Sunday, June 28, 2009


Before anyone writes off the career of Governor Sanford, it is wise to remember the Republican's capacity to forgive the sins of Republicans.
A sex scandal is no big deal to them. They know that the hard work of reducing government and deregulating leaves men vulnerable to temptations of the flesh. After the secret society of Republican scandal fixers gets done with Mrs. Sanford, she will probably be holding press conferences blaming herself and the liberal media for her husbands dalliances.
Newt Gingrich got away with his affairs. Now he's an important spokesman for Republicans. Rush Limbaugh "Doctor shopped" for Oxycontin and still is collecting from his 400 million dollar contract.
Funny how no Republican can talk about Sanford without mentioning Clinton. But they don't mention Mark Foley or Larry Craig. These two weirdos are forgiven by Republicans also. They just don't talk about it. It's kind of like a Republican policy of "don't ask. Don't tell." Gay Republicans are forgiven as long as nobody mentions their gayness. If you think I'm wrong just mention Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter. Then watch the Republicans go apeshit for mentioning his lesbian daughter. As long as the offenders repeat right wing catch phrases, they will be welcome in the Republican Party.
One of the things that makes our Country so great is the infinite number of ways to achieve your dreams. As a die hard Union man, I've always advocated working smart. Not hard. The right has proven that it is smart to talk dumb to people. Tell them what they want to hear and they will follow you anywhere. If you want to start a blog and want lots of followers, post here or one of my left leaning com padres blogs that you think we're assholes. Nothing else is necessary because the fifty people that will sign up to be your followers within two hours neither care or understand anything else. Then keep them hooked by complaining about Obama or taxes. A picture of a good looking woman on your profile reels in even more of them.
So my friends; remember what Reverend Billy Graham told President Nixon. "Mr. President. Forgive thine enemy seventy times seven. As long as he's a Republican.


Thomas George said...

"So my friends; remember what Reverend Billy Graham told President Nixon. "Mr. President. Forgive thine enemy seventy times seven. As long as he's a Republican"

Hummmmmmmmmm, "I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again. I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time-never."
I forgot his name!

Shaw Kenawe said...

"They all do it. Let them do it. All of them. If they don't do it to their wives or their girlfriends, they'll do it to the country." --The 2000 Year Old Man

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Dear Thomas: "Funny how no Republican can talk about Sanford without mentioning Clinton."

You helped prove my point. Thank you good sir.

Carl Wicklander said...

Actually, I've found that Democrats stick together much better than Republicans. A Democrat professor friend of mine commented once that "Democrats never leave a body on the field - they always return for their own. Republicans, on the other hand, race each other to stab a vulnerable Republican in the back," presumably to suck up to the media. I've noticed this with the recent parade of Republicans and talking heads insisting that Mark Sanford needs to resign.

Newt paid a price for awhile. It's only been recently that he's resurfaced. I wish he'd go away.

In my view it's been much easier for Dems to come back from humiliations than Republicans. But that's my take.

Although I might add that saying Reagan's name over and over to your litany of catchphrases is helpful as well.

Kevin Robbins said...

In my view it's been much easier for Dems to come back from humiliations than Republicans.

I suppose we could both cite examples to make our case, but Jim Wright and Dan Rostenkowski are going to disagree with you regardless.

Pamela Zydel said...

Truth: I come to your blog because I like you and your blog, not because I want comments. I can get into trouble all by myself!

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Once amends have been made, The Republicans treat the offenders as prodigal sons. Most of the time, this involves an apology to Rush Limbaugh Carl.
Thanks for stopping by. You always raise the level.

Pamela: Your's is a rare instance of somebody trying to operate with class all the time. You probably get ten times the traffic I do because all of us, right and left, dig your program. And I fear you.

Pit Shit said...

We can expect more comments like Truth101's in future months. The socialists are more defensive as Comrade Obama's leadership is questioned.

Hold your water,'s going to be a very rough and entirely unpleasant ride

Anonymous said...

