I can't think of a better way to remember Senator Kennedy than by relating a story of how my Dad met him years ago.
My Mom was a born and bred Massachusetts Kennedy Democrat. She always told us that JFK, Bobby and Ted dedicated their lives fighting for the little guys.
My Dad was at a conference while he was still mayor of our small city years ago and Ted Kennedy was there. Afterwards Senator Kennedy was also at the same restaurant Dad was at. Dad knew Mom would be thrilled to hear that he met Senator Kennedy so Dad mustered up his courage and went over to his table, introduced himself and told him about my Mom being a Massachusetts Kennedy Democrat. Senator Kennedy listened patiently, all the while his table was full of big shots waiting while the Mayor of a small Midwestern city was taking up his time. Senator Kennedy gave Dad his autograph and Dad went back to his table.
A few minutes later Dad thought there is no way Mom would believe this is Senator Kennedy's autograph. So he got a photographer and went back to see the Senator again. He asked Senator Kennedy if he would mind a picture taken of him and Dad so Mom would believe it.
The Senator stopped what he was doing and they got their picture taken.
Dad's back at his table and the photographer comes to him and says sorry Mayor. The picture didn't turn out. So dad has to go back to Senator Kennedy again. He gets to his table and before he can say anything Senator Kennedy looks up at him and says "what the hell do you want now?"
Dad explained that the picture didn't turn out and if Senator Kennedy would mind another try. The Senator said he would if you would leave me alone. So dad got his picture finally. It's displayed in his office and he tells the story of how he met Senator Kennedy to everyone that visits.
And that's one of the reasons we can all admire Senator Edward Kennedy. One of the most powerful people in America. He's out having dinner with people far more important than most of us. His time is at a premium. And he still interrupts what he's doing so a guy he never met and will never see again can have a picture taken to show his wife.
Not just Democrats. Not just the people of Massachusetts. Not just the Senate. We all lost a great man and great American. I know my Mom is probably interrupting Senator Kennedy right now. And he's glad to be interrupted.
As you can probably guess, I wasn't a big fan of Ted Kennedy's personal politics. Still, I'm not ashamed to let you know that I observed a little moment of silence in honor of a deceased American. He gave a lot for his country. What he gave is why we debate.
R.I.P., Teddy.
That was a great story Truth! I can just picture your dad coming in the house saying, "you'll never guess who I just met."
I never cared for him, but he was a fighter, and I can only hope our congressman follow in his footsteps. Not his political opinions, but his work ethic. :-)
As a naturally competitive person I have learned that one respects their competition.
Ted Kennedy fought the good fight and he fought for the right reasons.
Whether you agreed with his politics is irrevelant at this point and time you still must acknowledge the man and honor his achievements.
There isn't anyone left in the Senate and or the House that can even attempt to put on this man's shoes let alone fill them.
So, let the bloggers go nuts but the reality is they are envious by the man's achievements and his dedication to his beliefs.
Great post. Thanks for sharing that story. As you may be able to guess, I AM a big fan of Ted Kennedy's personal politics. His entire political career he tried to achieve national healthcare for all Americans. Will his passing (and the loss of his vote in the Senate) result in a "win" for the obstructionist Republicans and the healthcare insurance industry whom they represent?
This is the subject of my latest blog posting. I welcome all comments.
Go a head and praise that Drunken freaken Murdering Bastard!
It figured that you would!
I see the malcontents won't allow a man to rest in peace.
No decent human being would offer such bile and hate at this time.
Shame on you.
Interesting that when Dick Cheney, who was then the vice president of the US, shot his friend by accident it was all over the news for a year and he still is vilified - Cheney called an ambulance and did the right thing. - If Cheney didn’t call an ambulance or went to his hotel, slept, called his lawyers the next day and THEN called the authorities, he would have been thrown out off office and prosecuted. And this was a hunting accident!
Had Kennedy been a Republican, his career would have been over, period - He should have been charged with DUI and Manslaughter- With a felony conviction, he would have been unable to serve in the senate....Isn't it amazing what a rich and powerful family can get away with - he is in Gods hands now, judgement is due..hypocrisy is a form of lying, he showed no courage, he ran away. A young woman died. it is very fitting to talk about this on the day of his death. It was the most important thing he ever did. As the news media lionizes him, and we hear eloquent eulogies, the hypocritical president will take this as an opportunity to get his miserable Health care plan passed by hypocritically naming the bill after the fat slob Kennedy but who speaks for Mary Jo and her parents?
And this man, the hero of Chappaquidick, gets a Freedom Medal from the president of the United States.
Shaw, you can call me a Malcontent all you wish to, But I’m not going to be the HYPOCRITES that you are and call this Coward of Chappaquiddick a Hero or a Saint. That’s YOUR job.
Hey Mate, I just saw this blog on google and I just had to respond. I know that you blokes over the pond are goo goo about this Coward Kennedy but not everyone shares that opinion.
Haven just seen it on the news that the fat, bloated, car crashing exam cheating, IRA supporting gobshyte Ted Kennedy is dead. He was an obnoxious cowardly drunken fat ass and an insult to society
I am cracking open a Tetley's Ale to celebrate. The World has been improved by his passing. Sadly he will be buried thousands of miles away from me as I would liked to take a long leak on his grave. My thoughts are with Mary Jo Kopechne today, not of him. Ask what happened to MaryJo Kopekne at Chappaquiddick at his memorial . I guess everyone has forgotten Mary Jo Kapetchne and Chappaquiddick ? Another disgrace knighted by our cheapened government. I guess that we knight anyone that has the money to pay for it these days. He should have been given a ‘Honorary Knighthood for Corruption’ more like that. If I could be so honored as to name the title as. “Sir Edward of Baccardi” or perhaps “Sir RumDummy of Chappaquiddick.” Who is running things across the pond anyway? Oh yes I almost forgot it’s that other dummy Hussein Obama! Tis no wonder then.
What a worthless bauble a knighthood has become. Scattered around like Del Boy’s bling to shyster bankers, hug-a-tree pop stars and failed politicians. Anyone with an ounce of integrity and true honor would refuse such an “honour”
How did he escape from the submerged car and she didn’t and what sort of man leaves a young woman to die?
