The Red Army is quaking in it's boots. They fear the unrelenting insults General Pitbull will heap upon them. They know General Pitbull and his secret plan to rip on American Workers and call TAO names will lead to their ultimate defeat. They shiver even more at what the General will unleash next.
All attempts by their intelligence service to hack into General Pitbull's site and steal his secret plan have been stopped by his mighty comment moderation key. Which he of course keeps secret also.
Traitorous dogs like Truth 101 and TAO will be hurled into detention camps with America hating union organizers. All will be required to shop at Walmart and kiss the statue of General Pitbull, the man that won them the freedom to work for $40 a month.
The rest for now, is a secret.
A copy of a comment I left at TAO's site is also apropos here:
When my daughter returned from each of her three deployments in Iraq, she spoke of recovered mortar fragments that bore Chinese inscriptions ... from the PRC.
Implication: The Chinese communists demand open access to our markets yet sold arms openly to insurgents who fired their mortars at our soldiers. But the Bush/Cheney administration needed the PRC to bankroll their war and remained silent.
And since the Bush/Cheney chose to look the other way, then it was perfectly OK for Walmart to sell PRC-made merchandise to American consumers.
Besides, why would our government take the PRC to task for selling arms to insurgents? After all, didn't we sell arms to both sides of the Iran-Iraq conflict? But we don't talk about American hypocrisy when there are wingnuts around. Do we? Sshh!
Consumerism takes precedence over patriotism, and what's good for Walmart is good for America. My point: Don't count on any outpouring of patriotic zeal where pocketbooks are concerned. America is on the decline because Americans are too greedy to notice or to care. But, ssshhh! Wingnuts don't want to hear this. They'll call us names.
Great Truth Dude. You really know how to bring out the best posters on the blogisphere don't you!
Why am I not surpised a Righty, when confronted with Chinese weapons being used against our soldiers, tries to change the subject.
It's all about the ratings here. He never has anything important to say, but he and he buddy cash in on other blog success.
You and your little buddy wouldn't have blogs if it weren't for me, truth.
I tried to give you a chance and visit here regularly as a discussion forum, but you've turned out to be everything the left has to offer; bitter hatred and making fun of others.
The old saying applies here: All is fair is love and war. That's too bad. I always wanted to believe we were loyal to our troops, our country and our countrymen. I guess my veil of naiveté has been lifted. We are indebted to China in more ways than one. The question is, what do we do to get out from beneath them? Or more appropriately, how do we get out of bed with them? Is the Obama administration doing anything any different than the Bush Administration with regards to China?
I see that you deleted that disgusting post by one of your followers . That vile asinine blogster TIME My only question is.. What took you so long. I know that you were here and saw it as you were posting much earlier than that was written.
I guess that you approved of it and wanted it up there for a while.
Shame on you, you true colors has been exposed.
You folks can joke about it all you want to but I like to just call a spade a spade. Obamas' agenda is socialism...... 1. Take from those that earn a living (aka "the rich") and give to those that can not/will not earn a living (aka "the poor".) 2. Take the control away from the people to put it into the hands of politicians. Supporters can try to sugar coat Obama and create some cool words to mask socialism, but fact is Obama is attempting to turn our country into a socialist state. A prime example is healthcare!
I'd never even heard of you until two or three months ago General Pitbull. Never had much to do with the blogger I deleted either.
My goal wasn't to run either of you off anyway. Only to expose the one for being a vulgar slob. The other for being nothing but a third rate schill for right wing talking points.
In the words eternally attached to President George W. Bush:
Rowell: You folks can joke about it all you want to but I like to just call a spade a spade.
Excuse me, Rowell, but are you not aware of how our federal taxes are spent and how Federal disbursement vis-a-vis red states vs. blue states works?
The wealthier states [Northeastern, Great Lake states, west coast] send their Federal $$$$ to Washington and they get redistributed to the poorer, mostly southern and southwest states. The blue states get fewer Federal tax $$$$, even though they give more, than do the red states.
