Nobody loves good irony more than I do. And as despicable as some of those entrusted to lead our Country's approval of torture is, I can't help but appreciate the brutal irony of Righties that believe we need to forget about it and "move forward."
The irony is that is was this same crowd that spent millions of our dollars investigating whether or not President Clinton got "orally pleasured" then lied under oath about it.
The righties back then demanded justice no matter what the cost. They said if a crime was committed it must be found and prosecuted. They weren't worried about embarrassing our Nation and the Office of the Presidency because "Justice must prevail."
But now the righties feign worry about embarrassment and emboldening enemies and other nonsense because their own people might end up on the receiving end of justice.
William Bennett said on CNN a few minutes ago that investigating the perpetrators of torture would appear as nothing but a political vendetta. He didn't say that when the Clintons were undergoing investigations.
Years ago, Richard Nixon talked about the penalty for committing a crime and that's why he couldn't pardon draft resisters. Not long after that he accepted a pardon from President Ford.
The Republican Party always tried to hold itself up as the "tough on crime" party. I would like to see it for once live up to it's hype.
Another piece of Republican irony: Newt Gingrich was having an affair at the same time that he was leading the charge to bring justice "no matter what." And now he's mad that the President pursuing justice "no matter what." Hmmm.
What bothers me the most is that so many people are so brazen in their defense of waterboarding. Even if it's not torture, they are at best, defending a practice they say is justifiable because at least it's not cutting off somebody's head. By that logic, the rack and screws is also justifiable.
I see on Countdown that Hannity might allow himself to be waterboarded. Does anyone think that might turn him into a liberal? And, B, would that be good or bad?
You liberals are all alike!
All you do is criticize and destroy great people who are trying to make this country more of a Christian Nation like our Founding Fathers wanted.
All you do is ruin our schools, destroy our military by letting gays in, spend money, and believe in free love!
If you would read the bible you would realize your sins but you are too stupid to read.
We are at war and all you do is worry about our enemies: you traitors!
"Justice" isn't that just another term for getting what YOU want?
First I would like to say that I didn’t like that we put President Clinton on trial while he was president. That was wrong; because it took him away from his duty to the people and to our country. With that being said, I don’t like this witch-hunt for Bush personnel who participated in harsh interrogation. I think President Obama’s responsibility is to the people and to our country and he already eliminated harsh interrogation. The purpose behind divulging secret CIA files is obscure at best. Especially with only partial files being released. However, since this has happened we now have one side lying. The Republicans are stating it was ok’d by ALL; however, Pelosi is saying the Democrats didn’t know water boarding was involved. The only way to clear this up is to release the Minutes of the meetings. Those documents WILL show who knew WHAT and WILL PROVE who is lying. This is all such a damn shame and a 3-ring circus. We are experiencing an historic crisis but here we are dragging people through the mud and for what? The office of the president is sacred and I believe that the Obama Administration is degrading Bush’s presidency with this undignified commotion.
I never hid that I'm a political hack Pamela. And although I agree there is merit in what you said, the political hack in me says what goes around, comes around.
TAO: either you're being Nihilistically sarcastic or you miss all your rightie followers and want them back.
Excellent comment, by the way.
Truth, I was just trying something different; its actually much easier than I thought but I do believe I have to work on the anger part!
Its just too nice of a day to get pissed off...so, got to go back to my old ways.
Pam, Pelosi knew and lied, Bush lied, Cheney couldn't accept the truth if it bit him in the ass, Reid is to dizzy to speak the truth....
They are all politicans and of course they lie...its called spin.
So, don't get all bent out of shape over Pelosi, she was born to be a politician.
Yeah, we torture, big deal, yeah or government lies to us, yeah big deal. Even Presidents that believe God talks to them and they talk to God lie like little bandits...
So, enjoy the day, look forward to the weekend, and be damn thankful you have no desire to 'serve your nation' or 'for public service' because it involves lying and sleeping with some very strange and nasty people!
