Wednesday, December 16, 2009


While there is no doubt about the discord among Democrats concerning some of President Obama's actions. And while republicans are gleeful about their obstruction and our anger, the real fact is that it's the republicans who are in trouble.

For all their joy at tea baggers whining about made up crap. For all their joy at defense contractors being able to further suck dollars from taxpayers because of the unending occupations, their base is in reality nothing but blind, deluded fools now.

Look at the blogs on my link list. I have several right leaning thinkers. All are gifted bloggers of conviction and rational thought. I don't think any of them describe themselves as "republican" anymore. Some say they are "independent libertarians." Or perhaps they describe themselves as true conservatives the republicans have abandoned. Both descriptions are accurate. And it does give me comfort that there are people on the right who see the republican party for what it has become. Just an obstructionist assortment of bitter old white guys and their mouthpieces.

Many on my side are worried about 2010 just as many on the right think the republicans will make a comeback. They won't. True conservative idealists will opt either for an independent or just refuse to vote. Their patriotism will compel them to cast an empty ballot. Because they vote their consciences, the right's vote will be split making Democrat victory a certainty.

So in the end, despite the failures of Obama and the Democrat controlled Congress to get us out of the two occupations and get a meaningful health insurance reform bill, they will still come out on top in 2010 and 2012 as well.

Sadly for America, it won't be because of great ideas and policy initiatives that make our Nation better and stronger. It will be because the "Party of No" is just plain screwed up.


Sue said...

simple truthfullness Truth, good job! I hope within the next year dems can get their act together and voters can be proud to vote Democrat! It would be disasterous to go back to rethug rule...

TOM said...

These conservatives may have seen the errors of their ways, but I doubt it. They may have to hold their noses and vote for conservatives they are not happy with, but they will never vote for a liberal, or a libertarian.
There has to be a certain mental density to vote for people who lie to you, and drive the country deeper into debt.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I've just noticed many that are fed up with the republican party Tom. Republicans are losing their intellectual, William Buckley type supporter in favor of bigots, homophobes and idiots.

Jerry Critter said...

Unfortunately there are a lot of bigots, homophobes, and idiots out there and they will vote for the people that push the right buttons.

Leslie Parsley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leslie Parsley said...

Truth: the right's vote will be split making Democrat victory a certainty.

I've been saying that but I've also cautioned against complacency. I think this may be one of the reasons why we Dems are having a few unexpected bumps in the road.

"Sadly for America, it won't be because of great ideas and policy initiatives that make our Nation better and stronger. It will be because the "Party of No" is just plain screwed up."

And sadly, you're right on the mark there. I don't think our country is capable of producing great ideas or policy initiatives, or the people who have the talent to create them. I think this says more about the state of our society, our mores and our belief systems than anything else.

And now we have the John Birch Society coming back from the dead.

Law and Order Teacher said...

You make a good point here. I don't identify with the Repubs anymore because they have forfeited mine and many of my friends votes. They have a long way to go to earn back trust.

After their recent stint in power and their profligate spending they're hard to trust. Conservatives believe in less government not more. That's what I'll vote for if a candidate comes forward. I don't see one yet.

As for holding my nose, I'm not good at that. My principles are just that, principles. I'll not vote before I'll vote for another power-hungry spender, from either party.

Good day sir.

Mike said...

"Just an obstructionist assortment of bitter old white guys and their mouthpieces."

You forgot about the "better half." Today's bitter old white guy is happy to bring the wife along to a local GOP meeting or Tea Party rally.

Leslie Parsley said...

Law & Order: Because I believe so strongly in a two party system, I think it's profoundly sad to see the Republican party disintegrating. I'm sure there are many who feel like the man without a country.

But, I think both parties bear a lot of responsibility for this potentially dangerous time in our history. Very few in either party has had the courage to stand up and denounce the extremists.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Look what it gets them Leslie. I denounce Democrats that don't act like Democrats and all I have now is a little blog and memories.

TAO said...

As I watch this healthcare reform unravel into a healthcare and insurance industry bailout I cannot help but wonder if the Democrats will too split up over the course of the next couple of years...

It may sound socialist but if you want to get the economy going then cap interest rates on credit cards so that people are paying more to their balances than they are to the profits of banks...

