I've been taking some heat from a few righties at other sites. They don't like me for making fun of George W. Bush. They hate me for being against the Iraq invasion and occupation. They hate me for encouraging an old man to tell his story of mistreatment because of the color of his skin. They hate me for exposing their hatred.
These deluded fools ripped President Obama for bowing to the Saudi Prince. I don't know why he did that either to be frank. As far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't have a problem if he'd spit in the face of the misogynist bastard.
Remember when Bush danced with these Saudi clowns. That made some good video. Remember when he accepted the ceremonial sword from the Prince? Gas was over four dollars a gallon and Bush went there to plead for lower oil prices and more production. He came home with a freaking sword which he should have shoved up the Prince's ass.
Cheney went later and prices rose even more.
So after eight years of Bush/Cheney fuck ups, I'm supposed to forget them and embrace the right's view that anything that doesn't come out of the mouths of jokers like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter is anti American?
I support all who serve our Nation in the Armed Forces. I will proudly pay more taxes to see that they are the best trained and equipped fighting force in the world. Regardless of whether I agree with the mission our President sends them on or not.
Earmarks account for maybe one or two percent of the budget. Eliminate them and that leaves 700 billion to go for a balanced budget. I'll pay more so my Country can pay it's bills and support our Soldiers. If your answer is no, then look in the mirror at a real anti American.
Bush isn't putting a liplock on him, he's just trying to get a better look at his soul. You should see how close he got with Putin, those pics are x-rated.
Bush and Cheney are no longer in office..
Obama is IN Office now.
Can You Comprehend That?
You can't blame every Fuck Up that Obama makes on Bush and Cheney any longer.
And just because Bush and Cheney may have done something wrong, it does NOT excuse Obama from his screwing up on a daily basis.
Even bowing to a Arab
North Korea and Iran have no intention of giving up their nuclear programs, with or without dialogue, while Russia remains determined to restore its dominion over Georgia. Israel is not going to give in to the terrorist Palestinians like Obama wants them to do.. In other words, what happens when it’s no longer George W. Bush’s fault?
If it were up to you, you would blame Bush for the bogeyman!
I am sure many of you have been able to view the comedian Wanda Sykes speech at the White House Correspondent's' Association dinner. Doesn't anyone edit speeches for content? Is this really the type of entertainment our current administration approves?
Sykes took liberty to bash many republican reps in her lampooning. For instance, she noticed Gov. Palin stating " I see governor Palin is not here tonight. She pulled out at the last minute. Some one needs to tell her that's not how you practice abstinence." That to me is uncalled for and way over the top. Hasn't the Palin family withstood enough criticism and now we have to hear this? And this kind of chaffing is okay with our current administration?
To name others on a list that were targeted with her deafening malfeasance were Dick Cheney, Shawn Hannity about water boarding and John McCain about helicopters. And let's not forget her comment on Limbaugh without checking the facts first. She claims Rush has stated he wishes for the administration to fail (partially true) and our country to fail (false). Truth being he does wish our administrations IDEAS FAIL. He has not said he wants our country to fail or our president to fail. And to compare anyone to Bin Laden save himself is outright preposterous and slanderous. For Sykes to say "our country had an abusive previous owner". Come on!
Would our current president stand for this said about him? I say no one should.We all can laugh at satire but not when it's as crass and rude as what we just heard as entertainment from the White House dinner. This is just revolting to say the least!
"If it were up to you, you would blame Bush for the bogeyman!"--The Eyes of An Angel
Oh, heavens, no! But I do blame Bush for encouraging people like you to post their ill-thought-out ideas on the internet.
TSR, thank you for allowing me to comment.
Shaw Kenawe said...
"If it were up to you, you would blame Bush for the bogeyman!"--The Eyes of An Angel
Oh, heavens, no! But I do blame Bush for encouraging people like you to post their ill-thought-out ideas on the internet."
Yada, yada, yada, what a profound comment from
the self proclaimed Intellectual Goddess of the biosphere!
