One of the right wings beloved talking points is to claim Democrats are sissies.
Look at the former President if you want to see a real Pansy. Freakin Opec cuts production and oil went to over $150 a barrel. Gas prices go over $4 a gallon and this clown goes over to Saudi Arabia to kiss the Sheik's ass and dance with him.
The Sheik gave Bush a cool designer sword which Bush failed to shove up the bastard's ass thus giving more proof of Bush pansyism.
Bush and Cheney said Iran were training insurgents to come into Iraq and kill Americans. If they were so sure then why wasn't Tehren turned into a parking lot? The answer of course is that Bush was a pansy.
Bush had to show he wasn't a pansy with the Iraq invasion. I think he wanted to be like the great conqueror Ronald Reagan who ordered the invasion of the mighty Grenada. Then he goes and okays torture. I guess invading a country that was no threat wasn't enough for Bush to show he wasn't a pansy. He had to torture some dudes for good measure.
Thank God we have a real man in the White House now.
One of my favorite Bush stories is from Vicente Fox. He says in his autobiography that Bush is afraid of horses. Hilarious!
and Obama is a Chimpanzee.
"Thank God we have a real man in the White House now."
You call that skinny slime ball ass faced creep with big ears and a
a man?
DLB, following up on the Fox theme, I heard an interview he did with Sean Hannity.
In his book, Fox says that GW is "cocky."
Hannity asks him if he thinks that was disrespectful of Senor Bush.
The reply that Fox gave was hilarious, if you understand the spanish subtext.
Fox asked why Hannity why it was disrespectful and then launched into a discussion about how in Mexico, if you were a cock (rooster) everyone respected you, because you ruled the roost.
So he went on about how big a cock he though Bush was.
I about wrecked my car listening to it.
I love the challenges of translation and language.
My blog, I'll bet if Obama had a blog, he'd would not restrict access to it.
Heck, I even Bush would not restrict access to a blog.
Oh Dern!
"My Blog" has now restricted who can go to his blog? but feels free to go to our liberal, free-wheeling, bold, courageous, open blogs where he can give us all a demonstration of his advanced stages of Tourette's Syndrome.
Lots of conservative blogs do that. It's the bubble mentality. They don't want reality to intrude, so they just talk to each other.
I haven't found a liberal blog yet that is so frightened of reality that it has to restrict its commenters.
Yeah yeah yeah My Blog Guy. And your mother was a hampster and your father smelled of elderberries.
Brother/Sister?: go back to see the Nutty Professor at American power and get some pointers in calling me and President Obama names turkey. I don't blame you for restricting access. If I were that bereft of imagination I'd hide to.
The man nearly killed himself with a pretzel. And he fell off a Segway! How do you even do that?
Now Vladimir Putin, there's a real man. He goes shirtless and shoots tigers, and he flies bombers over Europe just to screw with their heads.
Yes,the Wahabbists are a positive threat to the West, something I've written about extensively over at The Redhunter, and said many times that it is the shame of the Bush Administration that they did not recognize the threat for what it is and oppose it.
Don't think, now, that it's just me saying this. Truth101, you are blissfully unaware that most conservatives criticized Bush for this. Take a look at publications like National Review and The Weekly Standard for starters.
But intellectual honesty would also require us - and you - to admit that all presidents, DEMOCRAT as well as Republican, have taken this position with the Saudis. In your zeal to attack Republicans and conservatives, you seem to have forgotten this inconvenient fact.
As for the "pansy" argument, well now. I go back quite a ways, and know that the Democrats bailed on the Cold War sometime around 1972. After the disaster of Jimmy Carter it took Reagan to win that one.
Luckily for us all Clinton did not face any serious challenges.
As for our current conflict, a proper discussion would take more time than I've got here. All I'll say is that intellectual honesty requires acknowledgment that Democrats don't even see it as a war, but as some sort of "police action."
"My Blog" - I agree that limiting access is pretty lame.
Lots of conservative blogs do that. It's the bubble mentality. They don't want reality to intrude, so they just talk to each other."
Oh Bullcrap. Grow up and stop thinking that your side is as pure as the wind driven snow.
"I haven't found a liberal blog yet that is so frightened of reality that it has to restrict its commenters."
I'll give you one. For a time last December Kevin O'Meara was hiding his blog behind a password. I wrote him an email and he claimed he had been receiving theats. I thought it BS and said so on my blog
... and what do you know he lifted the restriction.
