Thursday, June 18, 2009


I've always leaned liberal in my thinking so I always felt a little guilt when thinking badly about people of different nationality.
But I can't help but wonder what former President Bush saw that was so wonderful about the Saudis Royal Family.
They threw the American company that ran Aramco out in the late 70's. Powerful Saudi families have been known to finance terrorists. Bin Laden is a Saudi. 15 of the 19 terrorist scum of 911 were Saudis.
When a gallon of gas was over $4, causing havoc to our economy, I don't remember the Saudis telling OPEC to piss off and raising production to help us out.
The Saudi Princes all danced with President Bush and visited his ranch. They visited the White House. To be fair to President Bush, President Obama has had his share of friendly contact with the Saudi royals.
All this niceness we've given the Saudis all these years and what have we gotten. These pricks still brutalize women. I have the most wonderful wife and wonderful daughters any man could ask for. That's enough reason for me right there to want to tell these assholes to shove a bucket of sand from the Sahara up their asses.
Oil? The Saudis teasing us with who really knows how much oil they have has kept us from actually making real progress on alternative energy. Good for Exxon, Shell and the Saudis. I don't know what's so good about gas at $4 a gallon. Even $2.70 can be a bitch for many of us.
I still hope President Obama shows the good sense to stay out of what's going on in Iran. The fed up people can take care of it themselves. When they do, hopefully the attitude and courage to stand against the assholes that always end up being in charge will spread throughout the Arab world.
There will come a time when the United States will need to stand with these people. They know we will. Let them decide when the time is right.


Green Eagle said...

What you are doing is not "thinking badly about people of different nationality." It is thinking badly of a ruling family that is nothing really but a pack of vicious dictators who happen to be obscenely rich, and who happen to have their fingers at the throats of half the countries in the world, due to their control over oil.

It would make no more sense to feel guilty about loathing the Burmese Junta or Robert Mugabe because they are foreigners.

Wrong is wrong, wherever in the world it occurs.

sue said...

Every time I see those women with nothing but their eyes showing I want to scream. Men rule as it is, but those women don't have a chance.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Good job on this. I agree with a whole lot of it. The problem is I don't know the alternative to oil will ever be put in place because of politics. We need to develop our resources.

I think nuclear is an option that some interests will allow only over their dead bodies. I agree with exploring every source of energy. Until they become cost effective, oil is the only cost effective choice. I hope other energy sources come on line soon. Until then we are doomed to cavort with these knuckledraggers.

As for Iran, I watch with interest as are you I'm sure. I would like to see the president encourage the Iranians verbally as Reagan and John Paul II did Poland in 1981.

I think protestors are taking the unusual step of begging for recognition with the English language signs, and internet appeals. I surely don't want to see a military option there. This approach could succeed with some international condemnation and sanctions. International condemnation is powerful as witnessed in India in 1947 and South Africa in the 1980s. For a man who is addicted to words, Obama's silence is deafening.

As for your family I'm glad you are blessed with a living saint to put up with you, as am I.

Good day, sir.

Tom the Redhunter said...

I'm certainly with you on this one, Truth101. I've written many times that the Saudis are not only not our friends, they are our enemies. And I went after Bush (41 & 43) over their relationship with them.

"Powerful Saudi families have been known to finance terrorists. Bin Laden is a Saudi. 15 of the 19 terrorist scum of 911 were Saudis."

Yup. We should demand King Abdullah come over her and apologize for that on national TV.

"To be fair to President Bush, President Obama has had his share of friendly contact with the Saudi royals."

Right-winger that I am, I'd stand up and cheer if Obama criticized the Saudis.

"These pricks still brutalize women."

Yes they do, and it is the shame of every American president for the past 70 years that we have not called them on this.

rockync said...

We should be putting all our efforts into alternative energies because once we are off the oil teat, the royal family will be living in tents along with everyone else over there.

Pamela Zydel said...

Truth: You have a post that we all agree on! Is this a record for you, my kind and gentle friend?

Yep, we need our own oil, wind, solar and nuclear-but like L&OT said, over someone's dead body.

And I'd like for the Saudi's to live in tents too, Rocky! Oh to see the day!

I Ain't Got No Blog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I Ain't Got No Blog said...

How many times have you read something and said - "What a complete IDIOT the guy that wrote this must be"!
Well I just said those exact words!

The Gray Headed Brother said...

why is whitey so afraid of Barack Obama?
Do you people have any idea how insane you all sound?

