Sunday, March 29, 2009


Poor Mikey. He finally gets it too late. He knocked Rush and had to crawl back with his tail between his legs and apologise. He gave some nonsense about wanting to work with Democrats and had to backtrack.
Now Mikey says he's done trying to reach out. Well Mikey. We all knew you were never going to be allowed to reach out other than with your lips to the ass of a powerful Republican donor or propagandist. And it's too late for you to start your lip reaching now Brother. They don't like you.
Look at the right wing blogs. Right wingers engage in a race to slap each other on the back after every post proclaiming the goodness of tax cuts for the wealthiest. Or calling somebody who disagrees with one of their deluded ideals an America hater or socialist. They further reward each other by adding all of their friends to their blogrolls. It's like a phallic symbol with these people. Which one has the longest blogroll.
Sorry Mikey. You failed from day one to just do the simple task of saying what the right wing wants to hear. Rush Limbaugh is your master now. Soon he will exile you back to Maryland. In their benevolence, you may get a gig on FOX News where you can practice saying right wing catch phrases. That's kind of like a punishment though Buddy. Like when a student misbehaves and has to write "I will be good" 100 times. But you will be a good little Republican and accept your punishment with humility and gratitude.
You had your chance to make a positive impact on the Republican Party Mikey. There are millions who identify themselves as Republicans yet reject the class warfare and extreme right wing views of the leaders of their Party. Deviation is not welcome in the Republican Party. These people were looking to you to bring sanity and open the Republican Party to diverse views and tolerance. You failed them for a chance to join Geraldo Rivera on the FOX News C Team.


Pamela Zydel said...

I thought it was diffident of Steele to apologize to Rush. (I listen to Rush, duh, right) However, Steele needed to stand up for what HE believes in and not cow-tow to Rush. Steele needs to make his own way, his own voice.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I think it's too late for him. He pooped in his own punch bowl with the top Republicans when he spoke truth about Limbaugh.

Anonymous said...

He might make a good yes-man for Hannity. It would give Fox some diversity, too.

Anonymous said...

Amen Brother, say it like it is..
Steele is a two-faced fool too stupid to know he is being used by the Repubs...another token black just like Clarence Thomas.

Anonymous said...

Truth, your a moron. You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the face.

Having the left wing twits on your side is no sign of being right or your sanity.

SEFlorida said...

What a great putdown bluepitbull. No way anybody could get up after that beauty. A moron. Wow. You need to be writing for Jay Leno or even have your own show.

OpenMindedRepublican said...

Truth - here I think your understanding of the right is a bit limited.

If Steele had stood up and stood by what he said without apology, he would have made himself into a power house. But he caved.

Whatever our faults, we do respect courage and integrity.

William of the UK said...

Your left wing prejudice is showing, along with your stupidity.
America is going to wake up one morning — rather as Britain did in the dog-end of the Blair years — with the most terrible hang- over, only to find its pockets empty, its savings gone, its property trashed to virtual worthlessness, its streets rife with crime and its traditional liberties circumscribed by nannying bureaucrats and pettifogging regulation, and it’s going to ask itself: ‘Huh? How did that happen? "

Or they might wake up one day, and wish that george Bush were back in office.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I give you more credit than to lump you in with the real rulers of the Republican Party OMR.

I don't know what the fu$k the Limey is talking about. But I think Margret Thatcher was a swell lady.

Tom the Redhunter said...

"Right wingers engage in a race to slap each other on the back after every post proclaiming the goodness of tax cuts for the wealthiest. Or calling somebody who disagrees with one of their deluded ideals an America hater or socialist."

And liberals don't do likewise on your blogs? Please try to be intellectually honest every now and then.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Look at the right wingers race to sign up as a follower whenever anew righty blog pops up Tom. Then talk to me about intellectual honesty. They swarm wherever somebody tells them what they want to hear. I made the honest observation. And if it's any comfort, I hold you and your site in high esteem. My mission is different however. Your's is to educate. Mine is to entertain and enlighten.

Tim said...

Mike Steel, man about town, party purveyor of the finest is a short timer. Two blue balls or whatever your name is, Wait I almost care what you say...Naw it passed...Just like a kidney stone...