Thursday, December 3, 2009


Normally I find double entendres irritating but this latest republican one I have to admit is quite clever.

For two years republicans talked of a "surge". They got it in Iraq and shouted in orgasmic glee. Senator John Ensign has an affair and they all give him high fives for his "man surge" directed at his aides wife. "Give a surge for Ronald Reagan" they said. Ensign said he gave her all the "supply side" she could handle.

Yet, for all their love of surging, they complain about Obama's Afghanistan surge. Their biggest complaint is it's not LARGE ENOUGH OR LONG ENOUGH.

Get it now folks?

Those dirty republican perverts!


Jerry Critter said...

We've always said that they are a bunch of big dicks.

Sue said...

you got that right Jerry! Loved it Truth, great picture too! LOL

Leslie Parsley said...

Jerry, I think they just wish they were.

Leslie Parsley said...

Should have said "had big dicks," not "were." Talk about f'n something up.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Actually, what I think they are objecting to is the withdrawl date put forward by President Obama. Even though (I've heard) that Gates is walking that back, suggesting that the withdraw may be delayed depending on circumstances.

Evita Vresnoc said...

W-Dervish, everyone knows you can't trust a politician to withdraw when he says he's going to.

At least with the Iraq surge, Rumsfeld made sure there was no adequate armor. The Republicans are afraid that Obama will use so much protection in Afghanistan that they won't feel anything.

Holte Ender said...

Evita Vresnoc - Very clever. Wish I'd said it.

Instead I'll say: We must have wiggle-room when considering withdrawal.

Jerry Critter said...

Surges and withdrawls...timing is everything.

TAO said...

Its bad enough that I can no longer use public restrooms any longer for fear that there may be a republican in the next cubicule...

Now this?

Mike said...

Sure, the region seems inflamed. But there you are. You've penetrated it. And neither side is satisfied. So ... you just keep pounding away?

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

This war business is making money for republicans. It gives them too much pleasure to "pull out."

Jerry Critter said...

Pull out too soon and nobody is left happy. Pull out too late, and you may be stuck for the long least 18 years.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Too bad we can't put a rubber on these damn occupations to keep our Troops safe. But alas. The republicans like sticking it to us au natural.

Leslie Parsley said...

TAO: You're worried about the Republicans in the stalls. Back in the 60s we were worried about the FBI and for good reason.

TAO said...


Back in the 60's the FBI was headed by J. Edgar Hoover, a REPUBLICAN CROSSDRESSER!

Even JFK, the President, worried about THAT guy!

Law and Order Teacher said...

Disagreement yes. Sophomoric stuff like this is really great. Ass, it's in the Bible. The cock crowed thrice, it's in the Bible. etc., etc., etc.,

You are a weak individual. You are the type individual that stands on the outside and tries to be one of the guys. Sure MR. Truth, sure I agree with you. Weak.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I think you're being hard on LP LaOT.

He he he he.

Sorry. I couldn't resist. Your point is noted sir.

Leslie Parsley said...

Man Dressed in Blue: You are a weak individual. You are the type individual that stands on the outside and tries to be one of the guys.

People who know me, which you don't, would never accuse me of standing on the outside. And trust me, I have no desire to be one of the guys - ever.

Law and Order Teacher said...

I don't know you, you are right. My point is, don't try to fit in here. Make a salient point and defend it. Don't try to be one of the guys by making stupid, sophomoric statements for a laugh. Good day.

Your point is well taken. I don't mean to be a scold, but your usual level of discourse is lowered by these type of posts. I have always been impressed by your intelligence, not your "wit."

Good day sir.

Sue said...

so let me get this straight, Law Teacher is being HARD ON Leslie, Stimpson is talking penetration and pounding away, Truth is saying pull out and pleasure, rubbers and au natural, and Jerry started all this sex talk by calling rethugs BIG DICKS!

So, Law teacher you are the one not fitting in with your lack of a sense of humor.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Actually I was carrying over from the post about McCain. I don't condone this kind of humor from anyone. Sarcasm is great, this level is kind of weak.

There is a lot of humor to direct to both parties. They both deserve it. Government officials are ripe for the picking. Thanks for your input, but I wasn't directing anything at LP that wasn't directed at everyone.

As for my sense of humor, I've been told that I have a great one. Proof: Poop, Poophead, Poopmouth, Butthead, Dickhead, Dickweed, Poopyhead, Wiener, Wienerhead, etc.

Sue said...

well now Law teacher you did get me to laugh at the end, I guess you do have a sense of humor afterall! :-))

(Would you believe it if I told you my favorite word is penis?? Shhhhh don't tell anyone!)

Law and Order Teacher said...

Thanks for your reply. Penis? I favor that one myself.

Leslie Parsley said...

TAO: I know JEH was a crossdresser, plus - this good ole law and order tyrant. Don't think he ever made it into one of my bathrooms. It had to be female agents so we stupid college kids wouldn't be able to figure 'em out.

Leslie Parsley said...

The Guy in Blue: "don't try to fit in here. Make a salient point and defend it. Don't try to be one of the guys by making stupid, sophomoric statements for a laugh. Good day."

But the "guys" can. Sounds pretty dictatorial and chauvinistic to me. I guess it's up to Truth as to whether or not he wants to keep me here in this free country of ours with freedom of speech.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Unlike some of my left leaning friends, I want righties to be welcome here and I want us to welcome at their sites.

We can jive each other but we don't have to be bunch of "penises" about it.

Ivan Biggar-Johnson said...

LaOT: Good grief, what's with being such a wet blanket just because Truth decides to throw in a little humor. If you don't like the thread, you can always go read something else.

Penis? I favor that one myself.

Ah, so the truth comes out -- I mean LaOT comes out.

My point is, don't try to fit in here.....Don't try to be one of the guys.....

Funny acoustics in here. That almost sounded like a troll telling someone else how to behave.

Infidel753 said...

Unlike some of my left leaning friends, I want righties to be welcome here and I want us to welcome at their sites.

An admirable attitude. It's a bit much when he starts bossing another commenter around like that, though.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Give Law Teacher a break folks. He's one of the few on the right that can state his case, and do it very well, without calling us pinkos.

Truth be told, I wish he was a teacher at the school my kids went to.

TomCat said...

Truth, we learned that Goopers like their surges large and long when Craig got caught in the men's room.

Jack Jodell said...

George W. Bush? Dick Cheney? Sarah Palin? Dan Quayle? Rush Limbaugh? Glenn Beck? I'd say the Republicans have had a huge surge in stupidity over the past 30 years!

Karen said...

" When I'm Not Golfing Or Ducking Nine Irons From My Wife, I Read Truth 101."


libhom said...

The Republicans definitely are size queens.