This man, the hero of Chappaquidick, gave comfort and encouragement to the IRA. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the Northern Ireland situation, Edward Kennedy has always been the political enemy of Britain, as was his father. This just adds to the long list of “Sirs” who are either immoral, incompetent, dishonest, or all three. Senator Kennedy sponsored and supported terrorism, he gave succor to the IRA. Sorry, but he will always be the coward of Chappaquidic in my opinion.
This guy was a great mate of the IRA and showed Britain as much friendship as his Nazi-appeasing Dad! You must be joking! You HAVE to be joking!! What a knighthood for a coward that runaway and left a young girl to drown in his overturned car when he crashed in a river,
What up with his country?? This man and his family have been pro IRA all their lives and that dumb Scotsman is giving him a Knighthood!
Scrap the entire system of Knighthoods as an outmoded and cheapened concept. Brown had to do this…he is just sucking up the to Democrats.he’s hoping that Obama will put his arm around him. in other words he is paying for people to like him. Pathetic!
To The Lone Voice and Just Doesn't Make Any Sense:
Who left you in charge of judging anyone?
What both of you have posted here says more about your deficient personal character than it does about Senator Kennedy.
Judge not lest you be judged.
It's easy for scolds like the both of you to hide behind anonimity, where no one can see what pain you've caused others in your lives.
I suggest you both crawl back under your rocks and think about how you've exposed yourselves as the cankerous natured and insufficiently human beings that you both are.
Oh boy do you have a thorn up your petunia!
I wasn’t a fan of Senator Kennedy’s. But I have to give Ted credit for standing by his political convictions; he never wavered.
They didn't call him The Lion of the Senate for nothing.
It's a shame stupidity isn't painful.
Kennedy lived a life of extreme privileged due to bootlegging by his Hitler appeasing old man, Joe. The old man turned his ill gotten gains into legitimate investments, just like any smart hood would do. The whole family was set from then on. Now, with a gene pool that's as watered down as old Joe's scotch, maybe the media manufactured Camelot BS FINALLY comes to an end.
By the way, did the American's care at all about torture when Mary Jo was tortured waiting to die in that car?
I felt sorry for Ted Kennedy when I heard he had a brain tumour. I temporarily forgot the support he gave to IRA murderers during the 1980s and 1990s. Since some nasty people flew airliners into a few buildings in 2001 the Americans have stopped seeing the glamour of terrorism.
Until then, however, Fenian murderers were routinely feted on St Patrick’s Day, and no American welcomed them more warmly than Ted.
Now, for services to gangsterism, he gets a knighthood. It comes as the Chief Constable of Northern Ireland announces that terrorist activity is rising, despite a so-called ceasefire: Ted’s friends remain drug runners and bank robbers. What wickedness this is, and what an insult to those whose husbands, wives and children were blown up in shopping centres by the IRA.
Blogger Shaw Kenawe said...
To The Lone Voice and Just Doesn't Make Any Sense:
Who left you in charge of judging anyone?
What both of you have posted here says more about your deficient personal character than it does about Senator Kennedy.
Judge not lest you be judged.
That's laughable. You and your, "Rush Limbaugh is a racist!!! Glen Beck....."
As YOU said, judge not lest you be judged.
Your life must be so devoid of any happiness, of any intellectual honesty, or of anything a normal, engaged human being would find joy in, that you have to come here to a blog that is respectfully remembering a man who served his country well, who lost THREE brothers in service to their country, a man whose son had his leg amputed at the age of 12 because of cancer, whose daughter just recently was treated for cancer, who had to see his two brothers' heads blown apart by assassins' bullets, whose beloved brother's son, John Jr., died a tragic, untimely death, who also had to bury the sons of his other brother, Robert.
You come here and have nothing to offer but hatred, calumny, and rot so seething with bile and putrescense that one can hardly determine what kind of sick and unbalanced mind could produce it, never mind express it, upon the death of a good man--a man as flawed and human as we all are.
You wouldn't have the courage to say what you wrote here to Senator Kennedy's children, would you? No. People like you get themselves off by defaming and debasing other people, dead people, while cowardly hiding in the anonimity of cyberspace.
Every day of his life, Senator Kennedy scraped slime, more honorable than you, off of the soles his shoes.
Shaw Kenawe said...
Every day of his life, Senator Kennedy scraped slime, more honorable than you, off of the soles his shoes.
Ah so I was right, YOU are the expert on slime.
I guess that you are very experienced in the subject. You do sound as if like you are a bit of slime yourself.
Oh, one more point before I leave and leave I must..
It was a May 14, 1983 letter from the head of the KGB, Viktor Chebrikov, to the head of the USSR, the odious Yuri Andropov, with the highest level of classification. Chebrikov relayed to Andropov an offer from Senator Ted Kennedy, presented by Kennedy’s old friend and law-school buddy, John Tunney, a former Democratic senator from California, to reach out to the Soviet leadership at the height of a very hot time in the Cold War. According to Chebrikov, Kennedy was deeply troubled by the deteriorating relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union, which he believed was bringing us perilously close to nuclear confrontation. Kennedy, according to Chebrikov, blamed this situation not on the Soviet leadership but on the American president---Ronald Reagan. Not only was the USSR not to blame, but, said Chebrikov, Kennedy was, quite the contrary, “very impressed” with Andropov.
Cheerio, goodbye and good luck with your Magic Negro president.
What a pathetic sad lot the reactionary right has become! Glad BPB is carrying their flag!
Lets see, rich families? Yep, probably did wonders for the Kennedy's over the years but I believe they paid the price with the killing of two of their sons and the loss of another in WWII.
The Bush's made a bunch of money off of Hitler too, and GWB got a free ride through life because he was a member of a rich family.
His record as a youth is nothing to write home about...
Its a shame that we have bloggers who believe being mean, vicious, angry little half wits, is somehow related to principles and values.
What a bunch...
It doesn't excuse the behavior of the family over the decades.
Don't address me anymore tao. Try voting.
