While the enemies of truth spew their venomous attacks, I continue my struggle to bring affordable health care to all Americans. Bring our brave Troops home from ill planned occupations. And other All American, patriotic Christian stuff.
While Truth 101 supports paying more tax to save the burden of our generations reckless spending from succeeding generations. And support the programs that serve our Nation, my detractors defend the spend and borrow policies of the previous administration. They unpatriotically, and most certainly unChristianly demand their taxes not increase despite occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan that they support have drained our treasury and dig our Great nation further into financial abyss.
While millions suffer without health insurance, these deluded right wing fools chant right wing vitriol that we can't afford to insure their fellow Americans. They insult Jesus and our Founding Fathers by putting their wallets ahead of the health and well being of their Countrymen. Yet they demand the occupations foreign lands be funded.
The unChristian Right faithfully attends church every Sunday. They shake hands with the preacher and show off their wholesome looking families all dressed up and looking sanctimonious. Over Sunday brunch these same God fearing knaves demand our nation torture anyone that might look like a terrorist. (Arab)
Just as our Saviour, Jesus, endured the taunts and venom of the deluded fools 2000 years ago, I also shall endure the vitriol of today's deluded fools. Just as our Founding Fathers toiled to form a more perfect union, I shall also toil.
Jesus and the Founding Fathers would want it this way.
I agree that there can be a lot of hypocrisy from the radicals. I think if Jesus and our forefathers were here today they would be appalled. We are not the country that we once were. We have fallen into corporate and personal greed. We call our brothers and sisters enemies. We don't look out for our fellow man anymore. I look at the country and it makes me sad. I have always had such pride in this country, but I look at it now and I see it slipping away. I have this sense of defeat and the more I read and the more I hear, it continues to grow. We have so many issues right now, economically, and with health care that we need to come together as a united front to deal with them. We have to stop this all or nothing attitude and figure out what will work best. I said this on Pam's post too, but I don't think there is any issue that we can't fix with a little give and take. The left and right would rather bicker back and forth then to try and come up with an idea together. That is not American, that is a country divided!!
...Onward Christian Soldiers!
I notice that you are by far the most popular of Liberal Bloggers and remember, it doesn't matter what they say as long as they spell your name right!
Here are some wise words from Maureen Dowd in today's NYTimes:
"If I read all the vile stuff about me on the Internet, I’d never come to work. I’d scamper off and live my dream of being a cocktail waitress in a militia bar in Wyoming.
If you’re written about in a nasty way, it looms much larger for you than for anyone else. Gossip goes in one ear and out the other unless you’re the subject. Then, nobody’s skin is thick enough.
“The velocity and volume on the Web are so great that nothing is forgotten and nothing is remembered,” says Leon Wieseltier, the literary editor of The New Republic. “The Internet is like closing time at a blue-collar bar in Boston. Everyone’s drunk and ugly and they’re going to pass out in a few minutes.”
You and I have been constantly vilified and smeared by SOME rightwingers, not all.
There will always be hateful and disturbed people on the fringes of both sides.
Pay no attention to them. They add nothing to any discussion and use their invective to satisfy their own deep seated unhappiness and feelings of inadequacy.
Their slurs and smears will not harm you or me, because soon those who continue to post them will be passed out on that virtual blue-collar bar floor somewhere in Boston.
"If you’re written about in a nasty way, it looms much larger for you than for anyone else. Gossip goes in one ear and out the other unless you’re the subject. Then, nobody’s skin is thick enough"
Very interesting quote, and it is so true! I have a feeling that I am going to be joining you in the name calling department, because I have just posted a comment that I don't think they are going to like very much. I have had it with the irrational ranting of some on the right, because it ruins everything we have worked so hard toward.
I just love watching the Socialists – i.e., the Demonrats– self-destruct
Your Marxist Messiah a like a one winged plane piloted by a moron. The quicker it falls the better for America.
More blasphemy from the Godless Liberal Truth, now he compares himself to Jesus.
It’s official now. Liberals, Democrats,libaturds et al, have all gone nuts. My gosh! Is this the Democratic Party that fought for equal rights and equality of religion?
Jesus loves you Makes No Sense guy. And so does Truth 101. And remember my friend, no matter how deluded and silly your comments are, I'm proud that you can still excersize your freedom of speech and post them.
Could you explain what you mean by "equality of religion?" I've never heard that phrase, and I don't know what it refers to.
Great post. Why conservatives, many who view themselves as religiously superior (like the "makes no sense" guy) are in favor of the insurance companies making obscene profits, yet are OK with an estimated 18,000 people dying each year due to a lack of healthcare -- I don't get it.
And what's with the nonsensical argument that we "can't afford" national healthcare or a public option? I think we can't afford to NOT pass this legislation.
