This isn't about the Judge President Obama just nominated to the Supreme Court. I never heard of her before today but I trust the President made a wise decision.
The buzz is will the Republicans rip her a new one and or filibuster.
The answer is, hell yes they will. That's what the opposition does. And Republicans play the game of who's the bigger prick better than anyone in the free world.
The truth is, If President Obama had nominated the Virgin Mary, the Right would have called her a slut for getting herself pregnant before marriage. They would have hated Jesus had He been nominated because he rode an ass. "Damn Democrats and their asses!" Mitch McConnell would say.
The Republicans know all they have left is their base of bigots, homophobes and idiots. No doubt, in some Cuban cigar smoke filled room, Republican strategists are rejoicing because they have a Hispanic to beat up. Alex Castellanos is volunteering to do hit jobs on CNN. He being Hispanic himself gives the Righties cover against racism charges. We all know the Right only likes minorities that say only approved right wing blather. Accents are okay as long as they have the proper smirk.
Look for all the right wing silliness about how Judge Sotomayor will take away guns and lead us to socialism and be an activist and kill babies and let gays destroy marriage and conservative beastialiters bestialize. When that fails, look for them to make chamber maid jokes about her.
Then feel sorry for them. Cause that's really all the Republican Party has to look forward to these days. The losers pat on the rump.
It was nice to see well-known war criminal, Alberto Gonzales, get a gig on CNN. I understand he hasn't been working much. He didn't seem express much use for empathy in this interview. On the other hand, he didn't have much use for empathy when he was handing death warrants to the Decider Guy in Texas, either.
We missed a real opportunity when Gonzo didn't make it. But then, Harriet Miers may have been the more qualified choice.
Another rascist choice.. by the rascist idiot!
Another rascist choice.. by the rascist idiot!Is that like a rascally choice by a rascally rabbit? Manager of a financial institution and can't even spell racist. That explains a lot about the state of our financial institutions.
Can you at least add and subtract?
Good job Bob! I'm glad to see our right thinking bloggers supporting our talking points. Keep up the good work comrade!
Bob, I think some of us already dealt with your comments on your site.
Maybe when you have some real facts, instead of just names to call, you can try again.
The truth is, If President Obama had nominated the Virgin Mary, the Right would have called her a slut for getting herself pregnant before marriage.Oh so true--you nailed it square on the head. Obama make a smart pick and in doing so put the Republicans into a real tight spot.
Did they really think all those racist remarks at Latino/Hispanic immigrants wouldn't backfire for them politically at some point? The Hispanic community is supposed to TRIPLE by 2050 and once again the Repubes are on the wrong side of history.
They don't mind immigration unless you speak Spanish. I mean, how many Cons bitch about all the illegal Indians, Chinese and Europeans? A lot of people just over-stay their visas--again, many from white countries!!
Or all the Puerto Ricans? It's o.k. for them to be here because Cuba is Communist? But if you happen to be from a Democratic country like Mexico you're screwed? Again, WTF???
I thought we support Democratic countries?
It was o.k. for our ancestors to arrive via Ellis Island without many questions asked but not the modern Ellis Island that is the Southern border?
Don't these people realize that Americans have always been hostile toward each new wave of immigrants? The English didn't want to see the Irish come and said they'd mess up the country. Also that there were too many being let in. Sound familiar?
Then the Irish turned around and said the same thing about the Italian wave of immigration. And on and on.
truth - you speak the truth
I might remind you that members of your party were quick to rip Miguel Estrada and the hysteria surrounding Clarence Thomas was and continues to be, off the charts.
It would seem that ideology trumps race, gender, ethnicity, religion and you know the rest.
I hope in these days of the great one, that valid criticism is still valued by civilzed society.
Good day, sir.
I was not in favor of the hoopla that went against Justice Thomas. I figured any guy that likened himself to "Long Dong Silver" found a pubic hair on his Coke and drank it anyway, couldn't be all bad.
Thanks for the visit Law and Order Teacher. You increase the blogs dignity quotient each time you arrive.
As usual, your elegance is palpable. I'm laughing.
"The Republicans know all they have left is their base of bigots, homophobes and idiots."The left, on the other hand, is as pure as the wind driven snow.
I remember the treatment your side gave Clarence Thomas and Robert Bork.
The most honest thing to say is that each side goes after the other's selections if there is a hint of radicalism.
"The truth is, If President Obama had nominated the Virgin Mary, the Right would have called her a slut for getting herself pregnant before marriage."Clever, but not true.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg sailed through Congress with nary a scratch. The GOP pretty much rolled over and played dead.
Ditto on your side for John Roberts and Antonin Scalia.
Ginsberg, Roberts, and Scalia were so distinguished no one could touch them. On the other hand, Bork refused to play the game, Thomas had Anita Hill, and Sotomayor has a horrible record.
But either way, I think the most honest thing you could do would be to examine the specifics of Sotomayor's record and see what conclusion you reach.
Bob the Banker said ... "Another rascist choice.. by the rascist idiot!"
There is a story about two women walking in the woods. They hear a voice from behind a tree pleading:
"Help me, please. I am an investment banker but a evil curse turned me into a frog. If you kiss me, I'll turn back into an investment banker."
One woman immediately grabbed the frog and stuffed it into her handbag. The other woman said:
"What are doing! You're supposed to kiss him so he'll turn back into a investment banker."
Whereupon the first woman replied: "But these days, a talking frog is worth a hell of a lot more than an investment banker."
Moral of the story: Isn't it comforting to know, Bob the Banker, that in today's economy you are worth less than a talking frog!
FYI: In a comment on NPR radio earlier today, Republican Senator John Cornyn Repudiates Gingrich And Limbaugh Comments About Sotomayor:
"I think it's terrible ... This is not the kind of tone any of us want to set when it comes to performing our constitutional responsibilities of advise and consent (…) Neither one of these men are elected Republican officials. I just don't think it's appropriate. I certainly don't endorse it. I think it's wrong."
Tom: as far as Judge Bork goes, I concede. I always thought he was more a rallying point for Libs than the boogeyman he was portrayed as. If I remember correctly, he never had any decision overturned on appeal.
And the guy looked like a judge.
I most gently and kindly wish the conservative Senators who will rip the good judge to shreds: "good ruck."*
*A wish conferred on me by my Japanese relative by marriage when I left home to seek my fortune.
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