Remember BPB you fought for my freedoms and one of them was the freedom of speech....
If you don't want me to speak then you should have gone AWOL...then I could have voted for you for President!
I pay alot of taxes and that is my way of thanking you for protecting my freedom of speech!
Enjoy the benefits because in October I make another quarterly prepayment!
You can flush your reactionary right comment down the toilet with your voter's registration card.
When I think reactionary, I think the democratic party who tries to silence all who disagree with them while talking out their assholes about poor Teddy. He led neither a poor or a very pure life. It does even more of an injustice to try and push healthcare through under his name they and you are even bigger fools.
Thank God for the end of this dynasty.
The only one without sin died on a crass 2000 years ago folks. Nobody said Kennedy was perfect. He was flawed. Just as we all are to some degree or another.
Keenedy could have lived a life of great ease. He chose to serve his Countrymen in the U.S. Senate. He was on the side of many causes I believe in. I will miss him.
Yeah, your right. Being a senator is such a selfless service to country fraught with much hardness and paid and sacrifice.
You and I both know these guys get in these positions because of the power that has been given to them over the past 70 years.
Term limits. I'll say it again, Term limits. These dinosaurs stay in office forever and get comfortable exploiting their positions and reap every benefit.
It's best that we do not try to have discussions with diningroom furniture. We've been told by the illustrious and very witty Barney Frank that it is a waste of time.
TRUTH, I'm on my way over to Hanover Street, right here in my neighborhood in Boston where the cortege carrying our late, great Senator Kennedy will be passing by St. Steven's Church, where his mother, Rose, was baptised, married, and buried, and then by the house where she was born, that is also in my neighborhood.
A huge crowd has already gathered here waiting to pay their respects.
More later...
This is what I'm talking about. You gutless cowards. When you can't make a valid argument, you refer to others as dining room furniture?
By that standard, you are a bile duct. Only vile crap comes forth from you.
I wasn’t a fan of Ted Kennedy, as I said earlier on. I did however like John, despite his womanizing. I loved Jackie. She is probably one of my favorite First Ladies. The Kennedy Clan has had their trials—more probably than the rest of us. But I can tell you this, I’m certainly not going to sit here and fight about how many sins Ted committed. He who is without sin cast the first stone.
Sorry to piss you off BPB but I'm with you on term limits. My side might lose a Kennedy, sure. But then your side loses plenty also. And most of them signed on to Newt's Contract with America that called for term limits. Lying hypocrites.
I hear one more asinine dining room furniture fucking statement...
This coming from the biggest non media propagandist on the internet.
"Bile duct" Funny.
Shaw Kenawe ...shove your vile comments where the sun don't shine!
You Yanks must not let anything distract you, not a funeral or media circus. No matter what your faith or your background, you should all be united against this liberalism and do not want to see it destroy your great country any further.
And still no comment from Mary Joe!
bluepitbull said...
If I hear one more asinine dining room furniture fucking statement...
Ok, Bluepitbull, you are as smart as a pet rock.
Thank you for such diligent work on behalf of us all, Mr. Kennedy, God Bless and God Keep You.
Isn't it interesting.
The Lone Voice comes onto a blog that is paying respects to a dead man, Senator Kennedy, who is admired by the blog host and other commenters. TLV then proceeds to call the dead man vile names, as well as slander and attack him.
And this is the really curious part: when The Lone Voice is called on his loutish behavior, HE becomes indignant.
He reaches down to the 1/4 inch depth of his very being and comes up with a suggestion one hears from very young and very limited children.
We've all seen this behavior and some of us have been victim of it as well.
When someone realizes he or she is indeed acting like a wretch, the only thing he or she can do is attack.
Sort of what a rat does when its cornered.
Shaw you should have been a psychiatrist or a therapist, you have (or you think you have) a way of analyzing every commenters mind.
Especially the evil person that don't agree with you.
That aside, : I am a person who is smart enough to understand that some people are not admirable because of their bad character. If somebody admits guilt, does not cover up the issue, takes responsibility, and then lives his life in public service (not in public power like the Senate), I am willing to honor that person. Because I believe that all are sinners and we have a God that is redemptive for the repentant. Unfortunately Mr. Kennedy, did not take responsibility, he covered up the act, and then spent the rest of his life justifying it in a self-indulgent position of power.
But the liberal elite will ignore all these things because they base ir admiration on people like the Kennedy's. Frankly, this orgiastic adulation by the MSM of everything Kennedy simply is another reason why most news outlets are going bankrupt and seeking to be bailed out by the Obama stimulus. They are totally out of touch with the average American.
One more thing, this idiotic idea of Obama’s that changing the name of his failing bill to reflect the Kennedy name so that it would have a better chance of passing because of Ted Kennedy’s greatness is the most shameless and obscene thing yet.
WORDSMITH wrote: "Unfortunately Mr. Kennedy, did not take responsibility, he covered up the act, and then spent the rest of his life justifying it in a self-indulgent position of power."
Really? Tell us all, Mr. Wordsmith, how you know that he did not take responsibility. {The fact is that Mr. Kennedy absolutely did, use Google] Do you have a special insight into his life? Do you personally know what he may have said to his priest or to God? Tell us all how you presume to judge this man. We know you're not God, even though your words demonstrate that you think you are.
The fact is, Mr. Wordsmith, you have no earthly knowledge of how Senator Kennedy redeemed himself with the Kopechne family or with God.
If you know anything about the New Testament, you would know that Jesus offered redemption to anyone who expressed sincere repentence. Tell us all how you would know if Senator Kennedy, a Catholic who loved his faith, did or did not do this.
And yet you presume to come to a public forum and give your uninformed opinion about this man's spiritual life and his very personal interaction between the Kopechne family and God. You presume to make statements over subjects you know absolutely nothing about.
That's about as self-indulgent an action as any self-important scold could make.
BTW, Senator Kennedy's "position of power" is no more self-indulgent than was Mr. Reagan's or Mr. Bush's.
It appears you people think it's self-indulgent only when a liberal acquires any position of power.
And one more thing. Millions and millions and millions of good, God-fearing Americans think Senator Kennedy was a good man, flaws and all.
