Monday, December 14, 2009


President Obama is getting ready to tell those greedy, evil fatcat bankers a thing or two today. I only wish I were a fly on the wall so I could listen to him tell those bastards who's in charge. Just like he told the republicans to take a flying leap. We won't let those obstructionist pricks hold up national health care!

Just like he told off General McChrystal for going public with his plans to increase Troop levels in Afghanistan before asking the Commander in Chief. That's the way Mr. President. You showed that insubordinate chump who was boss. Only gave him 3/4 of what he wanted. My Granddaughter is crying. I think I'll give her 3/4 of a bottle to show her who the boss is.

One of my favorite scenes from the great movie "Shaft" was when one of Bumpy's thugs told Shaft that they were gonna tangle. Shaft said "You ain't gonna do shit."

It's past time for President Obama to stop acting like Bumpy's thug and start acting like Shaft. I want my President to be a "Baaaaaadddd, mother fu###$%R"!


COBRAWON said...

TRUTH101 Said:

"I want my President to be a "Baaaaaadddd, mother fu###$%R"! "

well he is... He's BAD and he's a mother fu###$%R!

Infidel753 said...

We won't let those obstructionist pricks hold up national health care!

No, apparently we're going to let that other obstructionist prick, Joe Lieberman, hold up national health care.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I would have dealt with LIEberman long ago.

T here is something to be said for the politics of personal destructuin when such is called for.

TOM said...

After being pissed on by everybody from Limbaugh to Liberman, I want to hear his indignation.
Republicans don't know the meaning of bipartisanship, all they want is you hanging from a tree.
As Harry Truman said, "I did not give them Hell, I just told the truth, and they thought it was Hell."
Tell them the way it is Mr. President.
I saw that media hound of a general in front of the Senate screaming he is 100% behind your decision.
You need to give more people an "attitude adjustment."

Les Carpenter said...

Tom - Attitude adjustment? Adjustment by whom, and to whom's attitude?

The typical problem with left for years has been that they believe they know best. Sort OF a perpetual elitist attitude.

Anyone who really believe the Pelosi, Reid, Obama freight train ram it down your throat approach is bipartisanship, well, good night.

And adjustments that serve only to get a bad bill passed by someone's arbitrary deadline, no matter how bad it will turn out to be just to say "we did it" is not bipartisanship.

Sue said...

My God Truth, you're, Ummm, turning me on here with your badass self! You tell 'em baby!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Careful Sue. You may release my inner "Tiger" if you're not careful.

RN: The only thing I admire abouyt the republicans is party discipline. It's time for the Dems to remember what that's like and about.

Obstructionism isn't bipartisan.

TOM said...

He is the President and he deserves better than his general giving his strategy and recommendations to the press before the President has made his decision. They obviously had a sit down, and the general got the point.

Bankers need a similar adjustment to remind them that if not for American tax dollars, they would be out of business. Stop hoarding profits and start lending money to get the economy going.

"The typical problem with left for years has been that they believe they know best. Sort OF a perpetual elitist attitude."

And you feel this does not describe Republicans? Live in your delusion.

The truth is we are in a shitty mess caused by Republicans and greedy capitalist, and it's about time that reality become accepted, before we can move on and fix their mess.

Capitalism is about making money while serving the needs of our society, not just making money.

They hold this credit freeze over the country making a bad situation worse, but pay themselves millions. Why? Because they think they have done such a good job? BS.

Would you describe Republican bipartisanship as a 4 page health care bill, or a 4 page TARP bill?

Republicans have not been working on ideas to present to Americans, they have been working on making the President look as bad as possible (lying) hoping Americans will vote for them.

Republicans pander to Americans running on "No New Taxes" platforms, which has bankrupt the government, but won them votes.

That's irresponsible leadership. That's criminal malfeasance and negligence.

TomCat said...

Trying to shame the Banksters is a non-sequitur. They have no shame.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You ever watch a rich guy react when exposed for trying to screw the public? It's funny in an evil sort of way. Their eyes get wide and they act surprised and outraged that someone would dare question their motivations and integrity. "What? Who me? Why this is a fantastic deal and I'm losing money because I'm so benevolent" they say.

I think they rehearse this nonsense at the club with their rich buddies while their wives are getting serviced by either Tiger or the pool boy.

Leslie Parsley said...

RN: The typical problem with left for years has been that they believe they know best.

Well, don't they?

Truth: The only thing I admire about the republicans is party discipline.

I think it's more a case of blind loyalty - the kind of thing that brought on Watergate. Members of the GOP can neither think nor act on their own. They're like a bunch of puppets - or like a line of ducks with a string going through the mouth and out the rear and into the mouth of the next duck and so on.

I'm not sure there's ever been this kind of loyalty withing the Democratic party. But for all our faults, we are at least more independent and thus more interesting. Just compare the crowds at the national conventions.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

There's a time for independence and there is not. We need a national health care program and independence won't get it. All it will do is give the party of no what they want with national health care. Nothing.

TAO said...

Capitalism, Capitalism, Capitalism...blah, blah, blah...

If anyone believes that what we had in this country BEFORE Obama took office was anything resembling good ol' capitalism then they are idiots...

Which pretty much defines all of those conservative bloggers who troll the internet...

The Healthcare bill is being turned into a insurance company socialist ponzi scheme....

Everything in this country is about the big getting bigger....the concept of competition died years ago...

We have the "Too big to fail' bailout...which made all of us indentured servants of our financial system.

Then this crap about free markets...

