you really are a dumb asshole if you really believe that.
But you can't be that dumb... Can you?.
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