Looks like my Gray Headed Brother has called it quits. That's too bad. He generated lots of interest and discussion. maybe he ran out of things to say. maybe he was tired of being called racist. Maybe he just got bored. maybe the bastards that got Malcolm got to him.
Whatever the reason he left, I wish him well. I'll leave the link up awhile to honor Gray Headed Brother's legacy.
Chances are that he ran out of hate. Hard to hate all the time. Still, I'm gonna miss him.
Honor Him? I think it's Time to party, The Gray Headed Brudder has bitten the dust
bluepitbull wrote:
Chances are that he ran out of hate. Hard to hate all the time...
But the radical right proves you wrong, my friend. They've made an artform out of hating.
RiR wrote:
Honor Him? I think it's Time to party, The Gray Headed Brudder has bitten the dust
Paying tribute to a Racist takes away any of YOUR credibility, The man was a abusive, obscene, defamatory, racist, homophobic and was threatening to race relations everywhere. And for you to say that you “Honored Him” only threatens your credibility.
There are and always will be racist people in this world, the best way to deal with them is to IGNORE them, and to hope that they will go away as this one did.
I’m sure that you know that old saying, “It takes one to know one” I hope that it does not apply in your case.
I liked him for his writing talent as well as his message Wordsmith. The man could write.
These blogs for the most part aren't going to change anyones life or create a movement for good. 95% of it is for our own entertainment. There is the danger of these being used for despicable purposes. Starting false rumors and crap like that.
Gray Headed Brother didn't do that. He just confronted us with his look at racism. He welcomed other views on his site and never threatened anyone. I stand by my comment.
Truth said..Gray Headed Brother didn't do that. He just confronted us with his look at racism. He welcomed other views on his site and never threatened anyone. I stand by my comment.
Then you are just like him
If you mean I'm a big strong well tanned man who knows how to satisfy a woman all night long Kathleen, then yes. I am just like him.
One can only conjecture how or why GHB's blog is no longer available.
Perhaps he concluded that the harassment and vituperation were not worth the effort. Or perhaps some malicious reader filed a TOS report in an attempt to shut him down, pending a review by Blogger. Unless he reappears, we will never know for sure. I will miss our Gray Headed Brother and hope he does return.
More mystifying and unexplainable to me are why certain folks choose to harass, harangue, and engage in vicious and relentless personal attacks against other bloggers. Why some of you choose infantile behavior over adult civility. Why some of you think "free speech" privileges only you but not others.
Where I blog is a group forum comprised of 8 writers. Our comment policy is clear:
We welcome civil discourse from people of all persuasions but express no obligation to allow ourselves to be "trolled." Any comment that fails to rise above ranting, taunting, profanity, and name-calling will be deleted without further comment at the discretion of any contributor.
Some of you mistake abusive speech as free speech. At the Swash Zone, we measure the success of our blog by the quality of comments, not by the quantity of them. We welcome all viewpoints, but abusive trolls get no audience.
Responsible bloggers should set higher standards, or else they will lose respectful readers and have only trolls for a following.
(O)CT(O)PUS said...
One can only conjecture how or why GHB's blog is no longer available.
Perhaps he concluded that the harassment and vituperation were not worth the effort.
That is exactly the reason.
Gray Headed Brother, if you return and read this comment, please know that I would like to keep in touch with you: swashzone@gmail.com
Sorry Octo. I couldn't resist.
I believe that you were speaking about your fellow conservative brethern?
Seems to me that the GHB did a pretty good job of baiting all of you...
But rest assured....he will be back!
I hope when he comes back he will have something a bit more... productive to say.
I guess there is nothing wrong with venting, I was just hoping he would move from talking about the problems to talking about how to solve them.
Still, I see no cause to speak so rudely to or about him.
I am sure you can complain about how he spoke, but does he then own your behaviour? Where is your courtesy? No one but you is responsible for your behavior.
OMB, you are quite right about owning one's behavior but I also feel we as bloggers, regardless of persuasion, have a responsibility to conduct a civil forum. Tolerating different viewpoints does not have to mean tolerating abusive conduct.
Speaking for myself, I enjoy the challenge of a good debate predicated on ideas, facts, data, authoritative citations and references, and proper attribution; but I get NO adrenaline high engaging in personal vituperation. And it shocks me that some bloggers, even in the "progressive" blogosphere, measure their success on the basis of their comment rate rather than on the quality of the discourse.
Most of my co-contributers at the Swash Zone are in academia and blog for relaxation and intellectual exchange. We have nothing to prove amongst ourselves, and there is nothing more annoying than suffering the abuse of verbal assassins.
That is why we have a comment policy. Perhaps, if all bloggers implemented a comments policy, the quality of discourse would improve. There will always be trolls, but why encourage them or give them a platform for bad behavior.
Having a comment policy is the first step towards "responsible blogging."
Octo Brother: I don't have any problem with being called about any name in the book if the name caller gives a reason for why he thinks that. It's the turkeys with their hit and run crap and total lack of imagination that I don't want around. On the whole, I'd say everyone is well behaved around here.
Even Professor Douglas is welcome here. That's if he can ever get over all the humiliating defeats I've given him.
bluepitbull: Hard to hate all the time
I have seen evidence that there are plenty of people around on these blogs that are just poised and ready for something to hate.
I wondered if GHB did get tired of the racists popping up all the time and using his blog to rant against.
Sometimes he came on strong, but I never disagreed with what he said. I'm sorry he is gone.
T101, all I can do here is ask you to understand my responsibility to fellow bloggers at the Zone with respect to keeping our forum civil.
