Just when I was getting used to the honor and loneliness of being the only Nihilist officially banned from Professor Douglas' American Power, the Nutty Professor goes and bans one of the finest and wisest bloggers around.
Welcome to the Valley of the Banned Oh Wise TAO. Your legend continues to grow.
Truth101 - just to be sure you see this I was exclusively talking about R Stanton Scott at my blog. You are most certainly NOT a "condescending prick" and are welcome at The Redhunter at any time.
If the Republican party were run by rational and thoughtful people like you our Country would be in a much better position now Tom. It would be bad for us Democrats though. It's easy villifying the Ted Stevenses and Jesse Helmses and Donald Douglases. That's how politics is played these days. It's not so easy vilifying sane and thoughtful people that care about our Country more than today's talking point like yourself. Damn your scholarship and rationality Redhunter!
T101, Honestly! I can't see why you bother with DD. He is not worth the attention. Worst still, in paying attention to him, you are actually making matters worse. Why?
Because DD is a narcissist who demands attention ... and attention is the food that nourishes his narcissism. Even when you criticize him by calling him "nutty" and pointing out his lapses in reason, you are still according him the adulation he craves.
Or to explain it this way: Suppose you have a gas leak and there is a plume of fire gushing from a cracked pipe. What to do?
Do you break out the marshmallows and have a picnic? Or do you find a valve that feeds gas to the pipe and turn it off?
An abusive narcissist is no picnic. Witness these comments at TAO's website:
Donald Douglas: That was your last comment at my blog, asshole.
Donald Douglas: You're not arguing, asshole. You're making assumptions and ad hominems.
In anyone's book, this is abusive and disturbed behavior. And hypocritical to the degree that DD calls TAO an "asshole" while accusing TAO of making ad hominem attacks. This is an example of a defense mechanism called "projective identification." Look up the wiki definition.
Considering what happened to Gray Headed Brother this week, I can think of a worthy cause more worthy of your time: Champion the cause of civility and mutual respect on the Internet ... a concept totally alien to DD.
Today on American Power DD is highlighting his favorite book: Liberty and Tyranny!!!
Nothing worse than a Tyrant going on and on about the wonders of Liberty!
Rather Orwellian to say the least!
Glenn Beck had newsreels of Nazi parades on his show last night and was going on and on about the Brown Shirts in our political system today....
Yet the folks that talk so unabashedly about the loss of LIBERTY are the first to run off folks whom they disagree with.
Which is what they did to GHB.
Its all so Stalinist. Those who champion an ideal are the least likely to support their ideal.
Octo: Nobody has more respect for you and the Swash Zone group more than I. I wish my writing was in your league Brother. But I gotta do what I do. I don't suffer bullies well. When one like DD spouts his crap at people I respect I fire back.
Now c'mon Brother. Tell me you don't feel at least a little satisfaction when I call Donald "shithead" and declare victory. Especially after the Donald cuts and pastes one of his infamous mind numbingly War and Peace reminiscent deluded right wing fool posts.
It's good to have fun Octo.
Which is what they did to GHB.?
No the GHB did it to himself.
For being the fool that he is. He was the most obnoxious racist I had ever seen. He reeked of pure and blatant racism. And a waste of human flesh.
And You people here honored him?
Thank you for your support my brother, and keep up the fight.
I am recommending your page to everyone I know. .. There are so many people out there counting on you and I.
I am proud of you and thank you for your efforts.
GHB - Keep speaking out.
T101: I don't suffer bullies well.
I hear you, brother. But there is a difference between defending yourself from schoolyard bullies and life on the Internet. On the schoolyard, you can demonstrate your willingness to stand up for yourself and maybe deliver a black eye or two; Inside every bully is a coward.
Internet bullies can torment you for an eternity with impunity, because you can never quite reach out and beat the shit out of them. The Internet is the ultimate game of Gotcha if you allow yourself to get caught up in this game.
Punch, counter-punch. Insult, retort, ad infinitum. What is the point? The Internet requires a different set of skills.
You are no slouch yourself and have a whimsical wit. Why not use these in the service of a higher purpose? Once the bullies understand that you have heard your higher power calling, they will realize that they lost their audience and return to their echo-chambers.