I came here for the hot neocon lesbians. I found truth. Nice blog Truth.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Thought provoking. I don't want to sound prudish, but I don't have a lot of respect for anyone who conducts themselves in this way. Regardless of the letter behind his/her name.

As for Rush and drug abuse, I feel some empathy for drug abuse problems as I have seen the destructiveness of this problem. I assure you that I don't feel empathy based on ideology.

As for those who do dismiss transgressions based on ideology, I think those who base their opinions on ideology only are trapped in hypocrisy. That' not a place I want to be.

TAO said...

I like the good ol' days where if you were having an affair you then got caught frolicking in the reflecting pond....

Where is Wilbur Mills nowadays? He knew how to do an affair...

sue said...

truth - I changed my blog so you can take the writing forum off.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Well stated LaOT.

Mills should have married Fannie Fox. Any gal that would jump into Tidal Basin for you has got to be worth marrying.

Sue: you are one hard woman to keep under control. But I dig that. Success on your new endeavor.

dmarks said...

Truth: Elliot Spitzer was the first guy that came to mind when I heard about Sanford. Spitzer's example should be followed: get out of office quickly.

Anon: Do you even know of any neocon lesbians? I don't.

Law: "As for Rush and drug abuse"

Well, he comes off as no worse than Obama, who has admitted being stupid enough to abuse drugs in the past also.

TOOKIE said...

Congressman Kirk is a cheater . He cheated on his base and the base is going to divorce court .

dmarks said...

I hope Kirk gets voted out. I read where he went after his constituents by voting for an unnecessary tax hike. Greed like that should have consequences.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Tookie and Dmarks. Kirk had to run as liberal republican to win his district. As far as I'm concerned, go ahead and run a conservative against him in the primary. The Dems will have an easy time winning against a candidate we can tie with Bush and Cheney.

TOOKIE said...

Kirk is an outright traitor . I knew Hare the Hutt would vote for it , but Kirk ?

Lake County is going APE #$%# . They want his head on a pike after the whole tar and feathers thing . I do know a bit about Lake County folks , I live with one .

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Kirk pandered to the libs and moderates. Just like the useless turkey Dem. Melissa Bean panders to conservatives in her district. I say go ahead and take him out Tookie. I'd just soon have a real Dem in there anyway. While you're at it Buddy, any way we can return Arlen Specter. I know with Franken being seated that gives my side 60 votes. But who are we kidding? Specter's a jive turkey who has no loyalty to anything but Specter.

How's that for a bipartisan solution. Let's work on defeating Specter.

Anonymous said...

A picture of a good looking woman tends to make me run the other way, but hey, that's just me. A man, might do the trick though. :-)

I tend to be a bit more consistent in my criticism. If you go off and have an affair, your done in my book. I don't care who you are, democrat,republican or somewhere in between. Let's just say he wouldn't be getting in to my bed after the stunt he pulled.

As far as politics go, there are crumbs on both sides. Actually, I haven't found a conservative site that is apologizing for him.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Love this part:

It's kind of like a Republican policy of "don't ask. Don't tell."

And it doesn't take a rocket scientist (apparently it does though for Republicans) to figure out that the "family values" bet they made back in the 80's would eventually backfire.

Just because you SAY you are someone who values so-called, "Family Values" doesn't make you immune to being human. Nor does it make you better than anyone else because you try to live an impossible life of denying your sexuality.

You don't just get some magic protection from hypocrisy just because you say, "I've accepted Jesus into my heart!! Now I'm perfect!!"

You hold yourself up to a higher standard when you claim to be the party of "values voters" and "people of faith." That's the difference between liberal and conservatives.

Liberals don't care who you're having sex with as long as you get the job done. And as long as you're not a hypocrite like many of the Republican "family values" politicians. We don't claim to be the party of, "morality" meaning "sexuality."

When it comes to Sanford I'm not annoyed with him because of the sex and the GOP is missing the point of our argument when they say, "Oh well Dems have sex scandals too." We're calling out hypocrisy and saying THAT's the issue.

