Sunday, May 3, 2009


A troubling pattern has emerged at the sites I visit. It seems many conservative leaning bloggers leave a comment on a liberal leaning site. Then a short time later the conservative leaning blogger removes it.
It would be unkind to think, or Heaven forbid, accuse my conservative friends of conspiring to not visit and comment on liberal blogs. I would never think that a conservative who posted a comment on my kind and gentle site, or one of my liberal friends sites would receive an email or other communication telling him or her to remove it.
In fact my friends, I would not even entertain the thought that a fellow blogger on the conservative side would do a post on an issue posted at a liberal site, only to take it down after the liberal blogger saw it and left a comment.
Friends, we all want the same things. Good sex. Nice pair of shoes. Warm place to go to the bathroom. The path to this Utopia is paved with good manners.
Thank you for your visit...


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Pamela Zydel said...

I hope that's not the new trend, either. I know I want all opinions on my blog. It makes for very good debating, when everyone is civil, of course. Although, what Anoymous posted has nothing to do with your thread. He must be one of those trolls we've been warned about.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

To the anonymous pro life person: I posted your comment at the
"Justice is Another Victim of Torture" posting. It seemed more appropriate there.

As always, thank you for your visit.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Kind and Gentle 101,

This phenomenon has happened at my blog more than once.

I think it has something to do with either swine or flu.

Who knew?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Kind and Gentler 101,

I just went downstairs to your "Justice is Another Victim of Torture" post to read what "anonymous" posted.

I got exactly the same post this morning (Sun., May 3) at my blogpost about Obama's poll numbers, but mine was posted by Beth, and it is she who often posts comments, (also under the name "Pro-Life") then deletes them.

Again, this is mysterious to me, but may be better explained by psychologists.

Anonymous said...

I remain anonymous (but civil) since I was deleted, brutalized and taunted simply for disagreeing with someone. Not quite what they did to Grey Headed Brother but close. You cannot and may NOT disagree with them, only they can do that here on your blogs. They are children.

SS Dem said...

Thanks for moving it KG. It was torture reading it. Quite appropriate spot for it now.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Anon, it is NOT the disagreement that gets panties into a wedge, but the personal attacks ... like calling someone stupid, sick, scum, vile, diseased, ignorant, etc.

Sometimes, it is not disagreement that gets comments deleted but a refusal to stay on topic. Like when trolls visit and insinuate their own agenda into a conversation.

Sometimes trolls simply visit to taunt ... to get one's goat. How does that contribute to a conversation?

And even if you feel unjustly deleted, consider this: Its not your blog. In which case, perhaps it is time for you to come out of the closet and start your own blog.

Anonymous said...

I hope it's not off-topic, but I don't care about the nice shoes. I'll go barefoot for good sex.

Satyavati devi dasi said...

Or, a conservative blogger doesn't let a liberal leave comments anymore.

That happened to me today.

Just like there are people who believe 'all people are equal (as long as they look like me, are in the same socioeconomic group, share my religion and my political views',

there are people who believe 'all speech is free as long as it agrees with and promotes my views'.

It's all good. That sort of thing says more about the person doing it than it does about the person they've done it to.

I keep thinking I ought to be flattered.

Patrick M said...

It must have been the same anonydolt troll (somewhere in NYC) who posted this afternoon. She deleted herself. And it was way damned off topic.

Anonymous said...

Octopus, it IS the mere disagreement, not the name calling. My first comment on one of their blogs was a mere disagreement and they went ape sh*t on me. I didn't call names. They don't want to hear it. I even quoted the bible once to prove my point and they said I posted HATEFUL VILE. It was a direct quote from the bible for christ's sake. No, you aren't allowed to say ANYTHING. I also disagree that a person has to have a blog in order to be "eligible" to comment. That's absurd.

Anonymous said...

Also, before I sign off for good, I WAS commenting using my name and the nutbags started posting nasty comments in my name, that's why I stopped using it. You can't win with them. They aren't happy until you drop off the face of the earth.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The lessons to be learned are simple my anonymous friend from New York. I am kind and gentle(for the time being at least, or until Octo and Pamela release me) and everybody has a stat counter that tells what city visitors are from.

