Monday, November 16, 2009


As honored as I am that President Obama is taking my advice and bringing Gitmo prisoners to one of our empty Illinois prisons because our freaking legislators suck up to republicans and won't raise the taxes to pay for their opening, I am also bemused by the latest Illinois republican to say something totally ignorant about this.

Republican candidate for governor, Dan Proft, was outraged that Gitmo prisoners could be coming to Illinois. He railed that it would be unsafe. The man is a freaking idiot.

What makes Proft's stupidity even more outrageous is that Governor Quinn is about to release thousands of prisoners early because the state can't afford to keep them in prison. But this Proft moron doesn't think that's unsafe?

Of course this idiot and the chorus of other republican gubernatorial candidates promise not to raise taxes. I think the Democrats do also but their stupidity and cowardly pandering to tea baggers and the like will be ripped at another time.

Why don't these republicans think we can't guard dangerous assholes and dispense justice on American Soil? Why do they proclaim "Liberty and Justice for all" when they mean only a few? They have no problem creating jobs for Blackwater and Haliburton. Why aren't the rest of the American Workers as important to them?

I think we all know the answer. Building prisons brings in big donations from contractors. Running them doesn't.


guenavere said...

I was unsurprised that Obama would use Eric Holder to arrange a show-trial in New York as his whole presidency has been aimed at attemptine to please his base by engineering the eventual prosecution of the Bush administration. Note Hillary's smarmy remarks about Bush policies in Afghanistan on Meet the Press or Obama's remarks in Asia on our exceptionalism being the same throughout the globe.

Patrick Leahy's equating Kalid Sheik Mohammed to Timothy McVeigh as criminals (not terrorists) equals his constant attempts on the Intelligence Committee to halt all the Bush policies related to terrorism and his success at ruining the reputation of John Yu and others who wrote opinions on torture.

My sympathies to all of you New Yorkers. You are in for a dangerous and bumpty ride.
Why doesn't Eager Eric go all the way and subcontract the whole show to Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey? They could hold the trial in Madison Square Garden and sell tickets for, say, $300 a pop, and contribute the proceeds to The DNC.

This ass-hole Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and his minions should not even be able to breathe the air in NYC. They should NEVER be able to see where the Twin Towers stood. This is an abomination. AG Holder is doing exactly what he has wanted to do, put America on trial through this fiasco. All you will hear is torture, waterboarding,Gitmo, etc. Doubtful you'll hear much about the 3,000 souls that were lost on that day. I think a more productive use of the Justice Department's time would be putting Obama and his administration on trial for trying to destroy America. I'm beginning to believe they are a bigger threat than radical Islam.

This is just the latest outrage from the Alien-in-Chief. I don't think this guy has any idea how much fury is building toward him and his entire administration as a result of such moves. No wonder he finds it so easy to bow to every foreign monarch he meets. He's probably used to scraping his head on the ground with his hole in the air five times a day when he prays to Allah.
Whether you are republican or democrat, liberal or conservative, you should all be concerned about this. It is dangerous, a slap in the face to the victims families, they will have to live the horror all over again of what happened to their loved ones as the trial drags on. This just shows Obama's indifference to the safety of this country.Oh, i foegot. He doesnt believe the war on terror exists

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

How many monikers do you have guenavere?

But as long as you're here dummy; Charles Manson is an asshole and he's still in jail. The Blind Sheik is another asshole who's still in jail. Chalk another couple assholes in the clink up to good old fashioned Constitutional American Justice. Yay America!

Mike said...

U.S. prisons have successfully held incredibly dangerous, sick murderers. I see no reason to believe they can't manage to do the same with guys transferred from Gitmo.

Guenavere, you need to learn the value of brevity.

PSI Bond said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tha malcontent said...

Stimpson said...
U.S. prisons have successfully held incredibly dangerous, sick murderers. I see no reason to believe they can't manage to do the same with guys transferred from Gitmo.

YOU BOTH SEEM TO NOT UNDERSTAND THE WHOLE PICTURE. I get what you are saying, I really do,
but what happens if KSM or any of the other 9/11 defendants the Obama administration is bringing to New York for criminal prosecutions -- including Ramzi Bin al-Shibh, Walid bin Attash, Ali Abdul Aziz Ali and Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi -- are somehow found not guilty?
Tried in a civilian court, there is nothing to stop a judge from throwing out all evidence as tainted. At that point there is nothing that can be done but drop the case and all charges.
And am sick of hearing Hillary Clinton saying how 'fitting it is' for them to be tried in the shadow of their crime! What Bull shit that is!
Attorney General Eric Holder brushed off the question, saying, "I would not have authorized the bringing of these prosecutions unless I thought that the outcome -- in the outcome we would ultimately be successful. I will say that I have access to information that has not been publicly released that gives me great confidence that we will be successful in the prosecution of these cases in federal court."

