Sunday, November 1, 2009


I was reading Leslie Parsley's great blog, Parsley's Pics, a while ago. She had a good post about another Republican being caught in a sex scandal in South Carolina. There was a stripper, cemetery, sex toys and Viagra involved so it must have been a load of fun before the guy got caught. For him anyway. He was 66. The stripper was 18. I doubt any of her orgasms were of the real variety.
That got me to thinking though. Whenever these jokers get caught doing their dirty deeds, they have to deny. Then parade their wives around. Get a preacher and a big Bible for photo ops. Go on Oprah. All the other crap to convince us they're sorry.
It's all bullshit. They guys aren't sorry other than being sorry they got caught. And they ain't fooling anyone either. We all know Larry Craig was looking for Mr. Goodbar in that airport bathroom. Bill Clinton was able to experience what damn few of the rest of is ever will. It goes on and on.
So. Instead of all the apologies and crap that goes with it, why not another form of defense that has been working for Republicans very well. Don't be sorry. Brag about it.
Think about it. Congressman Joe Wilson is a right wing hero. He got over 2.7 million donated to his campaign after he shouted "you lie." Congressman Grayson called Republicans murderers. He's a left wing hero. Rightfully so.
I have no doubt that if Mark Sanford would have just come clean from the start and said "Hell yeah I was doin the Argentine hottie. Best piece of ass I ever had. If you re-elect me Governor, I'll work hard to make sure everyone gets a great piece of ass!" I don't care who you are. What you political persuasion or religious convictions are. Unless you're a frigid nutjob, a great piece of ass is worth any tax cut. (Nobody is watching you read this ladies. You don't have to pretend to be embarrassed.)
Alas. They will as always, refuse to listen and we'll be subject to more hollow apologies from these lechers. And that's too bad. This Country could use some honest lechers.


Law and Order Teacher said...

Didn't someone say "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely?" Politicians in general are of the species that requires washing after contact.

Election day is approaching. I wonder if there is disinfectant after you vote?

Jerry Critter said...

I agree. They are only sorry that they got caught, not that they did the deed. The rich and powerful live in a different world and by different rules than the rest of us.

Holte Ender said...

It must be something in the South Carolina water that's driving all these scandals. Their elected officials seem to be having competition among themselves to see who can be caught being the most outrageous. And the winner is . . .

Pamela Zydel said...

Truth: Good morals have gone to the way-side and self-gratification is all that's left. It's sad, really. My husband and I are doing the best we can to instill good values in our sons. But if the majority of parents aren't doing the same, what are my kids up against when they go out and try to find future mates? Because it's not just men who are lacking in the values department these days.

Buck Ofama said...

Hilarious post!

Mr. Mxyzptlk said...

Care For A Little Waffle With Your Bullshit?

Sources tell ABC News that as of now President Obama will likely announce his decision about a new strategy in Afghanistan at some point between the Afghan run-off election, November 7, and the president’s departure for Tokyo, Japan, on Wednesday, November 11.

There is a chance the announcement may be delayed until the president’s return from the Asia trip on Friday, November 20, but as of now the plan is to have the announcement in that window.

Will likely? At some point? There is a chance?

Good gawd. This sounds like Cox Cable scheduling a repair a week from Saturday sometime between 10 and 4 o'clock.

Flaky fuck.

If he would only take the war as seriously as he does socialized medicine..

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

From Think Progress... Sen. John Ensign (R-NV) reportedly received a "round of applause" from his GOP colleagues today [after it was disclosed that he cheated on his wife].

Ensign's welcome is similar to the reaction Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) received, when "he was welcomed back to a closed Republican Senate luncheon with a loud standing ovation" after admitting his involvement with an escort service run by the DC Madam.

However, Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID) — who faced charges of lewd sexual conduct in a men's public restroom — faced calls to resign. [end article excerpt]

The Senate Republicans DID let their true feelings be known, Truth. Ensign and Vitter both got some on the side WITH A WOMAN, successfully feigned sincere regret, and so deserved their applause.

Republican politicos STAND for family values. It is one of the tools they use to win the support of the gullible middle to low income voters (the dupes who vote against their own interests to whom you often refer). It isn't required that they practice it, although, if caught, they sure as hell ARE require to lie about being sorry.

The same way they lie about being the party of fiscal responsibility.

Saying "I'll work hard to make sure everyone gets a great piece of ass!" would get ANY politican drumed out of office in a heartbeat. Which is why they all lie about it.

You might think that a Republican, belonging to the party of family values, would be more vulnerable to a sex scandal. Actually the opposite is true. All they have to do is (1) feign sincere regret, (2) apologize to their wife, their colleagues and the voters, (3) pray to God for guidance and (4) keep your damn mouth shut regarding any details.