We are also pissed off because we are tired of sexuality being used in politics. Frankly, as long as you're not doing something illegal in your sexuality and you're not hurting anyone--GO FOR IT!!

Go to Argentina and get off--go get off on the space station for all I care but DON'T then expect us to forgive and to not comment when one of these "I'm moral and you're not" Republicans screws up.

Anonymous said...

The moron that posted the comment right above mine must have just graduated from STUPID collage.

Anonymous said...

You speak about hypocrisy....

You don't mind the affair but isn't that being a total hypocrite yourself?

A man made a vow to a woman, but it's okay or not okay because he happens to be a republican?????

Last I heard, a marriage vow didn't contain the words republican or democrat.

Anonymous said...

"We're calling out hypocrisy and saying THAT's the issue. "

Sorry, my comment was in reference to handsome's comment.

TOOKIE said...

Log cabin Republicans ............. There are far more than you know . Also Perez Hilton set back gay rights issues more than anything Carl Rove could have plotted to do .

But man him getting blasted in the eye was priceless ,

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I agree with Handsome B. Wonderful and Jennifer on this one. I have great respect for my wedding vows. I've never cheated on my wife and never will. Thus, I can in good conscience make sport of Governor Sanford all I want. But his failure to keep his penis in check doesn't mean I think he should no longer be governor. His being a Republican is reason enough.
Besides, Sanford's wife is making him pay.

Jennifer: I keep meaning to add you to my list of rational righty bloggers but I keep forgetting. Love your writing and your committment.

Walt: lame insult Brother. You're gonna have to do better than that before a blogger the calibur of Handsome.B. Wonderful thinks you're worthy of a retort. Keep on trying though. HBW knows how to smack em down. That's worth the cost of internet subscription right there.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Tookie: you gotta stop watching that porn. Shots to the face are unhealthy dude.

dmarks said...

@walts world: "STUPID collage"

That's a part of art class that I missed.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...


You should be careful who you call a moron and stupid when you can't seem to spell college. I graduated with a degree in U.S. History with a special emphasis in African History and a minor degree in World Geography thank-you very much.


I'm not attacking him for having an affair. I don't think it's any of my business if people have an affair. Except when they go around like Sanford did and claim to be holier-than-thou. And making MY personal life their business.

I'm attacking him for being a hypocrite. He can't criticize Clinton for his affair (which he did) and then expect forgiveness and understanding from everyone after his.

The main reason that I am annoyed with this whole issue is because the Republican party platform is centered on "family values." At the same time they condemn Liberals and non-Christians as evil and heathens because we don't follow their pious lead.

So when they fall (like they will as we are all human) I will be there to hold their feet to the fire.

TOOKIE said...

Well Truth if you had facebook and did not live in a cave , you too could have read all about the MONEY shot to that punk's face.

Best part of you DUMBOCRATS , is soon you will be able to blame Bush.

P.s. : read that Rolling Stone article I posted . No lean to either R or D , just shows how dirty Wall Street is

TOOKIE said...


Seems like a typical liberal JACK ASS

sue said...

truth - I'm just not cut out for
arguing politics. I just like to write. But I'll be checking out your wonderful blog every day.

(I've already got two new blogs in the works)

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I think Tookie's confused because the bloggers here can conjugate verbs without use of the F word.

Let us know when your prose is ready for public view Sue.

TOOKIE said...

I called HBW a jackass not a F***tard .

I also I am multi tasking like a mofo , school board is a better gift than your corrupt inbred Dumbocrat political machine .

Now go read that Goldman Sachs article , then find out how in the heck it was done by Rolling Stone and not the WSJ or NYT .

Law and Order Teacher said...

I find it hard to dismiss this behavior. Any right thinking person stands by their word and out of respect for their spouse should stand by their vows. After all, if you're not with it anymore, bail.

