Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Undercover sources have confirmed a shadow agency of right wingers, founded by Dick Cheney has been charged with inventing new right wing talking points. The words "kill, killer, slash, death, pain, suffering, misery, terrorist, al queda, hate, deficit" and other scary terms must be included on all right wing memos and releases.

Cheney has appointed Charles Manson as chief of the Department of Right Wing Talking Points. Cheney said "Charlie is the only man we can trust with the important mission of lying and scaring the shit out of our fellow Americans. If he could delude a bunch of people into having sex with him and murdering for him, imagine what he could delude America into believing."


Les Carpenter said...

TRUTH, TRUTH, TRUTH,...tsk, tsk. Is this called pandering to, and please forgive me here, to the extreme far left loony tunes that make even Obama look like a conservative? : -)

Holte Ender said...

I wouldn't call it pandering, I call it satire.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Pander? Who, me?

Tao Dao Man said...


Leslie Parsley said...

You are so outrageously funny.

TAO said...

Truth, your humor is unlimited!

I am glad that I took a break from hanging christmas decorations to see what you were doing!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Why does everyone think this is ajoke? Manson is running their message I tell you!

Leslie Parsley said...

I think you need a little eggnog and some of Sue's cookies.

TOM said...

Dick is just jealous that he cannot get as many followers as Charlie has.

Green Eagle said...

Actually, whatever you have to say about Charlie Manson, I don't think he has ever demonstrated that he is in the same class as Republicans when it comes to lying. Come on- he wouldn't last a day if he had to go up against Tom Coburn or Newt Gingrich, let alone Rush or Beck.

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