That's just a fancy way of saying, "...feed the wage earners to the third world sharks to satisfy the greed of the investors..."

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah....welcome to the plantation now known as the United States of America...

All the righties going around championing freedom and individualism are actually no more than hacks for their fuedalistic masters...

Rational Nation thats not you... :)

Okay, I feel better now...I need to go to Pam's blog and start a fight...

TAO said...

I say that Obama needs to borrow a guillotine from the French and set it up in the Rose Garden and then meet with the bankers in a room where they can look out and see the guillotine standing there...

If it takes another meeting then at that one just have someone testing the guillotine...

A third meeting would mean you let heads roll...

Leslie Parsley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Law and Order Teacher said...

Hello from troll land. I think the president should spend more time massaging his Dem members of congress. With a sixty vote Senate how do you not pass whatever you want? If this plan is so good why isn't it flying through the Senate?

As for bankers, I would love to kick a few of them myself. They should focus on making money and stop with the politics. The president won't take them to the woodshed because he needs them to be his bogeyman. Without the bankers he's left with no one but Bush to blame. What fun would that be?

He'll get them in the oval office smooze them and they'll go back to doing what they have always done. BTW, isn't Obama loaded. That's right he earned his. Enjoy the illusion.

Good day sir.

Leslie Parsley said...

Hey L&OT - missed you and your right thinking. Too bad it ain't right. ; )

If you're talking about the Nobel Peace Prize money, I believe it's earmarked for several charities.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The price for disloyalty should not be having your ass kissed LaOT. The republicans didn't suck up to their party members when they needed unity. They broght out the hammer.

LIEberman comes up with a new excuse evey day for being against what he was for. He should have been sent the message long ago. No committee chairmanships. No committee assignments. The worst office on Capitol Hill. No pork. His staff budget cut to nothing. A few investigations into whether or not his wife influenced votes.

This joker thinks he's got the biggest dick in Washington right now. He needs to be castrated.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

And TAO is correct as usual. Government mostly serves the rich. Just who other than the wealthy would ever benefit from a capital gains tax cut or estate tax cuts? Not anyone reading this blog. (Well. Maybe TAO. But that should be a lesson in caring about fellow Americans to the rest of you)

Leslie Parsley said...

"He needs to be castrated."

Probably was when he was a mere babe.

"The republicans didn't suck up to their party members when they needed unity. They broght out the hammer."

I think I'd substitute money for hammer. Of course hammer could entail withdrawing funds?

Leslie Parsley said...

Corrected Lieberman email address:

Please put on your blog and inlcude in comments, if someone hasn't already. Put on FB send to friends. Numbers can count.

Next we can go after those Blue Dogs.

Infidel753 said...

With a sixty vote Senate how do you not pass whatever you want? If this plan is so good why isn't it flying through the Senate?

Because of the lockstep obstruction of the Republicans and the undemocratic rules which allow for filibusters. Also, the Democrats don't quite have a 60-vote majority; Lieberman isn't a Democrat, and is now pretty obviously representing the interests of the insurance companies which are funding him.

A 58-40 majority is clearly a popular mandate by any standard. The Senate rules that allow filibusters to block legislation even with such a large majority need to be fixed. That, not attributing to the President powers of extra-legal persuasion which he does not in fact possess, is the way to restore democratic legitimacy.

Pamela Zydel said...

Tao: Gee thanks, just what I need in the middle of finishing my shopping---breaking up a cyber-fight. wink wink (no that's not a Palin pun either).

Good points though, our Govt. has been pandering to EACH OTHER not US. I'm sick of the lot of them. This health care bill isn't for US. Go read it. There are Medicare cuts, taxes and more taxes. Who's that for, the people? I'm sick of BOTH parties ACTING like they are on our side, when they are just on the side of whomever is going to line THEIR pockets with the most dough.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The Medicare cuts are waste. Nothing in life is free. We'd all love free health insurance but it has to be paid for. So do roads and bridges. So does an effective military.

I have no problem paying more taxes for a solid national health care plan. The taxes to pay for that would be less than the $104 a week I pay for my family's health insurance and I'm stuck in this network with it's doctors and deductibles and copays.

I don't have a problem with the unemployed staying on the system because they'll get jobs and start contributing. I may become unemployed one day and need the help.

This is a real war. Not like these useless wars and occupations Bush got us into. This is a fight for the health and well being of our Nation and it's citizens. Sadly, we're losing it due to assholes like LIEberman and panzies like Reid who suck up to these jokers so they can get any something they can call reform. But in reality is victory for insurance company profits.

Anyone against health insurance reform, if you can tell me honestly that if you have no health insurance, you will stay home and suffer or die rather than accept Medicaid or public aid, that goes for your children also, I will gladly concede that you have the integrity of your argument.

Any takers? Patrick? Professor Douglas? Pamela?

Karen said...

One of those fat cat bankers was on Newshour yesterday... very arrogant, still doesn't get it.

Said Prez O shouldn't be calling them names, i.e... fat cats!

Leslie Parsley said...

Truth: Too much to quote from your last comment - all of it dead center, however.

Law and Order Teacher said...

I tried to answer these yesterday, but no hope.

The filibuster is as old as the republic in fact stretching back to the Roman Republic. It is insurance against the "tyranny of the majority."

I wasn't referring to the Nobel money. I believe Obama scored a little cash off some books. As a capitalist I don't begrudge anyone making money. Just saying.

Don't worry, you'll get your bill. Lieberman will cave, he always does.

Good day sir.