It's easier than living a dual life that you know will come crashing down someday. FDR got cover from the press. It doesn't happen much anymore.

As for don't ask, don't tell, that was a Clintonism. It was stupid from the git go and I don't understand it to this day. As I said before, if the guy next to pulled the trigger and covered me, I was good with who he found attractive. Bravery crosses all boundries. The rest is BS.

Good day, sir.

sue said...

truth - Whenever you are tired of political bickering, just click on my name. There you will find something posted on each of my new blogs.

Thanks for the free advertising, and may you continue to make the world a better place to live.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Truth for your kind words. I try to be rational. :-)

"The main reason that I am annoyed with this whole issue is because the Republican party platform is centered on "family values." At the same time they condemn Liberals and non-Christians as evil and heathens because we don't follow their pious lead."

I don't think that's true. I believe a lot of liberals feel that way but what examples do you have of democrats being called evil and heathens by rational people( I know as well as you do that there are radicals all over the place)? Nor do I think that all liberals go around calling us right wing nut jobs.

There will always be people that think that they are holier than thou and if you want to condemn a person, that is fine. One particular case is understandable, but when you generalize that quality to all republicans is where you err.

Generalizations is where you step into muddy water. I for one, am an example that you cannot judge all conservatives/republicans a certain way. I can tell you 100% that I don't have a holier than thou attitude. I am FAR from perfect and certainly not afraid to admit it. I don't hold others to the standard I set for myself because we are all different and have to judge for ourselves what is or isn't right for us, and us alone.

I will probably be blasted for this but these things rather annoy me.....

Walt, if you want to make a valid, intelligent point, name calling is certainly not the way of going about it. Why not counter his comment with intelligent thought? It actually works and develops a healthy respectful relationship along the way. Just my 2 cents!

Anonymous said...

Handsome B. Wonderful said...


You should be careful who you call a moron and stupid when you can't seem to spell college. I graduated with a degree in U.S. History with a special emphasis in African History and a minor degree in World Geography thank-you very much.

Big deal, I'd bet you are one of the geniuses that was at Michael Jackson's Tribute in New York yesterday, dancing on the cars! Is that considered "African History"

Anonymous said...

This whole theory is wrong and for anyone to argue it is ridicules. especially the way that the self proclaimed "Handsome B. Wonderful" has... Roughly the same percentage of husbands---around 35%--- cheat on their wives at least once as do wives. Regardless of party. Both Republicans and Democrats, no difference. None at all. The big difference is that the media makes a bigger deal out of it when it's a republican..
Those of you who try to politicize this are lame.

And those of you who try to rationalize politicizing this are even lamer.

And I don't care what a man's excuse is for cheating. It's just wrong. If you want to sleep around, have the guts to go get divorced first. If not, just suck it up and don't cheat. Roughly the same percentage of husbands---around 35%--- cheat on their wives at least once. Regardless of party. Both Republicans and Democrats, no difference.
Those of you who try to politicize this are lame.

And those of you who try to rationalize politicizing this are even lamer.

And I don't care what a man's excuse is for cheating. It's just wrong. If you want to sleep around, have the guts to go get divorced first. If not, just suck it up and don?t cheat.
Sure Democrats do the same thing.Common sense would tell me that we are all human and we also shouldn't mix politics with religious beliefs.
Do we have to list the democrats who cheat? like EDWARDS,SPITZER etc and led by BILL CLINTON.

And to even mention the fact that someone misspelled College just shows how small he is. Anyone with the slightest bit of class would never point out the mistake.
But he is what he is.. A Jerk!

The real difference is when it is a Republican, they are thrown out. When it's a democrat, they bend over backwards to excuse him.

Unknown said...

Blogger Handsome B. Wonderful said...


You should be careful who you call a moron and stupid when you can't seem to spell college. I graduated with a degree in U.S. History with a special emphasis in African History and a minor degree in World Geography thank-you very much.

Wow, that's great!! How the hell does that qualify anything you said? Lots of college grads can't spell and it's no ding on his intellect.

