I guess poor Jon Voight just couldn't rest on the accolades he received after starring in such fine films as Midnight Cowboy and Anaconda. Rather than sit by the pool and relive the glory days, he decided he missed the applause and pats on the back of earlier times so he made a speech to a bunch of republicans telling them bullshit they wanted to hear.
What the bullshit was doesn't matter. If it's republican speak you can rest assured it's bullshit.
Jon just wanted to hear the applause one more time and didn't care how he earned it.
It's easy to get righties to pat you on the back. Just say some nonsense about less government and freedom and these people will praise you as if you were the Almighty returning.
My good friend Professor Douglas of American Power has a legion of deluded fools that thank him for every word he types. He could type that he took a good crap and a horde of his followers would congratulate him for his patriotic defecation.
In keeping with my renown for kindness and benevolence, I offer this suggestion to anyone feeling self pity. Start a right wing blog. Post here or on one of my Liberal friend's blogs some blather about Liberals not being Americans. Withing two hours you will have 40 followers and at least 100 commenter's congratulating you for your wit and wisdom.
Glad I could help.
Well, well you seem to be a little agitated this evening, my friend. I will agree that Voight's speech was lame. I heard it and was kind of embarrassed for him. Pandering isn't cool.
Most of the time people look for validation of their views and love to get it. I am sure you feel the same way about Sean Penn, George Clooney, most of the cast of the View, Oprah, Babs, Rosie, Roseanne Barr, Keith Olbermann, Chris "the leg" Matthews, and the rest of the myriad of leftie Hollywood types. Lame, one and all.
I have a rightie blog and I don't have 100 followers. Damn, I must be doing something wrong.
As usual, I got a laugh from your post. It keeps me coming back.
Good day, sir.
"Great post, T101!", he said sycophantically. OK, now you thank me for commenting and we'll do a Neocon high five...
And I think I noticed a hint of sarcasm when you referenced Voight's tour de force performance in Anaconda. Have you no shame, sir? First a snub by the Oscars and now this. Damn liberal media.
You speak with intelligence and depth LAOT. That's hard for the rank and file rightie to understand. They might think you're a closet leftie.
I must have got one right if LAOT and JBW left comments. I am honored and humbled. Thank you for visiting.
No longer kind and gentle Truth, despite (or because of) your nihilistic liberal ways, I would be honored to be your follower.
Jon Voight, however, should go back to being a male prostitute. Go with your strengths, I always say.
Voight actually said this:
"...bring an end to this false prophet Obama.”
And he didn't put in the qualifier "Constitutionally."
That sounds an awful lot like inciting mayhem and violence against the president.
And yet, Sen. Mitch McConnell was quoted as saying he really enjoyed the speech.
No wonder Angie hasn't talked to him in years.
Bravo, I agree for the most part and I pray that the American public are as intelligent as I think they are so that they may see through the smoke and mirrors being generated by Obama.
God Bless him and people like him that have the good sense to speak up.
I am grateful to think Hollywood is not entirely blind to the lurking of a Fascist machine that has it's eye on the Presidency, and been in the company of the likes of Ahmadinejad, Putin, Chavez, and Farrakhan. I fear the weak children who can vote now, knew not of Mussolini and Hitler are too loud and young to see the 'all to familiar' signs of deathly CHANGE.
As for what Green Eagle said
"No wonder Angie hasn't talked to him in years."
Since when is anything that "Angie" has done of ANY importance?
Kathleen Parker is the author of the Right is Right blog??????
It's too bad that Jon Voight crossed over from being liberal to putting down President Obama. I've always liked him(Voight). And he's missing out on a relationship with his 6 beautiful grandchildren if he doesn't make up with his daugther.
I saw Midnight Cowboy when it came out and recently rented it. It is not only an outstanding film, but has innovative techniques for its time.
Deliverance is also a good one.
As for Anaconda - I don't watch snake(or spider) movies. So I didn't see it. But I do like movies about sharks.
sue said...
It's too bad that Jon Voight crossed over from being liberal to putting down President Obama. I've always liked him(Voight). And he's missing out on a relationship with his 6 beautiful grandchildren if he doesn't make up with his daugther.
I saw Midnight Cowboy when it came out and recently rented it. It is not only an outstanding film, but has innovative techniques for its time.
Deliverance is also a good one.
As for Anaconda - I don't watch snake(or spider) movies. So I didn't see it. But I do like movies about sharks.
So now you don't like him because he is a Republican?
That is just about the DUMBEST thing I have read since "Dumb and Dumber" But reading your posts make it all so very clear.
By the way.. I love movies about Chimpanzees. OY!
I think Jon Voight is exactly right. History has shown that any perceived weakness invites aggression and strength liberates and secures peace. Why our president Obama would cut our military and give reassurance to Chavez, Castro Putin, Amadenijob and their lawless henchmen has to be very alarming to anyone paying attention at all
But I totally respect & appreciate your opinions Truth101. Even if I do thing they are totally off the wall.
Time will tell if Obama is somehow comforting the jokers you say he's comforting Eric.
And we spend 6 or 700 billion on the military. That's not countingh nuclear cause that's comes under another departments spending if I remember correctly. The righties clamor about waste all the time. Do you really think the 6 to 700 billion dollars is all wisely spent? I like a nice toilet seat as much as the next guy folks. But you can get a beauty at Lowes or Home Depot for around $25. They have nice wrenches also.
And giant ants. I forgot to mention that.
I avoid movies about Trolls.
Sarah G attacks me:
"As for what Green Eagle said
"No wonder Angie hasn't talked to him in years."
Since when is anything that "Angie" has done of ANY importance?"
Sarah, she was right about this one.
Green Eagle said...
Sarah G attacks me:
"As for what Green Eagle said
"No wonder Angie hasn't talked to him in years."
Since when is anything that "Angie" has done of ANY importance?"
And you call that an attack?
The civility of the attacks made by this group of bloggers makes me glad I left the old group. My hat is off to the righties and lefties that visit. Thanks.
I guess you're right- "attacks" might have been too strong a word. Still, I take her point to be to ridicule me for a supposed interest in Angelina Jolie, when it was pretty clear, I think, that my remark was a joke, intended to highlight the foolishness of granting any significance to whatever Jon Voight has to say about anything. Sorry if that wasn't obvious.
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