Make banks refinance mortgages on houses being forclosed at like 60% of the original value...

Make personal bankruptcy easier and quicker...

Get people and our economy out of debt and then move on...

But no, banks want their 29.99% interest, as less and less people are paying their credit cards...

They want empty homes rather than cutting the payments to keep people living in a home and making payments...

I know a t shirt sitting in my inventory isn't worth a damn thing until I ship it to someone....and I don't make money till that puppy ships out...

Sometimes you just have to cut your losses and move on...

But we have leadership in Washington that depends on special interests and focus groups to tell them what to do...thus, we have no leadership...

I think there are about 5 or 6 people on the Hill that show any leadership and the ability to think for themselves...and all of them are PROGRESSIVES, oh, and one of them is a Socialist...

Jack Jodell said...

I sincerely hope you are right, Truth101. As it stands today, the Democrats have failed us from within their ranks, with total losers like Nelson, Landrieu, Lincoln, and the rest of those conservative "blue dogs" who are screwing the country and every average citizen by acting as a fifth column for the Republicans. A congressional majority is a terrible thing to waste!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

A health care "reform" bill with no public option, no medicare buy-in, no cost controls, and a mandate to buy from for-profit cartels who are and will continue ripping us off. This is a gift to the Republicans who will keep hammering away at the Democrats with their fake populism. This bill generously provides them with considerably more ammunition. The Democrats will lose seats in 2010 because their base, disappointed with the health care bill, won't be motivated to turn out. That's what I've been hearing anyway.

Oso said...

sort of an encouraging article I guess. I mean, it makes sense and better the Dems not giving a damn about me and mine than the Repubs not caring. Any party that has Barbara Lee in it can't be all bad.

I work with a group of teabaggers, so outspoken and crazy that I generally get the feeling that they're everywhere and spreading like the Ebola virus, but it might be analogous to the guy in the Darth Raider outfit in the Black Hole here in Oakland. Even in a half empty stadium,with a few drinks in him and hella high fives and hugs and chest bumps all afternoon he can feel that EVERYBODY'S a Raider fan, they're everywhere.

Yet when he leaves the stadium if he shows up in public in the outfit he looks like an idiot and most people think he's an asshole.

That's my analogy between Raider fanatics and teabaggers, doesn't completely work cause I've wasted hella $ over the years on Raider games and hats and crap.

Les Carpenter said...

Many valid poins TRUTH,and you descriptions are acurate.

As a true independent conservative with patriotic values I struggle with the state of our nation and its affairs.

Much needs to be done and firing rockets at each other all day long accomplishes little. Somehow common ground needs to be found.

I remain a firm believer in limited government and a true capitalist society. It is possible to acheive both if we as a people can rid ourselves of special interests and corruption in our government on both sides of the aisle.

Thanks for this great post.

Melody, said...

Barack Obama is a hard leftist. All of his associates were radicals, he chose to attend a Black Liberation Theology church for 20 years, the radical "reverend" was his most important mentor (Obama dedicated his book to Wright) All of the "centrist/moderate/non partisan/rhetoric was a pose as anyone who took the time to look into the man's background could not help but realize.

And the other reality is Obama's total lack of experience. I remember Rudy G. saying that Obama wasn't qualified to be dogcatcher which I thought was a little harsh at the time, but Giuliani was right. Obama really had had no executive experience at all. Obama really had sat in the Senate for a mere 144 days when he began his run for the presidency.

This Presidency was an enormous inevitable accident just waiting to happen, and of course it did. Obama is a total flop.
I think we have a better chance with the Republican Party than we do with this bunch of liberal Dems. We really need a third conservative party, but afraid that would just let the Dems roll back in office. We need to get all the cheats out all over, but I'm afraid it is just too late for this Country. Obama bowed down to other nations and we have been made to bow down to 'slugs' for the last 40 years. Our schools are ruined, our sports are full of rapist and cheats, our Churches are half empty, and jobs are being sent overseas. How can we ever recover, no matter who is elected next time?

TAO said...

Well, new poll alert!

56% of those polled APPROVE OF AND LIKE Barack Obama!!!!!

Its funny, if you look at what they think of his Afghanistan decision the answer to his poll numbers is obvious...