You can do this, brother. Trust me.
I loved the way the GRAY HEADED BROTHER went all around giving race lectures, but on his own site everything was basically "Whitey sucks". He seemed
more interested in generating
his vile blog than promoting "GOOD: relations.
I for one am GLAD he is gone. In my opinion he was a bad example of who black people really are.
I will repeat a comment here that was posted earlier:
I reserve my harshest judgement for The Wordsmith who should have said:
Thank you, Gray Headed Brother, for the sacrifices made by your generation so that my generation could have equal opportunity and a better life.
But it appears The Wordsmith is too arrogant and full of himself to respect his elders or have a kind word for anybody. WORDSMITH, SHAME ON YOU !!!
In fact, I don't believe you are whom you claim. There are paid FREEPERS on the Internet whose job is to harass liberal bloggers and disrupt their blogs. I accuse you, Wordsmith, of being a FREEPER, a liar, a phony, and a fraud.
OCTOPUS You are delusional and in fantasy land.
I must say that you really have a wonderful imagination
This escapee from Star-wars Says.."I accuse you, Wordsmith, of being a FREEPER, a liar, a phony, and a fraud."
Because I DARE to challenge a RACIST liar, phony, and a fraud?
Humm, seems a bit twisted don't you think?
If you can not see that the GHB was a disgusting and disrespectful racist. But you do see ME as “a liar, a phony, and a fraud” ( LMAO)...........My question to you is, when are you going to question my patriotism ? That usually comes next..
OK, you win..I can't fight a BLIND army. So I'll pack up my lying, phony bag of tricks and go to some other liberal blog to harass them..feel better now you poor little pussy!
Wordsmith, your gravatar photo and repetition of talking points, always in the same word order, are consistent with the way FREEPERS operate. Unless you can prove otherwise, the accusation stands.
I don't have to and I surely won't prove ANY THING to the likes of an idiot space cadet like you.
Who the heck do you think you are The Dick Tracy of the NAACP?
(O)CT(O)PUS why don't you get a Day Job?
Octo is too old for a day job, by his own admission. But don't worry, the prez will soon change the working age cap to 85 and he can work again.
Definitions of the term FReeper:
Someone who is paid to endlessly post talking points, rhetoric, and propaganda to internet forums and blogs.
Generally referring to individuals or multiple persona of the 'free republic' GOP front site. Free Republic is primarily a front for media reference and secondly a source for social subversion via formulaic talking points [my bold], of those who identify themselves as conservative for the ego and id fulfillment or peer acknowledgment (…) also a description of behavioral or personality defects commonly associated with classic sociopathic themes, nazi like nationalism and racism, violent fanaticism …
Point: Suppose you really, really want to attract black voters away from the Obama/Progressive movement. Tactic: Present yourself as a black man to attract black voters while spewing right wing talking points.
Point: Suppose you really, really want to discredit a black blogger such as GHB. Tactic: Present yourself as a black man who accuses another black man of racism. Problem: Your presentation is too obviously phony.
Point: Notice the extreme anger and venom used by Wordsmith against GHB. It is highly IMPROBABLE for one black man to treat another so heinously unless … Wordsmith were really a FReeper masquerading as one.
FReeper … I mean … Wordsmith, it is highly probable that you are a liar, a phony, and a fraud.
You can be paid to blog?
Wow! Where does one sign up?
Octopussy, I mean … (O)CT(O)PUS, it is highly probable that you are a you are a pathetic,fear-mongering, lying, hateful, nut job who lives in fantasy world of conspiracy theory's. It's also really stupid that you brought up this topic even suggesting what you did.
That some one would actually "pay" me to invade this meaningless blog.
This is so ridiculously stupid it does not deserve to be addressed. I only answer it because it is so freaken funny.
People like you latch on to stupid crap like this only to support their insane sickness.
This is another example of the left wing nut jobs creating something out of nothing. Now go take a cold shower and get into bed, before the man in the white jacket comes to take you away..
Yo, Wordsmith, looks like your cover has been blown!!!
" Wordsmith, looks like your cover has been blown!!!'