Now, go out and stimulate the economy!
Tao, I'm not all bent out of shape...really.
Actually, I've been taking it easy on politics lately. It was giving me a major headache! And believe me, I don't need any help in that department. But I am enjoying this great weather. Here in Pa we don't get much sunshine...so I'm gonna sit on my patio with my hubby tonight and talk about nice stuff...NO yucky politics.
ALL of you have a super nice day and night, too!
Just for the record, Pam, Obama DOESN'T want to prosecute.
I do wonder if the torture thing will end up swept aside because people on both sides either condoned or looked the other way.
I also hope you don't decide to stick with Rightie TAO either. You're scary enough with your brand of radical rationalism.
My conjecture is that if prosecutions ever ensue, which is not a foregone conclusion, it will only involve some low-level lawyer taking the fall - not unlike the Scooter Libby affair.
Since many Democrats either looked the other way or condoned it, as you say, then any high profile trial would be nothing short of a political one: Democrats trying Republicans.
You should be frustrated at what Obama is doing instead of being frustrated at what Bush did to protect America and your ass as well.
you need to research before you open your mouth and show ignorance. An Iraqi General came and testified before Congress that most WMD materials were loaded into trucks and onto planes and moved to Iran under the cover of earthquake aid. Also what about the yellow cake uranium that the US found and brought out of Iraq last year. If the mainstream media did their job and you weren't so sold on the Democrats Koolaid, you would look at facts instead of telling lies. BTW what we do is not torture. If it was, than I could sue the VA hospitals, doctors and other staff for torturing during tratment and physcial therapy. For real torture, watch the Perlman execution. If you pantywaists can't bother to serve and protect your country, then you have no right to dictate how we fight this war. In factr, why don't you volunteer to take the terrorists Obama wants to release. Let them live with you and see how that goes. Then you will get to see torture first hand.
It never fails to amuse me when an anonymous guy trusts one of Saddams Iraqi generals to tell the truth.
"An Iraqi General came and testified before Congress that most WMD materials were loaded into trucks and onto planes and moved to Iran under the cover of earthquake aid."
Did Saddam's general tell Congress the day Saddam started liking Iranians?
August of 1963, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., Martin Luther King delivered a speech to more than 250,000 persons present that became one of the greatest and notable speeches in history and the top American speech of the 20th century. The essence of Dr. King’s speech was captured in one sentence wherein he stated, “I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
Millions of people thought that the fulfillment of that speech occurred 45 years later in the election of Barrack Hussein Obama as the 44th president of the United States. The majority of voters made that event happen. But was Barrack Obama’s victory actually a fulfillment of that speech? I do not think so. Dr. King eloquently stated that the dream was for a person to be judged by inner character, not by skin color. In this election, masses voted for Obama for no other reason than for skin color. This can hardly be called a fulfillment of Dr. King’s dream.
Never in the entire history of the United States has there been elected a man of whom so little is known. His history in the Illinois legislature and in the U. S. Senate has been dismal. Most of his historical records including his school, law practice, medical and even birth records are sealed and not available to public scrutiny. In those times that he did vote in support of an issue rather than simply voted present, he became known as the most liberal, pro-abortion, anti-family values senator in the entire U.S. Senate.
Obama has said one of the first things he will do as president is sing the euphemistically-named "Freedom of Choice Act," which will remove any restrictions on late-term abortions across the United States. Children will be able to be killed by sticking scissor-like instruments in the back of the their necks while being partially born, and other sick atrocities will be legal again, thanks to the pro-abortion extremists
Wow, it's a vast Right Wing conspiracy? You get from the conservative side what you dish out, then after your silly comments, you tuck tail and hide. Or better yet, try to act subdued.
You come on to other peoples' sites and bash them. Gimme a break. It's funny how the only person you don't find fault with is you.
May 3, 2009 7:06 PM
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