Monday, November 30, 2009


Now that we're all getting a lesson about rich guys like Tiger Woods having a better legal and health care system than the rest of us, let's turn our outrage into action! Let's tax these greedy rich bastards and all their goodies to teach them a lesson!
You greedy selfish rich bastards get the hot blond Swedish trophy wives. You get free dinners and clothes. You get to run over trees and fire hydrants with impunity. And you fuckers get all the great tax cuts and deductions!
Then you hire lobbyists and marketing reps to tell us that shitty health and legal systems for the rest of us is a great exercise in freedom and Americanism. You fuckers buy Congressmen to vote for your tax breaks and deregulations while the rest of us have to make up for it with higher taxes and fees on everything we buy.
You creeps think you're all so special with your gated communities. Your sending a servant to the grocery store to buy a pie to donate to the Salvation Army. Yeah. That made a real difference. Some homeless guy has another fucking cavity thanks to your generosity. Try donating some shit without looking for the tax deduction or round of golf with Tiger Woods you greedy bastards. "Ohh! Look at the poor kids playing on the practice green. Let's all smile at them." Okay. The camera is off. You rich bastards can start ignoring them again and telling the Congressmen you bought you need another tax cut so your shit can trickle down.
Yeah Babies. It's trickling down and now even the blind poor and middle class fools are starting to see the light of your greedy, selfish ways.


Anonymous said...

Looks like Tiger actually got his ass kicked in by his wife according to reports today which borderline humorous, now the facts are trickling in or out depending on which way you look at it....

One fact is that his wife didn't use the driver to help him out of the car...

And another fact is the pretty serious beating and facial lacerations he received actually came from his wife beating the hell out of him, and then him running like a girl into his suv while the "little honey" took his "Big Bertha" to the Escalade's windows, meanwhile he was so scared of the "little" women woman he backed over his own fire hydrant!

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Hell hath no fury.

I still say raise his taxes.

Debbies Choice said...

I say stone him!

Debbies Choice said...

I am offended by the hypocrisy of his statement though. Frankly, I expect he's having marital problems and that's sad for him, his wife and his family. But, lying about it sure isn't gonna help.

He made a statement which isn't believable. If he did that after getting advice, then either he ignored the advice and lied, or he was told to lie. Both are stupid.

And, he may be Tiger woods but people worth way more have come down before. Lying is bad news. Look at the damage to the car, that's more than just a simple accident backing out of the house? He was moving at a pretty decent rate of speed. That implies haste or anger. Neither are compatible with a simple driving accident. Also, he makes no statement about why he was out and about at 2:30 in the morning.
He crashed across the street, his wife was there with a golf club and the BACK window was broken "to rescue him" in a car where the back window is 9 feet from the driver.

I can't be the only one who didn't find this whole situation mysterious from the get-go. Wasn't it pretty obvious this is what happened?
His story is full is holes and he should be getting better advice. Avoiding the cops for three days makes him look guilty as hell.
Lastly, he makes his living by being a public figure and he had to expect the same level of interest in all aspects of his life. He can't expect to have it both ways.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I guess people ARE intersted in Tiger Woods. That being the case, I may or may not cave to public opinion and create my own post about Tiger for my blog. Perhaps I'll reveal which Hollywood starlet he was cheating on his wife with, and where you can download (for free) their sex tape!

Oh, and I might have eyewitness video (which you can also download for free) of the fight and the accident. You'll lie awake nights, unable to sleep, unless you check out my blog and find out for yourself if I am pulling your leg or telling the honest truth.

According to me (if I'm a source that can be trusted) Tiger heard that Truth101 was lobbying (via his blog) for him to pay more of his income in taxes. Afraid of how much he'd lose when his wife divorces him and takes him to the cleaners (or not, see my blog for the truth... if I post it) and how much more he'd pay in taxes after Truth's close personal friend Barack Obama raised his taxes, Tiger personally shot and handed off to yours truly the aforementioned videotape (providing it exists).

Why? Because only the first 2 minutes of the video are free, after that you have to pay $29.95 to view the rest of the tape... if there is one. If you don't believe that, then maybe the reason the video exists is because I was hiding in the bushes and shot it myself, and I can assure you that Tiger's wife beat him good (that is, if I was actually there).

