Sunday, June 21, 2009


For some reason, whether I happen to be watching women's golf, tennis, beach volleyball, or any other sport involving members of the fairer sex, the announcer, usually a female also, has to tell me that not only is the competitor a good athlete in some way, she's also "very attractive."
The media must figure we males as nothing but ignorant dolts. Only concerned with ogling and other carnal desires. Do they think we watch this stuff just to see a finely proportioned female, her breasts heaving. Her firm buns barely covered by her sports thong. Her finely tones thighs and calves.
It's the drama of competition we watch these events for. We understand that a highly trained female tennis player sometimes has to make adjustments. Just as a baseball player does. We know that a female golf professional in her tight skirt has to bend over to pick up her golf ball just like a male. It is disrespectful to we males that the media thinks it has to make everything involving females into some kind of sexual adventure.
In many cases, there are legitimate reasons for females to be scantily clad that have nothing to do with titillation. As in the picture at the top of this Speak. These wholesome young ladies were attending Christian fitness conference. They were couped up inside all day so they decided in the interest of good health, they would put on their swimsuits, go outside and replenish their body's supply of vitamin D.
I commend them for their commitment to good health and see nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, I think more young women should make sure they get enough vitamin D. And I don't need the media making their sexist comments each time these wholesome young Americans practice physical fitness.


sue said...

I can remember a sitcom that could have been good, but the mother wore revealing, tight clothes and acted with her body. After that, tv just seemed to go downhill.

I'm glad to hear a male opinion on this, truth.

JBW said...

T101, I'm trying really hard to commiserate with you on this issue but I'm afraid that I came to the conclusion long ago that watching women's sports for the most part is like watching a watered down version of men doing the same thing.

Tennis gals live up to your mantra but even then having a few sexy Russian teens screaming on the court only sweetens the experience.

I like watching women's golf because I play myself, so their tee shots and drives are actually within a human scale that I can identify with (as opposed to gods like Tiger and Daly). Even then however, Natalie Golbus and Michelle Wie are featured players for reasons other than their skills, and I don't mind that one bit.

The WNBA: some really butch chicks not dunking on breakaways. Sorry but I guess I just can't appreciate the beauty of sound fundamentals like dribbling and passing (and from the looks of their ticket sales neither can many other people).

Beach volleyball is another story of course, but aside from that and the occasional jello wrestling match or competitive pillow fight I have to disagree with you on this, amigo.

Please don't call me sexist though. Sweetits already won't address me in her comment threads as it is.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Hey Brother; if priests can succumb to their carnal desires. If Jimmy Swaggert and Newt Gingrich can. If Madonna can. If the Prime Minister of France can.Then it's perfectly understandable that even two level headed moral Americans like JBW and I could vocally appreciate a pair of sweet tits. I just don't need Judy Rankin telling they are sweet. I can see for myself.

And for the record, I think Sue's got it going on herself.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pamela Zydel said...

Truth: My hubby watches a lot of sports, being the athletic guy that he is. He "says" he doesn't care for the women in skimpy clothes, i.e. cheerleaders, etc., but that's what he "says". I KNOW

Anonymous said...

Dumb post

Shaw Kenawe said...

You have a lively and intelligent blog here, TRUTH 101.

Keep up the fine work.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I was warned about a troll that called himself David#999. They said he was so stupid he typed "David" 998 times before finally settling on David#999.

I said no way anyone could be that stupid and desperate. I guess I was wrong.

Welcome to my blog David#999. Your reputation for intellect precedes you.

sue said...

David - Calling this post dumb shows that you must think of women as sex objects. You probably
aren't even aware of your lack of sensitivity.

Anonymous said...

TRUTH 101 said...
"I was warned about a troll that called himself David#999. They said he was so stupid he typed "David" 998 times before finally settling on David#999.

I said no way anyone could be that stupid and desperate. I guess I was wrong."

That is also Stupid! But I bet YOU thought it was funny!

magpie said...

This is an interesting post, as it's a difficult issue to express well... so bravo for doing it.

It's a given that I like looking at attractive women, particularly when they're not wearing much.
But I don't like being patronized. By anyone. Not even over a view to a great bum and nice tits.
I also don't like being treated as a panting dog by patronizing sports commentators.

Go get 'em Truth.

Case in point:
The ladies in the picture... even that wouldn't get me into church to grovel to their imaginary friend.
(I'm guessing you feel not quite that way about the context... so sorry if that reads a bit rough).

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'm always interested in the subject of nice tits and bums Quietmagpie. Someone's faith or lack of it is not a subject that I care to discuss.
Two people, no matter how reasonable will never agree on matters of faith. It's much easier to find common ground on tits and bums. Or whatever body parts women discuss when men aren't around.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Anyone know what happened to TAO's blog (it's gone)? Or to TAO?