That's taking from the rich states and redistributing it to the poorer states. Otherwise, those poorer states would sink into bankruptcy.
It's still robbery.
The people of New York are glad to have you on their side Bluepitbull.
....My goal wasn't to run either of you off anyway. Only to expose the one for being a vulgar slob. The other for being nothing but a third rate schill for right wing talking points.
What the hell do you call yourself then? Your entire blog is filled with terrible depictions of conservatives and all the time you shaking peoples hands and stabbing them in the back. You have exposed yourself for what you are, a backstabbing left wing hack that doesn't want participation, only personal attacks. I hope you don't mind reaping what you sow.
I give what I receive Bluepitbull.
I noticed you apologised to TAO for calling him a traitor and he promised to stop calling you whatever it was he was calling you.
And let's be frank (no offense to Frank the Thinking Man) with each other. We both like spirited discussion.
You passed 'spirited discussion' and went straight for name calling.
I apologized for calling him a traitor, yes.
That was due to an earlier attack.
You've made me the center of your blog and several of your minions have attacked me, but I've rejected their comments.
I could take the high road here and leave it alone. Or, I could play your game with a much larger arsenal of bloggers and play on the fact that you really don't have anything important to add to any discussion at any time, as is evidenced in this post.
You attacked American Workers and glorified Chinese workers for making $85 a month Blupitbull. And you really expect me to not fight back?
If it means a gang of deluded fools will line up to call me whatever names you tell them to because I defend American Workers then knock yourself out.
You are kidding, right?
I attacked neither. I said that American work ethic has gone down the toilet. It's true.
I really don't give a crap about the Chinese. They don't care about us, so what's your point or are you shooting from the hip now, cowboy?
This is posted from your rough plan to defeat the Chinese BPB:
"Labor in this country is a joke,"
You went on to say, not so in China and many other countries.
I absolutly take offense at anyone who denigrates American Workers then goes on to praise foreign workers.
Blogger TRUTH 101 said...
This is posted from your rough plan to defeat the Chinese BPB:
"Labor in this country is a joke,"
You went on to say, not so in China and many other countries.
I absolutly take offense at anyone who denigrates American Workers then goes on to praise foreign workers.
Do you read, or do you just attack blindly? I said that in the comment above, also.
Work ethic in this country = shit. Does that simplify it for you? In other countries, many actually live in a feast or famine situation. That is at least one reason work ethic in China beats us. At the rate you lefties hand out so-called 'entitlements' to lazy people, work ethic will continue to take a dive. More foreigners will take over our white collar and blue collar jobs, and there will be millions of screaming Americans shouting about foreigners taking over all industries.
Does that clear it up?
One of the issues with making grand statements like the work ethic in the United States is a joke is that factually it is wrong.
In the United States Americans work longer hours and take less days off than the workers in any other industrialized nation in the world. They also produce more goods and services per hour of work than any other workforce in the world.
THOSE facts are readily available to anyone who cares to search the net.
Now to argue to compare those numbers to countries like China and or a country with a 'feast or famine' economy is a joke but we still produce more units of goods than even those countries.
If we were to say that we wanted to fall back into a feast or famine economy then lets be realistic, we could also use the same argument to stop providing our military personnel with the benefits that they receive and we could cut out the benefits that our elderly enjoy....because none of this is available in China either.
Since we are talking about moving back in time then lets go all the way and do away with government and start living in cave man days....
I want to see where you got those figures.
And, friend, you've traveled back in time when it suited you many times.
Got on the internet and typed "American Worker Productivity" and came up with a whole bunch of articles and information..
Try this one:
Although work ethic and productivity may be tied together, they don't talk about work ethic. That just means that we are producing more.
Also, it doesn't mention PRC.
It's no surprise to me that productivity is up since people are trying to hang onto their jobs even more.
Thanks for the site, though.
Give up bluepitbull,
Lazy people have a shitty work ethic and do not work hard or produce more...
Work ethic and productivity are tied at the hip...
If your argument has any merit then the same lazy people who have a shitty work ethic are also in our military and thus we could argue then that our situation in Iraq and or Afghanistan is due to the work ethic of our soldiers and not government policy and or strategy....
