You know. It's hard work being a good Nihilist Liberal like myself. We have to think and be sincere. We have to worry about our fellow human beings. We have to come up with grand ideas that will make lives better like national health insurance. An educational system that educates. A system of fair regulation and taxation that helps make the American Dream a reality.
But damn. I'm getting tired so I'll try being a Republican tonight.
You lazy welfare sucking whores. That's what you Democrats are. You want to take away my hard earned inheritance and give to some poor slob that's too lazy to work.
You want our country to be overrun with terrorist Arabs( pronounced A-rabs) and illegal Mexicans. Then you and these thugs from ACORN register them to vote to take away our guns.
Bad enough all your damn regulations drive up the cost of food. Then you want to legalize marijuana just so you can tax it also you greedy tax hungry liberal scum.
Don't you dumbass Democrats know that outsourcing jobs to China creates jobs? How dense can you be? It's the Union's fault anyway for wanting unrealistic things like a living wage and health insurance.
That's the problem with you Democrats. You think you deserve everything like a government that doesn't go to war against countries that were no threat. And don't even start whining about enhanced interrogation you liberal whiners! There is nothing wrong with splitting somebody's ears or cracking his head or water boarding him if we think he might have done something bad. These people want to kill us you know. They want to destroy our way of life. The want our wives, daughters, apple pies and Chevys. And you weak liberal scum would let them have it if it wasn't for great Americans like Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh.
The Bible says Love God above all else and Love thy neighbor as thyself. That's why I hate you Godless liberal trash.
You forgot the telepromters!
Obama is a lazy Marxist, Commie, Socialist, Muslim Teleprompter User!
Other than that, it was perfect.
Damn. I guess I'd make a lousy republican Shaw.
I like it.
Nice picture. DaVinci would be proud. Which one is Judas?
My choice: skip the damn human species altogether and just go Cephalopod. It is a much more sublime existence suffused with arts (camouflage) and letters (ink). Every Christmas, I get a visit from Manta Claus and sing "That's a Moray."
And remember: Who needs friends when you have anemones.
Yeah, but Octo? I srsly can not type your name. OK, in honesty, I couldn't type mine if I had to do it more than the once, but still...
I cannot belong to a species whose name I cannot spell.
Besides, where do octo.. octa.. octi.. (dammit!) ...thingies like you stand on the important issues, like the Eel marriage ammendment?
I guess if I were more of a leg man I'd dig Octopus chicks.
LOL,That was great and shaw, I loved your comment.
I just want to know if Octopus chicks have BUTTS?
I think Obama and the democrats work too hard...the conservative Republican house members just published their budget and it is only 18 pages long!
Oh, and it represents a sea change that no one seems to have picked up on...
There is no balanced budget or attempt to cut spending to anything other than some sort of 'average family income' percentage.
I just like the way they cut taxes for the wealthy (anyone who earns more than $100,000) when the median household income is $44,000
Seems to me that the folks between $44,000 and $100,000 are going to see rising government debt load and no tax relief.
Anyone under $44,000 is just irrelevant.
To veer into the serious for a moment, I am not certain that the 'rising tide raises all boats' idea was wrong. It just went too far. And of course, a policy that acts as a pure multiplier will not fix chronic inequality, it will exacerbate it.
Kind of deep for me OMR. If you're saying help those that need help the most with the most help, then I agree with you.
Truth - "Kind of deep for me OMR." Yeah right :) I know you man.
What I mean is that the country was sliding hard before the change Reagan made. But he pushed it too far the other way. That is the problem with the "lower taxes" crowd. They point out that it worked before, but they fail to see that the situation is different. Situation + Action = Result, yes? Change the situation, the same action will no longer create the same result.
What I mean about the multiplier is that if I make $10, and you make $8, doubling both of us just increases the disparity. And if the cost of living is driven by what I make, you get pinched harder and harder. Focused action is required to correct the disparity.
Truth, do I have to come find you and wash your mouth out with soap!
You also forgot: You dumb Democrats are always making fun of everyone. You think it's just so slap-stick hilarious when SNL insults President Bush. Don't you have anything better to do? What's wrong? Nothing intelligent to say, so you have to resort to jokes?
How was that?
Hey how about I do a blog acting like a Liberal? I'm not sure how well I'll do, since I won't use cuss words and all. lol. But you can grade me anyway.
I thought it was pretty tame by my standards Pamela. I may come to regret my vow to behave myself around you. #$#@!
Normal blogs have posts that start resonable, and turn into rants in the comments.
Here, we do it backwards :)
Truth, you only promised to behave on my blog. You have free reign on your own! Here you're King!
OMR: No one can accuse us of being NORMAL!
I still have to watch it now. My youngest started her blog last night. She took Libby at The Impolitic to task over legalizing drugs. Libby then took her to task. I think my daughter got the best of her.
Truth, you stop it now! A Liberal with manners who's also a good dad! I may start REALLY liking you and we can't have THAT!
I'm going to go check out Impolitic now. Legalizing drugs sounds like a good debate.
I was thinking I was a failure with my youngest. She's a ugh, achd, arggg... social conservative.
Where did I go wrong?
You are getting awful insular aren't you? I would have thought you would be out there defending your guy. Don't want to exist in an echo chamber do we? Hope you are well.
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