LOL, yeah right I'm a undercover dude from the freepers, creepers
Wordsmith: I haven't paid much attention to you yet. But if you want to post right wing stuff and subject yourself to my biting wit, I will not deny you the intellectual spanking you seem to desire.
Hooze yur grand wizard, wurdy turdy?
I got some free room and board for you, Wordsmith!
Wherefore art thou, Wordsmith? Maybe you really ARE a FReeper after all. Extra, extra, FReeper exposed! Bravo Octo!
Just listen to yourselves!!
Shame on your bigoted ass's
You bigot's preach nothing but hate and ridicule a brother who don't agree with you. You cannot tolerate anyone that don't agree with your filthy message. The message that the Gray Headed Brother preached was disgusting and made me puke at his very sight..
And you cannot tolerate decent people like the wordsmith here who talks seasonable but is of another political party. You try and justify your stupid beliefs by saying idiotic things like he's a paid spy? Just listen to how STUPID and ridicules that sounds!
Get a grip on yourselves before you drift away into complete insanity
I'm a bigot because I shared GHB's views against racism. I had empathy with the man?
Dang! I never thought empathy and understanding were racist. That's a unique view you have there MC.
I will try to be understanding of it.
There. I tried. You're nuts.
Truth, my post was directed to OCTOPUS and to what HE said.
But ya know what, if you don't give a damn, then neither do I..
As for ME being nuts!
I think you all are NUTS here.
You side with a disgusting racist and call a obviously intelligent man names and make joke about him
This article from Salon.com about right wing hate groups:
It would be convenient to pretend that Richard Poplawski, who killed three Pittsburgh policemen on Saturday with an AK-47, was just a right-wing nutcase. A devotee of the white supremacist Web site Stormfront, Poplawski believed that the United States was controlled by a secret Jewish cabal that had a master plan to abrogate freedom of speech and use the U.S. military to police Americans.
It would be easy for us to cordon Poplawski off, pretend that his ugly and paranoid worldview had nothing to do with the Obama hatred spouted by the American right. But the truth is that Poplawski's hateful views cannot be separated from the increasingly extreme ideology and rhetoric that characterize the contemporary American conservative movement …
Such obsessions don't come out of a vacuum. Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and the GOP have been whipping up hatred and fear of Obama and "liberal Democrats" for years.
And the FReepers who stalk the Internet … FReepers like Wordsmith and this stupid “My Choice” reincarnation.
Paranoia, your own ass. There are sites like Go Daddy who will sell you this domain name Smash Left Wing Scum for a song, plus jackets, and pornography … all in the name of enterprise.
Save your “Shame on your bigoted ass” lectures for yourself. The real scum in the universe is you.
Great job again, Octo. Time to expose those creeps for what they really are ... hate mongers of the most malignant kind. Kudos!
Truth101, You should be ashamed of yourself to let these people belittle and name call your fellow bloggers that come here to comment.
I’ve been lurking here for the past few days reading your blog as I found it linked on another blog that I follow. It may have been cute and funny for a short time, but it has gotten to be way over the line.
I seriously think that YOU should be thinking about responsibility and have these people like Octopus quit savoring in these ugly pleasures of his/her’s. I find his tasteless comments to be not only vile but a bit over the edge. . By letting freaks belittle other people that come here to contribute only lessens your credibility.
As a blogger, I feel that we should be we encouraging comments on our blogs, but who in their right mind would want to come here and comment when they see some stupid misguided fool making those sick and outlandish remarks to them!
Just a bit of advice for what it's worth, take it or leave it.
ICAA, I will not waste a whole lot of words on you because you are frankly not worth the time. In case you have not noticed, this would be considered impolite and improper behavior:
All caps is the written equivalent of shouting, and the words "vile," "diseased," "scum," and "sicko" add nothing to civil discourse. A temper tantrum ... that is all this all. And maybe Octo did strike a nerve to bring this tirade here.
I looked at your blog ... the same content, the same Obama-bashing, the same invective directed at liberals as all your cohorts ... so you should talk.
Do you think free speech privileges only you and your beliefs but no-one else? Get a life.
