Tuesday, June 23, 2009


For some reason, a few bloggers of the conservative bent have been taking me to task at theirs and a few other sites. It was not my intent to piss them off. I believe they just wanted to be pissed off because they like the rush.
So in keeping with my reputation for kind and gentle benevolence, I offer them stuff that will really give them a good pissing off:
I voted for Reverend Jesse Jackson in two presidential primaries
I support the rights of gays to marry.
I believe in sane gun control laws that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and psychotics.
I believe single payer, government run health insurance is good for America.
I don't care about your religious beliefs. Most people that do are either looking for a donation or are self righteous assholes I don't want to be around.
John Kerry would have been a far better president than George W. Bush.
Al Gore would have been a far better president than George W. Bush.
Ronald Reagan gave a good speech. Other than that, he wasn't that special.
President George W. Bush held hands, danced with, and kissed the Saudi Prince. And I never once made a gay joke about it for the righties to accuse me of gay bigotry.
If I spell something wrong, I don't care.
I'm open minded enough to recognize outstanding Conservative leaning bloggers and add them to my link list.
The deficit is 11 trillion dollars and growing. We cannot "cut" our way out of it. We're going to have to raise taxes. I am okay with that. I appreciate the services government provides and I'm glad to help pay for them.


Tom Anderson said...


Anonymous said...

I'd say your mission was accomplished Truth. Your blog looks like it is doing well. Now if only you could putt.
See you saturday. MR.

I Want To Set It Straight said...

Thank you for this blog, it shows us your REAL true colors.
You are a verbal ass kisser

Carl Wicklander said...

You voted for Jesse Jackson, huh. Interesting. Lately I've come to see him as a sort of a True Believer type of liberal, kind of in the Dennis Kucinich mold. I guess he represented a threat to the Democratic status quo. That's when I thought to myself, Jesse Jackson can't be all bad!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Type something intelligent and I will be glad to add you to the blogroll IHTSI.

Carl: the first time I really liked his message. Paul Simon was out and I didn't think Dukakis had a chance in hell.

I hope you don't mind the piss off righties thing Carl. I'm careful to behave when addressing you, Tom the Redhunter and Law and Order Teacher. I appreciate the effort you put into your posts and comments. I've learned much from the three of you. T101.

Law and Order Teacher said...

I don't come here to insult you. I come here to engage in some sane debate about issues that are important. Of your list I agree with very little of it.

Call me insane, but I have very little confidence in government services. I've seen them from the inside out. Unfortunately, the people doling out the services are stuck in broken system.

Cops do a tough job that given the restrictions of a gutless government is quite impossible. It then becomes a matter of survival. I made a promise early in my career that the survival of my fellow officers and myself was paramount for the duration of my career.

Cops develop gallows humor and an us vs. them attitude out of a very bitter and tough experience. I stayed with the job because someone has to do it, and I thought I was good at it.

Society needs cops who do things the right way. You know early on the department isn't really on your side and that given a choice between going to bat for you of saving their ass, you're on the curb like garbage.

I only used force to save my ass or that of a fellow officer or innocent citizen. Enough said.

As a teacher I have found that the overall results speak for themselves. There are some very good, dedicated teachers who are in it for the right reasons. There are some who should be picking up that garbage on the curb.

The system is broken and it makes it very hard to make students accountable and help them achieve. It can be done, but it shouldn't be so damned hard. The unions and school boards mostly have given up the pretense of education and are more worried about keeping their grip on power.

You are probably at this point wondering why I stay teaching. Simply, I love it in the classroom. I love going to work everyday and I look forward to discussing and teaching history, which is quite simply the best soap opera ever. Those dedicated among us will keep at it because we believe in ourselves and the kids. But it's most days like trying to shovel the ocean with a pitchfork.

I'm old enough to understand that I'll try to do my best while knowing I don't have any control of most of the other parts. A little at a time.

I appreciate your thoughtful and colorful posts. I don't agree with much in them, but that's what makes life interesting, my friend.

Good day, sir.

Happy Jake said...

TRUTH 101 said...
The deficit is 11 trillion dollars and growing. We cannot "cut" our way out of it. We're going to have to raise taxes. I am okay with that. I appreciate the services government provides and I'm glad to help pay for them.

Did I get that right? You voted for Jessie Jerkson?
Sure, you don't care, you probably don't pay taxes anyway!
Guys Jessie Jerkson are a scourge on society and have openly declared war on all Christians.
People like Jerkson are trying to keep racism alive by pushing whites down and making minorities think that all white people are out to get them. I can't stand people like you liberals, along with most every-one I know and we will go to war with the bastards and when they are before the Lord in judgment they will learn the error of their ways only it will be to late!
So you voted for Jessie Jackson! How did I know that!
And people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have dedicated their lives and careers to the promotion of racism. That is how they make their fortune. There is nothing in the world that could be done to stop their eternal whining and complaining, and they have convinced their fellow blacks to join in the choir. They turn everything into a race issue with false and baseless accusations, and nobody has the nerve to call them on it. Racism is alive - but the only true racists are black.

You vote for ANYONE that is Back and support them no matter what! I'd bet that you would vote for Al Sharpton if he ran!
Barack Hus-Change Obama offers neither hope nor change. The only way Democrats get elected anymore is through racism, homophobia, and other intolerance and bigotry, because that's all they have to distinguish themselves from the Republican candidates.
Obama was elected precisely BECAUSE he was black, not despite it

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I have no argument with anything you just typed LaOT. I'm proud to have you on the link list and appreciate your allowing me to visit your site and leave a comment now and then.

