Sunday, May 10, 2009


Not even the lips of Dick Cheney are to powerful to keep them off the ample posterior of Rush Limbaugh. (Pictured at right)
Of course, considering the vast amount of horseshit that passed through Cheney's lips, (The insurgency is in it's last throes) it is appropriate that they are pressed against another shit producing mechanism.
Now being the kind and gentle guy that I am, I appreciate a nice ass as much as anyone. My taste in asses is just different from Cheney's. But I fully support his right to kiss any ass he wants , get married and serve in the military.
Apparently Cheney shares the same lust for huge asses as Michael Steele and many Republican Congressmen and Senators. But don't get jealous boys. Rush has enough ass for all of you.


I Want To Set It Straight said...
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JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

As kind and gently as I can put this IMTSI: you can have both of them friend.

I Want To Set It Straight said...
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JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I have long been known for my kindenss and generosity IHTSI. I will also let you have Ms. Sykes.

Merry Mothers day Friend.

Shaw Kenawe said...

IHtSI is waiting for someone to explain why he should care what liberals think.

And yet.

And yet.

Follow me slowly, now, the dear soul comes to liberal blogs to discover that very thing.

Mr. IHtSI, please tell us, why DO you care what we think.

You are, afterall, the one coming to our liberal blogs to read and discover our thoughts.

In the spirit of K&G TRUTH 101, I kindly and patiently await your explanation.

Your ever gentle friend,

Shaw "Liberal and Proud of It" Kenawe

Law and Order Teacher said...

I am surprised at the amount of vitriol you have Rush and Cheney. Although your exploration of scatology was enlightening to say the most, gross to say the least. It appears to me that and I may be mistaken here, you don't like Rush or Cheney. Luckily, you are K&G or you might have really teed off on them.

Jabba (?) the Hut, funny reference, thanks for the chuckle.

Unknown said...

Shaw? You aren't coming back to finish our conversation?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

If I thought Rush and Dick's feelings would be hurt I would never had posted this LAOT.

I just wish I had the skills to photoshop Rush's head on Jabba the Hut's body. That would have been an internet sensation.

I Want To Set It Straight said...
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Patrick M said...

It seems the kinder and gentler is wearing off a little on this post. Oh well.

I'm just surprised nobody on the right dropped Michael Moore's bulbous ass into this. Of course, unlike Rush, Moore can't seem to stay relevant to his base.

And none on the left have said that you shouldn't compare Rush to Jabba the Hutt... Because it's insulting to Jabba.

We need puppies and hugs all around!

sue said...

truth - this will forever be one of my favorites.

sue said...

IHTSI: Not as many times as Rush has gone over the line (my friend)

Anonymous said...

OT, Kind and Gentle Truth. Wanted to let you know without making you click on over there. Dr. D has your moose pic up on a post. One of his regulars, Philippe, comes on and says, "funny pic." Douglas says, "not funny if you're the moose." Hilarity to ensue.

Anonymous said...

This administration is showing just how low the liberals and the liberal press is and where they are going.

They are doing what they can only because they can.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Iwas waiting fr someone to use the Jabba would be insulted thing Patrick. Thanks for covering for us Libs on that Brother.

Bob: Rush and his cronies have set the height of the road so low that anything my guys say in response is the high road.

Sue: good to have you back!

IHTSI: I care about what everyone thinks Friend. Even if you don't care that I care.

DLB: I admit it. I had to look. Phillippe is correct. The Moose is funny. And thanks to Professor Douglas, a legend.

Anonymous said...

Bob: Rush and his cronies have set the height of the road so low that anything my guys say in response is the high road.

Well I disagree. I feel that way about Barack Obama!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to coerce you into giving him a hit, K and G Truth. If it's any consolation, he's never going to get a million a year anyway.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to make up for going off-topic. Here's a piece from Steve Benen on the brilliant strategy of Limbaugh and Cheney going after Colin Powell. All I can say is go to it boys!

Anonymous said...

How many liberals are drug addicts? You can hardly pick up a newspaper today without reading about one. But we can't talk about their addictions or wish them ill because of them. I thought we were supposed to be bi-partisan under Obama's new regime. I thought that politics as usual were over. I thought we were past the bitter, nasty, partisan divides were done.
What was President Barack Obama thinking when he laughed and smiled as Wanda wished Rush Limbaugh dead?
I hope Wanda has thick skin, because before Rush gets finished with her she's going to be toast.

Unknown said...

Right Is Right said...

How many liberals are drug addicts? You can hardly pick up a newspaper today without reading about one.


It's pandemic how many libs are addicts. If you have to excuse your behavior, then you have to excuse ALL behavior.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Right is Right typed: "How many liberals are drug addicts? You can hardly pick up a newspaper today without reading about one."

Dear RiR, in the spirit of kindness and gentleness, I humbly point out that we Liberals criticize Boss Limbaugh because he is the head of the Republican Party which has crowed to the entire population of the US and also the world, that they are the party of "family values."

Mr. Rush is a thrice married, illegal prescription drug user, who in addition to those unfortunate non-traditional Republican values, enjoys mocking and humiliating people with diseases, 12-year old girls, and people of color.

Nasty habits, wot?

Right is Right typed: "But we can't talk about their addictions or wish them ill because of them."