Unknown said...

Blogger Handsome B. Wonderful said...


You should be careful who you call a moron and stupid when you can't seem to spell college. I graduated with a degree in U.S. History with a special emphasis in African History and a minor degree in World Geography thank-you very much.


I'm not attacking him for having an affair. I don't think it's any of my business if people have an affair. Except when they go around like Sanford did and claim to be holier-than-thou. And making MY personal life their business.

And there's the rub. This moral relativism is what differentiates Republicans from Democrats. Of course we call on our leaders to do the right thing.

In your would of 'no moral absolutes' why should you expect anything less? It opens new doors for you every time one of these so-called leaders does something stupid.

The Wordsmith said...

I guess that a degree in U.S. History with a special emphasis in African History taught you to hate Republicans.
I don’t think the mentally challenged are politically liberal by nature, but what you attract to your garden comes from what you plant. Reconstruction of history or vigorous denial simply won’t keep history from calling Hitler, Mussolini, Rove, Limbaugh and Von Brunn right wing fanatics.

Why not just put all of us conservatives in the Psychopathic-Nutjob-Wacko-I’ve-Got-A-Gun-And-I-Hate-Everybody category and be done with it? It already sounds as if that is what's in your sick mind.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Frank: I'm with you on this. But let's be real here also dude. Everything is politicized.

Bluepitbull said "I'm not attacking him for having an affair. I don't think it's any of my business if people have an affair. Except when they go around like Sanford did and claim to be holier-than-thou. And making MY personal life their business"

I'm with on this also. But as long as there are people that decide who they're going to vote for based on what or whom they consider " having values like ours" politicos will continue preaching.

Wordsmith said "Why not just put all of us conservatives in the Psychopathic-Nutjob-Wacko-I’ve-Got-A-Gun-And-I-Hate-Everybody category and be done with it?"

I'd love to do that but sane and rational conservatives like Law and Order Teacher, Tom the Redhunter and Jennifer keep me from lumping all conservatives into the mold you suggest.

Thanks to all for stopping by.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...


Oooo good one. I have seen the error of my ways oh mighty Tookie because you called me a jackass. Calling someone a jackass might have worked for you being the school yard bully at school.

However, in the adult world it just makes you look like an uneducated fool who only knows how to disagree with someone by using curse words. Gee, it's a wonder that you even know how to spell jackass.


Yes, not all Republicans condemn Liberals for not following their view of "family values." However, many, many Republicans do attack Liberals for not following their view of values and morality. I will, however, remember to say "many" or "a lot" next time instead of generalizing.

What is true is that many Republicans set themselves up as the, "morality police" which often stems from a strong belief in strict Christianity. The implication then is that anyone who is NOT of that faith and follows those values is immoral.

Christianity has it's good aspects don't get me wrong but it does teach that it is the only truth and that it's rules are the only rules to follow and be obeyed.

And that those (by extension) who do not follow those rules and believe in the faith in general are immoral and thus heathen.

And a heathen is literally defined as someone who does not acknowledge another person's "God." Thus, if a Liberal isn't Christian then they are by extension heathen (according to many, many Christians). A politician does not have to come out and say the specific word "heathen" to get that point across. That's just how most of Christianity is often set up: Us vs. them.

I was a Christian for 22 years so I know how this often works. Words like "family values" "strong Christian" and "values voters" convey a sense of superiority and are code words often for one who is morally superior.

You're right, however, that not all Republicans are like this and not all Republicans are Christian either but most I'd venture to guess are. Yes not all Christians act morally superior nor say being a Christian means you can claim that but many, many do and it gets annoying and infuriating.

I thank-you for not acting this way Jennifer. I am happy to hear that you don't hold people to your standards. Again, thank-you. It gives me hope that not all of the Republican party is over-run with these holier-than-thou types. I am far from perfect too.