Will that many people say that about you when you're dead?
The Wordsmith said... Unfortunately Mr. Kennedy, did not take responsibility, he covered up the act, and then spent the rest of his life justifying it in a self-indulgent position of power.
I watched the MSNBC special on the Kennedy brothers last night. I saw and heard him say that he took responsibility. What was that, CGI?
Senator Kennedy spent his life battling for the rights of working class people. I fail to see how that is "self-indulgent".
BTW changing the name of the bill was Senator Byrd's idea. President Obama hasn't said anything to that effect that I am aware of.
The guy who doesn't make any sense says that Dick Cheney waiting to the next moring to talk to the police after he shot his friend in the face while hunting drunk was "doing the right thing"??
I guess if didn't want to go to jail it was the "right" thing to do.
There is a lot of talk about "wickedness" and "evil" -- in my mind those two words can justifiably be applied to the last two murdering a-holes who served as Pres and VP. However, I WILL be sad on the day either one of them bites it -- if they have not answered for their crimes.
Shaw Kenawe said...
WORDSMITH wrote: "Unfortunately Mr. Kennedy, did not take responsibility, he covered up the act, and then spent the rest of his life justifying it in a self-indulgent position of power."
Really? Tell us all, Mr. Wordsmith, how you know that he did not take responsibility. {The fact is that Mr. Kennedy absolutely did, use Google] Do you have a special insight into his life? Do you personally know what he may have said to his priest or to God? Tell us all how you presume to judge this man. We know you're not God, even though your words demonstrate that you think you are.
Cuckoo Cuckoo
Ted Kennedy was blessed with a golden opportunity to be an example for all but he failed miserably in his personal life as this piece clearly shows. Money and power provide the necessary tools to keep winning elections. Any one else who had a track record like Ted would have been drummed out of politics but time after time the voters of Massachusetts renewed his place in Congress. Ted was far left of his brothers and was rejected on a national scale thank goodness. For the Democrats to invoke him now to push healthcare reform will be a huge mistake for he is not revered in many parts of our country. No Lion was Teddy, an Alley Cat is much more descriptive.
Nancy Reagan spoke on the Chris Matthews show and told him how President Reagan admired and liked Senator Kennedy. Mrs. Reagan said she thought he was a good man.
Those conservatives who continue to trash Senator Kennedy's memory with the vilest and most hateful accusations need to internalize the fact that Ronald Reagan thought very highly of Senator Kennedy.
What do you people who have trashed Senator Kennedy have to say about your hero's opinion of him?
Thank you Mrs. Reagan for telling us the truth.
America lost a fat drunken traitor to his country.
I'll drink to that.
Oh now you like Ms. Reagan, and your not two faced are you!
BPB and Wordsmith...
You go on and on about service to and honor of those who serve their country...
Whatever you may think of the policies and political ideology of Ted Kennedy and his family neither of you do yourself justice with your vicious, evil stupidity.
You both have shown yourselves to be immature punks: You hurl your bitter angry slurs all over the internet and then you whine and hide when someone gives either of you a dose of your own tonic.
If you two had ever achieved anything in your lives you would recognize Ted Kennedy, warts and all, as a formidable and successful competitor.
No matter what ones political beliefs it is time to bow our heads and honor the contribution that Ted Kennedy and his family has made to this country: four sons died fighting to make this country great and a better place for their fellow citizens.
It is scum like you two, who place 'cuteness' above substance that has desroyed conservatism in the United States.
You are not doing your values and your principles, whatever they may be if anything, any favors with your hateful rants and those who run to cheer you on should be ashamed for attacking a dead man.
I was no fan of Ted Kennedy's position on alot of issues, but I would have considered it an honor to have shaken his hand, and I do bow my head in memory of a man who has contributed and sacrificed so much for this country.
He truly believed in his cause and in fighting the good fight which is something neither one of you could ever understand...
Who are you to call anyone scum?
You and Lynne and the rest of these ass holes on this blog are the scum of the earth.
Can't anyone have an opinion that is different from yours. You Prick, you wouldn't have the balls to speak that way to anyone's face.
No wonder so many people are sick of you people here.
Greta comment Tao, spoken like a typical liberal .
By the way, if I could, I'd piss on Kennedy's grave.
I Ain't Got No Blog said...
Greta comment Tao, spoken like a typical liberal .
By the way, if I could, I'd piss on Kennedy's grave.
If you had the equipment to do so, I believe you would.
O. Wilde said...
I Ain't Got No Blog said...
Greta comment Tao, spoken like a typical liberal .
By the way, if I could, I'd piss on Kennedy's grave.
If you had the equipment to do so, I believe you would.
F... You Mr. Anonymous
And I'd piss on you also.
I was going to make fun of your stupidity IAGNB but I feel so very sorry for dude. Bad enough you ain't got no blog. Now we find out you ain't got no dick either.
You've suffered enough without suffering another Truth 101 intellectual beatdown.
TRUTH 101 said...
I was going to make fun of your stupidity IAGNB but I feel so very sorry for dude. Bad enough you ain't got no blog. Now we find out you ain't got no dick either.
You've suffered enough without suffering another Truth 101 intellectual beatdown.
Beatdown from a PUSSY like you, I would welcome the opportunity, you little freaken ass-hole.
You couldn't beat your own "dick"
A special announcement from Truth 101...
I vowed to be civil to Bluepitbull at his request. I fully lived up to it and this is the response he gave
bluepitbull said...
"Makingastatement like that only goes to show what a 24 karat idiot you truly are."
Blueboy: it's too bad shit isn't brain or you would be a genius.
Now, now IAGNB. You sound like you're losing it. Pretty soon you'll be "I Ain't Got No Brain!"
No Blog, No Dick, No Brain.
You can try and bait me all you want eunich dude. But I'm not going to allow you to go around telling your deluded right wing friends that I'm a meanie for making fun of your not having a dick. I feel sorry for you. I understand your bitterness. Being able to stand while peeing is a convenience you will never know.
O. Wilde said...
Now, now IAGNB. You sound like you're losing it. Pretty soon you'll be "I Ain't Got No Brain!"