My apologies, I had meant to make clear that the URL at the end of the last comment is Kevin's blog.
I do draw a distinction between people like you. Average American and Carl of Uncouth Ruminations Tom. You have a moral code of beliefs adn are stand up guys. It's the Cheneyites and Limbaughs and Douglases that hijacked the word "conservative" as well as the Republican Party my rath is directed towards. AS always, I like your blog and promise to behave during my visits.
I've found blogs from near all parts of the spectrum where I've been scoffed at and personally attacked for having perfectly logical opinions. In my experience, the only blogs that outright censor me are the real bible thumpers. It really seems to be religious social conservatism that most fears to be questioned.
Well, I am adding the Redhunter to my blogroll....its good to have intelligence from a variety of perspectives...
I also agree that party affiliation has nothing to do with running this country into the ground...they all seem to be working themselves to death to do that.
I worked in Saudi for 5 years and that was back in the early 80's...those boys OWN us....
Did then and definitely do now.
Bechtel, Fluor, and Halliburton all had huge skyscrapers headquarters there and not enough business to justify them but they stayed connected and look at all the Republicans that have gone to work for these firms....
It must be great to have a bunch of old white guys sucking your ass constantly for oil...the nectar of capitalism
TRUTH 101 said...
Yeah yeah yeah My Blog Guy. And your mother was a hampster and your father smelled of elderberries.
But they didn't eat fried ciken!
Is 'fried ciken" something new?
Nothing like making our founding fathers proud! :)
Saying the very things about whites that many white people say about us black people have don’t give us any credibility. It is always best to know exactly how to put into words for other races to understand.
To call George Bush the things that you have will only make the opposition do the same about Barack Obama as you have witnessed.
Many times I find myself nodding my head in agreement and amazement after reading some of the comments on some of these web sites. It may make more sense to ignore insults rather then to try to out do them. It also shows that you are smarter then to exchange insults and cartoons..
Just my opinion.
It must be fun to be a dumb liberal who is oblivious, blind, deaf and dumb. as the author of this blog apparently is.
Liberals like Shaw Kenawe believe they are the good people with the good beliefs, and good hearts. Especially when it come to race. How could it be otherwise they are compassionate? They are so nice and so good- hearted and SO generous especially when it comes to sharing the wealth of others and bigoted and lairs and so many other things that I can’t write on a blog without being banned............
Truth YOU always seem to have a story to tell, but I doubt if anyone would consider to take anything that you say seriously because frankly you are wacked out. What we are seeing here is a desperate attempt by you and most of the other Democrats to distract attention away from the failures of Obam. And you know wnat, it is not going to wirk. So why don't you give up this stupidness? You can't really be so dumb.
Well Beth, two thirds of America think President Obama is doing a good job. You see Sister, the one success of the Bush Administration is the wising up of America. We know the mess that Bush left of the economy and our standing in the world will take time to clean up. That a third of America refuses to admit the failure of Bush only shows we have more work to do. And if my part of the work is exposing deluded right wing fools for what they are, obstructionists, selfish and just plain morons that think giving the rich more tax cuts will solve anthing, then I am willing to take on the task.
To my Gray Headed Brother: I will never put myself in the category of two of the greatest men of the Twentieth Century. Martin Luther King and Mahatma Ghandi. So if you decide to honor my site with another visit, be prepared to read that Rush Limbaugh is a bigoted fatass propagandists for the greedy rich and their deluded followers.
If and when I visit your site, I will behave myself. Thank you, and Beth and everyone else for your visits.
Btw guys, this isn't the same "My Blog" (Chris) that has posted on many of our blogs. Their URLs are close, but different. Chris's "My Blog" is thisismyblog113.blogspot.com/
and THIS my blog is myblog1113.blogspot.com/
James Wolfer said...
Btw guys, this isn't the same "My Blog" (Chris) that has posted on many of our blogs. Their URLs are close, but different. Chris's "My Blog" is thisismyblog113.blogspot.com/
and THIS my blog "
Nope! Dick Tracy
Shaw : "I haven't found a liberal blog yet that is so frightened of reality that it has to restrict its commenters."
They are out there, Shaw. I have regularly heard the same from the other side about y'all.
Think about it - when a dumb ass from the other side mouths off, you follow them back to have some fun with them. When a dumb ass from your side mouths off, you just cringe a bit and hope they shut up.
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