Unless you've been in a coma the last few days you have heard about Tiger Woods running over a fire hydrant outside his home at 2:30AM.
I don't really care about his private life. I think he's one of the two best golfers ever and enjoy watching him play. That's where my interest ends in Tiger Woods.
But his saga goes to show how wealth and celebrity indeed make life easier. Tiger Woods probably never has to buy dinner. Nike or some rabid fan buys it for him. His clothes are given to him. His cars. His golf clubs. The man is worth a billions to himself and others and never has to pay for anything. Even now.
This is not an indictment of Tiger Woods. If I could play golf like him I would also demand the world kiss my ass. Just like the wealthiest right wingers among us. They demand tax cuts. Gated communities. Invasions and occupations to make them billions at taxpayer expense. A legal system skewed in their favor.
Tiger has not submitted to police interviews yet despite destroying a fire hydrant. Don't even know if he took a breathalyzer or blood test. He will when he is ready I suppose. That's the benefit of wealth. You do unpleasant things, or more likely have someone do them for you when you feel like it.
It also shows that no matter what, the wealthy will always have better stuff than the rest of us. And they will make sure of it no matter how many lobbyists and Congressmen they have to buy.
TRUTH, this is a stretch and reads as an indictment of most who have acquired wealth and fails to recognize the simple fact that everything is not the fault of the wealthy.
Ted Kennedy, a true liberal class warfare type of guy was a millionaire. The same can be said of him and others. In fact the majority of the Senate are millionaires, a real club for the wealthy.
Wealth is not a bad thing, it is in fact a thing to be desired and to work towards.
Special interest influence, whether corporate or private, and the pressure of lobbyists financed by big money are the problem. The existence of wealth itself, and the comforts it brings is not.
Unless you are a Kool-aid drinking Liberal. You know that Tiger Wood’s Wife beat the living shit out of him.
Yes, its all tied together, any nincompoop can see the writing on the wall…good for Elin for going after him – what she might not know (or maybe she does) is that this isn’t the first time he’s hooked up w/ a hooker, its only the first time its made it into the Enquirer…he’s been cheating on her for years… Sounds like she cold-cocked him, chased him, scared the living shit out of him, and he crashed his car. She deserves something really expensive for this caper. Turns out Tiger is just another cheating dog just like we all knew he was. Lets see him throw his golf clubs at anybody now. Well-known sports figure in the world or not, Billionaire or not, he is still just a piece of CRAP. He is an asshole and an ugly one. Good for Elin to beat his ass. Hope she gets half of the money and finds someone better than that piece of crap.
Tiger’s lawyers are working feverishly on this incident even now, but they can’t put the spin on the fact that he is a SERIAL CHEATER. So he could hide in his spider hole for weeks that’s not going to change the facts. Maybe his fat bloody lip will heal, but that’s about all that’s going to change. Lying to the police, just ain’t gonna cover it up.
And that is bull crap about her busting out the back window to get him out. Do you think a frail thing like her could lift a semi-conscious man out of the Caddy? Now he’s in the same league as Bill “blowsky” Clinton, David Letterman, Eliot Spitzer, and John Edwards.
This sounds like a personal family brouhaha and they should be left alone. But, the Nat'l Enquirer's and the TMZ's out there must make a living somehow... YA THINK!?!
Rational Nation said: "Special interest influence, whether corporate or private, and the pressure of lobbyists financed by big money are the problem."
This quote from you shows you agree with me.
In the interest of fairness, I agree with you that not all wealthy people are bastards. And I would also concede that not all poor and middle class people are virtuous either.
But blind devotion to greed and wealth are powerful corrupters of our government. And the right has used it's wealth to corrupt and set the agenda in it's favor.
Saint: I guess that also puts Tiger in the league with your repblican buddies like John Ensign and Mark Sanford to. And John McCain who was boinking his second wife while his first wife was laying there paralyzed.
This does remind me of a funny story once though. Some of my buddies from the car business went out after work for a few cold ones. One of them got to working this barfly and soon left. He wasn't at work the next day but came in the day after with a big dent on his forehead. He said his wife was waiting for him when he got home about 3AM and hit him with a cast iron skillet. He admitted that he deserved it. An honest philanderer is difficult to find these days.
