Wednesday, May 13, 2009


In one of my past careers, I promoted professional wrestling matches in Eastern Missouri. What I found fascinating was the parallels between the heels (bad guys) and the Republican Party.
You see. The heel was always cheating and up to no good. They always won their matches by pulling hair, or hitting their opponent with a chair or some other skulduggery like perhaps a blatant political court decision.
One of the closest parallels is that of the wrestler that lost the crowd. He would perform a couple dirty moves like when a Republican is down in the polls. After a while he would realize he sucked and instead of just going down for a quick pinfall and leaving the ring, he would start shouting insults and saying ridiculous things in a vain attempt to reestablish himself as something of interest.
This is much what my right wing blogging friends and their leaders like Rush Limbaugh are doing now. They know their message is failing. They know they are traveling down the road to irrelevance. So they call us names and heap sad insults on those of us that have the interests of our Nation at heart. Not the interests of the just the rich and powerful.
Being kind and gentle, I don't tell the righties they are poor deluded fools to be mean. I tell them they are poor, deluded right wing fools because it's the truth. I don't want them, or anyone to end up broken, defeated and mentally crippled by an ideology of hate and fear.


Pamela Zydel said...

KGT101: It seems this is the correlation between the parties. The Left says the Right cheats and demeans the Left. The Right repeats the same about the Left. Is it possible that each party is pigeonholing? There are those on both sides who are liars and cheats and then there are those on both sides who are honest and have good values. It’s unfortunate people like to concentrate on the negative. I suppose it’s like a car accident and rubber necking.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Well Pamela, unfortunately, (Did I spell that correctly?) ideas and the the character to implement them don't win many elections. Name calling and innuendo do.

Thanks for the visit and perceptive observation.

Patrick M said...

That's something I always liked about pro wrestling (and politics): all it takes is the right storyline (issues) to let the heel (GOP) turn babyface and the babyface (Democrats) become a dastardly heel.

Although, to continue the wrestling analogy, it's kind of like the WWF/WCW competition near the end (with the GOP playing WCW). Of course that one ended with the WCW losing steam after they got on top, crashing and burning, and finally being bought up by the WWF (again, so very reminiscent of my former party).

SE Fl. said...

Politicians and wrestlers are fake. Good comparisons Patrick and KGT.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Sir, your stridency is indeed distressing. I don't fancy myself a Republican so much as a conservative, so I'll assume you were just posting about Republicans.

If that is the case, you may be somewhat correct. If the Republicans do not offer a focused message that resonates they deserve to keep their seat at the kiddie table.

After all, we knowledgable pundits know that fair competition in marketplace of ideas is the only way to run a republic.

BTW, the professional wrestling of my youth was ascetic and exciting in its simplicity. Present day professional wrestling is nothing more than the NBA (no substance) on steroids.

Good day to you sir.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I draw a huge distinction between your LaOT, Tom the Redhunter, OMR and Carl Wicklander from self described republicans that have no clue what they or their Party once stood for.

People of intelligence, rationality and a set of beliefs they can defend without calling others socialists have no place in the republican party in it's current state.

You guys are welcome into the Democratic Party. You will notice how President Obama has worked to be a centrist. Your views would certainly have a place.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Oh, sorry. In the picture, the guy on the right is Bulldog Bob Brown. He was Central States champion like 478 times. He worked for me a few times. The other guy is Bob Geigel. He ran the wrestling organization in my area way before my group got involved. Decent guys that gave all they had when putting on a show. God rest their souls.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Your invitation is certainly appreciated, however, I don't think either party holds anything for anyone with any deeply held beliefs. I am a life-long Catholic and I hold with the teachings of my church. Having said that, my conservative beliefs would certainly not be welcome in today's Democrat party.

As for the Republicans, they left me for something I don't recognize. Unlike some of the "Republicans" I know, I criticized Bush for his excessive spending. That is one of my deeply held beliefs. Small government. "That government governs best that governs least."

Thanks for the forum of discussion.