Monday, December 28, 2009


A big reason I never became more than a small time political hack was my unvarnished honesty and commitment to being fair and balanced. These traits have caused many on both sides of the aisle aggravation at times. Closed minded righties hate me for honestly exposing the folly of their deluded ideas. Even open minded lefties have taken me to task at times for not being liberal enough or having righties on my link list.

That brings me to disgraced former governor Rod Blagojevich. In the anals (Yes. That's how I meant to spell it) of politics, Rod is perhaps as big a dickhead as I've ever met. My problems with this asshole are twofold. He neither cared about good government or the Democratic Party. His agenda was promoting himself and screwing anyone that didn't kiss his ass. His ego, or just arrogant stupidity caused him to say some really dumb things when you know you're probably being watched. Among these was his now infamous statement "This thing is fucking golden" when referring to his ability to appoint the next U.S. Senator from Illinois.

Senators lined up to condemn Blago for his statement. So did anyone else who could get in front of a camera. And every one of them is full of shit. Every one of them would love to have the opportunity to appoint a senator. Every one of them would have expected big things in return. That's the way it is. Politics is a slimy business. And the ones that bring home the most bacon are considered the best.

We're all pissed at Nelson and others for getting some pork put into the health care bill for their votes. Don't worry. As my right leaning friend and sometimes nemesis, Rational Nation, pointed out on the last post, both parties do it. Before it's over your legislator will have some goodies in there. Votes will be traded so it will pass one way or another. Party loyalty goes out the window if you can bring a 100 million or so to your district.

So the next time one of our legislators acts indignant at another's unscrupulous acts, tell him to shut the fuck up and get us a new bridge or something. We aren't going to elect anyone honest anyway.


Shaw Kenawe said...

Bingo! We have a winnah!

You are correct, TRUTH, in stating the obvious--that all politicians bs the public--it's how they get elected. And then, when they do get elected, they learn that governing ain't easy or honest.

That's why I laugh at the spittle fleckers who fall over themselves trying to get to my blog to tell me what a failure Mr. Obama's presidency is. Ha!

Not even a year has gone by, and these geniuses have declared his presidency a failure.

That's the level of discourse of political thought in this country right now--it's about the same as a kindergartener's thought processes who's been held back two years.

In the end, it's really about revenge. These spittle fleckers need to get even for the REAL failed presidency of George W. Bush--8 years of it--and so they preempt the present CiC and declare his presidency a failure while he's still trying to get the Senate Republicans to approve his nominees so he can fill all the posts he was elected to do.

The Party of NO! is screwing the American people by stamping their feet and acting like petulant whiners.

Politics sucks, and it sure ain't golden.

Leslie Parsley said...

Shaw, I totally, totally agree with you, but I'm afraid there are too many Demo's in the public sector who are just as negative as the screaming righties. Certainly the ones in Congress who push against the president every step of the way don't deserve any blue ribbons at the dog show.

And I don't care what all the pundits say - it is nothing but pure naked racism.

TOOKIE said...

As a righty , I tend to find Progressive Dumbo crats the most corrupt self serving mfers ever .

At least the Right eats their own , Charlie Rangle .............

Dem= corrupt

Dem supporters = stupid

Ask Truth about the Local Union Presidents .

1. Left old lady on City bus in a mechanic bay

2. Had over the legal limit per CDL in his system while opperating a snow plow


TAO said...

Oh, Tookie....

Just one old lady?

Look at what the Republicans did over the last eight years?

How many soldiers were fried due to the faulty wiring work performed by a Haliburton subsidary who got the golden deal of a lifetime on a no bid contract?

Cheney made a killing on his Halliburton stock while in office...

Corrupt? What about Cunningham?

There are no virgins in the Republican party....

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Guy who started online newspaper because his attempt to join us teatsuckers failed despite support of once respected teatsucker = shithead.

Local union president who got blew over legal limit while operating snowplow = shithead.

Bus driver who left old lady on bus = shithead.

None of you are corrupt. Just shitheads.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

And that's all of you posting as Tookie except the original.

Holte Ender said...

Nice One Truth - You have a way stripping things down to the bone, there might be a couple or three decent Representatives in the House, but even they might trade a bridge or a bypass for their vote. Damn them.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Sorry to be out of the loop. I tell my students that the only real solution to our problems is to take a giant leaf blower to the Capitol and clean out everyone. I don't hold water for either party.

I'm sick of the whole crap cycle. There doesn't seem to be a lot of politicians motivated by the interests of their constituency. Napoleon was right: "In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."