I have no idea what you mean by the Michael Jackson comment. As for my degree, I mentioned it only because you referred to me as "stupid." Oh and African history is different than African-American history. They are interconnected a bit but mostly separate.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You don't read my emails so I'll ask you here Tookie. Why didn't Bemis endorse Mays as his successor? And why didn't Mays run for SB president in the first place? You're tight with this crowd. You must know the answers.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...


If you Google, "Handsome B. Wonderful" you'll find it is a fictional name in "The Simpsons" cartoon. It was one of many names Homer Simpson wanted to change his name to. I use it as a screen name to honor my favorite cartoon show, "The Simpsons." Besides, it's a funny name. I'm just trying to make people smile a bit with it. It's good sometimes not to take things so literally.

Yes, Dems cheat too but the difference isn't the media. The BIG difference is that many (if not most) Republicans claim some moral high-ground all the time. They claim to be the "party of values." Thus, I believe they have a higher standard to live up to.

You said: "Common sense would tell me that we are all human and we also shouldn't mix politics with religious beliefs." That's exactly the problem Frank. Most (not all of course) Republicans ARE mixing politics and religion and that is why many of us Liberals call people like Sanford (who ran commercials in his campaigns claiming to be a "good Christian family man") hypocrites.


The only reason that I brought my education up was because Walt called me stupid. I have a right to defend myself. Or is this no longer a free country? And just because I think having an affair isn't my business doesn't mean I have no absolute morals. The fact that I'm bothered with his hypocrisy and lying shows that indeed I do have morals and values.

The Wordsmith:

What I hate is hypocrisy and that is my main point. The only reason that I brought up my education was to defend myself from being called stupid. And yes, I know that not all college graduates are smart.

I'm sure then someone is going to say to me in response, "Yeah, not all college grads ARE smart and that includes YOU." To which I would reply, "grow up." Oh and I have a sick mind because I stand against hypocrisy such as that shown by Mark Sanford? Interesting mental gymnastics that you just performed.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are starting to rack up the comments, Pam may have competition. LOL

"What is true is that many Republicans set themselves up as the, "morality police" which often stems from a strong belief in strict Christianity. The implication then is that anyone who is NOT of that faith and follows those values is immoral."

Handsome...You make valid points and I find it difficult, to refute what you are saying. As much as I would like to put my fingers in my ears and tell you you are wrong till I am blue in the face, I simply can't. I can definitely see where the hypocrisy of "do as I say, not what I do", can get tedious and annoying. Where
I get a little testy is when people attribute all those qualities generally associated with Christianity to everyone on the right.

"I will, however, remember to say "many" or "a lot" next time instead of generalizing. "

That will indeed make me a happy camper. You can't be all that bad if you like the Simpsons! :-)
I don't remember him calling himself that, although I haven't followed it very much lately. This wasn't in the earlier episode's was it?

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'm tickled HBW posted multiple comments. He's pretty close to being an "A" list blogger. He's on most of the big boy's reading lists. And of course, he is handsome and wonderful.

My liberal side prevents me from mentioning appearance regarding Jennifer. I don't want to be labled a sexist. But it is wonderful to have her visit also.

Anonymous said...

Awww shucks! Damn that liberal side of you!! :-)

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Thanks Jennifer. :) The Handsome B. Wonderful name appears in the episode "Homer to the Max." He tried to change his name to Max Power, which he found off a hair dryer. Other names he considered were: Rembrandt Q. Einstein and Hercules Rockefeller.


Thanks brother for the compliments on the blog. I only WISH the big guys read my blog!! :) Oh and look!! My comment is going to be the 50th on the thread!! WoW!! Popular thread. :)

TOOKIE said...

Been busy ,

I can't keep every Jack Ass in check . Now I get to sit my Truth 101 at a public meeting/ Circus .

This will be ultra funny .

Tom the Redhunter said...

"A sex scandal is no big deal to them (Republicans"

Sigh. Truth, surely you know better than to paint with such a wide brush.

I googled and in 10 seconds came up with this poll showing that Republicans want him gone too.