Friday, March 13, 2009


The Shithead of the Week has got to be Republican National Chairman Michael Steele. This poor guy can't do anything right. And it's not hard pleasing the right. How hard is to just repeat over and over; " Lower taxes." " Less regulation." "Torture is good for America." "We don't do torture." "Although I have nothing personal against gays, they should not be allowed to marry." " Great post Donald."

Poor Michael calls Limbaugh names then apologises to Limbaugh for telling the truth. Says he's pro choice before apologising and saying he's always been pro life. Noted Jesus Freak Tony Perkins wants an apology. Ann Coulter wants an apology from Steele because she's offended the black guy thinks Michelle Obama's arms are sexier than her scrawny white right wing arms.

Wear the crown proudly Chairman Steele. In a few weeks when the Republican Party unceremoniously kicks your ass to the curb, you can tell your children and grandchildren you were still the first official TRUTH 101...



Anonymous said...

Last one to get booted out of the Republican party, please turn off the lights.

Anonymous said...

I have been a Republican my whole life.

I actually though at one point that watching my 'representatives' waste 5 years and 50 million dollars to catch Clinton getting a BJ would be the most embarassed I would ever be by them. Ahh, you never know the good times until they are gone.

Any bets on how long it will take them to get some grown ups in the party?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Be patient Jon. The party in power eventually screws things up due to complacency. Or just because shitheads end up being in charge. I'm a loyal Democrat but even I accept my Party has it's share of morons. Eventually somebody thinks it's a good idea to put an asshole in charge. It never works.

TAO said...

I find it hard to believe that Steele is as deranged as he is....

Either he is testing the waters to explore potential areas of support or the party has absolutely no support outside of the far right and cannot acknowledge that fact yet.

The Screaming Conservative said...

Anyone that makes a post like this one it truly the SHIT-HEAD

Shaw Kenawe said...

I was much nicer to Michael Steele in my recent post than you are in yours, and still some deranged wingnut landed in my comments section and called me a racist and some other funny things I've completely forgotten.

The radical right thinks America thinks like them. WRONG.

Gasbag Limbaugh has a 26% approval rating with the American people.

Mad Cow Disease is more popular than he is.

And yet the Party of Lincoln insists on having assholes like Limbaugh, Hannity and Coulter and Palin as their heroes.

Steele is one confused and contradictory clown.

They've got just what they deserve for being pig-headed and allowing the inmates to run their ASSylum.

Anonymous said...

Off topic a bit, but why do y'all hate Palin so much?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

That's a good question Jon. It probably deserves it's own post. If you want, type what you think and I'll put it at the top after Monday's big post that's sure to entertain. Enlighten. And piss off people on both sides of the aisle.

Repsac; I'm sorry in advance. Joe(Truth101)

Anonymous said...

The one thing I don't understand is why so many guys seem to think Palin is hot. They must either date some seriously ugly women or just not get out very often 'cos she is really rather ordinary looking. She is easier on the eye John McCain is/was or whatever..
But for me... I rather have Pamela Anderson as our VP.
Please tell me that no one who was not declared brain dead actually believed this fake-accented, folksy, Joe six pack, power hungry right wing nut.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Nice legs and a great ass will take you a long way up the ladder Brother. Remember former Chicago Mayor Jane Byrne?

Beth's Blog said...

Conservatives base our beliefs on the history of this nation. We know that our Constitution at it's inception was a RADICAL idea to the world, probably people scoffed at it's audacity, said it could never work.

But it did work, as a matter of fact, in our country's relatively short history, we became the world's only super power. People desired to come here, they still do, because this is the land of opportunity. We EARNED this greatness, from the loyalty of our military who fought for it, to the workers who worked their ass off to make our country great, because they reaped the benefits of their own toil.