No Blog, No Dick, No Brain.
And you who posts without a REAL name has NO Balls!
I think you are really acting like the little PRICK you are.
So go sit on Shaws lap and go to sleep it's after 8:00
You're just angry because you will never be able to satisfy a woman in manly way Ain't Got No Dick.
Be patient friend. Medical science is making great strides in the field of artificial and transplanted dicks. Bluepitbull is a big dick. maybe he could spare some DNA and you could get a big dick clone.
Glad I could help.
Anyone else need anything?
Here is my take on things. Regardless of the way someone lived, once they die, a certain amount of respect should be shown. That doesn't mean that you have to praise him and talk about what a great guy he was. If you really feel the need to bash him, do so on your own blogs, not on a person's blog that respected him.
I understand your dislike for the man because honestly I feel the same way, I just think there is a time and a place to voice your opinions and a fellow bloggers memorial post is not it.
Truth, in regard to your comment regarding Kennedy's name on the health care bill and Reagan. I can't remember where on earth I read it earlier so I will address it here if that is okay. If not, then feel free to delete this.
I have no problem with the left saying that they want to pass this bill because that is what the senator would have wanted. Or saying that we are pushing for this bill for him.
It is naming the bill after him that I feel is a low blow and a political move. To use a dead man's name on the bill is asking for sympathy votes not on the bill's worth but on Kennedy's worth. They are two different things.
Saying that they want to follow in Reagan's footsteps is fine, but to name a bill after him to get it passed wouldn't have sit well with me either.
Sorry to get off topic, but I can't remember what post it was on. :-)
Sorry to disagree Jennifer. If they can name ships after Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush. They can name campaign finance reform McCain/Feingold. They can name an assault weapons bill after Jim Brady. Hell. They name everything after somebody. They can name health care after Kennedy.
Personally, I'm not much for sentimentality. They could name the bill Fido for all I care as long as it's a good bill.
Blogger TRUTH 101 said...
A special announcement from Truth 101...
I vowed to be civil to Bluepitbull at his request. I fully lived up to it and this is the response he gave
bluepitbull said...
"Makingastatement like that only goes to show what a 24 karat idiot you truly are."
Blueboy: it's too bad shit isn't brain or you would be a genius.
Bring it on champ. You ain't no one to me.
It's okay, you're allowed to disagree, just this once though! :-)
You make a good point about naming things after people. I wouldn't have a problem with naming something else after him, but the timing of this bill, and his death and the problems that Obama is having trying to pass the bill, it just seems a bit hinky to me.
TRUTH 101 said...
I see it as hypocritical for anyone on the right to be offended when we on the left vow to keep working for universal health care in the late Senator Kennedy's memory. It's rare that one on the right can't advocate for less government or one of the other right issues without invoking Ronald Reagn's name. I see nothing wrong with either side honoring their heroes by working for issues they fought for.
I posted on that, too. It is not a fair comparison between Reagan and kennedy. Neither is it a fair comparison in the actions that are happening. He is just recently dead. No one was out advocating for smaller government the minute Reagan died.
T101, let me preface this comment with a brief summary about the actions of one Fred Phelps, pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church, who disrupted military funerals to advance his anti-gay, anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic, anti-Irish, hate-mongering theology.
There is nothing more deplorable, more shocking, more sadistic than targeting grieving families and friends at a military funeral. Inflicting emotional hurt on grieving families and friends violates ALL community standards of civilized behavior.
So what does Phelps and this comment thread have in common. Senator Kennedy represented our hopes and aspirations in Washington; we are your friends; and this is our commemoration. When trolls and Internet terrorists come here to bash the memory of a dead man, their presence is just as deplorable, shocking, and sadistic as if we were visited by Phelps.
You are well within your rights to delete any comments that violate this occasion, and you should without hesitation.
You, Big Fat Drunk Ted, are a genuine American Traitor, brazenly disloyal to the American people while blindingly loyal to your twisted, fetid equality ideology, and who should be thankful a blessed cancer ate your brain to mush instead of a hangman’s noose breaking your neck in the public square.
You, Kennedy scion, are an Avatar of the Great Lie, a repugnant purveyor of damnable falsehoods. The people of Massachusetts shame themselves in endlessly returning you to office.
Benedict Arnold commends you.
Ted Kennedy represents what is wrong with the U.S. in many more ways than some silly right/left-wing false dichotomy. You really think Ted, or any other Kennedy, gives a dzmn about anything but their own self-interest. They merely pimped The Left in the same manner that the Bush family have pimped The Right. Politics for these bastards begins and ends at their own wealth
I am a very strong left-winger. Very strong. That doesn't stop me slagging off one of our own.
I do hope that they don't cremate him.
That could be nasty. Think Chernobyl crossed with the Great Fire of London.
It could take years to put him out.
Karma’s a bitch. The coward of the Senate finally frees up the oxygen that’s been wasted on him.
Let the TRUTH SHALL RULE guy and his ilk wallow in their own excrement..
Rest assured I have more than enough testerone to deal with the likes of you and your buddies...
You and your buddies are sure interested in each others sexual organs, have deep fascination with bodily functions, and the desire to 'piss' on dead people and or each other well...
Do your parents know you talk like that? When does high school start in your neck of the woods?
Maybe if all of you weren't so drunkenly depressed with your own shortcomings you wouldn't feel a need to bash everyone who has done something with their lives...
No grow up and attempt to fit into the uniform of the stranger that you use for your profile picture.
IMHO, you should have said that to the liberal commenter who started all that crap!
O. Wilde said...
I Ain't Got No Blog said...
Greta comment Tao, spoken like a typical liberal .
By the way, if I could, I'd piss on Kennedy's grave.
If you had the equipment to do so, I believe you would.
To durablend and Simon Coulter,
"I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain."--James Baldwin
I'm sorry your lives are so devoid of anything joyful and so full of pain that you're forced to find pleasure by maligning a dead man in a forum that memorializes him.
That you do so demonstrates your very small minds and very wretched characters. It does absolutely no harm to Senator Kennedy, and forever labels you both as pribbling cowards.
