Tuesday, April 14, 2009


A blog is as good a place to vent as any. Probably better since you don't have to worry about somebody punching you. But the vitriol endured by my Gray Headed Brother went beyond reasonable. It stretched into the realm of hatred and sometimes just silly.

I never had a problem with his story. The man and millions like him who's only difference from the rest of us was their skin had more melanin, endured slavery. Beatings. Lynchings. Jim Crow laws. Denial of service at restaurants and drinking fountains. Being herded into crowded, unsafe high rises like Cabrini Green in Chicago. The politicians all claimed they were doing a good thing for Negroes by putting as many as they could in one crowded place with no opportunity and no hope.

And because an old Black Man started a blog to tell us he didn't like the way he and so many people that shared his skin color were treated, many bloggers accused him of bigotry and hatred.

I was glad to let the man speak his mind. Most of us never had to live with what GHB had to.
I was never denied a job, or not allowed to eat at the counter because I am white. I was never barred from dating a girl, or living in a certain neighborhood, or denied membership in a club because I am white.

If venting about the mistreatment he endured helped GHB, or anyone else deal with it nonviolently, how is that bad?

Walk in the man's shoes. Most of us remember slights that happened to us years ago. Black men like GHB endured a lifetime of them. The man deserves some peace and understanding.


sue said...

Truth - I'm glad I am the first comment. Every word that you wrote is what I believe.

Since the time I was in high school I have had a deep feeling for what Blacks have endured. I have no patience with Whites that want to deny them the respect they deserve, and want to forget what happened.

Slavery itself was a travesty, but freedom for Blacks was further resisted in the manner you spoke of above.

I believe that this should never be forgotten, and we should always be vigilant about racism.

And I have not forgotten Gray Headed Brother and the way he was treated.

Unknown said...

Wow, your absolutely right. What were the others thinking....oh, now I remember. He hated whitey, and phrased it that way.

By the way, your site is exceptionally hateful. To sum up, your an idiot, Truth. Your posts are stupid and your probably lucky that breathing is an involuntary function.

Dave Miller said...

I may be wrong, but I think you touched a nerve.

Nice post.

sue said...

bluepitbull - Looks like the reverse is true.

Unknown said...

Trust me, Sue, it's not. He slandered another blogger and he will say anything.

He doesn't believe half of the things he writes about. Unlike others on here, I'll call it the way I see it. If your going to attack others, don't expect any less.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You're an ill tempered dude Pitbull. Imagine how much more angry you would be if you weren't allowed to drink from a water fountain. Or had to sit at the back of the bus.

How do you just "let go" of indignities like this and worse?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Xavier5000 said...

sue said...
"bluepitbull - Looks like the reverse is true."

BULLSHIT, the reverse is NOT TRUE!!.
Did YOU see his blog Sue? Did YOU read the disgusting filthy things and names that HE called white people?
If you wand my sympathies the you will have to act like you deserve it.
This man that Truth is SO in awe about was/his a dirty stinking filthy racist SOB scum himself. He is everything that he accuses white people off. He is a pile of filth, and a complete wacko nutjob. If I called blacks half the things that he called whites I'd be put in the insane asylum. I am so sick of you bleeding heats bending over backwards to please and "justify" slavery. Slavery did not happen in my time or in yours.
Lets stop kissing ass and apologizing for something that we did not do. AND LETS STOP THESE PEOPLE LIKE THE GRAY HEADED ass-hole from calling me and you filthy names and then saying that we understand where he's coming from. We ALL had our hard times long ago. My ancestors as well as his. Mine were Irish and had their problems here in America when they first came, but I don't go around starting a blog and calling others filthy names because of it.
As it was said before...Screw him and the horse he rode in on.
I'm sick of hearing about him and I'm sick of YOU Truth kissing his ass.

The most disturbing aspect of this idiot is the comments expressed here by the blogger Truth, who supports the position of this moron racist old fool.
He is disgusting!! And one of the reasons why the problems in this world exist..and he smells like last weeks garbage!!!!

TAO said...


Get your blog going buddy, you will be a big hit with about 30 people who will die to follow you!

Go ahead and blog anti black stuff...no one will know who you really are....

Unknown said...

Or, you could be like Tao, a quasi intellectual who expects everyone to take his word at face value. And have 3 followers.

Get a blog started, Xavier.

