Thursday, April 30, 2009


What can I say man? Us bad boys attract some unsavory characters. We bring out the bad boy, and bad girl, in everyone.
Righties hate me. I got Lefties hatin on me. Even though that breaks my bad boy heart, I guess I gotta keep doin what I's doin. And if da Professor wants to correct my spellin airrers, I guess he gotta do what he goota do. Da guy is a professor.
Now don't be shy dudes and dudettes. I won't hurt ya. I might piss you off. I might get you to think. I might give you something you can improve upon. But I got no delusions about this blog gig Babies: Life ain't forever. Let's have a good time.


TAO said...

You mean that the world does not hang on our every word? I thought you blogged to change world events and the opinions of the masses...

TAO said...

You might want to let bluepitbull know....he thinks his blog is the world! :)

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I don't mind being comment moderated by someone of character and intelligence like yourself TAO. I refuse to allow an insignificant right wing fool to moderate my wisdom.

We can drive ourselves nuts thinking we're going to change the world as you say TAO. I'm content with what I do here and appreciate that people like you allow me to be a part of their discussions. If my presence causes more grief than whomever the blog administrator thinks is worth, I will stop visiting. I would be disappointed but my disappointment isn't worth any anger or unease it may cause.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Chill. Avoid air travel and public places. Wash your hands. If you feel symptoms coming on, take an aspirin and call me in the morning.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The state you reside in showed up on my caller ID earlier today Octo. I was afraid to answer in case it was you about to lay another intellectual beatdown on me.

I've been in some "difficult" situations stemming from my Union activities over the years but never felt the intimidation I feel when incredibly smart people take issue with me.

I would very much like to "chill" Brother.

Pamela Zydel said...

Truth, in my personal opinion, I think you are a big softy. I also think you like to rile people to see how far you can push and get away with it. You are a gamester at heart. I think you do this in all areas of your life not just blogging. You don’t have to admit to any of this in the comment section; drop me an email. Psychology is a minor for me, so I’m curious to see how close I am.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Pamela: I've stated a few times here and there how blogging serves a purpose unrelated to any debates or whatever you want to call them in my life.

As far as pushing to see how much I can get away with, a closer analogy would be pushing to see how much I could get. If you're that interested I would be more than happy to email you.

You're a very good person Pamela. I showed on your site how just a simple comment from me turned into a free for all. You're not into that type of discourse and I won't subject your site to it out of respect for you. They even attacked my friend who only asked for more civil behavior among bloggers. It caused discourse among us and that sucks because nobody appreciates good writing from either side of the aisle more than I do. And Octo is a far better writer than I ever was.

Pamela Zydel said...

Truth, I’m a people person and I analyze…EVERYTHING. It’s an OCD thing, I’m sure. I hope I didn’t offend YOU. That was NOT my intention. I feel bad if you and a friend are having trouble because of my post. I wanted to write about something Octo mentioned and I felt it was important. And it just turned into a big mess. That’s so sad to me. It’s not just blogging where things like this happen, either. It’s just that with blogging you don’t SEE who you are conversing with. I wish people would think before they typed or spoke. I hope you will still visit and I hope I am still welcome here. But if you don’t think it’s wise, I will understand.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Good news, T101, all is forgiven. Now about that hand-wringing, handkerchief-reaching, sad sack, violin-stringing melodrama ... fahgetaboutit!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You're most welcome here Pamela. As for Octo, now he has me thinking. I'm not used to thinking. A witty Oscar Wilde like response and hope I don't have to apologise later has worked for me since I could talk.

I'll miss the neocon hottie stuff but I'll try a more dignified approach for a while and see how I do.

Anonymous said...

I had only been using blogging to improve my typing and cut and paste skills. Had I known it was useful for pissing people off, as well. The things I learn from my nihilist compadre, Truth.

Unknown said...

Tao, why don't you tell me yourself? I saw that you even had Joe looking at you with contempt, and he is usually pretty forgiving.

Don't hate the playa, hate the game.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Hey Pitbull: What happened to the post on your site referring to my Loyalty Speak?

Unknown said...

It served it's purpose. I'll repost if you want.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Dom't worry about it Pitbull. We're two peas in a different pods. I harbor no ill wil towards you or anyone else. My idea of fun and humor doesn't always jive with others.

Thank you for stopping by.