Be sure to visit my blog ASAP before Tiger's lawyers shut me down... provided I acutally have the aforementioned video.

If you want to view it you've got to visit my blog. I may or may not have it, provided I haven't made this whole story up. You'll have to visit my blog to know, one way or the other.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

My friend WD would never shamelessly promote HIS BLOG. He is man of principle like myself.

TOM said...

People are arrested for spousal abuse everyday, it's called assault. A golf club makes a great and not unusual weapon.
People get arrested for running over fire hydrants, it's called destruction to public property.
In some States arresting a spouse, or family member that physically harmed another family member, is mandatory and charges need not be pressed by the person that was attacked.
So it's understandable that the Woods do not want to talk to the police. Without evidence of what happened, no charges can be filed. If the truth were to come out, someone might be arrested.
We could tax the rich more and let them skirt the laws, but which laws? All laws? Where is their responsibility as a citizen, to follow the law? We hold rich people in high regard, because money is power, so let them do whatever they want.
It might not be our business what their marital problems are, but it is societies business to investigate and hold responsible those who destroy public property, harm other people, or test for intoxication drivers who have accidents.
Our laws are already written to favor the rich. Most laws come with a penalty of a monetary fine, or jail, or both. If you tell a judge you have no money, your punishment will be jail.

Debbies Choice said...

There is more to this than meets the eye..
I say she hit him with the club before he got in the car and that's why he hit the fireplug and tree. The air bag didn't deploy so it's not like he was burning rubber out of the driveway.
Even so, why does Tiger need attorney NeJame and the girlfriend in NY need Gloria Allred in CA ?
Maybe he doesn't want to talk to FHP within three days for a reason. He went to the hospital; they should have checked him for drugs.
This is going to go on forever. If he loses a great career and sponsors for poor choices, so be it. Another golfing great will be along shortly.
We need to be more concerned about what is happening in Washington instead of Florida.

Leslie Parsley said...

Debbie: "I say stone him!"

Why him, if it was his wife who allegedly beat the crap out of him?

Leslie Parsley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I hope Debbie's significant other is taking note of all this. Don't be stepping out on her dude.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Truth101 said... My friend WD would never shamelessly promote HIS BLOG. He is man of principle like myself.

No, it wasn't shameless... I'm filled with shame. I'm still a man of principle, right?

Leslie Parsley said... Debbie: "I say stone him!" Why him, if it was his wife who allegedly beat the crap out of him?

I'm with Truth... I say we hit him with a mistress tax. Once you're married, even if you're rich and famous, you only get one woman. Of course, if you're rich and famous you get a extremely beautiful one, but you still get just one. Unless you pay the mistress tax.

Your wife can still divorce you if you cheat, but she can't claim infidelity, even if it's mentioned in the pre-nup. Because if you pay the tax, as far as the law is concerned it didn't happen.

Maybe that would provide enough to pay for Universal health care?

Leslie Parsley said...

In a NPR interview with a Sports Illustrated editor: Woods is not required to talk to police - no charges have been filed. The alleged mistress denies they were having an affair, but yes, she has hired an attorney, as she has a right to do and is smart to do so.
Finally, as the editor pointed out, Woods is very protective of his privacy as he has always been -

The Thin Blue Line said...

Leslie Parsley said...

In a NPR interview with a Sports Illustrated editor: Woods is not required to talk to police - no charges have been filed. The alleged mistress denies they were having an affair, but yes, she has hired an attorney, as she has a right to do and is smart to do so.
Finally, as the editor pointed out, Woods is very protective of his privacy as he has always been -


If any property is damaged or destroyed belonging to another person or the State, City, or any Local municipality the police has the necessary reason to question him..

This is very clear in Florida Law.

Les Carpenter said...

I say, wish I could be so lucky to get this much press over something ACTUALLY important!

To Woods credit; After his wife beat the hell out of him (understandably so)at least he did not retaliate by beating the the crap out of her in return. A guy who can bench press 300 pounds can, if he so choose, do serious damage.

And now, like I have heard others say, Who Cares?

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

President Obama is about to send more Troops to Afghanistan. Health insurance reform is still being done whatever is done about it in Congress. A creep that shot four cops is on the loose.

