. Our Navy killed three pirates. Captured the third and the Captain of the vessel the bastards hijacked is safe aboard an American ship.
I can't wait for the right wing bloggers to receive their talking points and try and turn this successful mission into another of their deluded anti Obama rants.
Welcome home Captain Phillips and to our U.S. navy rescuers, WELL DONE!
Lets find that "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" banner....check and see if Rove still has it...
Truth, that is some good news. I can't imagine how the right will negatively spin it. You're guess is probably as good as any. Maybe you can get a job with Fox.
I already cought a local right wing blogger trying. I straightened her out real quick. I have to find that phony Wordsmith guy now. I beat him with the intellectual club of truth earlier today. No doubt this joker is trying some right wing subterfuge also.
Prediction: FoxNews will announce that GW was one of the US Navy Seal snipers....:)
Truth - I'm here to invite you to check out my new blog:
I've written something very special on it for today (Monday
I saw your "Cheap Shot" on another blog and I thought I'd take a look at what YOU have to offer on the Pirate and I wasn't surprised.
In my humble opinion, Obama probably waited on making a decision on the piracy hostage emergency until after getting he got the results from 10 polls and 12 from focus groups called up Oprah for her advice and a status report from Hillary, then a call to George Soros for final permission. These things take time to finalize. Nevertheless, he finally did the right thing and deserves credit for his part in it. But very little credit I might add. It was the Nave Seals that deserve the credit.
Actually all Obama has done so far is send a warship (just hanging around), sent the FBI to investigate (the new US policy for combating terrorism), and released a statement saying they are very unhappy.
Then of course we have John Kerry wanting to have a Senate hearing on it. Word is the Somalis have ceased all pirate activity after getting word of this.
I'm sorry, you can praise him all you want to, but I say he should not have left this go on for 5 days, this Capt. could have been killed in that time!
This sorry piece of crap can't even help an American who is being held hostage by some jacked up Somalian pirates.
He didn't know what the out come was going to be.
Obama couldn't even be
bothered to comment on it today.
Until the Teleprompter gets there..
U.S. President Barack Obama declined to answer reporters' questions on Thursday on a hostage crisis off the coast of Somalia, where a U.S. ship captain is being held captive by pirates.
Obama was asked to comment on the situation several times by reporters at a White House event on refinancing for homeowners. Obama, however, stuck closely to the script and replied that he wanted to remain focused on housing.
You can't wait for the right wing bloggers to receive their talking points and try and turn this successful mission into another of their deluded anti Obama rants......OK, then I won't disappoint you!
Obama did not do a bloody thing but delay the action that could have and should have taken place on the first day. He wasted valuable time and resources dithering for days, most likely consulting with his advisers to determine what was in the situation that would benefit him personally. In ALL that wasted time, the Captain could have very well been killed 20 times over!
If 0bama had made the proper decision on day 1, we could have avoided that possibility and risk to Phillips. It was wrong to wait that long, and added to the risk of the death of the hostage.
LOL! The nutty rightwingers didn't disappoint us! They can't stand that Mr. Obama was supremely successful, Americans were saved, and he had the class and good grace not to go on teevee with a "Mission Accomplished" sign and look like a fool, as the previous POTUS did when Rove staged his photo-op for the Victory in Iraq prpoganda. PS. There are pictures all over the intertubes of GWB reading from a teleprompter on the USS Lincoln when he delived his "Mission Accomplished" idiocy.
But don't the the wingers, it's already messy enough in here with all the brain-splatter on the walls.
Go Mr. Obama! You make us proud to be Americans once more!
You said..."Go Mr. Obama! You make us proud to be Americans once more!"
Thank you, Mr. President and thank you to the Navy and especially the SEALS!
Great Job!
You are laying it on a bit thick dont ya think? The 'coolness' under pressure was the Navy Seals and the Capt on the lifeboat. Obama was home eating easter eggs. What did Obama do other than to stay out of the way of the US Navy doing its job? You must believe that Obama was one of the sharp shooters.
Obama was home cleaning up the doggies doo doo.
With all this praise here for Obama, you'd think that he did something.. He didn't do diddlie, all he did was wait 5 days. And shoved pizza in his big mouth.
Do you notice that some people just won't respect a thing Barack Obama does?
Its the same thing over and over...
I wonder what took the Navy so damn long to get there...Where is I dream of Jennie when you need her?
Why didn't they bomb the lifeboat the first time the Captain attempted to escape?
There...damn Navy! Can't get anything right....
Can I be on of "them" ?
I wonder if the righties have any idea how ridiculous they look for casting blame on Obama for not getting Captain Phillips rescued days earlier. Even though the navy ship was 300 miles away.
Retail sales were up in March thanks to President Obama's stimulus package and leadership.
Our guys at sea and on land know they have a Commander in Chief that isn't afraid to give the order to shoot.
All inj all, it's a good day for all freedom loving Americans.
May God Bless America and President Obama.
TRUTH 101 said..."Retail sales were up in March thanks to President Obama's stimulus package and leadership"
Holy crap, now I heard it All!
Thursday, major chains reported March sales results that were worse than their February figures, though the rate of economic deceleration that plagued stores during the holidays has slowed a bit. Sales for the overall retailing industry fell 1.8 percent, according to Thomson Reuters.
I don't read the rags you do IMHO.
Ummm, all I have to say is nice shooting. Three shots, three people pointing guns at an American dead.
Did Obama give the order himself or pass it on to someone at the scene? Well, actually I hope he passed it down. Running crap from Washington is dumb when you are dealing with something like this.
I can't say that I give him a lot of credit; He did the job, no more, no less.
But I find nothing bad to say about it.
I am GLAD Obama stayed out of it and let the folks who do this for a living actually do what they are supposed to do...
I am tired of civilians dictating war policy to our military...
NO civilian should ever fly onto an aircraft carrier.
If the military asks for 450,000 troops then give them what they need to do the job...
Obama OK'd the plan on day one and allowed his commander in the field make the call. Good management on President Obama's part. I'm glad he's our President.
Insanity is everywhere!!!
Ok Truth101, relax. Not all of us on the right were petty enough to not congratulate President Obama. I did. I read Jonah Goldberg at National Review do so.
The question is what Obama does now. I'll be really happy if he seized the moment to really hit the pirates hard at their bases. We need to sink their mother ships and attack them their bases with special ops and air.
The next few weeks will be critical.
There's a reason Tom The Redhunter is one of the few Righties I have on the link list.
Listen to him Mr. President.
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