That the Republican Party held together under the leadership of Rush Limbaugh (Yes. He was and is the leader of the Republican party whether they like it or not) is a testament to their blind adherence to anyone that says what they want to hear.
But, as Reverend Wright says, "The chickens are coming home to roost." More accurately, those that found their self esteem and got tired of lard ass pricks like Rush Limbaugh telling them what to think are leaving the Republican Party in droves.
These wised up people are being called traitors and worse by those that still blindly believe whatever Rush tells them. They realize that Conservatism and the Republican party have been hijacked by the selfish and greedy who rule through the politics of lies and misleads. All the proof we need to see that Rush and Co. will say whatever they think will keep their base in the fold is their running away from George W. Bush. They say he wasn't a real Conservative. Bullshit. Bush was their best dupe ever. He did what they wanted when they wanted. With Cheney pulling his puppet strings, the real leaders of the Republican Party held our government and our Country by the balls for eight years. They sang Bush's praises that whole time. Now that Bush's failures have made him so unpopular, the leaders and mouthpieces of the right put their brand of beatdown on him to keep as many as they can in the fold.
The Republican Party has and always will be the Party that favors the wealthy at the expense of our Country. Don't be fooled by their tax cut, spending cut shtick. They may cut welfare, education and school lunches. But believe me. Any defense contractor with a good lobbyist will get however much he wants. And he'll get a big tax cut to go with his contract. But the Middle Class will get $8 a week. That's the Republican idea of a fair tax system.
You Republicans are the arsonists who burned down our national home. You combined the failed ideologies of the Religious Right, so-called free market deregulation and the Neoconservative love of war to light a fire that has consumed America. Now you have the nerve to criticize the "architect" America just hired -- President Obama -- to rebuild from the ashes. You do nothing constructive, just try to hinder the one person willing and able to fix the mess you created.
I used to be one of you. As recently as 2000 I worked to get Senator McCain elected in that year's primary. (McCain and Gen. Tommy Franks wrote glowing endorsements regarding my book about military service, AWOL.). I have a file of handwritten thank you notes from Presidents Ford, Reagan, Bush I and II. In the 1970s and early 80s I hung out with Jack Kemp and bought into his "supply side" myth and even wrote a book he endorsed pushing his ideas.) There's more, but take it from me; my parents (evangelical leaders Francis and Edith Schaeffer) and I were about as tight with -- and useful to -- the Republican Party as anyone. We played a big part creating the Religious Right.
In the mid 1980s I left the Religious Right, after I realized just how very anti-American they are, (the theme I explore in my book Crazy For God). They wanted America to fail in order to prove they were right about America's "moral decline." Soon after McCain lost in 2000 I re-registered as an independent in disgust with W. Bush. But I still respected many Republicans. Not today.
How can anyone who loves our country support the Republicans now? Barry Goldwater, William F. Buckley and Ronald Reagan defined the modern conservatism that used to be what the Republican Party I belonged to was about. Today no actual conservative can be a Republican. Reagan would despise today's wholly negative Republican Party. And can you picture the gentlemanly and always polite Ronald Reagan, endorsing a radio hate-jock slob who crudely mocked a man with Parkinson's and who now says he wants an American president to fail?!
With people like Limbaugh as the loudmouth image of the Republican Party -- you need no enemies. But something far more serious has happened than an image problem: the Republican Party has become the party of obstruction at just the time when all Americans should be pulling together for the good of our country. Instead, Republicans are today's fifth column sabotaging American renewal.
President Obama has been in office barely 45 days and the Republican Party has the nerve to blame him for the economic and military cataclysm he inherited. I say economic and military cataclysm because without the needless war in Iraq you all backed we would not be in the economic mess we're in today. If that money had been spent here at home on renovating our infrastructure, taking us toward a green economy, putting our health-care system in order we'd be a very different situation.
As the father of a Marine who served in George W. Bush's misbegotten wars let me say this: if President Obama's strategy to repair our economy, infrastructure and healthcare fails that will put our troops at far greater risk because the world will become a far more dangerous place. So for all you flag-waving Republicans who are trying to undermine the President at home -- if you succeed more of our troops will be killed abroad.
When your new leader Rush Limbaugh calls for President Obama to fail he's calling for more flag-draped coffins. Limbaugh is the new "Hanoi Jane."