Any Republican following those four rules will be forgiven (and applauded). Mark Sanford divulged way to many details. The idiot wouldn't shut up re: the "sparking", etc... and that's why he's still in trouble.

Mr. Mxyzptlk .. said...

w-dervish, You know something Mate? You remind me of when I was young and stupid. But I'm sure you'll be a bit more senseless once you've taken your medication.
Are you aware that in an Independent Women’s Forum poll, nearly two-thirds of American woman stated that they would rather have private health insurance than a government run plan. Are women now considered hate mongers, anti-American and racist because they are against Obama’s socialist take over of health care? Did you know that flakeface?

Leslie Parsley said...

Thanks for the compliment.

I am woman, as I hope you know. Why in hell do these women who's husbands can't keep their flys zipped just stand there taking abuse and public humiliation?

Here's a bipartisan list of transgressors:

Sorry, HTML and I can't seem to have a meeting of the minds.

Leslie Parsley said...

"Because it's not just men who are lacking in the values department these days."

I think the issue here revolves around politicians. In doing research for my aforementioned post, I found mention of a study on women political types and extra-marital affairs. Not one was found.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Not that I would have taken your criticism seriously whatever pejorative you used to describe me... but "flakeface"?? I think namecalling and insults (implying I need medication) reveals which one of us is the immature one. You've implied you're no longer young, so you must be old and stupid.

You don't even know what the topic we're discussing is! Truth101's post wasn't on health care insurance. I didn't mention health care insurance in my reply. I guess you couldn't refute the fact that the Republicans are huge hypocrites when it comes to sex scandals. And liars when they brand themselves the "family values" party (my allegations, not Truth's). So you changed the topic.

BTW the Independent Women's Forum is a conservative organization. I've heard of them. I guess that means that 1/3 of CONSERVATIVE women believe we SHOULD have "socialist" health care insurance.

Are you aware that the League of Women Voters believes the "Public Option is Vital for Health Care Reform"? (Oct 23, 2009)

According to Nancy Ratzan, president of the National Council of Jewish Women, "7 in 10 women are either uninsured or underinsured, struggling to pay a medical bill or experiencing another cost-related problem in accessing needed care".

Which makes me wonder "MISTER Mxyzptlk", why do you hate women? Why else would you be in favor of a system where "Insurers can legally discriminate on the basis of gender in 38 states, and the cost of insurance policies for women can be 40% higher than policies for men"?

Also, no Democrat has ever even suggested that policy differences equate to "hate mongering", "anti-Americanism" or racism. That's your side USING the racists in your party to try and gain a political advantage.

First, by allowing them to spread their racist filth by not calling them out. Second, by lying about the existence of racists in your party. And third, by branding all criticism coming from the Left as including a charge of racism.

TAO said...

Truth, Right is Right did not post my response and it had something to do with the fact that I listed all the neocons and conservatives who are also members of the Trilateral Commission, including Dick Cheney and Paul Wofowitz...

Then I go over to Pam's blog and post something about how absolutely sad this thing labeled 'healthcare reform' really is and of course the fools over there want me to defend the bill so they have someone to vent their anger and hostility at...

Truthfully, this country couldn't legislate its ass out of a paper bag!

I don't need any lecture on the evils of socialism...hell, supply side economics was socialism and our government leaders are nothing but pawns for corporate America and them folks don't give a rat's ass about this country or its citizens!

THAT INDICTMENT INCLUDES DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS....and you can add Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Sarah Palin to the bunch also...BECAUSE ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY...its all about THEIR money!

We fight in Iraq and in Afghanistan and the first oil contract Iraq issues is to a Dutch oil company! Afghanistan just gave the rights to a huge copper mine in their country to the Chinese!

We bail out Wall Street because of our responsiblity to the global financial system....

Oh, and then the right wants to lecture me on the wonders of capitalism and free they have a clue!

I say REVOLUTION! Its time the individual citizens stood up and took their country back from both the government and from the corporate interests that have made us all pawns to their needs!



Its a shame that the dream that our founding fathers had for this country are being sold up river by old white guys for the price of a night with an 18 year old girl!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'm a small time guy TAO. I'd be content right now taking my Democratic Party back from the corporate shills that have hijacked it. We're even being held hostage by the freaking tea bag crowd.

I don't know what the deal with the guy with the weird name is here but WD is owning that joker.

And in keeping with my well earned reputation for being fair and balanced, I agree that if the republicans applauded Ensign and Vitter for their affairs, they should have also applauded Larry Craig. Probably should have given him an even bigger hand because the piece of ass he got was literal. Those republican bastards begrudged poor Larry an honest piece of ass. Typical of them.

TAO said...

I got an off subject question...

Exactly what does an 18 year old girl do while some 66 year old man is having sex with her?

Can't help but ask because the visual is just too hard to imagine!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Depends on what she's getting paid to do TAO.