Oh, The Saint...
Just throwing your idiot opinion around like it is worth something?!
Guess what? Who cares!
63% of all Americans admit to having an affair during the course of their marriage...what do you expect!
Coming from a Republican that is pretty cute!
At least Tiger can afford to buy his wife off himself...unlike Ensign who had to get his Mom and Dad to pay the hush money!
"Wealth is not a bad thing, it is in fact a thing to be desired and to work towards."
I wholeheartedly agree but what happens when one switches to protecting their wealth from others rather than continue to work for it?
If you continue to work you could take risk and lose some...but if you switch to a defensive posture you can protect it with your influence and have your wealth grow with no work on your part...
That is what is wrong with wealth today.
TAO said...
Oh, The Saint...
Just throwing your idiot opinion around like it is worth something?!
Guess what? Who cares!
I don't care about the BULL-SHIT that YOU throw around either, If you think that it means anything your dumber than I thought at first. . Do you really think that YOUR stupid shit don’t stink? (like it is worth something)!
I don't care what Tiger can afford he's just another piece of shit like the rest of the thugs in sports.
Except now he’s even lower than that, he’s a lying, asshole that got caught cheating on his wife..
Let him throw his clubs around now, let him cuss at the officials now. I hope that every sponsor he has leaves him. He deserves it. That’s what happens when a lowlife creep like him get to be a rich BOY!
I can't imagine knocking over a fire hydrant with my car and being able to refuse an interview with the cops. Membership in the economic elite has its priviliges, as you say.
TAO - Agreed!
Unearned wealth is kind of like "hereditary succession." For some, the fact they have it gives them the belief they're entitled to it forever; without themselves, or their posterity, doing a think to contribute to civil society so as to continue the process of earning it.
For these folks the only justification needed is that it at one time was earned and that is sufficient.
I'll agree with the observations about unearned wealth. I like Warren Buffett's approach, not bequeathing his fortune to his children.
Stimpson said...
I can't imagine knocking over a fire hydrant with my car and being able to refuse an interview with the cops. Membership in the economic elite has its priviliges, as you say.
Because he's a LYING sack of crap. There's no doubt. she caused the blood on the face big disgraced face.
What a PATHETIC jerk this guy must be. He has a mouth like a drunken sailor and a temper that could match John Gotti.
She hit the car with a golf club and made him crash into the hydrant and tree. It sounds like she has more power in her golf swing that her big mouthed cheating husband.
If the little weasel was innocent then why don't he talk to the police?
Maybe he want's time to have his bloody mouth healed.
I also hope that every sponsor he has leaves him. He deserves it ..
Earned wealth or unearned wealth, it's the individual not the money.
These sports thugs are all the same.
How does Saint know his wife beat him? How does he know Tiger is a no good serial cheater, does he get all his information from The Enquirer? He is certainly in the judgment business. He wants Tiger to be guilty of what he accuses him of, on what he has read in the tabloids.
Before anyone calls Tiger a liar remember that he hasn't said anything yet. A statement will be released soon enough by Tiger's handlers asking for everyone to respect his privacy while he and his family deal with personal issues. Tiger has a long history of not taking a stand on anything. If there is a problem with Tiger, and many pro golfers, this is it.
Mr. Saint: I find your hatred of a rich guy refreshing among righties. There is hope for you my new friend.
Holte Ender said...
How does Saint know his wife beat him? How does he know Tiger is a no good serial cheater, does he get all his information from The Enquirer? He is certainly in the judgment business. He wants Tiger to be guilty of what he accuses him of, on what he has read in the tabloids.
I guess it's his opinion and he is entitled to it. As I am and as you are.
PS.. How do you know he's wrong?
I read the same thing on the TMZ blog and I have not yet EVER found them to be wrong.
I think The Saint was told everything about Tiger from The Professor of Life...
I kind of have mixed feelings here. Sometimes I think athletes get away with hell, especially when it comes to molesting women. So do politicians for that matter. On the other hand being a wealthy well known celebrity can attract more unwanted attention than a plain Jane.
