Tuesday, March 3, 2009


More and more, people that thought of themselves as Republicans are abandoning their Party. Or as Reagan once said about the Democratic Party, it has abandoned them.

Of course we all knew Reagan said that because he knew the money was behind the Republicans. His acting career was going nowhere and he needed a job. If GE was going to pay him 100 grand a year to spout off right wing nonsense, then as a Loyal American, it was his duty to take it.

Awakened former Republicans have a choice now. Either run off to some Lala land of Independence and have Jesse Ventura shoved up your ass. Or listen to your conscience. Join the real Party of the big tent. Join the Democratic Party.

We are the Party of good people and good ideas. WE are the Party that really does put America first.

Rush Limbaugh thinks you're a pinko for not sucking his ass and blindly agreeing to all his deluded talking points. I think you show good sense and patriotism.

We don't have to agree on everything. If we do then one of us has a serious problem with his nose. But if you have good ideas. Love our Country. And want to make a positive difference in people's lives, The Democratic Party is ready for you.


Anonymous said...

We're Democrats. We don't agree on anything. Or as Will Rogers said:

"I belong to no organized party. I am a Democrat."

Shaw Kenawe said...

I love talking about how nutty the base of the Republican party is, but I'm also afraid that if I continue to do so some of the deeply deluded will wise up and reject The Great and Powerful Ungulated Gasbag. And right now, I see his ascendency as the Furer of the GOP as a gift from the Divine Flying Spaghetti Monster.


JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I look at the big picture DLB. More smart people with lots of money helping the Democrats gives us more time for Nihilistic pursuits.

TAO said...

When I first heard Obama speak, I was really SHOCKED! He was different.

While he is liberal he is not a typical democratic machine liberal.
If anyone can find the middle path it is him.

I think if he can reform healthcare we will find ourselves much more competitive around the world. I hope he goes after these tax havens rather than raising taxes...but he knows better than I do.

I have gone through his budget blueprint and he is doing some serious lifting toward energy independance and pushing us into the 21st century.

When capitalism lets a country down you have no choice but to let the government take over...and it appears that the government was invited to take this one over.

I think the democrats have to find a way to slip their earmarks into the budget prior to voting on it and then that ends that debate...that will only leave Republican earmarks.

Its going to get rougher and what you are seeing from the right is just the rants of a bunch of middle aged defeatists railing against their ever diminishing hold on power.

Imagine how dittoheads feel when they go to their kids rooms and find Obama posters up! :)

Anonymous said...

Imagine how dittoheads feel when they go to their kids rooms and find Obama posters up! :)

That's great, Tao! I might have to steal it.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

When Obama was running for U.S. Senate in Illinois I worked with one of his people. He called me a couple days ago asking for some advice for another candidate he was working for. I told him to read TAO's Radical Perspective Blog. Everything he needs to know is there.

Thanks for stopping by TAO.

Anonymous said...

The blind one is truth<101.
Keep growing government and watch freedom disappear stupid.

Tom the Redhunter said...

"More and more, people that thought of themselves as Republicans are abandoning their Party."

It would be helpful if at least some of the time you offered evidence to back up your assertions.