Conservatives KNOW our way of thinking is the RIGHT way of thinking, because our way is based on our history. The liberal side cannot point to any history of any other country that can boast what we can. Did anyone get anything out of obama's rhetoric, other than government is good, and individual achievement will be punished? Here is my point, just look at the hate spewing from the obama-bots, so hung up on the misspelling of a word, rather than their messiah turning the country into a third world nation. stupidity runs ramped in the Dem. party. from the top to the welfare collectors on the bottom.
EVERYTHING! Liberal (Democrat) logic is always backward. LIBS believe that taxing the rich creates a strong economy even though the rich supply all of the jobs for Americans via the business' that they own. When they get taxed hard they just cut jobs. LIBS believe it is OK to snuff out innocent unborn life via abortion but that capital punishment (taking the life of a condemned first degree murderer) is wrong. LIBS believe it is ok to take the lives of 3,000 innocent Americans on 911 but that the rights of the terrorists that did it must always be protected. Liberals are actually very limited people which is why they are so desperate to limit you. If they can destroy the greatest nation the world has ever known that means they were superior after all and that's all that is really important.
When Obama speaks, which is every day, I don't even waste my time listening to him

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Poor deluded Beth. It will be a tremendous downer for you when you realize that all you believe is nothing but right wing propaganda.

Libs don't believe in the death penalty because we know that is too good for murderous bastards. We'd rather see them rot their whole lives away in prison with abunch of other murderous bastards.

Libs want proper regulation so creeps like Madoff can't get away with their despicable actions twenty years before being caught. Republicans want to deregulate so their greedy benefactors can stay out of prisons and donate their party big bucks.

Libs go to war when the cause is just. Not because scumbags like Dick Cheney told them to.

Libs believe that those who benefit the most from the greatness that is America should share a larger burden of helping to pay for the the policies that made their success possible.

Libs don't believe those that benefit from America's economic system sshould be holding employees hostage to their tax cuts and ridiculously low capitol gains taxes. Republicans don't have a problem screwing working families if it means their richest party members see their taxes raised 3%.

Anonymous said...

Democrats/Liberals - believe in euthanasia, and abortion seem to hate the American way of lie.
Democrats/Liberals are always defending the terrorists? Why are they always condemning the need for us decent citizens to defend ourselves from evil? 100% of the liberal media covers the so-called "atrocities" of America & nothing about the religion of peace head cutters. Why do they support the intentional killing of over 3,000 American children every day without a blink? They expose our nations' secrets to our enemy & give themselves awards.
Not only do they want to allow partial-birth abortions, they want them paid for with public money.
Liberals always want free hand outs and want to take from those who are successful and give to those that would rather take hand-outs from the government. I don't think a person should be penalized because they are more successful than another.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line is that these Liberals and VOTERS need to look through the smoke and see that ANY business that employees people CAN NOT be punished by TAXES.

These voters need to see through the Obama smoke that if Obama wants to TAX rich people that scraped and made it big time that the effect will be negative and MORE jobs will be lost and the spiral wont stop.

There are some great minds and stat people sitting there and with all that Obama is wasting, they are saying that we will end up with a 15 to 20% unemployment rate by 2016 if the Liberals don't STOP TAXING and Spending NOW!!!

And I want to close as I do with my favorite saying which is...


Anonymous said...

For the record, the last post under the name 'Jon' about Pamela Anderson (wtf?) is not the same Jon.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Beth, darlin?
Stop talking. Bad for the team.

One thought you may not want to hear. Look at the spending habits of Republicans vs. Democrats over the last several administrations. I will go back to bashing Democtraic spending when we have a Republican that does better. Havn't seen one in a LONG time.

Anonymous said...

Well, that didn't take long did it?
Isn't it funny that whenever a black becomes a republican ( Michael Steele)he's viewed upon by other blacks as an Uncle Tom.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Deluded right wing fool Beth. I don't use the term Uncle Tom lightly.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Jon: click the right hand corner and create your own blog Brother. Your anonymity is safe. I know some highly skilled computor guys and there is no way to crack Google to find out an identity or screw with somebody's site. This will prevent others from posting as you though.

Thank you and Beth and everyone else for stopping by.