I blithely ran over the fence that was in front of my house one dark night. Broke it to smithereens. You can probably deduce what good condition I was in. But nothing happened because I was neither wealthy or well-known.
Agree with Holte!
And, if anyone believes the shit they print in the Enquirer or TMZ... I can see Russia from my house!!
I agree with Saint..Tiger is such a wimp. I hope she takes half of everything he has...
My take on the whole thing. Big argument, gets physical with her attacking him because he cheated, scratches face, she gets uncontrollable, Tiger decides to cut losses and rather than overpower her run for it and get out of dodge, she pursues with a golf club,he out runs her to vehicle, he gets in truck closes door door starts driving to get away, she arrives , takes a big swing at his head thru the window, breaks window and hit him on head, he instinctively hits gas pedel, but hit in head makes him loose equilibrium and he looses it. Now she feels incredible guilt and runs up to save him. They make up story so no police problems. Now marriage will be new love again. She having almost felt the loss of living without him once she saw the accident. He will now get bolder and have affairs because he got away with it once.
If Woods was cheating, he's a complete tool and I hope his wife takes him to the cleaners.
If any fallout affects his endorsement deals, so much the better.
Men who cheat are scumbags, particularly when children are involved.
I don't believe any marriage recovers from such a betrayal. I know people say such nonsensical things as, 'Oh, it's made our marriage STRONGER and we're 'closer' than ever.'
They are lying.The person cheated on may forgive, but they never forget.
In Woods's case, his stupidity is all the more mystifying, considering he had/has SOOOO much to lose.
The 'girlfriend' has already layered up with Gloria Allred, so that's telling you something right there.
If he was innocent, why is he ducking the police? Why not just speak to them and say it was an accident? Maybe because it wasn't!
And Karen... this ain't about politics, so stop insulting people.
If any of you were to run over a fire hydrant at 2:30 AM, wouldn't you be expected to take a breath test on the spot?
People can create a class attitude towards the rich if they want to, but our law is not supposed to.
I'm tired of (especially sports figures) rich people getting leniency from the law because they are rich.
It goes beyond being able to buy the best legal representation.
Hi, O.J.
Why am I able to say Hi to O.J. He should be eliminated by now. Instead he's probably reading this blog in a warm comfy jail cell getting his 3 a day wearing clothes paid for by my tax dollars, while children go homeless and hungry because States are cutting their social programs.
Got to love America!
So like the American political scene today.
Rather than discussing issues of substance, i.e, philosophic and ethical discussion of issues that both effect, and should concern us all, we find ourselves discussing issues that essentially are of a personal and familial nature.
I agree with TAO, "WHO CARES."
Was Tiger Woods car crash the result of an infidelity argument with his wife about an extramarital affair? What REALLY happened? To find out how Tiger got the lacerations on his face, where he was going at 2 in the morning in such a hurry, why Tiger lost control of his car, what his wife Elin was REALLY doing with the golf club she allegedly used to smash the windshield to free Tiger from the wreck. This doesn't add up. If someone hears a car crash, do they run out there carrying a golf club? – and more importantly,who really gives a crap?
Got to love America!
Gotta Love Black Athletics, they get away with Murder
I"m painting this picture.
It's 2:20 am. Tiger is bleeding from facial lacerations and lying on the pavement. His hot White Swedish wife is standing over him with a golf club. We are supposed to believe that she is helping him! She got mad at Tiger so just admit it. She didn't bust the REAR window to get him out of the FRONT seat! Why can't anyone just tell the truth anymore? That's all what we want.
He's covering up for his trophy wife.
Even racism rears it's ugly head over here in the comments.
Karen said...
Even racism rears it's ugly head over here in the comments..
If your blaming Tiger for marrying a whitey, your right. Every Black man and woman who marries outside our race winds up in this kind of trouble.
Conservative - I didn't say he was wrong, I wanted to know how he thought he was right without quoting The Enquirer.
There are some white men who just can't stand the idea of a beautiful blonde white woman marrying a black man...
"Even racism rears it's ugly head over here in the comments.."