Shaw had the nerve to call me a coward.
That bloated duunken ass hole so called American Hero Kennedy was the COWARD
Good post Truth.
You always either piss me off to high Heaven or say something that I kind of like.
But you do usually get everyone thinking. That's a good thing. In the words of one of my favorite authors:
Truth is not always in a well. In fact, as regardss the more important knowledge, I do believe that she is invariably superficial. The depth lies in the valleys where we seek her, and not upon the mountain-tops where she is found. - E.A.Poe
T101, a quick question: About my last comment above (August 27, 2009 8:18 PM), the one that mentions Fred Phelps, it seems bluepitbull had a rather extreme over-reaction to an otherwise innocuous comment and said immediately thereafter: "Hitler has spoken"
Did you delete that comment or did bluepitbull? Just curious because the answer would speak volumes.
Ted Kennedy the fat, ugly drunkard who's liver was pickled 30-years ago. He was a disgrace as a politician and an even bigger disgrace as a human being
The senator of Massachusetts. He is a worthless $hitbag who doesn't deserve to clean bathrooms at McFaty's, but still went there to eat every day for 4 of his meals(He goes to Cholesterol King for his other 3). He hates Bush because he's jealous that people don't hate him as much. He's worse then John Kerry. His father was involved in international crime .
He is Possibly the only liberal whose wasteline is bigger than Michael Moore's. Allowed a woman to die while he ran away.
When it looked like he would lose the 1994 race against Mitt Romney the Clinton supported him. To repay them in 2008 he stabbed them in the back, called them racist and threw full support behind noob Barack Obama. Not a big surprise since he has a history of screwing up Democratic elections. In 1980 he challenged Jimmy Carter and was even less coherent in his vision. What he did accomplish was weakening Carter even further and assuring greater Republican success.
Buck: Truth's posts are a bit controversial and yet he gets a lot of flack for them. A lot of people tend to only read bits and pieces instead of the entire post.
P.S. Your name still cracks me up!
My name is Mary Jo Kopechne. Do you know me? I would have been 65 years of age this year. I was killed by a United States Senator, and he got away with it!
When Ted Kennedy was merely just another Democrat bloating on Capitol Hill on behalf of liberal causes, it was perhaps excusable to ignore his deplorable past.
But now that he's become a leading attack dog, attacking Republicans, and positioning himself as the democrat's leading arbiter of truth and integrity, the days for such indulgence are now over.
It's time for the GOP to stand up and remind America why this chief spokesman had to abandon his own presidential bid in 1980 - time to say the words Mary Jo Kopechne out loud.
As is often the case, Republicans have deluded themselves into thinking that most Americans already know the story of how this "Conscience of the Democratic Party" left Miss Kopechne behind to die in the waters underneath the Edgartown Bridge in July 1969, after a night of drinking and partying with the young blonde campaign worker. But most Americans under 40 have never heard that story, or the details of how Kennedy swam to safety, then tried to get his cousin Joe Garghan to say he was behind the wheel.
Those young voters don't know how Miss Kopechne, trapped inside Kennedy's Oldsmobile, gasped for air until she finally died, while this leading Iraq Democratic war critic rushed back to his compound to formulate the best alibi he could think of.
Neither does Generation X know how Kennedy was thrown out of Harvard on his ear 15 years earlier -- for paying a fellow student to take his Spanish final. Nor why the US Army denied him a commission because he cheated on tests.
As they listen to the Democrats' "Liberal Lion" accuse President Bush of "telling lie after lie after lie" to get America to go to war in Iraq, young voters don't know about that notorious 1991 Easter weekend in Palm Beach, when Uncle Teddy rounded up his nephews for a night on the town, an evening that ended with one of them credibly accused of rape.
It's time for Republicans to state unabashedly that they will no longer "go along with the gag" when it comes to Uncle Ted's rants about deception and moral turpitude inside the Bush White House.
And if the Republicans don't, let's do it ourselves by passing this forgotten disgrace around the Internet to wake up memories of what a fraud and fake Teddy really is.
The Democratic Party should be ashamed to have the national disgrace from Massachusetts as their spokesman.
Pamela D. Hart said...
Buck: Truth's posts are a bit controversial and yet he gets a lot of flack for them. A lot of people tend to only read bits and pieces instead of the entire post.
Well maybe that's all they can take!!
I know that I personally can't take him myself. Unless you are a masocast!
To get back to bad, bad Teddy boy and Mary Jo.
From what I understand he didn't even report the accident till the next day, after he had called his cronies and his lawyer. I have to laugh every time I hear him lecture us about intergrity etc..... The guy was a slob...period.
The reason so many average Americans from both parties are showing up at town hall meetings is to show their displeasure with our current leaders like Ted Kennedy and Barack Obama they who are attempting to shove down our throats.
Brillant logic 43rd MP Company...
Ted Kennedy got elected and re elected how many times? Ten of thousands of his constituants are standing in line as we speak to pay their respects to Ted Kennedy...
Then after 8 years of the Bush Administration you want to claim that you speak for the average American when you say Americans are tired of having politicians like Kennedy and Obama shoved down their throats?
Won't you be disappointed when Obama is re elected in 2012?
Your logic is wishful thinking at best...
Simon Coulter said... Shaw had the nerve to call me a coward.
I don't know if you're a coward, but you're certainly an idiot and a liar. Why bother posting the lie about your being a "very strong" left winger? Surely you've got to realize that nobody's going to believe it. Unless you're an idiot.
I'd believe that a "strong left-winger" may have some vaild criticisms of Senator Kennedy. But nobody who is a "strong left-winger" would, as Shaw Kenawe pointed out, malign a dead man in a forum that memorializes him.
Despite his personal failings (the incidents which occurred decades ago to which others have referred) he was one of THE GREAT Liberal senators.
TAO said... No matter what ones political beliefs it is time to bow our heads and honor the contribution that Ted Kennedy and his family has made to this country: four sons died fighting to make this country great and a better place for their fellow citizens.