You're right RN. Who cares. Tiger Woods got his head cracked by his wife. Who needs health insurance anyway?

The Thin Blue Line said...

Obviously Tiger wants to keep his wife from being arrested. Domestic violence with injuries results in an arrest when the police are involved. She is in trouble, he is trying to make it all go away. Sorry, the price of fame makes it a story and those scratches on his face make it a criminal act by his wife. Time to call the attorneys, not the agents. This is not going to go away.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Your point makes me long for the good old days TBL. Years a go if your brother in law abused your sister, you and maybe another family member or two would find him and kick his ass. Nobody said anything because the jerk needed a good thumping.

Now it's different. If Tiger cheated I'm with Debbie on this up to a point. The guy shouldn't be hung but if the Mrs. hits him with a golf club he deserved it. She doesn't deserve jail. Most of the women in my life think she deserves a medal.

TOM said...

Who cares?

I could care less about Tiger, or any other celeb.

I do care about unequal justice between the rich and the poor.

Which is what I thought Truth was talking about.

Leslie Parsley said...

TBL: I posted this a couple of hours ago on Truth's post before this one.

The Baltimor Sun just reported: 1)The Floriday Highway patrol has denied claims that they are trying to get med records; 2) "He’s only required to provide us with specific information, which he has complied with: driver’s license, registration, proof of insurance."

The following is a link to the Atlanta Constitution blog.

The only thing I'm going to say as I bow out of this very tiresome silly debate is that Tiger is a public figure - not an elected official. There's a difference.

The Thin Blue Line said...

Medical records and a search warrant are different. Yes that is true.

But he IS required to answer to the police in regard to the events leading to damaging property.

The Thin Blue Line said...

Leslie Parsley said...Tiger is a public figure - not an elected official. There's a difference.

That has nothing to do with what I just wrote above.
No there is not a difference.

Anonymous said...

He should run for politics seeing the way he's able to obfuscate the truth. He should just admit his wife wasn't happy he was hanging out with a bimbo so she took a club and beat him over his nappy head. Once he admits who he had sex with and how many times, then the public will be satisfied, maybe even forgiving and move on to the next celebrity stuck in deep doo doo.

He should change his name to Liar Woods

Leslie Parsley said...

Anonymous Chicken: It ain't your business or mine who he's had sex with, even if it's only his wife. Nor is it my business who you've had sex with, providing you have, of course.

TBL: I understand what you're saying but the FHP fellow said Woods had answered the pertinent questions.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

How soon before Phil Mickelson and Jack Nicklaus get asked about Tiger Woods' situation?

I was a scratch golfer at one time. TMZ should ask me.

You were pretty tough on the anonymous guy Leslie. Not as tough as Elin was on Tiger with the nine iron. But nonetheless, I dig your program Sister.

Leslie Parsley said...

Truth: Why? Because I asked about his sex life? ; )

In all truth, Truth, I have a serious dislike of people who hide behind the Anon label. I mean, where are their balls?

But I promise not to bring out my nine iron.

Anonymous said...

Leslie Parsley said...

Anonymous Chicken: It ain't your business or mine who he's had sex with, even if it's only his wife. Nor is it my business who you've had sex with, providing you have, of course.

It's my business if I want it to be. Who the hell are you to tell me what is and what isn't?

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Leslie is a widely respected blogger who doesn't hide behind the anonymous posting Anonymous. Whereas you are an insignificant clown who should consider herself lucky that bloggers the caliber of Leslie even acknowlege your pathetic existence.

Karen said...

There's bigger fish to fry then Tiger... like the Prez's speech tomorrow getting us into deeper dodo in Afghanistan.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I was waiting to make a real comment about his Afghanistan strategy until I heard the speech. I have a bad feeling abou this though Karen.

Law and Order Teacher said...

It is interesting to see the POTUS trying to govern. He reminds me of the guy on Ed Sullivan who spun plates on sticks. He would run around all over the stage to get the slow ones spinning so they don't fall. It was hilarious.

This act isn't so funny. He's really up against it on a lot of issues. He needs to go with his gut and make a decision. Reelection will happen or not. Do your job. Make a decision and stand by it. Some plates may have to fall.

