Sunday, March 15, 2009


Let's look at poor Michael Steele's totally ignorant attempt to expand the base of groups Republicans pander to for votes.

First of all, Mike says he think abortion is an individual choice. He doesn't care one way or another. He just knows evangelicals are wise to Republican pandering and chicanery now so he's trying to make up for that loss by bringing pro choicers into the Republican fold of bigots, homophobes, greedy and morons.

Poor Mike tried to convince D.L. Hughley that he was a "Brother" by bashing Rush Limbaugh as an inciter and an entertainer. That backfired on him when he forgot to let Rush in on his ill begotten plan and Rush gave him a verbal beatdown. Mike had to apologise and his plan to get Americans of Color on the Republican side went down in a bucket of Rush Limbaugh's flaming lard.

This poor chump can't do anything right. But some right wing fat cat will give him a big paying job or something to go away soon enough. Then it will be back to a well connected white guy in charge of the Republican Party who will get back to the Republican business of pandering to bigots, homophobes, greed rich people and morons.

God Bless the two party system and America...


Anonymous said...

In his statement issued through the RNC press office, Steele said, “I am pro-life, always have been, always will be. And that's good enough for me!
Leftists show no principles. Here when given the opportunity, they prefer instead to destroy others, to seek raw political power, instead of support the position they pretend to support.
Still just a bunch of little leftist rooting pigs grunting along.

All these little Brown Shirts want is conflict and a country fractured and fighting.

Here before them is the opportunity ti embrace a Republican in order to reslove our national conflict over reproductive rights.

And all these little Brown Shirts are capable of is unenlightened, unintelligent partisan political conflict.
Far be it for me to engage a leftist in an actual enlightened intellectual discussion. You all continue with your mindless partisan bickering, what a great way to occupy your time while you have total control fo the federal government!
I'll check in again and see if any of these pea-brained Brown Shirts can muster a principled stand.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Obama is flat out, going to fail, no matter what anybody says or does. Reality will set in. Even the college students will finally realize they mortgaged their future earnings on a well-meaning, well spoken and articulate but clueless man blinded by an over-arching sense of miss-guided purpose.

Two years from now, People are going to be clamoring to put the brakes on Obama and will be looking for a Republican congress to get the country back to business, instead of throwing money away.

We don’t need to “wish” or hope that Obama will fail. Indeed his policies will fail (quickly). We should start offering the country our solution to the pending failure of Obama’s policies. We should explain what is going to happen, ahead of time as a result of Obamas policy. That way we will be one step ahead, and able to show the public that conservative business approach with appropriate business rules, are the way out of the current fiscal mess. Yeah, blame Bush in the process…and explain how Obama has made and will make the situation worse. When the worst happens, the public will finally understand and see through the Obama rhetoric. We need to be ready to provide the appropriate conservative solutions starting with the next election two years out.

Bottom line, instead of bashing Obama, or worrying about the Steele-Limbaugh non-tiff, let’s focus on what we believe is going to happen as a result of Obama’s bad policies and begin offering the public some plan, some hopeful conservative solution to the impending disaster of the Obama policies. Give Honest assessment, avoid character comments, offer solutions.
Furthermore, Mr. Steele should stay off the TV and get busy working on the Conservative principles.

And that's my two cents worth

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

First of all, I am sitting in my recliner in my signature flannel shirt Beth.

Mr. Steele said he was pro individual choice before he said he was pro life and always had been.

Here is Steele trying to get anyone he can to join his ever shrinking band of merry Republicans by any means necessary. At least he's trying to channel Malcolm X. I give him some Brotherly Love for that.

Now just hurry up and post your right wing nonsense about tax cuts and deregulation so you can earn your right wing brownie points Beth.

As for principles, I'm a depraved, verminous Nihilist according to American Power's Professor Douglas. I have no principles.

Anonymous said...

First, I must say all hail Lord Obama. This is the required leftist comment opening. Other statements of fealty are acceptable as well.

Second, congratulations to Michael Steele who seems to be the shithead of the fortnight.

Third, Beth, we are green shirts. And, I'm not just talking St. Patty's Day. Just ask the always lucid, never insane Dr. Savage (Michael, not Dan).

Anonymous said...

The Deranged One Said:..."Just ask the always lucid, never insane Dr. Savage"
No thank you, I would rather ask the always lucid Michael Moore!

Nice to see Obama is a change from "politics as usual."

"the White House will harness every part of the Democratic Party’s machinery to defend President Obama’s budget"

Obama is the biggest political pos going. Instead of being able to articulate how spending taxpayer dollars on crap, is better than investing in business (read jobs) they'd invest their time, money and political efforts in political name calling.

Why don't they use the political power to explain how the stimulus plan will succeed. Oh, I forgot, it never has worked before.

Why don't they use the only tactics government controls that have worked before. Oh, I forgot, those are republican ideas....Tax Cuts.
Many of the community organizer's supporters have made welfare their career choice. They have no stake in the economy - no 401K's - no ambition - and no interest in anything but what they can bleed from those who work. They are his strongest base.

But the Messiah's slacker's believe that there is no limit to the amount of abuse the taxpayer will take.
Make the world a better place teach a liberal to think!

Anonymous said...
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TAO said...

Yes, cuts and less regulations are wonderful! That policy is exactly why we are in the situation we are in now.

Businesses do not create jobs because of tax cuts. Businesses create jobs when there is demand for their products.

Demand is created when consumers are out buying the items that business produce. Consumers buy when they have a need and the money to purchase the items that businesses produce.

Tax cuts only apply when a company is profitable and a company is only profitable if it sales are higher than its expenses.

If tax cuts alone created economic prosperity then we should not be suffering the economic meltdown that we are now.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Personally I prefer my political power medium rare.

Um, Beth, it's the people in YOUR PARTY who have kicked Mr. Steele in his not so steely cajones, not the leftists. His position on pro-individual choice is that of a liberal.

Seriously. Did you read your comment before you hit "publish?"

Oh, and Psst. Beth, there is no "national conflict over reproductive rights." A majority of Americans believe in a woman's right to choose.

I keep telling you to face reality, and you keep running away from it.

That is not mentally healthy behavior.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I prefer to believe in a woman's right to mind her own business Shaw. But in the end, it's the same thing.