Eric's Eyes typed: "Yada, yada, yada, what a profound comment from
the self proclaimed Intellectual Goddess of the biosphere!"
Self-proclaimed? Really?
Find that exact quote where I said that, Eric, otherwise you're talking through your conservative anus--like a lot of people in your camp do.
You and others seem to be awfully intimadated by a woman who can speak her mind.
I understand certain males with small *cough* egos *cough* can't deal with women who can.
A criticism I have with liberals and other Democratic types is that they have a case of hero-worship with Obama. I've made fun of this by occasionally referring to the prez as Dear Leader or The Chosen One.
Many who identify themselves with the right have a field day pointing out that liberals fawn over Obama day and night, rightfully so. But you have pointed out that the same thing exists with Republicans. From the look of it, one might conclude that it is an affront to the First Amendment to speak ill of George W. Bush. Also, hero-worship of Reagan exists to an embarrassing degree.
As Barry Goldwater once said, "let's grow up, conservatives." We need to admit when the party fails at something and we need to realize that criticism of the party is not in and of itself an affirmation of liberalism.
One more thing.
I also see the same hero-worship for Rush Limbaugh. Although I think Rush as the titular "leader of the party" is mainly an MSM construction (I don't believe Rush is doing anything differently than he was during the past, say, 15 years), his supporters may want to chill out over things comedians say about him.
If we want to convince anyone that Rush isn't in some way a leader of the party, we might want to call off the crusade against anyone who has the audacity to question him. If we want people to believe that Rush is "just a guy on the radio," let's treat him like one.
I want you righties to read the words of Carl several times. Absorb them. Let them flow through you that your party may be saved. Or if you'd like,continue your deluded babble so Shaw and I can can laugh our heads off making sport of your deluded foolishness.
Thank you all for stopping by.
Once again, truth, you tell it like it is. That's why I don't have to write on my blog, because you do it for me.
'I want you righties to read the words of Carl several times. Absorb them. Let them flow through you that your party may be saved. Or if you'd like,continue your deluded babble so Shaw and I can can laugh our heads off making sport of your deluded foolishness."
YOU WANT!!! Who the hell are YOU to WANT anything?
In MY opinion, yes, MY deluded opinion You can stick whatever YOU WANT where the sun don't shine!
PS does Shaw always pull your strings?
sue said...
"Once again, truth, you tell it like it is. That's why I don't have to write on my blog, because you do it for me."
Hey Sue have you always been a STUPID Kool-aid drinker, or has Saw and This Dummy converted you?
If you call this "CRAP" telling it like it is, then I pity you.
I suggest you start your own blog so the world can witness your ignorance Phantom. Maybe some well meaning psychiatrist will offer you some free mental help to you friend.
"I suggest you start your own blog so the world can witness your ignorance Phantom. Maybe some well meaning psychiatrist will offer you some free mental help to you friend."
Hey look, the pots calling the kettle black!
'I suggest you start your own blog so the world can witness your ignorance Phantom. Maybe some well meaning psychiatrist will offer you some free mental help to you friend.'"
And "Johnny" replied: "Hey look, the pots calling the kettle black"
You've got the funniest trolls in the blogsphere. Mine generally are merely loutish bores, but you, my friend, have attracted some very unintentionally funny joltheads.
Thank you for allowing me the pleasure to read these risable comments from your trolls.
This is funny. You have conservatives at your silly site and all you brought to the fight was shaw?
That's like bringing a water gun to a Brazilian football stadium.
bluepitbull said...
"This is funny. You have conservatives at your silly site and all you brought to the fight was shaw?
That's like bringing a water gun to a Brazilian football stadium."
Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha...good one Pitt
Ad hominem is hilarious guys. Absolutely hilarious.
As to TSR's original post:
Yes. Isn't it interesting that if you support ANYTHING of Obama's you are immediately painted as "liberal" and if you question anything by Rush, Bush, Cheney, or Reagan you don't belong in the GOP?