Your anonymity is safe as is everyones. It only knows the city you're posting from. If the stat counter is more invasive your computer's spyware program will detect an intrusion and warn you. I had to stop visiting Thru My Eyes and some others for that reason.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

KG101: "or until Octo and Pamela release me ..."

Pamlea, should we release KG101 or keep up the Clockwork Orange going a little longer?

Pamela Zydel said...

Octo: Are we tormenting KG101? I think we should let this play out and see if anyone attacks his new kinder gentler ways.

Unknown said...

Wow, it's a vast Right Wing conspiracy? You get from the conservative side what you dish out, then after your silly comments, you tuck tail and hide. Or better yet, try to act subdued.

You come on to other peoples' sites and bash them. Gimme a break. It's funny how the only person you don't find fault with is you.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You're always welcome, as are your conservative friends, here BluePitbull.

Thank you for expressing your concerns. And please tell your friends like Chicago Ray that you believe liberals like myself indeed should be welcome on their sites as he and other conservatives are welcome here.

Best wishes to you my friend.

Devrim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Devrim said...

Let's go read the Foxnation's comments shall we ? Let's have a statical count of how many irrevelant, inflamory, trollish comments there are.

What was it Rev Wright said, "America's chickens are coming to roost" ? Replace America with DailyKos and Moveon.

I still prefer The Other McCain's rules of engagement. On the other hand there are lots of people who are tired of turning the other cheek.

Oh and forgat to check the e-mail comments thingie so deleted the 1st one. I am a co-conspirator .

Anonymous said...

Octo, it's you and Pamela that are responsible for the kind and gentle 101? I thought he'd hit his head or eaten some bad fugu. Keep up the good work anyway.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

DLB, I was starting to get a guilty conscience when this thought held me back:

When you dress up the Frankinstein monster in a suit and tie and cover the bolts in his neck with a silk ascot, the villages put down their pitchforks; but little do they know the monster only seems less dangerous but in fact has turned far more subversive.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Behave yourself Octopus. References to Frankenstein's Monster could be construed as less than kind and gentle.

dmarks said...

I just finished watching all of the classic Frankenstein Monster movies. I was surprised at the large percentage of the time he spends just lying about on a slab.

TAO said...

I just want to know how big the pot is on this bet!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

One cannot put a value on kindness TAO.

Thank you and Dmarks for your visits. Your comments are of great value to concerned people of all political persuasion.

Dmarks: as an avid union man, I appreciate laying around as much as anyone.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

K&G101: "References to Frankenstein's Monster could be construed as less than kind and gentle."

Please accept my apologies, Oh Kind & Gentle One (and stay away from lightning).

A Vast Right Wing Conspirator said...

Vast Right Wing Blogger Conspiracy? Are YOU kidding?
Barack Obama and his band of Idiot's are not my parents! The nuttie Congress is not my parent either. I am an adult and I know what is right and wrong and can live my life without the Liberals of the country dictating to me. I know when to shut a light off and if and when I want to go on a long trip ans therefor use a lot of gas.. Screw the “Global Warming” brigade, and screw the ACLU as well. This is still American and I still can do what I want and when I want to do it. I don’t
need Barack Obama or Congressman John Conyers or Al Gore’s approval. And you can throw Obama’s wife into that sack of crap also. The American way of life is all but gone. John Conyers talks about Bush Lying America into War and HIS Campaign to Hold Bush accountable. But never about holding Clinton accountable, about catching and PUNISHING those who killed and attacked Americans world wide, as well as the first bombing of the World Trade center.. It’s no secret that Barack is a Marxist and what his agenda is. But that don’t seem to bother the Liberal bloggers. All the Liberals bloggers are concerned about is the fact that they OWN the White House and the Congress. So us Conservatives are screwed. Effective check and balance? What a joke.
What I’m going to say is just like the asswipes on the liberal blogs said, and call for the Impeachment of the sitting President, who we all can see now is an idiot. Lets run down his idiot-ness (is that a word?) and see how well he’s done in his first 100 days in office…