He is DOING something and DEALING with issues!

That should be a lesson for all the politicians in Congress....

Beth said...

TAO said...
Well, new poll alert!

56% of those polled APPROVE OF AND LIKE Barack Obama!!!!!

TAO, I see that you are still the same OLD stupid brainwashed fool that you have always been...You believe anything and everything that this IDIOTIC administration wants you to believe.
You liberals want to subscribe to this guy's spiraling popularity is not due to the economy, the wars and the legislative skirmishes.

It's because he had absolutely no management experience--something the liberal press chose not to make an issue of, and as a result he doesn't have a clue of how to govern.

Plus, he is most arrogant in trying to cram his fascism down our throats. There's just too many Americans out there with traditional values that are at his polar opposite.

If you want CHANGE that YOU can believe in, believe in this: Consider this -- take out the 90% approval of the black population [90% times 13% = 11.7%] and that 47% shrinks to 35-36%.

Even adjusting black support to equal the overall number, and Barry's still only around 40% approval.
Whant some back up to this?
"For the first time, Obama’s overall job approval rating has fallen below 50 percent (to 47 percent). In addition, for the first time since Sept. 2007, a plurality (45 percent) sees the Democratic Party in a negative light. And the percentage believing the country is on the wrong track (55 percent) is at its highest level in the Obama presidency.

“This survey underscores what I consider a dramatic and unmistakable change in the political landscape,” said Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart, who conducted the survey with GOP pollster Bill McInturff. “For Democrats, the red flags are flying at full mast.”

Mike said...

Beth/Melody: Don't you have anything constructive to bring to the conversation?

We might be in Middle Earth, because I see a troll.

TAO said...


If management experience was so important in electing a President then you really knew what you were doing when you voted for Bush twice...

Considering that every company he ever ran ended up BANKRUPT!

But you are so smart you knew that when you voted for him didn't you?

You just knew that his management experience would send this country over the economic cliff and that is what you wanted so you voted for him twice!

By the way, your link doesn't work...

Try another!

Leslie Parsley said...

Melody: he chose to attend a Black Liberation Theology church for 20 years.

Whoa, Nelly. You need to read the First Amendment - being the good patriot that you aren't - and you need a remedial history lesson to refresh your memory about why people left the old country to come here.

The Thin Blue Line said...

Leslie Parsley You need to RE-read the First Amendment yourself.

What Melody said was the teuth and she had every right to say it.
Obama lies so much and is so Machiavillian who can believe him even when you would like to do so.
He promised jobs for mouth-breathers... none yet.
-He promised health care for all with no new taxes... nope
-He promised to reverse Global Warming... oopsy.
-He promised to talk the Mullahs out of a nuke... ain't happenin'
-He promised Chicago the Olympics... uh-oh.
-He promised to work with Republicans... maybe next time.
-He promised transparency in Government... still a bit foggy.
-He promised to close Gitmo immediately... still open.
-He promised a tax cut for 95% of Americans... yeah, right.
-He promised to allow gays in the military. What happened with that?
-He promised 'post-racial' politics... worse than ever.
-He promised to leave Iraq... uhhh- delayed indefinitely.
-He promised to support Israel... hangin' 'em out to dry

TAO said...

Actually, Thin Blue Line...

He is doing and or has done everything on your list!!!

Wonder what he is going to leave to do for the SECOND YEAR of his administration...

Then of course he has his whole SECOND TERM in 2012 to plan for...

Think you might run out of anger by then?

Infidel753 said...

Much as I hope you're right, Leslie is wise to argue against complacency. The party out of power almost always gains a few legislative seats in off-year elections. If that doesn't happen this time, we'll know the Republicans are really in serious trouble. It might even wake them up.

Some liberals might not vote for the Democrats next year either, because they're unhappy with the health-reform fiasco (or about Afghanistan).

I think that "new poll alert" should have read "new troll alert".

Thin Blew: The First Amendment doesn't apply here. There's an innate right to speak out, but there's no innate right to do so on someone else's blog. I can put a political bumper sticker on my car, but I can't put it on yours (unless you choose to let me).

-He promised 'post-racial' politics... worse than ever.