Karen, how right you are. Case in point is this idiotic statement following yours.
"If your blaming Tiger for marrying a whitey, your right. Every Black man and woman who marries outside our race winds up in this kind of trouble"
I bet he calls himself a Christian.
Rucrazee: white athletes get off Scott free while blacks get the book thrown at 'em. That's a proven, if you'd just take the time to research it - which you can easily do by going to Google.
To everyone else: the guy hasn't even been charge, not has his wife. In this country people are innocent until proven guilty. Quit wasting your time and blowing hot air by "speculating." You don't know one damn thing. You remind me of a lynch mob.
Hi folks, I just read the news statement from Tiger Woods just this minute. It went like this:
As y'all know, I had a single-car accident earlier this week, and sustained some injuries. I have some cuts, bruising and right now I'm pretty sore. This situation is my fault, and it's obviously embarrassing to my family and me. I have told the police some bullshit to make it look like it was my fault, and obviously it's working pretty dam much. I'm human and I'm not perfect. I was caught screwinng some white bitch from the hotel I stayed in last month and my wife got wind of it an hit me on the side of my head. Lucky I gots a hard head. I will certainly make sure this doesn't happen again, or at least I won't get caught again.
You see, I love the art of screwing, I think I do it pretty well as I've been know to have a great put shot... lol, you know what I mean.. ha ha ha, ya get me? So let me end by saying thank you to everyone that bought my story and If you believed it, then I got a whale of a tale to tell you next time I get my ass in a sling.
See ya on the greens.
This is a private matter and I want to keep it that way. Although I understand there is curiosity, the many false, unfounded and malicious rumors that are currently circulating about my family and me are irresponsible. The only person responsible for the accident is me. My wife, Elin, acted courageously when she saw I was hurt and in trouble. She was the first person to help me. Any other assertion is absolutely false.
This incident has been stressful and very difficult for Elin, our family and me. I appreciate all the concern and well wishes that we have received. But, I would also ask for some understanding that my family and I deserve some privacy no matter how intrusive some people can be.
You know that liberals never take responsibility for any error or shortcoming - they always blame others.
Rebecca the Dog: To paraphrase B. Frank, "What planet do you live on?" Obviously they have pea-sized brains and don't bother to clean their mouths - cuz yours is pretty filthy.
Red: ya mean like Sarah? You bet-cha.
The lessons to be learned by all men are to pay attention when behind the wheel of your SUV and if you cheat on your wife, don't leave golf clubs lying around.
And even if you don't cheat on your wife, don't leave golf clubs lying around.
Actually I did see something on the interwebs about Tiger Woods and a car crash, but I skipped reading it. No coma, just zero interest. In his personal or professional life. Or golf.
Most of us are not ever going to be wealthy. The Republicans would have us believe that wealth is a thing anyone can achieve, you just have to work hard enough. Common sense, and the fact that there isn't enough money for everyone to be wealthy, says otherwise.
Or should the "working poor" more accurately be called the "lazy poor"?
The Saint references "kool-aid drinking liberals", and then goes on to trash Tiger Woods. Like I said, I know nothing about the man, but since Saint believes liberals will overlook his shortcomings... that must mean he's a Democrat? "Red" also implies that Tiger is a liberal.
Beats me (and I don't care to Google for an answer either), but if that's true I'm surprised Saint didn't bring up Tiger's racism. He is black, after all.
Truth, I don't think Saint harbors any ill feelings toward the wealthy in general, just BOYs like Tiger who cheat (apparently) on their (white) wives.
The Tiger Woods case. In In My Humble Opinion.
Something tells me she hit him in the head with that golf club. That would explain a great deal as to his drifting in and out of consciousness, acting like he was injured in what was clearly a minor collision.
Seems like the following is the possible scenario.
They argue.
She slaps him and scratches him.
He gets angry and gets up to leave.
She chases him out to the garage. He starts the car and backs out.
She grabs a club and chases him hitting the car and breaks the back window as he leaves.
He is distracted by her aggression and hits the fire hydrant and then the tree.
Hits his mouth on the steering wheel.