Perhaps the most infamous and insidious example is the experience of Kathy Sierra, a well-known blogger who received online death threats and was forced to cancel a public appearance. Please read about her experience here.
With respect to Mr. Douglas, some of his followers have left similar messages at the Zone, which is why we do not tolerate his participation.
When you consider the case of Kathy Sierra, online stalking and abuse is more than merely an annoyance. It is an ethical issue, one to be taken seriously.
T101, you say: On the whole, I'd say everyone is well behaved around here.
I cannot agree. Some of those who left comments (above) are among those who hounded Gray Haired Brother off the Internet. One of my colleagues at the Zone deleted an abusive comment by one of those whom you regard as well behaved.
Civil and responsible blogging is worth standing on principle ... even if this means being more selective with regards to which blogs I choose to follow.
I posted my first comment to American Power and I have been told that it was my last...
Hatred and intolerance seems to be quite an art form among members of the extreme right...
I liked the way DHB would post an article and then step back and the frenized masses would just go nuts!
Not once did he have to inject a comment.....and he could go on to enjoy 40 to 60 comments!
Truth has tried every trick in the books to get hits like that! :)
Got to wonder, if we are so post-racial in this society why it is still such a sore subject...
sue said...
bluepitbull: Hard to hate all the time
I have seen evidence that there are plenty of people around on these blogs that are just poised and ready for something to hate.
I wondered if GHB did get tired of the racists popping up all the time and using his blog to rant against
Maybe the people got tired of all HIS racism!
I'm a product of the blog community I was weaned on Octo. Compared to what I had, this is G rated Brother. I dig what you're saying though. That's one of the reasons I shut the old one down and got lucky enough to find The Swash Zone and Libby's Impolitic. For three years I thought I was the lone voice of reason in choir of right wing bullshit.
God bless Google and God bless the USA.
I think the bottom line was that his blog was hateful, and those taht prop him up are only helping him hurt himself more.
But, sure, it was revolutionary. I'm sure Truth will have a sticker of his head along with Che Guevara.
You had said that you loved the Gray Headed one.
Why love a racist like the Gray Head only because he is black?
And it is racist for a black person to vote for Obama only because he is black.
I adore Black women exclusively because I love my Black self and my Black mother and father. ... It is not racist to love yourself and your own race. But it is racist to love another black only because he IS black
Wordsmith - Some of what GHB said on his blog was racist by any objective standard.
But - it was his blog. Anyone who found that offensive need only not visit.
On other peoples blogs he was courteous and thoughtfull in his comments.
GHB wrote some things that I felt were a bit harsh. However, I chose to go beyond that and see his pain. He said he was a victim of racism and I had no reason to doubt him. Whether what he wrote was right or wrong, it was HIS blog and I believed it was my obligation to conduct myself respectfully on his blog. I will do this for EVERYONE.
Wordsmith: There was clearly racism expressed against GHB.
(Restricting comments on your blog means you only hear what you want to hear.)
sue said...
Wordsmith: There was clearly racism expressed against GHB.
(Restricting comments on your blog means you only hear what you want to hear.)
I didn't even know that it was set that way.. I'm on my way now to fix that.
PS, I think you should look up the real meaning of racist...
racist= Gray headed brother.
I'm a Christian Wordsmith. I love everybody. You're all my brothers and sisters. You're welcome here and I hope the welcome is reciprocated at everyone else's site.
You said..."Whatever the reason he left, I wish him well. I'll leave the link up awhile to honor Gray Headed Brother's legacy."
Are you saying that you agreed with him?
If you mean I share his outrage at racism and found empathy with his story then yes. I agreed with my Gray Headed Brother New York Guy.
I took issue with his opinion about the physical superiority of Blacks. To me, what separates the truly great performers from the great athlete is the mind. Anyone on the PGA Tour will tell you Tiger has the best mind. Michael Jordan had the best mind on the basketball court. Peyton Manning and Tom Brady have the best minds at their positions. I was disappointed when he left cause I thought this would have been a real good subject and there were plenty of others GHB could have hit.
wordsmith - I looked up the meaning of racist:
a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others.
It's true that at the last GHB did start talking like a racist. But who started racism? Do you have any idea?
T101, our colleague, Captain Fogg, has posted a new article on trolls. Perhaps it was in response to what happened to our friend, Gray Headed Brother.
I left a comment under his post that recaps the incident and the discussion that took place here. I hope you will participate (PS: trolls not invited, and you know who you are).
(O)CT(O)PUS Thank you for your concern.
God Bless You and people like you
Gray Headed Brother, I hardly got a chance to meet you and that saddens me. I hope you will hang around or contact me somehow. My blessings to you too.
BTW, T101, there is one other comment I would like to add to this thread. I reserve my harshest judgement for The Wordsmith who should have said:
Thank you, Gray Headed Brother, for the sacrifices made by your generation so that my generation could have equal opportunity and a better life.
But he did not say that, and I would surmise The Wordsmith was the most hurtful troll of all. SHAME ON HIM !!!
the sacrifices he made? It sounds to me as if he set back race relation 25 years.
I do not wish to inherit any of His kind of sacrifices!
Shame on your bigoted ass's
You bigot's preach nothing but hate and ridicule a brother who don't agree with you. You cannot tolerate anyone that don't agree with your filthy message. The message that the GHB preached was disgusting and made me puke at is very sight..
And you cannot tolerate decent people like the wordsmith here who talks seasonable but is of another political party. You try and justify your stupid beliefs by saying idiotic things like he's a paid spy? Just listen to how STUPID and ridicules that sounds!
Get a grip on yourselves before you drift away into complete insanity.
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