In what way is it worse? Aside from the racist stuff on display from the teabaggers, which is hardly Obama's fault.

Jerry Critter said...

Looks like Melody, Beth, and The Thin Blue Line are copying "talking points" again without putting in any thought or backup. Way to go guys. Blah Blah Blah. How about some facts and references?!?

The Thin Blue Line said...

Jerry Critter said...

Looks like Melody, Beth, and The Thin Blue Line are copying "talking points" again without putting in any thought or backup. Way to go guys. Blah Blah Blah. How about some facts and references?!?

Yeah right CRITTER and your post is SOOOO full of brightness I could hardly keep from falling asleep.

TOM said...

OMG, a politician who could not, or did not follow through on all his promises. That's something only Obama has done. Get real.

Obama has followed through on his promises at a much higher rate than most politicians, especially Presidents.

Bush was the only president to have an MBA, yet he could not seem to apply elementary Math to the budget.

We have an over abundance of lawyers and highly educated people in Congress, yet look at the mess we have.

Can't these intelligent people pass law that doesn't have to go decades through the courts to be deemed Constitutionally legal?

These are our best and brightest? Paid mouthpieces for corporations (on both sides) sexual philanderers (on both sides) egos so big they cannot even talk to each other, writing laws so full of holes it serves no one but lawyers to make money, taking money from one program to pay for another program (Peter/Paul principle) because they haven't got the courage to tell the American people if they want these programs they will have to pay for them.

We would be better off electing uneducated, but honest blue collar people. There are plenty of them sitting around not working thanks to the brilliant decisions of our best and brightest.

I'll vote for the next bartender that throws his hat in the ring.

Amazing how these legislators come out of Congress ten times richer, than they went into Congress.

TAO said...


You know when you are a member of 'the country club' like beth, melody, and the blue thin line...

Well, everything is the fault of the new guy!

Give them a dumb ol' white guy or a stupid broad who runs her mouth and they would be happy!

That's just the way things are supposed to be!

Leslie Parsley said...

TTBL: If you and Melody knew your Constitution, you would know that I was referring to Freedom of Religion. If you remember from reading your history, one of the main reasons the settlers came here was to get away from religious persecution, thus the very first amendment in the Constitution guarantees Freedom of Religion. There are no if, ands or buts.

"What Melody said was the teuth and she had every right to say it."

No argument there. And I, too, have every right to say what I want, but my upbringing keeps me from saying it.

Oso said...

Thin Blue Line,
"Hanging Israel out to dry".


Are your really that clueless or was that a typo?

Oso said...

Thin Blue Line,
On second thought don't respond.I went to your site and saw something about Obama surrounding himself with "far-left intellectuals".
That's the type of ignorant comment that is almost painful to read.
Obama is a centrist politician.Period.He does what he and his advisers think is best for Wall St profits.Period.
Are you so ideologically constrained you cannot reason out the fact that Wall St is the epitome of capitalism and most certainly not "far left" ?

The Thin Blue Line said...

Oso said...
Thin Blue Line,
"Hanging Israel out to dry".
Are your really that clueless or was that a typo?

Not a Typo ar all, I guess that I'm just "Clueless and you're the Intellect!
You have so eloquently expressed my thoughts. Yes, Obama is hanging Israel out to dry!
Obama will have the opportunity to break the Israelis by allowing the Iranians to continue their atomic weapons program. Should Israel sit on its hands, then the balance of power in the Middle East will change and the next time Hizb'Allah or Hamas or both together attack Israel and she responds, the interaction will contain a nuclear-armed Iran.

Should Israel take preemptive actions against Iran, it will run out of war materials that have in the past been replaced by America on an emergency basis. Should President Obama refuse to make such a replacement, Israel will be in dire straits and be forced into concessions or be forced to use its own nuclear arsenal in its defense.