(or She breaks the back window out of spite, NOT to get him out..)
He crawls out and she hits him over the head with the golf club.
He's unconscious, that would explain a great deal as to his drifting in and out of consciousness, acting like he was injured in what was clearly a minor collision. and is on the ground when the police arrive.
In My Humble Opinion.
She has remorse as he lays on the ground recovering from the jolt
Also, the tabloid is the same one that broke Edwards love child story.
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
Note to Tiger, stop pissing off your Tigress.
According to reports Woods left his home after 2:00 a.m. and crashed into a nearby tree. His wife, who just happen to have a golf club handy,
Came running to his rescue, smashed out the back window of the SUV Tiger was driving, and saved his life by dragging him though the smashed window.
Shut up! I would totally have a nine iron handy in case my hubby needed me outside in the middle of the night! LOL! If you hear that your hubby got into a bad accident right outside your house, and the crash is so bad that the whole front end of the car was wrecked, DO YOU COME RUNNING OUTSIDE WITH A GOLF CLUB IN YOUR HAND? Humm, seems strange to me.
Nine iron is a good choice Shannon. It's a control club with a large, heavy head. Start swinging two irons around and you're liable to break lamps and all kinds of stuff you're not intending to break.
Tiger could swing a two iron. The rest of us should play it safe.
Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.
He's a tool, and if he was SOOOO innocent why did he just hire such a premier attorney. How do you feel about that? NeJame who is a veteran attorney who, according to a biography on his firm's website, has "primarily devoted his entire career to the practice of criminal defense and has handled numerous high profile cases. NeJame was happy to be compared to the man (Johnny Cochran) who most famously got O.J. Simpson off on double-murder charges. A skillful attorney will know how and when to utilize the media, which is exactly what Tiger need right now.. .
Tiger Woods is a total fool and an embarrassment to us all.
So I guess that Tiger Woods not only has a sleazebag girlfriend but now he has a sleazebag Lawyer as well.
The dude's a idiot, period.
Just another example of the wealthy having better stuff than the rest of us megimo. We all are supposed to share the same legal system. But the wealthy get the better lawyers and the benefit of the doubt far more than the rest of us. Even when we finally come to a single payer health care system the wealthy will still have better health care than the rest of us. Why they fight this is beyond me. Why do the selfish rich want their stuff to be so much better than ours? I can see why they drive Porches and BMW's. They can afford them. That's a luxury and perk of wealth. Why they think our children don't deserve the same health care as theirs is despicable.
Oh, and not to be ungrateful because I truly appreciate the attention. But could the person that keeps posting comments under different monikers just click the icon at the top that says "create blog" please? It only takes a minute and you can enjoy the respect and admiration of your peers friend. Or you could just use one of your existing blogs and save that minute.
Lets see, Tiger is a private citizen, who never ran for public office, never sought out a government bailout, and as best as I can tell never hired a lobbyist to scurry favor from the government...
I do not believe he ever once said, lower my taxes and I will create jobs, and I do not believe he ever claimed to represent 'family values'
So, then his wife chases him around the house with a golf club, he flees the scene and has an accident.
That pretty much makes it NONE OF MY BUSINESS...
As far as an attorney goes, I wonder how many accidents occurred the same night in this country....and we heard nothing about those but this one, its all over the place...
I wonder what it is like to go to a grocery store, standing in the check out line and reading all about your husband and his affairs in the National Enquirer while you are waiting to check out...
What do you do when the kids are with you and they say, "Look Mom, theres Dad on the cover of this magazine...."
TAO said:
"That pretty much makes it NONE OF MY BUSINESS..."
Well TAO, a lot of thing that YOU post and comment about is NONE of YOUR business, but we comment about them because that's what we do here!
Woods is a total fool for letting this drag on a moment longer. If he had a marital spat so what? Let anyone who is married cast the first stone, although such spats don't necessarily (but more and more too often do) result in physical abuse of some kind. Fess up Tiger. Be a man. You're human despite your brilliance at golf and no one should hold your fallible humanity against you. They will, however, hold it against you if you keep on showing that you consider yourself somehow above the average human.