Not everyone is so confident, of course. KSM, for instance, was subjected to "enhanced interrogation techniques" that many consider torture. This includes being waterboarded 183 times in a one month. Could this undermine the case against him?

Fears of giving KSM the rights afforded defendants in a criminal case have led some to conclude that a military tribunal might be a better venue for him.

Nothing would surprise me less. American courts found OJ Simpson “not guilty”. And American courts found Michael Jackson “not guilty”.
Holder didn't think OJ or Mikie boy were guilty either....

All it will take is one Muslim on the jury and you can bet there will be more than one.

OJ and the Blacks on his jury showed them the way why not find the 9/11 defendants “not guilty” too? YES WE CAN. And Obama will come out and say "Justice has been served."

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Marcia Clark won't be prosecuting these jokers and Lance Ito won't be judging. I have faith in America and our system of justice. I don't know why the righties hate justics and America so much.

Holte Ender said...

guenavere seems to be unhappy at what the Obama Administration is doing. She would probably be just as unhappy if AG Holder had done nothing to change the status quo and she would bitch about that too. It's a cry wolf type of complaining, if a person moans about absolutely everything, it's hard to know what is really upsetting them.

Shaw Kenawe said...

guenavere said...

My sympathies to all of you New Yorkers. You are in for a dangerous and bumpty ride.

Another panty-staining rightwinger spreading fear, fear, fear!

This one believes the United States of America is a wimpy little weakling country incapable of holding the perpetrators of 9/11 and trying them?

They think America is weak and a second-rate country unable to deliver justice under its own Constitution?

So this is the country George W. Bush left us? I see.

The Founding Fathers all threw up a little in their mouths at what the hysterical, cowardly little guenavere just typed.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

There is absolutely ZERO chance KSM will not be found guilty. I'm sure that if that were to happen Republicans would be calling for President Obama's head (impeachment). He certainly wouldn't be elected to a second term. The evidence being "tainted" because of the torture is a valid point, but they MUST be confident they can make their case using other evidence. There is NO WAY they would be going down this road unless they were extremely confident that the trial would result in a guilty verdict.

I'm not sure that George knew how much fury was building towards him. He ignored it most of the time but at other times seemed to take pride in his low poll numbers.

I'm glad that President Obama didn't take his cue from George HW who thought proper protocol was to puke in the Prime Minister's lap.

BTW I just watched some archival footage of Republican President Nixon bowing to Japanese Emperor Hirohito and Republican President Eisenhower bowing to French President Charles DeGaulle (on Olbermann).

I don't know if dupes like guenavere are too stupid or too brainwashed to acknowledge the truth when it is presented to them. I expect the bowing controversy to continue despite the facts (video footage of two Republican Presidents bowing to foreign leaders).

I'm OK with KSM being tried for his crimes in NY, and I'd be OK with GWB being tried there as well. They can sent him to that Illinois prison as well. Maybe they'll end up cellies. Or execute both of them. That would be my preference.

Anonymous said...

I like the terrorists coming to Illinois. If the few theyre sending here creats 3,000 jobs then send all of them here and create 30,000 jobs.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

An update to the original Speak:

Andy McKenna, the former longtime chairman of the Illinois republican party is against opening a prison that has never been open also. This McKenna idiot also labels himself "the outsider" if the republcan race for Illinois governor. The man is a shithead.

TomCat said...

Thanks for exposing the prison-industrial complex. Running them can too though. Feeding all those prisoners is a great source for proson graft.

Jerry Critter said...

I am truly amazed by the amount of fear expressed by guenavere and tha malcontent. I mean seriously. What is their problem? These terrorists are just men. They are not superhumans. They are just very bad people. We deal with very bad people all the time.

The worst thing in the world is not if any of them get off on a technicality. If they do, it is because someone fucked up. We are a country of laws and there are laws and procedures that must be followed. Screw up and the person get off. That's the way the system works, and it works very well.

So, quit with the fear. We have over 200 terrorists in jail now that have been successfully prosecuted through our judicial system. The system works. Fear does not.