You don’t have to be a ‘troll’ to think this whole thing is seriously shady. Especially considering somehow so many blogs around the net are posting almost the same.

Remember during the campaign there were rumors about a video tape showing Michelle saying Whitey"
Who cares if there is a video of Michelle Obama using the word "Whitey". Without context it is of no importance. You have to understand how she used the word if she used the word. Perhaps she was decribing a feeling that other people had about "whitey" and was trying to convey some sort of message or lesson?

This election has ruined a lot of friendships. But smears of this type are unforgivable. I have been forebearing. Perhaps, in retrospect, I have been too forebearing.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the heat brother

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Friends: I've devoted posts to few bloggers that I believe are worthy of respect. Gray Headed Brother and Deranged Leftwing Baker to name two of them.

But as loathe as I am to abandoned my principles of kind and gentleness, and as much as this intellectual lightweight tries to goad me, I will not dignify the blogger "I Ain't Got Non Brains" with the honor of a titled post.

This poor deluded chump begs for attention the same way a whiney child in the back seat of the car on a long trip does.
You have not caused me any misery brainless one. All you have achieved is the pity I feel for those that have to be around you.

P.S. If you ever do come up with an original or clever thought, you are welcome here. I doubt that will be any time soon Brainless, but if it does, it will win a $5 bet I have with Shaw.

Till then I suggest you spend a few hours reading Tom The Redhunter and Law and Order Teacher to see exactly how informed and intelligent Righties do it.

Thank you all for visiting...

Anonymous said...

LOL @ Pamela's comment!

It happens so rarely that we have to rejoice when we all see eye to eye! :-)

I don't mind the stance that Obama has taken on this one. (I agree with two liberal posts in a day, there must be some record) I think we need to keep a watchful eye on Iran without butting our noses in.

I truly wish we could find some way to distance ourselves but like the others I just don't see it happening. The only way we can be free of them is to focus on finding other means other than oil. I find them and heir actions repulsive but what other choice do we have.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer , I have read you blog and I really think that you are a "Wolf in Sheep's clothing".
Prove me wrong and I'll be shocked.

James' Muse said...

Gray: I liked your previous incarnation. You spoke about some hard things.

I'm not sure this version of you is the same blogger. This one isn't talking about racism that he experienced. This one is baiting people everywhere you go. I liked the other Gray. This one, I'm sorry to say, is a bit of a troll.

So two things: One: If you are the same Gray Headed brother, please go back to your old way, relink your old blog and profile, and don't let them get you down. Two: If you are an impostor, coming here to rile things up and tread on someone else's blogger image, shame on you.

Honestbuttrue said...

Did anyone read about Sonia Sotomayor resigning from an elite all-women's club after Republicans questioned her participation in it. Sotomayor said she resigned from the Belizean Grove to prevent the issue from becoming a distraction in her confirmation hearings.
she said she didn't want questions about it to "distract anyone from my qualifications and record." Well Duh!
Is that a good reason to hide it? Terrific, she's a racist and a sexist. Obama can really pick em can't he?
I gotta tell ya, regardless of this decision, this woman looks terrible. What she needs more than anything is a good scrub down and a ordinary shower won't help. She needs a complete makeover - hair, face/makeup, clothes. stockings, shoes, the works. And even then, I don't know if that's going to do any good.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I don't know. I limke my women a little rough honest dude.

James: I have lots of empathy for where Gray Headed Brother is coming from. And I like a little baiting anyway.

It's good to have a visit from you Jennifer. You'd be pleasantly surprised how much all of us agree on when we get by the obligatory name calling.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Honestbuttrue wrote:

"distract anyone from my qualifications and record." Well Duh!
Is that a good reason to hide it? Terrific, she's a racist and a sexist. Obama can really pick em can't he?"

Judge Sotomayor didn't hide her association with this group from anyone.

In documents provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sotomayor openly wrote of her membership in the group, saying, "I am a member of the Belizean Grove, a private organization of female professionals from the profit, nonprofit and social sectors. The organization does not invidiously discriminate on the basis of sex. Men are involved in its activities—they participate in trips, host events and speak at functions—but to the best of my knowledge, a man has never asked to be considered for membership."

Also, I'd rather have a judge with a sharp mind and a lot of experience on the bench [Sotomayor has the most experience of anyone ever nominated to the SCOTUS], than a barbie doll beauty contest winner.

Rachel said...

As for Sonia Sotomayor, she'd be the Barbara Boxer of the Supreme Court. Just some more of the dumbing down of America.