For the party that created our crises of misbegotten war, mismanaged economy, the lack of regulation of our banking industry, handing our country to rich crooks... to obstruct the one person who is trying to repair the damage is obscene.
Just imagine where America would be today if the 14 to 20 million voters -- "the rube base" who slavishly follow the likes of Limbaugh -- had not voted as a block year after year thus empowering the Republican fiasco. We would have a regulated banking industry and would have avoided our current financial crisis; some 4000 of our killed military men and women would be alive; over to 35,000 wounded Americans would be whole; we would have been leaders in the environmental movement; we would be in the middle of a green technology boom fueling a huge expansion of our economy and stopping our dependence on foreign oil, and our health-care system would be reformed.
After Obama was elected, you Republican leaders had a unique last chance to send a patriotic message of unity to the world -- and to all Americans. You could have backed our president's economic recovery plan. Since we all know that half of our problem is one of lost confidence and perception, nothing would have done more to calm the markets and project resolve and confidence than if you had been big enough to take Obama's offered hand and had work with him -- even if you disagreed ideologically. You had the chance to put our country first. You utterly failed to rise to the occasion.
The worsening economic situation is your fault and your fault alone. The Republicans created this mess through 8 years of backing the worst president in our history and now, because you put partisan ideology ahead of the good of our country, you have blown your last chance to redeem yourselves. You deserve the banishment to the political wilderness that awaits all traitors
Delilah honey, you need to read the blogs that you post to...then you need to quit copying huntington post commentary and acting like you wrote it...
Human interest is about selfish interests. But where the Republicans err is in the fact that they have lost the capacity to understand that sometimes government must act against their immediate self interests to protect their more important long term self interests.
Greed is an addiction and like all addictions it can kill you.
"Any defense contractor with a good lobbyist will get however much he wants."
Really? Are you prepared to take that back when Obama starts to cut weapons systems from the budget?
I will praise Obama for standing up to the powerful defense lobby when he cuts programs that are unnecessary to the defense of our Country. And John McCain is for cutting defense spending also. I guess that makes him a Nihilist now.
I wasn't going to say anything to Delilah TAO. I figures that post was worth reading twice.
Truth 101,
Tell 'the Donald' that this blogger called Delilah has ripped you to pieces, and that you've taken a good look at your sorry-assed self, and you find that you have to agree she makes some very good points...?
Worthy of cutting and pasting into American Fasc- err- Power even..
Oh, Truth...
I just cannot figure out how anyone can send you a post that starts with "You Republicans..."
They just don't know you all that well do they?
They just like getting my blood pressure up TAO. That's what they do when they aren't hosing the poor and middle class.
I wish that cigar would explode.
Non-lethally of course.
You say Limbaugh is the leader of the Republican party. Your proof: the inescapable fact that you said so. Every difficult question in the world could be solved at the speed of your keyboard. I think it's almost Nobel prize time.
Your wisdom is beyond compare Snaggletooth.
"Don't be fooled by their tax cut, spending cut shtick. They may cut welfare, education and school lunches. But believe me. Any defense contractor with a good lobbyist will get however much he wants."
Oh please.
There have been no "cuts" to welfare, education, or school lunches. Here's the game the liberals play so that they claim "cuts" have taken place:
Liberals demand a 10% increase, and when they're only given 5% they claim their budgets have been cut by 5%. It's an old game.
We're experiencing it now where I live in Loudoun County, where the teachers unions are playing just that very game.
As for defense contractors getting what they want, sigh. Defense spending has gone up and down over the past 60 years, and plenty of military programs have been cancelled. A partial list of recent ones off the top of my head
- A12 Avenger II
- XM2001 Crusader artillery system
- Sargent York AAA gun system
In fact you can find a whole great big list right here.
You can also find graphs showing how the military budget has gone down in recent years in real dollars by going here
and here
Nice liberal defense Tom:
"You can also find graphs showing how the military budget has gone down in recent years in real dollars by going here
and here"
I also appreciated the liberals demanded ten percent and got five so they claim a budget cut of five percent. Republicans never use things like cutting the rate of growth means cutting the budget. Or interpreting dollar amounts vs. inflation and other factors to show that 100 billion really isn't that much when you consider it was the same as 50 billion 20 years ago. So we're really saving 50 billion. Right?
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