I agree 100 percent. Although I wonder whose shortcomings they are depressed about - theirs or their party's. Maybe both. I'd certainly be embarassed to be a conservative lately. Actually, the so-called "conservative" party has been acting decidely un-conservatively since their hero Reagan ran up all that debt when he was president (more than any president before him - combined).
And, let's not forget the last Republican president who ran up the debt even more by starting TWO illegal wars while furiously doling out boatloads of cash in the form of tax cuts for the upper 1 percent and no-bid war contracts for his wealthy cronies. You know, the war profiteers like Halliburton, and evil "Christian" crusaders like Erik Prince.
What else can their side do but attack? That, or they'd have to deal with the pain of how horribly the party they've been voting for has used them. Used them to enrich themselves at the expense of the entire US (and world) economy.
"genius" said... As they listen to the Democrats' "Liberal Lion" accuse President Bush of "telling lie after lie after lie" to get America to go to war in Iraq...
You have some nerve to to attack Senator Kennedy for the one accidental death he was involved with (an incident for which I am not defending him, btw) by comparing that to Senator Kennedy speaking against the lies bush told which resulted in the deaths of over 4,000 US soldiers and over 1 million Iraqis.
You are a hypocrite of the worst kind - invoking the memory of a woman who died tragically to politically attack a great public servant. You don't give a rat's ass about Mary Jo Kopechne. You lose as much sleep over her death as GWB loses over the million-plus deaths he is responsible for.
"genious", I think it is YOU who is a fraud and fake. In your rant you've attempted denigrate Senator Kennedy's political achievements by invoking his personal failures. And, let's not forget, you have the gall to throw the 1 million-plus deaths bush is responsible for into the mix.
You can paste your rant into a million progressive blogs but you won't convice a single Liberal of anything except that you're a loser (politically speaking). Conservatism has failed. After Reagan, bush, and bush Jr who tried they damnest to destroy our country, Liberals need to stand up and FIGHT for what Senator Kennedy belived in. In his memory AND (most importantly) for the good of our country.
43mpco said... The reason so many average Americans from both parties are showing up at town hall meetings is to show their displeasure with our current leaders like Ted Kennedy and Barack Obama...
That isn't what I see happening. I see health insurance company employees and a dwindling number of right wing dupes (promted to action by industry-funded astro-turf organizations) disrupting townhalls by shouting down everyone else who wishes to speak.
Sadly it seems to be working (to some extent). The astro-turf protestors do give Republican and blue dog Congressmen (who were never going to vote for ANY healthcare reform in the first place) the cover to say that "unfortunately" they were not able to reach a compromise.
I think TAO is right about Barack Obama being re-elected in 2012. So long as the Democrats don't blow healthcare reform. Which is why we (the majority of Americans who want a public option) have to keep speaking out.
Truth, you sure have a bunch of weirdos here today. Led by the King of the Weirdo's Bluepitbull
TRUTH, Some of us don't have our heads stuck up our azzes like you do
I do know in 1965 Teddy was the first one to say "Welcome, amigos, my casa is your casa."
Will someone, anyone, provide some examples of what Kennedy did for this country?
How about this for a legacy. He stole billions from the Americans taxpayers so his clan could live in royalty. What a man and very good at swimming
MacRocks lied: He stole billions from the Americans taxpayers so his clan could live in royalty.
Neither John, Robert, nor Ted Kennedy took any salary that can with the offices they were elected to.
MacRocks is a liar.
What did Senator Ted accomplish?
Gender Equity: Kennedy saw the Senate of the Equal Rights Amendment in 1972, which aimed to make men and women equal in the constitution. He reintroduced the legislation again this congressional session, but it has yet to make it into the constitution.
Kennnedy championed Title IX of the Civil Rights Act in 1972, which prevented educational institutions from discriminating against women (afterward, colleges and universities integrated, paving the way for women like Sonia Sotomayor and Hillary Clinton to attend Ivy League institutions), as well as requiring equitable athletic opportunities.
Civil Rights: Kennedy saw the passage of the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1988 as committee chairman, which strengthened the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Afterward, then-executive director of the Leadership Council on Civil Rights Ralph Neas said, "Now you see what happens when you have a civil rights champion in charge of the committee."
He was also chief sponsor on the Civil Rights Act of 1991, which addressed intentional discrimination and harassment in the workplace. He was also a key sponsor of legislation by the same name in 2008, which sought to restore civil rights protections stripped by Supreme Court rulings in recent years (like the Lilly Ledbetter case).
Pay Equity: Kennedy worked on the Fair Pay Restoration Act, which sought to restore the rights of women to sue with each discriminatory paycheck, overturning the Supreme Court ruling in Ledbetter v. Goodyear.
Voting Rights: Kennedy worked on the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which allowed equal access to voting as part of the Civil Rights movement. He also worked to add amendments in 1982 that expanded voting access to Native Americans, Latinos, and others who required language assistance.
Affirmative Action: Kennedy helped defeat legislation that would have ended federal affirmative action in 1998 and joined his colleagues in the Senate in filing a brief urging the Supreme Court to uphold affirmative action in 2003.
LGBT Rights: Kennedy has been the chief sponsor of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act since 1994, which would make it illegal to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation in the workplace. The bill has yet to pass.
Hate Crimes: Kennedy worked on the Matthew Shepard Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act in 2007, which would implement more severe penalties for crimes against women, gays, lesbians, and transgender persons. The bill was vetoed by President Bush in 2007, but the legislation has been reintroduced in the 110th Congress.
HIV/AIDS: Kennedy introduced what became the Ryan White CARE Act, which addressed thirteen cities hit hardest by the HIV/AIDS crisis in 1990. When it was up for reauthorization in 2000, it provided nearly $9 billion in HIV/AIDS services over the following five years.
Domestic Violence: Kennedy worked with Vice President Joe Biden on the 1994 Violence Against Women Act. He also worked on its reauthorization in 2000, which allowed immigrant women to apply for permanent status in the United States without their abusive partners.
Disability Equity: Kennedy worked to pass the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990, which provided much-needed accommodations for those with disabilities.
And more...
Minimum Wage: Kennedy worked with Congress in 2007 to pass the first hike in the minimum wage in more than a decade. Women disproportionately make up the population low-wage hourly workers.