The strength of Israel can pass in a moment and Mr. Obama's goals of weakening it to the point of being unable to defend itself is an attainable goal. The only imponderable is Israel's willingness to destroy its enemies with it atomic weapons. Probably, with the betrayal of the World of the Jews again, it would decide to do that. Such a decision will have its roots directly in Obama's Oval Office.
Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu will not give in to Obama’s iron fist. Netanyahu will not tear down the wall so that suicide bombers will be free once again to strap bombs to their bodies laced with nuts and bolts and ball bearings and venture out into the public square in Israel and blow themselves up, taking as many innocent men, women, and children with them and think in the process that they will receive as their reward 72 virgins for themselves in paradise.
Obama goes all over the Mideast and snubs our allies but gives aid and BOWS to and gives comfort to those that hate us! Is this is what you call an American President?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Obama wasn't afraid to give the order to kill the pirates. Should Israel's security be imminently threated, I have no doubt he will do what is necessary in that event also.

Reagan had eight years to make the Iranians pay for the hostage taking. He did nothing. Call reagan a panzy if you must. At least that would be accurate.

Green Eagle said...

Lesley Parsley says:

"one of the main reasons the settlers came here was to get away from religious persecution"

One of the reasons that a small minority of the settlers who came here before the revolution was to get away from what they saw as religious persecution of themselves. They hardly hesitated a minute when they got here, to start persecuting others on the basis of religion.

"Fine for me, bad for you."

Well, they would have made good Republicans.

The Griper said...

what all i see from these comments is how ineffectual a President can be without support of Congress. i also see just how ineffectual Congress can be without support of the President. and lastly, just how fickle the people can be in their support of either.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'll concede this to you Griper. In the proper situation, the republican mantra of "less" would be appropriate. Such as when Congress did everything Bush wanted but present their wives for his pleasure. Had they obstructed and made government do "less" in that case, we'd all have been better off.

Now is the time for unity and clarity of purpose. sadly, assholes like Lieberman and Nelson think it's time for grandstanding getting press coverage.

gr8punkin said...

SORRY, Libs, Obama Did Not that Kill Order.....No Sorry to let you libs down, but that was a BS story.. . Obama did not give the direct order to kill the Somali pirates. You'll have to wait another day for the cut-and-runner to earn his hero badge.
There is a standing authority gave them clearance to engage the pirates if the life of the captain was in imminent danger. The on scene commander deemed this to be true and gave the order to fire. All three bad guys were taken out and then a rigid inflatable boat went to the lifeboat to retrieve Phillips. It is unknown at this point whether the shooters were SEALs or Marine Scout Snipers as both would have been available.

This was not a rescue attempt ordered by National Command Authority i.e. the President. It was a reaction by the on scene commander under standard authority to safeguard the life of a hostage.
The AP is reported that President Obama gave the order to use military force to rescue the hostage, that was misleading.
I know that you want so desperately for the community organizer to become a real hero, but that was not the case...

Jerry Critter said...

Well, gr8punkin, you have your facts a little mixed up. Check out this analysis from

Let me help you along. Here are a couple of quotes.

"...the president laid out two guiding principles: that the on-scene commander should attempt to resolve the conflict peacefully but should take appropriate action if the captain’s life was in danger."

"The claim that the White House rejected two rescue attempts is equally false, according to Gen. Jones. Nor did the on-scene commander decide on his own to rescue Phillips. Jones said the president had already given that authorization on April 10 – two days before the rescue."

Leslie Parsley said...

GE: They hardly hesitated a minute when they got here, to start persecuting others on the basis of religion.

They must have left that part out of the history books when I was in school.

JC: Don't you know the right thinks factcheck is funded by the commies to support leftest propaganda?

Mike said...

Obama surrounding himself with "far-left intellectuals"? Jesus fuck, that's stupid. Anyone who says that has no credibility.

Jerry Critter said...

The righties throwing out their talking points is actually a good thing because it gives us a change to show everyone else reading this blog what the truth really is. It doesn't matter if they believe it or not. They are the fringe anyway. Powerless unless others believe their BS.

Law and Order Teacher said...

You and I agree on very little, but on this we do. I don't think a two-party system is dead. There will always be one in some form. The groups are aligning and will do so in some form.

There have always been two main parties under various names. They are merely factions about which Madison spoke in Federalist 10.

Oso said...


Man I got to apologize,I came to your blog as a visitor and stirred things up with one of your rightwing posters, then didn't do a point by point refutation of whatever it is he wrote.

It is just too draining and frustrating to respond to those who ignore facts and do not understand geopolitics or the economy yet are outspoken anyway.