Quit arguing against facts and spend more time refining your original premise....
Wow. You went there. There are plenty of shitty military people as there are in any major organization.
There is no quantifiable way to tie work ethic directly to productivity.
And I still don't see anything about production in China tied to those figures. Could it be that they are higher?
Work ethic in this country goes further and further into the sewer with each passing generation.
Care to document and put a numerical value on our declining work ethic?
Then you can move on to the concept of employee bonuses in excess of a companies profits...
Or using accounting tricks to create a paper profit where none exists...
Then we might want to tackle the concept of paying for a war via 'special funding requests' so that it is not reflected in ones budget numbers....
Whats wrong with bringing the military into the conversation? The same folks who create the idea in your head that America's work ethic is a disaster are also serving in our military and working in our research centers coming up with new and innovative things all the time...
If work ethic is the cause of so many of our problems in our economy and if work ethic is a personally held standard then it is obvious that when lazy people with no sense of a positive work ethic move from private employment to serving in the military they in turn bring their work ethic with them...
Then if you make the argument that our government is coddling folks because of their laziness then our military becomes nothing more than a big entitlement program and just coddling with a dress code...
Its always easier to point to someone else and blame them for everything....
Whether valid or not is another issue...
Tell you what BPB. Your blanket statement about American Workers has been shot down. I've yet to see all your allies line up to attack me for defending American Workers from your silly statement.
So I ask you this. How do we get the mooches and the lazy to contribute. How do we identify the mooches and those that truly need a hand during rough times?
This is a serious question I think we can find common ground on BPB. I haven't hada right leaner yet tell me that they have a problem helping people out when times get rough.
Truth,stop acting like an idiot, or are you not acting?
Truth, obviously you know the answer to this question and your trying to set me up for something bigger for your site, so I refuse to answer. Stop using me as your whipping boy to hold people's interest and if your really interested in what we do about moochers and how to find them, perhaps do an article with your solution, but leave me out of it.
Tao, you should never throw the original question back at me. I asked you almost the same thing. You can't put a quantifiable number on work ethic, but now you've admitted it's only loosely tied to productivity if at all.
You can evidence work ethic by daily observation and, since you and I have lived a few years, we have seen a few things in our experience. And, by your own admission, having been other places in the world, have frames of reference to compare them with.
My solution would probably piss you off because it would require more government investigators and government programs to make the moochers do something useful for society.
This would be paid for through the removal of mooches from our welfare system.
But the conservative in you would probably appreciate how I would deal with women that have multiple pregnancies with no means of supporting the babies.
You are starting to bore me as well Bluepitbull. I also am moving on.
When will you actually realize that all you talk about day in and day out is BS?
Move on. Please. You are boring me, too.
Next time, find another person to burn in effigy.
Sorry Pitbull but I believe that the American worker is the hardest working and most productive worker in the world AND THE STATS BACK ME UP...
Now, in regards to work ethic..I would agree that our work ethic is slipping because the reality is our economic system no longer rewards hard work and or dedication to ones job.
If your retirement benefits had been cut over the years would you have been a lifer?
Our standard of living is what it is because of the productivity of our workforce and their isn't an economist in the world that would argue that point.
You can argue all you want but at the end of the day, its those of us who do work and who do own businesses that carry the load and for twenty years you have lived a life where you did not have the concerns and or faced the issues that the rest of us have had to face.
You enjoyed a guaranteed salary and benefits; relocation and housing, and basically you were given what the rest of us have to struggle for.
Now you retire and enjoy benefits that you earned like retirement, healthcare, and GIBILL benefits and of which are PAID for by working men and women....
Those same folks that you criticize their work ethics are also the first ones to wave flags when you return from a tour of duty....
Why do you feel so superior to your fellow American? Why do you hate your fellow American so much?
I would explain my analysis of BPB's situation TAO, but he now bores me. I will email you if interested.
The stats of productivity don't back you up no matter if you put your convictions in caps or not.
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