Women in Combat: Kennedy championed the repeal a ban of women in combat in 1991. Women are still technically barred from fighting on the "front lines," such stipulations are meaningless in modern combat. By working for legislation that repealed archaic legislation, Kennedy helped women achieve more equality in the military.
Military Child Care: In 1989, Kennedy saw the passage of the National Military Child Care Act, which established the Department of Defense's child care program. This allowed working spouses of military members and women who were enlisted themselves to have access to high-quality, federally funded child care.
Health Insurance for Children and Pregnant Women: In 1997, Kennedy co-sponsored the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), allowing families to have access to health care that previously didn't. Kennedy also introduced legislation that has yet to pass, Affordable Health Care Act, which would expand Medicaid and SCHIP coverage for children, pregnant women, and the disabled.
He saw the passage of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act in 1978, which made it illegal for employers to fire women for leave taken due to pregnancy. We still don't require employers to provide paid maternity leave.
Minority Health Care: Kennedy championed the The Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Act in 2000, which provided funding for research for how to reduce disparities in cancer, heart disease, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, and other severe health problems that are found to be significantly higher in minority populations. In 2006, he introduced the Minority Health Improvement and Health Disparity Elimination Act, which would address inequalities in health care access and treatment if passed.
The Inclusion of Women in Scientific and Medical Research: Kennedy co-sponsored the NIH Revitalization Act of 1993, legislation that called for the inclusion of women and minorities in federally funded clinical research.
What have you contributed to your country?
Oh yes, you come onto liberal blogs and lie.
We'll remember you when you're gone for that fine accomplishment.
Why the heck would anyone criticizing Senator Kennedy ask for a list of accomplishments seeing as an impressive list could easily be provided? (Thanks Shaw Kenawe.)
It seems they're all well-versed concerning what happened at Chappaquiddick (or they know where to go to cut and paste that info here), but don't know a thing about him otherwise. IMO it makes their rants seem quite pathetic.
In reagards to my first posting on this thread in which I attempted to get people to take a look at my blog... I'd like to thank Truth for taking a look and posting a comment. Nobody else did though. And I just went and posted again. So again I'd like to let everyone know that all comments are welcome.
I look forward to your insults.
Anonymous Bluepitbull. said...
(O)CT(O)PUS said...
T101, a quick question: About my last comment above (August 27, 2009 8:18 PM), the one that mentions Fred Phelps, it seems bluepitbull had a rather extreme over-reaction to an otherwise innocuous comment and said immediately thereafter: "Hitler has spoken"
Did you delete that comment or did bluepitbull? Just curious because the answer would speak volumes.
What's the difference slimebucket?
Yeah, that wasn't me. Whoever is using my handle to post, you're a coward and a thief.
Here is my answer. I think octo was trying to tie my name to that dirtbag Fred Phelps. I hate that shithead. He loved hanging out when we were burying our dead and taunting families. He was a repugnant person, but you, Octo are just as repugnant for your traitorous behavior toward Pamela.
Say what you want, but you are an angry old man.
Shaw Kenawe listed Ted Kennedy’s accomplishments, but she forgot a few..
Yeah...he cheated in Harvard, dodged the draft, held onto the tailcoats of his older brothers, was banned from Nantucket for not paying his bar and dinner tabs, killed a girl and tried to have it covered up, is a fat drunk stupid slob, and the liberal Dems worship him. go figure.
He just could not understand that the dignity of man comes from ones own accomplishments, not from handouts.
Ted should have been pushing to give every citizen the healthcare that he was receiving.
What's sad is that this is what Democrats hold up as some kind of hero!
Talk about inverted morality! Ted Kennedy is no role model in any sense of the term.
The attempt by the media to canonize him as some sort of saint is nauseating
Senator Kennedy's place in history will always have an asterisk after it denoting how he left a young woman to drown while saving himself. Ted's place in history was right next to OJ, one who famously got away with murder. He was a modern day aristocrat...Living high on the labor of the serfs he so claimed to love. A supposedly benevolent lord who would give his serfs free health care, and education as long as they still were able to be taxed and didnt learn too much.
He will go down in history as a corrupt backroom dealer who never worked in the real world.
Well, maybe Mary Joe, can sleep soundly now!
Is there anything you righties don't hate these days. You vilify a dead man after a nice story about how my Dad met him. You call those of us wanting affordable health care for Americans nazis and socialists. I extend symapathy to a man with no dick and you attack me with all sorts of vile names and accusations.
You all demand less government and less spending. After two terms of Bush you got more more government and more spending. Your answer to that hypocrisy is wait till 2012 when you can vote for another republican to continue borrow, spend and expand as long as he/she tells you the bullshit you long to hear.
I did a speak a few months ago about the right's obsessive need for misery. The comments from the righties here prove me correct once again.
Octo: I deleted the Hitler comment. I don't know if it was real BPB or fake. I don't get alot of traffic but there is enough that figuring out who posted what is impossible. I don't really care anyway. One hard and fast rule I have is anonymous stays anonymous and a moniker is a moniker. I do appreciate visits and I will respect the anonymity of all who come here.
I really got in on the end of this one. I agree with Ted Kennedy on almost nothing. But, he dedicated his life to government and did things as he saw the right.
I hope when I'm gone that people would say as I would of him, he stood up for what he thought was right, didn't back down and did the best he could. That's a life well spent.
As for one's transgressions, not my call. We'll all stand tall some day and God will take account of our lives. That's His call. It's all in God's hands now.
BTW, I liked the sincerity of your story about your parents. Too bad some others saw it as a chance to beat on you. I'm sure your parents were proud as mine would have been. It's the Catholic thing to them.
Good day, sir.
Cindy Loo,
I'm sorry for you.
You'll never be as great a person as Senator Kennedy was.
Your heart is too small.
Shaw Kenawe said...
Cindy Loo,
I'm sorry for you.
You'll never be as great a person as Senator Kennedy was.
Your heart is too small.
But she does have one
What a fantastic story, Truth.
What happened to the old Christian axiom, "Respect the dead." Did I miss something over the last few decades?
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