That's what happened to Powell. It's what happened to me.
Or if that doesn't work, let's all just pick on Shaw with ad hominem and telling our troll buddies to attack. Fun stuff.
Phantom - Yes, I've always been a stupid Kool-Aid drinker.
And thank you for your pity. How kind of you.
Earmarks account for maybe one or two percent of the budget. Eliminate them and that leaves 700 billion to go for a balanced budget. I'll pay more so my Country can pay it's bills and support our Soldiers.
Truth: I have no problem supporting our soldiers, either. I do, however, have a problem shoving through that stimulus bill, which no one even read, which included the bonuses for AIG executives but no one remembered writing it. I don’t want to pay MORE taxes if it means paying for tatoo removal and swine odor research. There were some things in that omnibus bill that was just plain waste no matter how you slice it. We do need to pay our taxes, but come on, we’re in a major mess here and Obama promised during his campaign that he was going to go through the budget “line by line.” He broke that promise, just as he broke his “no earmark” promise. He tripled the deficit left by Bush and that was wrong.
Everyone here should know that Truth is a fraud. He's a municipal employee who makes about 40k a year and only got that pathetic job because his daddy was the mayor.
I don't know what your odyssey is, but I think there's more to Colin Powell than merely questioning Bush, Cheney, or Rush.
Powell does seem like he would be more in line with Democrats right now, considering his comments about Americans wanting higher taxes and more government services.
But if I may psychoanalyze for a bit, I think he also has a bone to pick with the Republicans. Powell was the face of the administration at the UN in making the case for the Iraq invasion. Once the reasons for going to war were proven shallow, let's say, Powell looked like a fool. So in that respect, I can hardly blame him for wanting to stick it to them.
That's just my take.
Rudy Giuliani and Sarah Palin were municipal employees.
Powell is totally in line with democrats now.
James, the reason you get put on the left isn't due to your support of powell; It's your disdain for anything on the right. You can pretend you don't know what I'm talking about, but 9 out of 10 of your posts are about something the Republicans have done to piss you off. The party will not survive with the moderates. Period.
The real fraud is the person who writes comments under the name of
It would be unkind and ungentle not to welcome my friends on the conservative side of the blogosphere. Especially the ones that know what they're talking about like Carl, Tom and LAOT.
I suggest the rest of my right leaning friends read the literature they do instead of frothing over Rush's daily update for todays mass post.
But the insult thing is fun also. If you jokers really want to subject yourselves to the biting wit of TRUTH 101, be my guest.
So now you're threatening bio warfare?
I don't need Rush to know what I believe. I listen to Rush, anyway, because he makes a hell of a lot more sense than anything your side puts out.
Stop blaming GWB for the problems going on currently. Your comrade obama is the one running the budget off a cliff. I hope that you understand the enormity of the tax burden that will be on our shoulders in a few years.
The enormity of the tax burden started with spend and borrow policies of Reagan and perfected by Bush. Obama inherited an economy on the brink of collapse BPB. Bush's advisiors told him and Bush repeated that the bank crisis could lead to a depression. It took Bush eight years to lead us to what is the worst economic condition since the Great Depression. Do you really expect Obama to get us out of it in 6 months? Get real Brother. And thank George Bush for the biggest tax hikes in history because of his spend and borrow.
Or do you still believe tax cuts combned with massive debt as Bush did lead to more revenue?
sue said...
The real fraud is the person who writes comments under the name of
What the hell do you know? Why not crawl back into the crack you came out of?
Sue speaks with a lifetime of wisdom and passion Larry. The only things coming out of the orifice you speak with are venom, hatred, ignorance, and of course, crap.
Thank you for visiting Truth Shall Rule...
Sue speaks with a lifetime of wisdom and passion Larry. The only things coming out of the orifice you speak with are venom, hatred, ignorance, and of course, crap.
Sue speaks like a like a leftist imbecile.