The Europeans, who were all lining up to take turns kissing up to the Messiah sucking up to him like a vintage Hoover vacuum cleaner have had an epiphany, and now are convinced that he’s an utter moron who doesn’t know his ass from his elbow about economics, foreign policy, domestic policy, etc, etc, etc, and is also completely clueless on how to properly treat a visiting head of state or foreign dignitary with the decorum that the position deserves. Us conservatives pointed out that he was a complete bumbling idiot, but the liberals wouldn’t listen, and accused us conservatives of trying to *steal* the election by scaring the world into thinking that he would ruin their economies. I guess we were right, but its rather a moot point, because the idiot got elected.
He has spent more, in the first 100 days of the presidency, than all of the other presidents COMBINED have spent in their first FULL YEAR in office. That’s impressive, only because we were told that it would be impossible to spend that much money in that short of a period because it would bankrupt the country, so all of us conservatives were told that we were just *being alarmists* and trying to win an election with our own moron by scaring the beJesus out of the population in order to *steal* the election from the Messiah. I guess we were right, but its rather a moot point, because the idiot got elected.
We conservatives pointed out that he couldn’t cobble together a coherent sentence on his own without the help of a staff of writers, and Teleprompters placed in a grid-like pattern in a radius of 50 feet, spaced two feet apart in any direction form the next available Teleprompter, so as to make sure the idiot wouldn’t stumble over the words, or forget his place. And even with all that, the idiot *lost* his place on the scrolling Teleprompter, and just babbled for 5 minutes while the staff tried to scroll the text back so that he could stop making an idiot of himself. Again, I guess we were right, but its rather a moot point, because the idiot got elected. Pretty impressive isn’t it!
He wouldn’t know an un-corrupt politician if said politician dropped to his knees and bowed to him... . His is the first presidency in history where the amount of overall appointments is running neck and neck with the amount of tax cheats he’s appointed. Us conservatives pointed out that OBambi was nothing more than a corrupt Chicago asswipe. I guess we were right, but its rather a moot point, because the idiot got elected.
We pointed out that he’s a gun-grabber, and he even turned the spotlight onto himself with the *clinging to religion and guns* statement he made, but the panty-wetters at the Brady Outhouse to Prevent you from Exercising your Second Amendment Right got their titty-nipples tied into knots and claimed that we were trying to scare the law-abiding citizens into not voting for him, in effect trying to steal the election by spreading false and vicious rumors. I guess we were right, but its rather a moot point, because the idiot got elected.

The list of stuff goes on, but I’m not going to bore the readership with the more mundane things that prove, beyond a doubt, that he’s a complete bozo, and an idiot who couldn’t find his behind with both hands and a map, a moron who demeans the office of the Presidency by going on late-night talk shows and yucks it up, laughing as he talks about how much money he’s going to be spending in order to *fix* the broken government that he *inherited*

And you Libs thought Bush was stupid? This guy is infantile. He’s way out of his league, and he may very well be impeached after the 2010 election by the wave of conservatives that will no doubt be swept into office.

And another thing... Shut the Mexico Border down. What is the deal?? Are we trying to spread this illness faster than wildfire?? You know the Mexican people are fleeing their country and running into ours! But Prez says, Duh!

Patrick M said...

AVRC: The list of stuff goes on, but I’m not going to bore the readership...Too late for that. And, sadly, had I read everything you rambled on about, I'd probably agree with it more than I disagree.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'm glad that those on the right like my knew friend VRWC appreciate leaders that know how to bow and curtsey to foreign royalty. And not what the First lady did when she, I find this unkind and distasteful, touched the Queen of England.

Thanks for your treatise VRWC. Your concern for royalty is noted by this fellow American.

Tom the Redhunter said...

I rather like the new Kind and Gentle101. It's AVRWC who comes off like a nut

dmarks said...

"Dmarks: as an avid union man, I appreciate laying around as much as anyone."

I suspect that a certain proportion of the Frankenstein Monster's parts came from union boss Jimmy Hoffa.