Here it is. Truth101's plan to reinvent how we pay for health insurance in America.
I support a single payer national health insurance program. We pay for it with a 4% income tax that everyone pays so we all contribute. With fair deductibles and copays to keep the mooches from screwing the system every time they get a runny nose it will be easily sustainable.
National health insurance would take the burden off employers. It would enable those that want to retire but can't because health insurance is too freaking expensive to now be able to.
And save me the right wing crap about not trusting government and government will make a mess. Look at our nation's highway system. Look at the millions who thank God for what FDR did and rely on Social Security. Look at our fabulous Military. Thank a Veteran. They were government employees.
A yes my friends. I do trust President Obama, Vice President Biden, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi a hell of alot more than a bureaucrat from India with my health care decisions.
Well said.
Truth, if you're not careful, with ideas like that, we might put you in charge of it.
Yes, I agree with this..If we are not planning our life accordingly, we will strive hard to live.I am also planning to take one health insurance plan.Can you help me out for that.
I thought you were a usual full of bs big government lefty until I saw that you provided a way to "keep the mooches from screwing the system". There may be hope for some of you leftys after all.
That would be great. If everyone paid taxes. Remind me, how much of the population pays income tax?
Four percent means four percent Pitbull. That's why I said we all pay it. Perhaps you should reread all my previous posts so you can gain further understanding my friend.
Who is going to pay for the unemployed? Illegals? Not everyone pays taxes. Welfare recipients? Does that clear it up?
So your saying that ALL U.S. Citizens and illegals also?
When the unemployed get jobs they will contribute. Who do you think pays for them now Pitbull? Oh yeah. We all do with higher premiums and higher costs at health care providers. Higher taxes for Medicaid reimbursement.
I'm offering a way for everyone to contribute. You can either keep paying your HMO and hoping it will cover what ails you. Or we can move forward with a plan that's good for people. Good for business. And most importantly, good for America.
Let's say bye bye to the racist Brudda and his racist anti-American rants.
Another one bit the dust..........
I hope he comes back. I dug The Brother's blog.
A question then. Do you trust George Bush with your health care decisions?
It is always worth remembering that what you build today will be in the others guys hands tomorrow.
You're a deep guy OMR. I'm intellectually drwn to that. That's why I'm a regular at yours, Tao's and Tom the Redhunter's site.
The power of buracracy is all consuming. It's like an empire. The king will not let go. What Bush clones would do if they ever got back in was not dismantle a program. They would look for ways their cronies could profit at the expense of the ordinary American. Much like Halliburton and Blackwater profit from the Iraq occupation. Or a well connected law firm gets government work even though the government has plenty of lawyers.
But realistically, what other entity could do health insurance that covers all of us? What other entity could protect our environment and property rights?
WE rely on government to keep society civil and functioning. That the unethical are among us and they will try and take advantage will always be.
That's why we need sound regulation to catch and punish these bastards. Not scrap our system and ideas that would benefit all of us because a few unethical creeps will take advantage.
I like your plan. It is simple and elegant, and those are the characteristics of systems that work.
Having said that, I don't actually support the idea.
Here are my problems with it:
1 - As I see it, the underlying problem with health care is the accelerating costs. Changing where the money comes from will not address this.
2 - Regulation is a fixed obstruction in a fluid system. Fluid systems will always find a way around fixed obstructions. Whatever we use to fix the system must in itself be as fluid as what it controls.
3 - As a libertarian sort I just don't like the whole government in my body issue, and I do not see how it can be avoided.
4 - Most important by far. This does not fix the underlying problems, it fixes the symptoms. We are talking about how to fix how the insurance system works, but is the insurance system the best way to provide health care?
A practical note - liberals will cheer when they first see this, because 'single-payer' has become almost a dogmatic goal. But you'd never sell them on a flat tax. Regressive, doncha know?
You can't do much about the dihonest but catch and punish them. Laws keep honest people honest. To sit back and do nothing because dishonest people will do it anyway is irresponsible.
I'd add to this, but OMR really addressed all my issues with a national system.
Except one: My assertion is that the problem with health care is that we don't pay for it anymore, thus the prices can get crazy quick. And while the deductible idea is a good thing (although how that will jive with Medicare and especially Medicaid (with no deductible) is beyond me), does this mean someone will be denied health care because they don't have the deductible?
And that's why the libertarian in me as well gets fired up. When the government controls a process, they too often make decisions for political rather than logical reasons. And while I can see the advantages to NHI, to a politician, it's about gaining power.
Catch 22 then. To the health insurance company it's about making money. Claim denied.
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