HOW THE HECK can a goverment entity operating at no profit be MORE expensive than the health insurance companies who want 30 to 35 percent profit???
This will help us compete against the other industrialized nations, all of which have national healthcare (the US and China are the only two countries that manufacture autos and do NOT have national healthcare).
A national healthcare program would create an economic boon.
This man wants socialism if not downright communism. He basically said so when he tried to silenced his critics only to show his logic towards socialism by stating they were right in the sense that what we were criticizing is already happening, so his conclusion is to completely socialize medicine. I just wonder how many picked up on the logical deduction and gaffe. Given how our education system is against critical thinking, I doubt many since the lame stream media broadcast the statements.
His statement about our veterns tells two distinct attitudes. First, and most obvious, he hates the military. They go to war that the government declares and then he wants them to suffer the consequences by throwing them under the bus. Seems to be a lot of that going with Obama. Useful idiots, in his mind, are expendable. The other is his attitude about how to control costs with health care. By not providing it to those that need it the most. Men and women who bravely fight for their country and his attitude is to control costs by throwing them under the bus and blaming THEM for not incurring the cost of the government's action, rather we agree with it or not they are obligated to go, and to question their patriotism. The man makes me sick and shows he's downright evil. I guess if the secret service takes a bullet for him, his attitude will be, you knew the risks, now deal with it while he bleeds to death in the street. I wonder what more this man has to do to get the public screaming that America has made one big arrogant mistake already (anagram intended).
The wrap is this man want's to control every aspect of our lives and some. He's a pure Marxist at its worse. If he gets control of health care and gains absolute power of the industry, it's clear. Sick people need to do what's "right" and die. Injured people need to suffer. Only those on he higher end of value scale are to receive treatment. If this isn't the trait of evil, then we have gone through the looking glass and have made good evil and evil good. Right wrong and wrong right. We have then truly entered bizzaro world and that's one citizenship I rather not have.
Buttercup82 said... This man wants socialism if not downright communism. ...so his conclusion is to completely socialize medicine. His statement about our veterns...
Buttercup, I think, is telling us about a nightmare he had recently. He probably got high while watching Glenn Beck and Rush - and this is what his drug addled brain came up with.
President Obama is not a socialist. Single payer was off the table BEFORE the negotiating began. No one has ever even suggested that we "completely socialize medicine", although it seems to work pretty well for our veterans - for whom President Obama has only praise. He's never suggested that we disregard our responsibility to provide for them medically after they return from war (even an illegal one).
Sick people doing what's "right" by dying or suffering without treatment -- that's the system we have now. The one you, and the insurance corporations who make obscene amounts profits by denying treatment, want to preserve.
If you ultimately wish to renounce your citizenship - I wish you luck. All the other industrialized countries have national healthcare programs, so I don't know where you're going to go.
w-dervish: "...although it seems to work pretty well for our veterans."
My father was a career officer and a WWII veteran.
He had many, many dealings with the VA.
I have many other friends who, as veterans had to deal with the VA, too.
Not one of them EVER had anything good to say about the long waits, the put-off appointments, the quality of the care (my dad stopped the replacement of the wrong knee by a VA doctor...just in time. The best man at my wedding had his crushed ankle put on crooked by a VA doctor and had three operations to correct the mistake). You'd think I would have met at least one satisfied customer.
If you think it is working well for our veterans, you are totally, completely, absolutely uninformed.
Joe said... If you think it is working well for our veterans, you are totally, completely, absolutely uninformed.
I'll agree that one of us is totally, completely, and absolutely uninformed. Care provided by the VA can't be both "Superior to That in Private Hospitals" and as terrible as you make it out to be. My information comes from articles like the following...
VA Care Is Rated Superior to That in Private Hospitals: The Department of Veterans Affairs medical system once epitomized poor-quality care. But after a series of changes, the system has been hailed in recent years as a model for health care reform. ...survey results ... indicate that those improvements have translated into a high level of satisfaction among veterans getting treated by the rehabilitated VA.
As well as comments from conservatives (like Bill Kristol, for instance)
(Excerpt from The Daily Show: 7/27/2009)
Bill Kristol: ...The American public do not deserve the same quality health care as our soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan deserve... One of the ways we make it up to the soldiers, since they're risking their lives, we give them first-class health care.
Jon Stewart: Get this on the record. Bill Kristol said that the government can run a "first class health care system". And a government-run health care system is better than the private health care system. I just want to get this down: "The government runs the best health care". (YouTube Link)
The people you mentioned -- how many of them are CURRENTLY using the VA system and still thinking it stinks? If your answer is none I'd say your information is outdated. Maybe you're right and I'm wrong, but what you're saying just doesn't comport with what I've heard the current state of VA care is.
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