Often I'll follow a blogger link back to a site to reply out of courtesy, so it isn't on "my sides" turf. But at times viewing those sites is like looking into a swirling maw of insanity. Like you want to take a shower after viewing it?

Anyway,I'll show decorum in the future.

Leslie Parsley said...

L&OT: I know what you say is true -historically. I'm just worried we're about to change course here.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Do you have a blog? I'm interested to read something from you after reading your profile.

Oso said...

Hi Law and Order Teacher,
No I don't have a blog,but I post a lot at MadMikesAmerica.
Thanks for your interest!

Oso said...

Law and Order Teacher,
BTW both MadMike and Lasers Edge from MadMikesAmerica are retired Law Enforcement officers.
I was too skinny to be a cop:)

Oso said...

Law and Order,
I left some links at your blog.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I've never worried about decorum Oso. I've always believed the masses demand entertainment above all else. Enlightenment through entertainment is the way to go. You do both very well. As always, thank you and everyone else, even the righties, for visiting.

TomCat said...

Truth, as disappointed as I am with the Democrats' recent performance, they have one thing going for them. The Repuglicans are so much worse that it only takes half a brain to see it.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Well said Tomcat. Accurate, enlightening and very entertaining.

Anonymous said...

The dopenhagen gets nopenhagen in Copenhagen.

libhom said...

Screw it. I'm voting mostly Green in 2010 and 2012.

Tom the Redhunter said...

Hmmm. Well, I'm certainly a conservative, and active in Republican party politics.

I wasn't happy with GWB or our leaders in Congress during those years, but because they weren't conservative enough.

Right now there's not much more we can do than try to stop all of the bad Democrat bills. Which means all of them, because they're all bad.

Right now Obama is sinking in the polls, and my guess is he'll go farther down as more and more people figure out he's an empty suit. You Dems will be punished at the polls in 2010, but that is only the prelude to to what you'll see in 2012.

Bill Clinton learned from 1994. Obama is too arrogant and too much of an ideologue.

At the rate he's going, Obama will be a one-term president.

Oso said...

Tom Redhunter,
I think you're repeating what you've heard Glen Beck say rather than expressing an opinion derived from observation and analysis.

Look at the advisers Obama's surrounded himself with, and then look at the course the administration takes on major legislation.

While much of the Right has been railing about birth certificates and ACORN Obama has not only continued to funnel $ into bank bailouts but has pushed thru a financial regulatory plan that is more toothless than even the biggest Wall St partisan could have hoped.

He is about to get a healthcare reform plan pushed thru which will pour billions more $ into the coffers of the health insurance industry. BTW unless your ancestry traces back to Krypton viable healthcare reform would have benefited you.

Obama continues both Bush's wars which push our current account further into debt.

You are looking in the wrong direction my friend. Obama is not a socialist,he is not even a liberal.Actions, not isolated speeches. He is the candidate of corporate America.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

The Dems will probably win but win what? The supporters who will vote for the Dems will just the same corrupt and Republican lite leadership as we have now.

That's why I finally bolted from the party. I'm moving on and would rather build up the Green Party then continue to knuckle under to the Conservative Dems and continue feeling taken for granted by the leadership.

Let the chips fall where they may -- Even if we cost the Democrats the election it wouldn't be much difference at this point from electing Republicans. At this point I'm really failing to see the difference between the two parties. Our system is broken folks. Time to move on.

Jerry Critter said...

I guess it is a question of moving on or trying to subvert the Democratic Party from within. If all you do is vote, then you might as well move on, but if you are politically active, then a better approach may be to get active in your local democratic party and try to change their direction from within.

It is what the religious right did to the republicans.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It will start with people like Jerry and HBW getting their candidates through the primaries instead of the ones hand picked by the party leaders.

We're a two party system whether asnyone likes it or not. Voter lists. Voter registrars. Donors. Workers. Poll judges and watchers. County Clerks making information available to their favored party's.

This is why I'm watching Carl Wicklander's buddy, Rand Paul, in Kentucky. I don't have much in common with Paul. But if he can win the primary over the republican's favored candidate he proves it can be done. Then perhaps some more real Democrats will step up and fight to take our party back from the corporate whores.