Yes, Ms. RiR, you may. Please feel free to do so. But, the head of the Democratic Party does not have the unfortunate sort of history that Boss Limbaugh has. It's really shocking that a political party would identify itself with someone so obviously and someone who does not share their sacred family values.

Right is Right typed: "What was President Barack Obama thinking when he laughed and smiled as Wanda wished Rush Limbaugh dead?"

My dear RiR, it was all done in the spirit of joking, just like when Boss Limbaugh mocked a man who has an incurable disease.

Didn't you all wonder what HE was thinking when he did that?

Gently and kindly,

Shaw Kenawe

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'm proud that we're all getting along just like in Rodney King's dream.
If Right is Right wants to talk about liberal addicts, more power to her. Like Presdient Obama, I also believe in dialogue with our enemies and the deluded that we may help them see the light. And as a loyal American, I won't subject my conservative friends to moderation BluePitbull.

Thank you all for visiting.

dmarks said...

Shaw: Again with the references to colored people?

Anyway, you chose a good illustration of Rush, kind one. But where oh where is the picture of Anne Coulter in a chainmail bikini sitting hear his tail?

Pro-Life said...

“I think Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker on 9/11”; “I hope his kidneys fail” and that he “needs a waterboarding”. Rush Limbaugh said he hopes Obama’s POLICIES fail. She called Rush a Traitor and a Highjacker! And from reading this blog, to criticize a black person for anything can be considered as racist.

Just your typical hateful liberal blog..
There is a BIG difference between saying I want someone’s policies to fail and saying they want that person to die. Rush NEVER said he wished Obama harm, he said he wanted his policies to fail because he feels it’s the wrong way to go, that’s his opinion, and for that this bitch wishes him death, and Obama sat there and LAUGHED at it..not only laughed at that, but also laughed at that disgusting remark she said about Sarah Palin and her family with Todd sitting right there. I don’t care what people might think of Sarah and her political viewpoints, but she is a human being and did not do anything wrong to deserve such a nasty smear of her family, and Obama sat there and thought it was hilarious. He is a disgrace to the White House. The place will have to be fumigated when he is outta there

Johnny Walker said...

dmarks said...

Shaw: Again with the references to colored people?

again with the references to colored people?

again with the references to colored people?

again with the references to colored people?

again with the references to colored people?

again with the references to colored people?

again with the references to colored people?

Of course It's a references to colored people, it's about a colored person. Why are you always so damn defensive?

Crossing The Line said...

I just read this on YOUR home page!

A must read for anyone with an IQ above 12. This unfortunatly excludes many Republicans."

What a DUMB and juvenile thing to say'

If YOU are so smart and YOUR IQ is above 12 then how come you don't know how to spell "unfortunately" !

Dumb Little Men say such dumb, and sad things!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It was purposly mispelled so as not to hurt the feelings of low IQ republicans that didn't know how to spell potato either Ms. Page.

Thank you for visiting.

I Ain't Got No Blog said...
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I Ain't Got No Blog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shaw Kenawe said...

Dear Kind and Gentle TRUTH 101,

I have adopted your most considerate and salubrious attitude and have applied it to my blog, q.v., its new title.

I come here to thank you most sincerely for illuminating the way to this consierat and amiable behavior.

My blood pressure has plummeted to where I no longer see bursting novae and feel as though someone were pounding 9-inch nails into my very fragile skull.

Thank you, milord, for showing me the way...

Shaw K&G Kenawe

Tom the Redhunter said...

Well, I must say that "Pro-Life" does point out the liberal hypocrisy surrounding the comments of Wandy Sykes at the White House Correspondents Dinner.

Otherwise, Liz Cheney defends her father admirably on MSNBC, and - sit down if you have't read this yet - Richard Cohen asks in hisWashington Post column "What if Cheney's Right?" and seems to conclude that he probably is!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

To "I Ain't Got No Blog": Friend, I know you're lonely and I want you to know there are kind and gentle people that feel sorry for you.

I want you to know that although most people don't care you ain't got no blog, or sit in front of your computer for hours trying to define what a "schmuck" is, I do. You're a fellow human being.

I am glad that you derived some pleasure for yourself by typing what you most likely think will make you a right wing hero. In fact, if you ever do get a blog, I suggest you do a feature called "Schmuck of the Week."

Glad I could help you Brother. Good luck to you.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The old trick of repeating a lie enough times and eventually people start to believe it is Cheney's favorite strategy Tom. I'm not sure if I agree Cohen is starting to agree with him. It's like telling an atheist about God. Whether they want to admit it or nor, they all at least think "what if?"

Cheney has to keep up his charade. He has to have his story consistent and ready for his eventual trial. He's a greaseball. Not an idiot.

Thanks for the visit Tom. I hope all the Righties visit your site to see how it's done.

Anonymous said...

" In fact, if you ever do get a blog, I suggest you do a feature called "Schmuck of the Week."
And I agree, and I also think that the First "Schmuck of the Week."

janjan said...

Bob said...
" In fact, if you ever do get a blog, I suggest you do a feature called "Schmuck of the Week."

And I agree, and I also think that the First "Schmuck of the Week."

I second that

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

In the tradition of George W. Bush, I would be both honored and humbled Bob and Jan.

Thank you for your visits.

Anonymous said...


I begin on internet with a directory