Anonymous said...
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TAO said...

Ah bluepitbull...

If it wasn't for me posting to your blog you wouln't have any readers at all!

Look at how popular I make you!

I give GHB alot of credit...he gets a blog and posts a couple of things and all of the sudden he MOTIVATES all these bloggers to get their own blogs...

April 2009 was a very popular month for you and your brethern!

Did you all fire The Wordsmith? He seems to have quieted down lately...

I am not a big fan of pot roast but if you got a recipe for meatloaf I would really enjoy that one...

By the way, I might start following you but then all your current buddies might think that I have subverted you!

sue said...

Xavier - I thought it was the donkey he rode on in.

I Want To Set It Straight said...

Personally, I don't care one iota what the turd headed brother had to say. He may have had a hard troubled life as many of us did in the past...BUT! and a BIG but, don't insult MY race.
He was doing to MY race exactly what he was complaining about what white people did to him.

You said "Gray Headed Brother, Gone But Not Forgotten"

I say screw the Gray Headed piece of CRAP may he go directly where all of his kind should go...

Inspiration said...

You may not wish to hear it, but I feel that it's important to say it. As for abortion, which as I said I get a lot of disagreement even from other conservatives for my hard stance on it. They tell me it is none of my business, it is the woman's decision or choice. But if I believe that one person's rights end where another's begins, then standing up for that basic principle is what is a stake here as much as fighting to save a human life.

I will often being up abortion within the discussion of an unrelated topic to show the inconsistency that pro-choicers (whether they be liberal or conservtative) because I believe we need to examine the principles behind how we decide on issues. If I see things not being consistent, then I am going to bring it to people's attention, whether they like it or not. Because it often shows a flaw in the basis logic for their beliefs, and whether they are liberal or conservative, that could be the beginning of them seeing the light for what is right.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It was Whitey that kept GHB and his family at the back of the bus IHTSI dude.

I don't what the heck the abortion guy has to do with this.

sue said...

truth - thanks for putting me on your blog roll - and right underneath the beautiful redhead!

I'll put you on mine.

Patrick M said...

101: Apologies for the idiot calling herself Inspiration. I think my troll came to bug you too.

JBW said...

I see you're still making friends, amigo. Maybe she'll let you tea bag her...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Imagine the poor Redhead's disappointment when she finds out I'm off the market.

Too bad you added the caveat about me being a nice guy on her site. Leave that off and 3,794 right wing bloggers would have signed up to follow your site JBW.

The Conservative News said...

TRUTH 101 said...
Imagine the poor Redhead's disappointment when she finds out I'm off the market.
Too bad you added the caveat about me being a nice guy on her site. Leave that off and 3,794 right wing bloggers would have signed up to follow your site JBW.

Why would a beautify girl (young LADY) like her want even to be associated with a a-hole like you?

IMHO said...
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JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'm honest. Sensitive and know how to spell beautiful Conservative News Guy. What else could a girl want?

Patrick M said...

Ah, sensitive.

That's why I can't score. :)

Z said...

I thought Graybeard said some things that were hard to swallow and I'm not sure that helps any situation......it's ridiculous to consider any Black person in America wouldn't feel resentment at their ancestors having had to sit at the back of a bus or drink at another water fountain..who'd disagree with me on that!? Good point, Truth101...but most of us weren't alive when that was happening; it doesn't help to go around blogs and say some of what I saw he said.

So many Black Americans have gone on with their lives, live AMERICAN lives, not carrying a chip on their shoulders. Or, they have the chip(kind of hard not to), but don't hold it over Americans who weren't there to be racists at the time and aren't now! I'm first generation American on one side and second on the other...nobody in my family ever did, or WOULD, be nasty to anyone because of the color of their skin. Why would Graybeard come out of the blue and tell me and my commenters anything different on piece I'd written that had nothing to DO with color?
Criticizing Obama is NOT racist, folks.
Unless it IS, then it has to go.

Listen To John said...

Z said...
"I thought Graybeard said some things that were hard to swallow"

That was because it's always hard to swallow "crap"

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

John: it would be too easy. But I thank you for stopping by.

Queue said...

Gray Head Gone but not forgotten!...That's has to be one of the best oxymoron's of the last century. for you dimwit liberals...
I have laughed my ass off reading this entire thread! It's comical how this unintelligent moron will not admit he was wrong!!