The only problem is he is putting other people's kids in harm's way. Campaigning fun. Governing? Not so much.

Good day sir.

Jack Jodell said...

Everybody seems to be focusing on Tiger Woods, but I see the problem as the entire upper-wealthy class being able to skate by while the overwhelming majority of those beneath them have to struggle every day with mortgages, health care costs, rising education costs, and frozen wages with a very uncertain job horizon. As Vigilante says, "Tax the very wealthy to make everyone healthy!" I would hike the top tax bracket by a minimum of 15% WITH NO DEDUCTIONS, and I would tax that lying, self-centered Sarah Palin 95% on the proceeds of her book!

Daveinboca said...

YES< we do have bigger fish to fry! WASHINGTON, DC – 11/30/09 – The couple that crashed a State Dinner at the White House
Tareq and Michaele Salahi,had ties to the American Task Force on Palestine, and they first met Barack Obama in 1997. Washington has confirmed.
But not only that: ATFP President Ziad Asali is an America-basher who blamed 9/11 on U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Asali was a lead U.S. official to PLO terrorist Yassir Arafat's funeral in 2004.
who may have been there posing as a team from Bravo TV, (the husband-wife team has been auditioning for a role on Bravo’s “Real Housewives of Washington D.C.”), so Bravo should either hire them as resourceful, or more likely turn over all correspondence to the Secret Service under threat of abetting potential terrorists and revoking Bravo’s FCC license – if the network was involved in the set-up.

Don't believe it? Google it!

Wolf Howling said...

Wow, I just read the story that Dave from Boca posted about and you know what? This is big.

You know it's a pretty big story when it's the second lead story on the national news over the weekend even bigger than those White House party crashers and the prevailing theory right now at least among the women is that he had an affair and she wanted to wrap a golf club around his neck, just saying.

And thanks Dave, I did google it and you're right it is true.
Another case of wagging the Dogs Tail?
Is this another diversion?

Mike said...

Let's see, Daveinboca, you're saying that the Salahis "met Barack Obama in 1997"? Kinda like how they "met him" on the weekend?

And the ATFP (which I guess is scary cuz it has "Palestine" in its name) is headed by "an America-basher who blamed 9/11 on U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East"? Ooh, that's bad, cuz people shouldn't ever consider how U.S. foreign policy might have blowback on Americans. We simply shouldn't acknowledge that some people might not accept casually everything Washington does, right?

"Asali was a lead U.S. official to PLO terrorist Yassir Arafat's funeral in 2004." Do you have the same contempt for people with even the slightest association with Israeli terrorists like Menachim Begin and Ariel Sharon?

I recall a "Daveinboca" trolling Crooks & Liars. Go back there, Dave, and let C&L readers deal with your nonsense.

Daveinboca said...

Stimpson before you shoot off your uninformed mouth do a little research yourself. I'd suggest that you start with Google
But here's a few links for you just in case you don't know how.

And another thing you ass-hole, I've NEVER been on Crooks & Liars.
But the name sounds like the kind of place you would be on.

BTW, is this you that they are talking about here?

Dave In Boca said...

Grung_e_Gene said...

It's Tiger's Right to Fuck whomever he wishes, it's his wife's right to take millions of dollars from him because of it. However, several other things.

Ah, another class act on truth101;s list of classless idiots.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Hi Dave in Boca who is really from New York and has about a hundred different monikers he/she posts under.

As a service to my readers I try to interact with them on the level they choose. It is with this in mind I cordially invite you to go fuck yourself.

Mike said...

Hear hear. What Truth said.

And, Dave, no I will not waste my time reading from your suggested reading list.

Whether it's 9-11 Truthers or Deathers or Birthers or what have you, kooks always want people to wade through at least 10,000 words of garbage that "proves" their point.

Mike said...

And another thing: A quick Google (daveinboca crooksandliars)search reveals, among many things, this:
one Daveinboca on C&L.

But yeah, I know, that's a different Dave. Suuuuure.

Igor said...

So what? He's got a right to voice his opinion like anyone else, dosn't he Comrade.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I guess I could narrow this down to the shithead from Long Beach New York fucking himself.

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Tim said...

Your Lordship, You could easily turn this post into a world class Novel.;)

Oh I'm in if we are getting stoned dude..