Thanks for stopping by.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

This might not make you any happier Jake but this watermelon eatin, barbecued rib lovin white dude is going to vote for President Obama in 2012 also. And if Hillary decides she no longer wants to be Secretary of State, I'm rooting for Jesse Jackson to get the job.

Now read LaOT's comment again and learn how to get a Lib on your side Brother.

sue said...

Truth - Your posts are far and above many that I read. You know how to get your point across. And you do have a point. There are some that do not have the intelligence to see how stupid they sound. I keep coming back because I know you won't let me down.

opihimoimoi said...

Truth Said:..Now read LaOT's comment again and learn how to get a Lib on your side Brother.

Who whats to..."Brother"!

Carl Wicklander said...

Don't worry about it, Truth. I've been on the receiving end of Republican knee-jerk talking points a number of times (usually for having the nerve to question unrestrained military adventurism), so sometimes I understand why you go on these little tirades. I don't usually agree with much of it, but sometimes those on my side can be a little too reactionary.

Kevin Robbins said...

LaOT, thanks for the job you did as a police officer and for the job you do now educating the future of the United States. Both are difficult and, I'm sure, occasionally thankless.

And, nice list Truth.

Shaw Kenawe said...


I don't mean to sound impudent, but you could have thrown in "shaw," as well.

That is a real winner for p.o.ing the wingers off.

I actually had a puppy chasing after me yelping "shaw!" "shaw!" "shaw!" for a month.

The puppy must have found some bone to gnaw on, or it just got tired.

Let's let lying dogs sleep.

Pamela Zydel said...

Truth: Thanks for the laugh. I needed it after all the bickering I'm dealing with. The Gray Headed Brother x3 had me rolling! I don't know if what you wrote is 100% true or not, and it doesn't matter to me one way or the other. We don't always see eye to eye on some issues, and that's okay. As long as we show one another respect when we disagree, and we do.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I just wanted to give them the pissed off rush Shaw. I didn't want to cause any heart attacks.

"Lying dogs" Heh heh heh.

Pamela still intimidates me.

Pamela Zydel said...

Truth: Don't tell Shaw that. She'll think I'm a big mean Conservative and won't want to visit my blog.

Dave Miller said...

Nice job Truth. Very funny.

Unknown said...

It never ceases to amaze me how much you just revel in pissing people off.

No one respects either you or Shaw.

You are both cowards who use the internet as a shield to protect you.

I never say anything I wouldn't say to your face. You know that you wouldn't talk this way to people in real life.

Sue, I would like to know why what Truth says is in any way intelligent. And perhaps who you think isn't doing a good job.

TAO said...

Wanna know what Conservatives want?

Ask Mark Sanford, Governor of South Carolina....

Unknown said...

And, no, that is not what all conservatives want. Typical of you to rear your ugly head to prove a point.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I courageously left a comment on Bluepitbull's blog. Imagine my surprise when only after I hit the "post comment" icon, then his courageous site courageously told me it was be posted after approval of blog host.

Go talk about courage to someone else Unmentionable Dog.

Now buddy: if you disagree with anything I posted at the top you're welcome to post your thoughts here and I'll graciously and courageously defend mine. That's not trolling in my book. That's good discussion and debate. If it gets heated, as long as it's entertaining and nobody's being threatened, even better.
But if all a poster wants to do is type "You're an idiot" and not back it up with why he thinks that, it exposes him as the true idiot and worthless troll.

Oh yeah. One more thing Bluepitbull, I'm Here To Say It" and "Just Keep On Walking"



I Want To Set It Straight said...

Hey courageous one.. I got some news for you and your love for that RACIST PIG your so fond of.
Like someone else said a while back..
I also think that he The Gray Headed PUTZ was a fraud. He wasn't at all who he claimed to be, but just a RACE BAITING SOB. Who did his job and ran like the freaken COWARD all these raciest are.
So go ahead and kiss is phony behind, it only goes to show you how gullible you are.
If I'm wrong, then where is he? Why did he hit and run. Because he is a phony, a freak and a fraud.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Bluepitbull would have courageously rejected your comment rather than posting it IHTSI.

As for as your thoughts of my Gray Headed Brother, thanks for offering them. I disagree, but hey, I asked for opinion, you gave it.

Unknown said...

It must be fun propagandizing me since I can't prove your wrong. I can count the number of comments I've rejected. If that's all you've got, get it out of your system.

Something tells me it lies somewhere between that one thing you keep hanging on to, and YOUR lack of getting laid.

Stop trying so hard to make me look bad and stick to your horrible opinions which are based in your psychedelic trips, Cheech.

TAO said...

I like the way bluepitbull just decides to end conversations whenever HE decides he is done talking about something...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Bluepitbull my friend, you can't prove me wrong because I am correct all the time. But I will try to be more humble about that as you suggested. In keeping with that theme, I could always use some "getting laid" moments. Thank you for your visit and your concern Buddy. Now Mark Sanford and I are flying to Argentina for the Evita Memorial Orgy and Carry In.

TOOKIE said...

Jesse ? WTF

Tom the Redhunter said...

"I hope you don't mind the piss off righties thing Carl. I'm careful to behave when addressing you, Tom the Redhunter and Law and Order Teacher. I appreciate the effort you put into your posts and comments. I've learned much from the three of you. T101."

Thank you, Truth101. I do try. As you'll remember, what first attracted me to your blog was your staunch defense of Israel in it's recent war with Hamas. In fact you were taking others on your side to task. I figured that anyone who had moral clarity on that issue must be a decent fellow and worth listening to on other issues as well.

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