Thursday, August 20, 2009


As loathe as I am to poke fun at my deluded right wing counterparts, I can't help myself. It's almost as if they conspire to make me comment on their foolish behaviors.
My good friend Pamela of the fine blog, Oracular Opinion, most recent speak is telling her friends about and exciting new blog dedicated to bashing liberals. It's called Bash Liberals, or something like that.
Like they needed yet another blog they could all join and congratulate each others latest attack on me, Shaw, or one of our other Liberal Brothers and Sisters.
A common theme going on amongst the righties now is acting offended that the idiot woman who used the nazi comparison when asking Barney Frank a question was appropriately answered. The woman deserved no respect. She got the answer she deserved.
I figure one of the righties will visit here in defiance of Bluepitbull's orders and copy and paste this to the new rightie site. All the righties will be up in arms and call me every name in the book because I had the gall to call an idiot an idiot. So as long as I'm pissing off a few righties, might as well go all in for old times sake:
Thank you for visiting Truth Shall Rule...


Unknown said...

Hmmm. Turns out the woman was a democrat. Oh well.

There are no orders.

James' Muse said...

I think using Nazi imagery to associate with any US president isn't right...there isn't a comparison to Nazi Germany (except for Stalinism) and to compare the US to Nazi Germany, from either side, is just not right.

Unknown said...

Oh there is a comparison to Nazism. It was pure socialism.

Polysci professors and history professors have spent a few decades trying to tell us that Nazism is right wing, but it's not. Stalinism was really no different. If you stack the deeds side by side, pretty much the same deal.

Easy to say that you think Nazi imagery is wrong now. I saw many years of Nazi comparisons to GWB.

Truth, if you can behave yourself, I'm willing to comment here. If you insult me, I won't.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

A truce, eh? I'm willing to see how it works. If President Obama is willing to talk to the enemy, so am I. I concede that you're an ideological enemy and not trying to kill anyone Bluepitbull. You did serve our Nation in the military and we all appreciate and honor your service. I will try and address you with the same respect I give LAOT and Tom The Redhunter.

Regarding the woman who's a Democrat that used the nazi thing, she's still an idiot. But I give you a nod of the head for pointing out her party leaning.

The Law said...

I seem to remember a certain presidential candidate saying something about changing the tone in Washington. And the tone is the same there, and the same everywhere.

I suppose Rome was not built in a day... lol

Kevin Robbins said...

Truth, you or I would have just told the loon to STFU. Frank told her to STFU more eloquently.

Anonymous said...

Oh Really?

Well take a GOOD look at this site and then answer your own question.

Anonymous said...

I saw the site too, gave it a visit. It was interesting.......

The reason Pam did a post about this new blog is because she was tired of people coming over to her blog and using it to rant and vent against you and Shaw. She even changed her comment policy so hopefully more people will be more respectful of her blog. She puts a lot of work into her posts and hopefully the focus can go from bashing libs to what she actually posts about.

Pamela Zydel said...

Thanks for the support Jenn.

And I'm glad Blue and Truth have "kissed" and made up. I'm proud of you two.

Now, let's get down to some serious blogging and FIX some problems. Where do we start first?

Patrick M said...

Pamela: I want to see the video of 101 and BPB kissing and making up before we all go onto fixing stuff. Just because it'd be messed up to watch.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Might as well start with peace between Arabs and Jews. If BPB and I can, there's no reason they can't.

Lynne said...

But Jews have brains!

Law and Order Teacher said...

Been busy lately with soccer and school starting. I have returned and shock of shocks detente has broken out. I wonder why I miss all the fireworks?

You are casting a long shadow by taking the high road. BPB and you both have a lot to say and it's good to have it out and the open.

Historically speaking, if John Adams and Thomas Jefferson can patch up their relationship and march off into eternity together, they both died on July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the Dec. of Indep., you and BPB can breathe the same air.

You sir, should continue to "Speak softly and carry a big schtick."

Good day, sir.

Shaw Kenawe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shaw Kenawe said...

The hilarious thing about their new Liberal bashing blog is that I went there to rebut how they bash me incessantly on the new blog [and you too TRUTH] BEHIND OUR BACKS. I was quite clever, if I may say so, in my pointing this out.

My comment was deleted, because the blog administrator said I was off topic.

More hilarity!

They are so unaware of how stupidly funny they are. The blog administrator said I was off topic, when the topic of the bashing was MOI!

I pointed this out to the blog administrator in another comment, and the blog administrator said some moronic thing about my bashing THEM in my comments.

The administrator actually said I was not allowed to bash people who are constantly bashing me behind my back!

I'm not making this up.

If there is another blog more stupid in the blogsphere, I have yet to see it.

I haven't stopped laughing since I read that post in their new sandbox.

Bless their little unaware hearts.

Let them have their fun. It's apparently what they need to give their lives meaning.

TRUTH and SHAW KENAWE are so important to their lives, that they've dedicated an entire blog to us! They like us! They really like us!!!!!

Meanwhile, it's been a laugh fest for me and my friends.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I am both honored and humbled the right thought enough of Shaw and myself that they would dedicate a blog to us. They fear Shaw and me more than they think we fear Sarah Palin.

TAO said...

Ah, so there exists another venue for reactionary anger management?

So now there will exist another blog where the unidentified can post one sentence of poor English and even poorer spelling as they spew their stupidity all over the page...

That's just what this world needs...

Anonymous said...

Say what you like, The man (Obama) is a fraud. He is completely changing America for the worst. He wants to be in complete control. I love my freedom. I work hard. I pay my bills. I take care of my family. I do not need or want Obama's help. I want him serving the American people, not pursuing his own Power agenda. I want him out of my life, and our of my business. Period.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You say that until your employer cuts off your health insurance Time Thief.

Anonymous said...

Who wants Obama's Health Care? Not me!!
Why is he pushing this socialist plan down our mouths?
All for the sake of insuring millions of illegals, more benefits for people on welfare (MEDICAID) and those that choose not to get their own insurance. So my question to all that want this government health care reform to go through...How many millions of people do you want to die for the sake of your health insurance? Do you want more government control over your life or less? Are you able to look into the eyes of your parents/grandparents, an injured veteran, a premature baby, senior, disabled child or adult and say...Sorry, I must let you die because I'm younger, healthier and I need health insurance?! Really dig deep within yourself and ask...How many do I want to kill for my health insurance coverage? Yes, we need health reform for all, but not this DEATH reform and more government control.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I want AS many people to die for health insurance as I wanted to die in Iraq Matt. Zero.

What's your plan Matt? I mean, aside from posting ridiculous accusations of socialism and millions dying because they have health insurance.

Shaw Kenawe said...

All for the sake of insuring millions of illegals,

I would like you to find EXACTLY which plan for health care reform mandates this. Please do not write such things unless you can back them up with evidence. Otherwise, we'll have to assume you're making stuff up.

Not Allowed On Bash Liberals said...

Big surprise! Pam's insult blog has now spawned a new hate blog. Big surprise, it was her idea and she was one of the first followers.

Pamela Zydel said...

Not Allowed: Stop hiding behind a fake name and come out in the open THEN make accusations about ME!

It was NOT my idea. Go back and READ and you will see who's idea it was. I did NOT create THAT blog. It was created by someone else, although I'm glad it was so that people would stop littering MY blog with garbage about Truth and Shaw and all kinds of other crap that didn't pertain to the topic at hand.