ECOPHOTOS SO foolishly said..."I looked at your blog ... the same content, the same Obama-bashing, the same invective directed at liberals as all your cohorts ... so you should talk"
Giving ones opinion about our Government and name calling fellow bloggers are 2 entirely different things. But YOU are much too thick headed to understand that.
Some people live in their own worlds, but you make a living out of it. Do you also have these dreams about goblins paying bloggers to invade liberal sites?
I think I was setting my sights too high, hoping for an intelligent conversation with a man. But I guess I was wrong. I’m outter here this disease might be catching.
I tried to suggest some intelligent advice to the author of this blog, not to feed the inmates. But I see now that I made a big mistake, the inmates are running the asylum
I don't mind name calling if it's backed up with an opinion as to why you think me or another poster is a whatever. I'm lenient on bad words if they're necessary to the impact of a post.
This isn't a typical right wing site where all that are welcome are opinions agreeing with the blogmaster. I want everyone with an opinion to say what's on their minds and face the consequences.
My mision has always been to entertain and enlighten. If you're not enlightened then be happy being entertained. We can take some of this far to seriously Brothers and Sisters. My side made it through the Bush years. The Right will make it through the Obama years. Our Country is greater than any individual. Things will be okay.
The idiot Octopus who wrote the comment that has seemed to start this thing does not seem to realize how insanely stupid he sounds.
As perplexed as I was to read this delusional comment that was filled with all the ignorance he was able to muster. I'm sorry Truth, but there is nothing entertaining or enlightening about his remarks at all.
I can not think of a comment that would justify the situation. So I’ll just leave it at that!
The author of this blog, Truth 101 says that he has no problem with the name calling etc as long as he entertains and enlightens. And that he does not want to follow the typical right wing site. So my advice to Mr. Wordsmith and all, if you don’t want to be subjected to name calling and be insulted just because you don’t follow the same political ideology as he does. . Particularly if you are the subject of the name calling.
Then simply don’t come . That’s what I will be doing.
You know something funny about what you say ICAA? One of the few that got on posters for name calling was my Gray Headed Brother.
If you want to hide at right leaning sites that fawn all over each other, that's your business buddy. If you want a good rollicking adventure, you're welcome here.
Actually what the other poster said about name callers makes a lot of sense..
I haven't been following this thread to closely, but from what I read here. ....it doesn't make a lot of sense for YOU to put an end to this silliness .What (O)CT(O)PUS said is way out there and off the wall, I suely don't think there is any chance in the world that what he said makes any sense at all. No secret agency is going to pay anyone to come in here under cover to infiltrate a little liberal blog like this. It just don't fly, there are millions of blogs like this one, they are just a drop in the bucket, who cares about them...No one! But he DOES make your blog seem less creditable by saying these nutty things.. And he will only keep people away...
And that's my two cents.
Watch it, Wordsmith. You are losing your cool.
Wonders never cease! The feral yappy dogs have gathered in the street. Let me get this straight. Did Wordsmith, too emotionally disabled with rage for rational discourse, contact I Care About America who contacted Bob who contacted John, or did all of you just show at once … spontaneously … presto … just like that … like moths drawn to a flame? Okay, lets take inventory:
Lets start with the words of Wordsmith:
Pathetic …
Sick …
Paranoid …
Vile …
Scum …
Sicko …
Wow! You certainly have a way with words, Wordsmith. Okay, now how about I Care About America:
You should be ashamed …
I’ve been lurking … [good one, I like that]
Ugly pleasures … [my, my, what an active imagination]
Vile … [see Wordsmith, above]
Freaks …
Stupid …
Sick … [see Wordsmith above]
Disease … [see second comment]
Inmates …
Asylum …
And then there is Bob [oh, yes, I know Bob. He’s the talking frog]:
Idiot …
Insanely stupid … [see Wordsmith and I Care About America above]
Delusional …
Ignorance …
And then there is John who hasn’t “been following this thread closely … “ and doesn’t have a clue.
Conspiracy theories! My oh my oh my! But all of you have come forward like mechanical Zombies from Night of the Living Dead to heap scorn upon some librul cephalopod who isn’t really human.