And why her?
Was Monica Conyer and Cynthia McKinney too busy?
My god! It all makes sense now!!!!! And ugly! Anal-hemorrhoid-ass ugly this Sonia Sotomayor is! She didn't get where she is because of her looks, no, it was all on Affirmative Action, baby, all Affirmative Action. And you know it! Our first affirmative action president picks a judge who's also an affirmative action Latino. "The Slum Princess."

Cactus Mark said...

The resentment among non-Obama backers is growing rapidly - you can see it in his ratings, and I can see it in the blog comments. There’s a real split among party activists, and it’s getting wider. Some of it is motivated by the media’s love affair with one candidate - and hatred for the other; David Letterman's embarrassment drove many over the edge. But much of it comes from boorish, Stalinist behavior blogs..... - the kind of “you’re either with us or against us” attitude we saw so much of when the Bush crowd was flying high. It’s disturbing, particularly because so many of the targets are women. This is not the Democratic Party many of us have worked for; this is not the progressive blogosphere we’ve supported. This is not a progressive movement - it’s a harsh, echo-filled politburo bathed in faux post-racial hosannas and the gauzy camera lens of “hope.” Maybe I need to take a break from other blogs again so my crankiness will dissipate.
the blogosphere still makes me violently ill with all the stupid bullshit and rabid, deranged libtards. (Go to hell, Obamabots!) I just wanted to post this (God’s gift to) video and delete some stupid troll droppings from moderation — because I can. Suck it up, Greg and other Obamabots — the others might be nice and approve your drivel while I’m away, but when I’m here, you can forget it. I’m away from the blogosphere because I can get more than my daily recommended allowance of dishonest bullshit just by watching David Axelrod and the other Obama goons on teevee. I don’t need to see the same shit spewed by a bunch of retarded losers pounding on keyboards, but thanks for your contribution anyway.

curmudgeon said...

LOL ... It looks like the lib web sites are in a bit of a tizzy today
"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

Nice move there, you stupid, racist bitch.

Hey! I know! Let's do some role playing here. Let's see what it sounds like if this was statement was modified a bit:

"I would hope that a wise white male with the richness of his experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a Latino woman who hasn't lived that life."

Oh yes. The shit would definitely have hit the fan.

Anonymous said...

"Jennifer , I have read you blog and I really think that you are a "Wolf in Sheep's clothing".
Prove me wrong and I'll be shocked. "

Gray, I do not have to justify myself to you, nor do I have to prove anything to you. I'm not falling for your bait so you are bound to be disappointed.
"You'd be pleasantly surprised how much all of us agree on when we get by the obligatory name calling."

Actually I wouldn't truth, being a regular at Swash Zone, Repsac, and Patrick's, I've seen how much common ground we can find if we open our minds and actually listen to each other.

Sorry to let you down about the baiting, I'm not going matter how much you like it! :-)

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Let me clarify Jennifer. I like good baiting. Just trolling to type the word "idiot" or a few four letter words is juvenile and not worth getting in a tizzy over.

Let me show you:

Curmudeon you poor deluded right wing fool. Have you been so accustomed to the advantage of being a white person in America that you believe it is a Constitutional right?

You obviously know nothing of Judge Sotomayor because you obviously are an intellectually lazy clown with nothing better to do than think up bigoted catch phrases to please others of your deluded ilk.

While you may think you're a hero for typing your deluded and bigoted rant to your list cobigoted fools, the truth is most people have a sense of dignity and morality. They are the real Americans and they find you and others like you to be nothing more than a pesky insect. Now shoo fly.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I got it now......LOL :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, and nice touch with the shoo fly!

Anonymous said...

TRUTH 101 said...

"Let me clarify Jennifer. I like good baiting. Just trolling to type the word "idiot" or a few four letter words is juvenile and not worth getting in a tizzy over.
Let me show you:"

Wow, that was really brave of you..
But how come you picked on "Curmudeon's" post to reply to?

You didn't say one word about The Gray Headed Freak who is the one that is responsible for insulting Jennifer in the first place! Could color or the fact that he is a fellow racist have anything to do with that?
It seems that way to me.
And don't try to pass yourself of as a person that is against "Name calling" as you have shown us that is not the fact at all!

"So after eight years of Bush/Cheney fuck ups,"

Nice, very nice.
Well that is MY exact assessment your your Magic Negro!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Good day, TRUTH101,

A very pleasant Father's Day to you and to all the wonderful fathers out there like you.