When my students ask about what's going on I simply point to the sign in my classroom bearing this saying. They just nod.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

If I could add to Napoleon's wisdom LaOT: neither is dishonesty.

Oso said...

Napoleon also had the wisdom to keep golf clubs out of Josephine's hands.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Well done.

Napoleon had many attributes. His wife, on the other hand, was a little loose. As dictators go Napoleon was tolerable although, oppressing all those Germans, some my ancestors, wasn't real cool. Of course, tit for tat, caused two world wars. Europe, you gotta love it.

Good day sirs.

TOOKIE said...

Truth's Mayor votes to raise taxes to pay for big ticket items while his city is bleeding jobs = King o the shit heads

Ass Clownery I say

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Truth 101's Mayor voted to pay the city's obligations Tookie. Unlike your friends. Especially the one that is for and against everything.

TOOKIE said...

The bond payments were one thing , then you just had to spend like drunken sailors on firetrucks .

Think of it as chess , that 8th vote on party lines is called


SJ said...

@Truth 101,
I agree there's a lot of hypocrisy, and criminal graft to go around but honestly Blagoevich (shit I've already forgotten how spell this asshole's name even though I posted on this guy repeatedly) was a old-timey style crook and rather exceptional for his brazenness. As you wrote: people in government trade off all kinds of shit constantly, it's pretty much the way the system has always been. But we're not talking about trying to score something for your state or your local economy and businesses; Rod Blagoevich was trying to score something for himself. I have no problem calling his actions out, as far as I'm concerned he should have been made to leave the party officially.
What I do take issue with is people on the Right trying to excuse or distract people from the past administration's corruption by pointing to a corrupt Democratic Governor.

Nice try.
I don't think so.

Blagoevich was corrupt AND so was Dick Cheney and the whole Bush administration.

No one's corruption can excuse or equalize someone else's.

Libertyship46 said...

So our cheif in charge of Homeland security Janet Napolitano says that "the system worked" What an asshole she is... For all intents and purposes, Flight 253 is as good as destroyed. Only a faulty detonation saved it. The jihadis learn from their mistakes, and the next attack WILL succeed. But the Americans NEVER learn. Not only will TSA not profile, they will subject babies and old white women to extensive pat-downs, while a terrorist like the crotch bomber, who SHOULD have set off alarm bells in the screening process, was allowed to waltz onto the plane. Even the crotch bomber’s father could prevent his being allowed on the plane. Do you really think the TSA will prevent the next attack?

From their response to the Fort Hood shooting, when the next attack succeeds, expect the Obama administration to be more concerned with rushing to judgment and anti-Muslim backlash than with dead civilians. In the meantime, flight travel will be made unbearable, passengers will be treated like crminal cattle, and of course, we American sheep will gladly go along with it.

And the asshat above me is still talking about things being George Bush's fault!

Karen said...

My man Blago... NOT!!!!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Your side lost dummy. Typical right wing outlook though. Offer nothing. Lose. Then declare check mate.

I grow tired of local politics of which I have little interest and no influence anyway Tookie. Good luck to you.

SJ said...

The day when you admit that the Bush Administration dropped the ball on 9/11, and then made some fast bucks on the wars they started, I'll stop pointing it out to "asshats" like you.

Only dimwits can excuse the last administration. They were at the best of times incompetent and at the worst of times corrupt, and you know it. But conversely I don't make any excuses for this current administration:
-that's my point, Asshat.

The TSA needs to get it's act together. No shit, genius.

But since you brought up the subject: all the racial profiling in the world isn't going to make us safe, there are muslims with blond hair and blue eyes all over the world, and guess what? They're not the only ones who want to hurt Americans in any case. Air marshalls on all planes and tougher screening measures for all is the only thing that's going to stop another 9/11. People have to do their jobs and do them well. Period.
We'd have a lot of armed services personnel to help with those efforts on planes at terminals domestically and internationally... but many are overseas fighting in two wars. --Oh yeah? Whose idea was that?

The Obama administration's current failings are their own, as are the Bush administrations. But if you think the consequences of the last eight years of Bush fuck ups is behind us, if you think we're not still dealing with the mess they made, I wish you luck in your brightly colored deluded world.
I really do.

TOOKIE said...

I have a nice mix of local , state , and as of now an @ss load of national races . Busy man these days and being OUT of power is so much fun .

sue said...

truth - Hey, that's our ex-guv you are talking about. That guy's really something, isn't he. I think that he thought that if he denied being guilty long enough people would believe it.

Happy New Year.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Good to see you again Sue. I hope things are going well for you. Happy New Year.