Friday, August 7, 2009


There are just some decisions that for some reason everyone accepts as a good idea even when they are unimaginative or just plain useless.
How many countries have we or the U.N. "sanctioned"?
Dozens I guess. I don't know. I don't care because sanctions are like what I say about the asshole. It's never wise to put one in charge, but for some reason, an asshole almost always end up in charge.
Sanctions are handy for politicians because they give politicians a convenient plan that makes the public think something is being done. Who hasn't heard a politician or diplomat or whatever angrily say "We put sanctions on them for their unacceptable behavior!" The aides and supporters all stand around angrily nodded their heads because these sanctions are going to show the evil doers who the boss is. They better change or else we'll slap more sanctions on them.
The sad truth is the "Sanctioned" don't give a rat's ass about being sanctioned. Castro is still smoking his fine cigars and thumbing his nose at the U.S.A. From a wheelchair I admit. But his country has national health care. He's fine. Kim Jung Il probably wiped his ass with the last batch of sanctions he was sent. Iran is still governed by assholes.
Castro is going to die of old age. That will show him.
Khomeini died of old age. He got what was coming to him. Served him right living to an old age.
Those sanctions sure showed them.


Bob said...


Are You talking about the Clinton's?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

That's a question you will have to ask President Obama and David Axlerod Bob.

Joe Kelly said...

Bill Clinton is my hero Bob.

Can we swear here Truth?

Anonymous said...
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Carl Wicklander said...

I'm with you on the issue of sanctions, Truth. I'd love to see bad guys punished, but if we impose sanctions, what's to stop these thugs from continuing to steal from their people? We put sanctions on Saddam for years and he was able to starve his people and blame the US for their misfortune while he continued to live a life of comparative luxury. Sanctions aren't worth the trouble and empower the people we say we're trying to punish.

Law and Order Teacher said...

You're right on here. Sanctions are worthless. Carl hit the nail on the head. Sanctions really only punish the people in the sanctioned countries.

The bad guys always live well and deprive the people of what they need while stealing all the goodies the Americans send because we're guilty about the effects of the sanctions.

As long as the UN is put in charge of distributing goods to countries that are sanctioned, the goods go right into the hands of the despots.

The UN shouldn't be placed in charge of anything that requires intelligence and/or balls to administer.

Sanctions will always be worthless with the UN as the conduit for distribution of guilt supplies.

Good day, sir.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Agreed LAOT. But in deferrence to Average American, I conceded the uselessness of the U.N. to him months ago. He did offer to buy the first round if he ever came through town though.

Law and Order Teacher said...

The offer stands for me too. I'll buy you a good old American beer made by union guys. Bud always tastes better.