Let's face it something is not right here.
There is treatment for the rich and famous and then there is treatment for us peons, and it's high time that people like Tiger Woods and his kind, YES his kind (Big time Sports figures) stop getting away with breaking the law.
Sometimes I think we more liberal types seem to be just as petty and mean-spirited as the extremists on the right. Obviously we have our own set of prejudices - in this case, a black, wealthy athlete.
At the risk of getting five crates of open beer bottles thrown at me, I'm not ashamed of the fact that I like golf and I like Tiger Woods. I have watched his career from Day 1 and have nothing but admiration for him and his athletic abilities.
The fact that he's made big bucks with his talent doesn't diminish his athleticism or his attributes as a human. He supports numerous charities: the Rainforest Foundation which provides aid to forests and human rights; the Tiger Woods Foundation; the Tiger Woods Learning Center which helps children relate what they're learning in school to their everyday world. Face it, charities couldn't survive without the donations from the wealthy.
Even if he and his wife were involved in a nasty domestic brawl, shouldn't we wait until the charges are made, he or she is tried before their peers, and a guilty or not guilty decision is made before tossing him to the wolves?
The crap about his wife being at the grocery and the children pointing out dad's picture with another woman is unadulterated bullshit.
One more thing. If I were wealthy and charged with some offence, I sure wouldn't use a public defender. I'd absolutely go for the best. It would be sheer lunacy to do otherwise.
Leslie Parsley said...
One more thing. If I were wealthy and charged with some offence, I sure wouldn't use a public defender. I'd absolutely go for the best. It would be sheer lunacy to do otherwise.
If he didn't do anything wrong why call an Attorney at all!
Leslie Parsley said...
Even if he and his wife were involved in a nasty domestic brawl, shouldn't we wait until the charges are made, he or she is tried before their peers, and a guilty or not guilty decision is made before tossing him to the wolves?
Who's tossing him to the wolves? He is the one that is causing all this speculation by hiding. And perhaps waiting for his blood level to go down or for his wounds to heal.
Nothing to hide? Then DON'T HIDE!
Don't refuse to speak to the police.
The guys is hiding something, lets not fool ourselves. Don't take the public for the idiots he is himself. Avoiding the cops for three days makes him look guilty as hell.
Why do you treat this man with kid gloves and he is the most conceited and ungracious sports figure out there……get a real life people
He'd be stupid not to have an attorney.
Yes, he and wife, probably should have talked to the cops, but people who have never been involved in domestic brawls probably aren't familiar with the dynamics - embarassment, shame, a desire to keep it quiet. This is true regardless of color, class or celebrity status, if any.
Why does Tiger need an attorney like NeJame and the girlfriend in NY need Gloria Allred in CA ?
Maybe he doesn't want to talk to Florida Police within three days for a reason. He went to the hospital; they should have checked him for drugs.
My guess is he was coming home at 2am & the Misses was waiting for him with a golf club. It's odd this week is the week for 2 tabloids to release dirt on Tiger. All this is much too coincidental.
This story is going to go on forever. If he loses a great career and sponsors for poor choices, too bad, so be it. Another golfing great will be along shortly. There always are.
We need to be more concerned about what is happening with the crooks in Washington instead of Florids
Debbie: "My guess is . . ."
That's just it. It's only a guess and you have nothing to substantiate it with.
The Baltimor Sun just reported: 1)The Floriday Highway patrol has denied claims that they are trying to get med records; 2) "He’s only required to provide us with specific information, which he has complied with: driver’s license, registration, proof of insurance."
Leslie Parsley said...
Debbie: "My guess is . . ."
That's just it. It's only a guess and you have nothing to substantiate it with.
It's Tiger's Right to Fuck whomever he wishes, it's his wife's right to take millions of dollars from him because of it. However, several other things.
It's not acceptable to use violence (although it is understandable in the heat of the moment) which is (most likely) what happened here after Tiger told her he's been screwing every woman he can, but I doubt this chick married Tiger solely for his good looks as his huge bank account no doubt caught her eye...
And no doubt Tiger married Elin for her winning personality and child bearing potential. Ah, love.
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