Both Sue and You are obviously focused on the wrong thing! Once again, your personal, political and news biases have obfuscated your thinking and saturated you brains.
The problem I have with leftists like you and Sue and you can even throw in Shaw is that they’re whiny, retarded, neurotic, and mentally unhealthy.
I retract “retarded” and replace it with “morally repugnant imbeciles”.
Thanks for the laugh though.
Dear Truth Shall Rule,
It will take a long time for this country to recover from the profligate Bush years. I'm not sure, at this point, that everything the Obama administration is doing will correct the catastrophe that was the Bush administration. Only time will tell.
I do appreciate the fact that Mr. Obama keeps the American people informed and does so in a clear and intelligible way.
Also, TSR,
I'm so sorry the unintelligible and deeply unhappy flotsam and jetsam from the Bush years has washed up onto your blog's shore in the guise of trolls.
I find that deleting their paranoid rants eventually discourages them from their need to make public their fathomless ignorance.
Shaw Kenawe said...
Dear Truth Shall Rule,
It will take a long time for this country to recover from the profligate Bush years. I'm not sure, at this point, that everything the Obama administration is doing will correct the catastrophe that was the Bush administration. Only time will tell.
I do appreciate the fact that Mr. Obama keeps the American people informed and does so in a clear and intelligible way.
Also, TSR,
"I'm so sorry the unintelligible and deeply unhappy flotsam and jetsam from the Bush years has washed up onto your blog's shore in the guise of trolls.
I find that deleting their paranoid rants eventually discourages them from their need to make public their fathomless ignorance"
Poor, poor Shaw, Can't take the heat! But she can sure dish it out!
You made your own bed "Sista" now you can sleep in it!
Did you really expect not to get ant criticism when you blast and slam everybody that don't agree with you!!
Did you expect everybody to be an altar boy after the things that YOU have sad to them and about them? You call it Trolling, I call it "Pay Back". Now you go and behave yourself.
So clever and trite these trolls are.
Pitbull: This is where you are wrong. The party won't survive without the moderates. Remember Reagan's "big tent"? Most of the country is moderate, with a small minority on either end.
How can the Republicans survive in a pup tent?
How can they survive by kicking out anyone that doesn't fall in line?
That's exactly what I mean. "You criticize the GOP! Get out!" without realizing that criticism from within leads to change.
Martin Luther tried to bring change from within the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church rejected it and kicked him out. So he began the Protestant Movement, which overshadows the Catholic Church in many ways. They could have accepted his changes in the first place and had a much larger, stronger, and better Church in those years. But instead, they had a painful and bloody schism.
This is what is happening to the Republicans. Instead of accepting criticism, they, and you, tell anyone who dissents from the party line to "get out."
Maybe one day we will. And the GOP will wither and die.
If they call us "Trolls" Then let's stop giving them the traffic and supporting their blogs.
Conservatives should stop playing by liberal rules. Screw them, I for one will not be called the names that they call us. Let them talk with themselves...ALL OF THEM Even the Closet Liberal's like James Muse.
I'm pretty sure most bloggers would welcome the disappearance of trolls.
When you come to a blog and do nothing but hurl invective at other commenters, that's not called "support[ing] their blogs."
Your presence will not be missed.
Shaw Kenawe said...
When you come to a blog and do nothing but hurl invective at other commenters, that's not called "support[ing] their blogs."
Your presence will not be missed.
Good one, Choice. Peace!
I like dishing it out and taking it. It's like successful sex. Everyone is satisfied.
"So after eight years of Bush/Cheney fuck ups"
How about after 5 months of Obama/Biden, Tax cheat,Timothy F. Geithner, Lair, Hillary Clinton, Terrorist Lover, Attorney General Eric Holder, Blooming Idiot, Janet Napolitano. and the Chief Fuck up..Rahm I. Emanuel
If you mean all those you listed fucked up by not listening to Truth 101 more often, then yeah. That is a fuck up they need to correct.
Thanks for visiting IMHO.
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