Now suppose I told this is all a big hoax … like some diabolical Internet video game for the purpose of ENTERTAINMENT! And all you yokels fell for it hook, line, and stinker? PWND !!!
There is still Wordsmith’s over the top tirade and the pack of feral yappy dogs gathered in the street. Now who is calling whom names? Mind your manners!
(O)CT(O)PUS said...
"Wonders never cease!"
You are right that they never do!
And your idiotic conspiracy theory doesn't either!
Could the fact that so many of us came here have anything to do with the FACT that we ALL read about what was going on here on another blog where is is all written up on!
Hum... Wonders never cease, and halfwits never stop being halfwits! Do they Dick Tracy?
For you to have spent the time and the research that you did witting all that gibberish just goes to show you how infantile you are.
Pathetic …
Sick …
Paranoid …
Vile …
Scum …
Sicko …
Vile …
Freak …
Stupid …
Disease …
Inmates …
Delusional …
Ignorant …
No matter who said it they all fit you ((O)CT(O)PUS) perfectly.
Here is a little poem for Wordsmith:
Two faces have you.
How do I know?
Two faces but one IP address
Tells me so.
Have a nice day.
Why can't we all just get along.
Thank you Rodney King. And thank you Gray Headed Brother for your contribution here. And I am truly sorry that people of your color have been treated like dirt. Best wishes to you.
T101, you said in earlier comment somewhere: I don’t suffer bullies very well Well, here is some TRUTH, T101:
Recently, I sent TAO a very personal and private e-mail about an incident that occurred where I live ... a wealthy and conservative community on the Atlantic coast of Florida. Most of my personal friends are moderate conservatives who switched parties in the last election.
(Contrary to your impressions of me, I am NOT registered as a Democrat but as an Independent.)
There are some very belligerent right wingers in my community (not unlike the ones you meet here) who have made death threats within the past two months. One said to me: "Gardner has a bounty out on you, and if I ever find you here in the clubhouse again, I will kill you myself." (Spoken to me after I mentioned having daughter in the military - a Major in the US Army stationed at the Pentagon)
Indeed! I filed a police report, and the matter is in the hands of the State Attorney General awaiting prosecution.
So you see, T101, I don’t suffer bullies very well either. In fact, nothing gives me greater joy than to see the police frog march them to prison.
NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHERE I AM COMING FROM? Apologies for shouting, but I cannot make it any clearer than that.
I hope the creeps get serious jail time Octo.
We've been blogging a long time Octo. You deal with detractors differently than I do.
T101: You deal with detractors differently than I do.
T101, you don't get death threats. I do.
Funny how all the bloggers that have been slamming Wordsmith are the far left bloggers They are doing the dirty work for Truth101
And on another note! Has anyone noticed that on the Lefties blogs they ALL seem to have SO few followers but on Right wing blogs the followers are so plentiful. No sane people want read their little crappy blogs anyway....
I already addressed the right wing mania of following each other John.
You see my friend. The Righties need each other as a support system to validate their deluded views. Us Lefties are content to know that we are on the side of truth and don't need to be congratulated after each post or comment.
Nice comment by the way, John.
Another GREAT Lefty spin.
Nice comment by the way, Truth
John: Has anyone noticed that on the Lefties blogs they ALL seem to have SO few followers but on Right wing blogs the followers are so plentiful.
A very simple answer lost on the simple-minded:
You see, John, there was election recently, and the wingers lost 53% to 47%. The wingers lost seats in the Senate and the House. The wingers lost state governorships. And the new President has approval ratings above 62%. The country is moving in the right direction … with poll numbers up threefold over the previous administration. Wingers, it seems, do not like fair elections, especially when their side gets thumped, and their ideas have lost all credibility and lay in disgrace.
So the wingers mass like screaming chimpanzees. Starved of morsels, they forage for whatever table scraps they can find. They even forage Lefty Blogs, but John is too hungry, simple minded, and desperate to count the winger trolls that visit Lefty sites. Sorry, John, no table scraps here. Try a winger site.
New President, simple minded, chimpanzees?
Don't you know you are NOT supposed to use those words together?
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