Anonymous said...

Why are black men so threatened by strong black women? What's even worse is that I find that some of the strongest men actually prefer a docile woman. Have black men become so mentally and spiritually weak that they no longer appreciate the worth of a strong black woman? Oh, and, I hate the cliché’s: 1. Black women have too much attitude. (The same attitude your mother gave you to put that fear in your heart about those slipping grades that got you through school) 2. Black women are too loud. (You never seem to mind it when we're busy sticking up for you.) 3. Black women are too bossy. (In this day in age, we'd rather give you a command than a suggestion, especially when we know your life is at stake. So, if I come across as bossy when I tell you that you should be applying for this job instead of that one because I know how brilliant you really are, or when I say you should eat this and not eat that because I want you to live far past the estimated age of black men, excuse me for loving you that much. I'm sorry.)

Let me remind everyone that black women are strong by nature. When our men were brutally killed and/or taken away, we led the household. But, not by choice. We've been force-fed this idea of superhuman strength for centuries. When our men marched, we marched. We our men were slain while fighting for justice, we picked up the torch, bounced the baby on our hips and carried on. No one will ever love a black man, like a black woman. It's a love that's deep-rooted in our souls; a kinship perfected over time. And, now we're being crucified for the very thing that shapes our identities as black women.

Danger: I'm about to make a bold statement. It's not that we're too strong, it's that many black men have become weak. Too many times, we women try to campaign our positive points instead of really pinpointing the underlying problem. Point blank truth: black men are not stepping up as leaders and our families are paying a detrimental price. Instead of protecting our honor and shielding us from becoming distorted images, they've demoted us to shawty, bitch, and ho'. Instead of re-affirming the essence of our natural beauty, they've gladly given the world the right to define us according to the cock-eyed standards they've embedded and capitalized on. Let's gather the opinion of our local video ho' ....."...." Oh, that's right. They don't actually speak.

I'm not generalizing all men. I whole-heartedly believe that many black men are good-natured at heart, but as much as we'd like our hearts to represent us, we all know that it's your choices and actions that do the talking. I do thank God for the real men...though you are outnumbered, you shine brighter than any diamond-encrusted crown swinging from the neck of an empty-headed fool. Let's not forget the intelligent, witty, successful fool. Or, the fist raised to the air Marcus Garvey quoting fool. They exist too.... Hiding in the flimsy shells of their egos, fearful that a woman might pose a challenge.

When are black men going to become worthy opponents instead of looking for an easy win?

Law and Order Teacher said...

Again I see you are winning friends with your kind and gentle outreach, my friend. I just stopped in to wish you a Happy Father's Day. We should be thankful we have a loving family. That's a fortunate occurrence and makes life worthwhile. Happy Father's Day, my friend.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Happy Father's Day, T101. Of course, where I come from, it is called "Happy Diploid Day." Mother's Day is also referred to as "Happy Diploid Day." How do you tell them apart, you ask? No need to, I answer. You see, one happy diploid beats two unhappy haploids. Make sense?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Gray Headed Brother deleted his blog again so perhaps he was dissatisfied the way things were going again.
I still don't have a problem with his message Cutie Pie.

"So after eight years of Bush/Cheney fuck ups,"

I stand by that 100% Cutie. In this case, what you call trolling or name calling, or whatever you want to call it, it is above all else... TRUTH.

Happy Father's Day to you Law and Order Teacher. I can't tell when you're insulting me sometimes but your expert defense of your position and prifessionalism deserve the benefit of the doubt. Thanks for stopping by.

Shaw: the best Father's Day gift I could get would be for my daughters to be like you. No offense to our principles (Or lack of them if you're a Nihilist) but if my son is like Law and Order or Tom The Redhunter I would be okay with that as well.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Whoops. I'd still much rather my boy be like TAO, Octo, ExDLB or Repsac though.

Happy Father's Day to all!

JBW said...

T101, first off: Happy Father's Day to you and all of the other good dads commenting here. Hope you enjoyed it and got to catch some of the Open.

Second: admittedly, I don't visit your place as often as I should but when I dropped by today and saw that this post had 31 comments attached I was a bit envious of the attention you've garnered for yourself here.

Then I read some of the more abusive comments and thanked the gods that IAGNB is the only troll I've had to deal with lately. You do good work my man, and you keep it real with bright shining truth.

Carry on my wayward son, and keep fighting the good fight.

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