Every now and then even the Democrats need some time in the woodshed. This is one of those times.
Enough of the Democrats in Congress kissing the asses of the damn Republican obstructionist, idea less gang of Working American hating jerks. We have Congress. If the damn Republicans want to filibuster let the assholes filibuster. No bill is better than a bad bill. These jokers don't want compromise and bipartisanship. They want tax cuts for their benefactors no matter what the cost to our Nation. Quit trying to force bipartisanship on these clowns. It shows weakness and emboldens them.
Look at how AIG has been handled. What a fucking mess. It's as bad as Iraq because the Democrats were too freaking scared a mean Republican would call us socialists for nationalizing a company that needed to be nationalized in order to fix a freaking mess. But God forbid we do the right thing. Oh shit. Mitch the Weenie McConnell might go on Meet the Press and call us a name. Fuck him! Fuck Boehner and the rest of these jokers! How much are we going to spend on AIG now? Nationalize the monstrosity and break it up. Only billions more dollars and embarrassment are waiting if the Dems keep up the pansy routine and let the Repubs keep us on the same road to ruin.
The spend and borrow, deregulate policies of the Republicans got us into this crisis. Their answer is more of the same. They don't deserve a seat at the table unless the table is the mess hall in the nearest prison. And if the Democrats keep sucking up to this crowd, they deserve to be sitting next to them.
Do you have any idea how freakin stupid you sound?
Let me express my opinion about your blog...........It sucks!
And let me express my opinion about your last commenter........he's a moronic dickface! Touche.
JBW, let me ask you something.. Do you feel better now after making that bright comment?
The truth be told, I think that RevRight was correct in his observation in regard to this particular blog subject.
And you added to it's stupidity.
I tell it like it is Brother. If Dems need a spanking I don't let party loyalty keep me from it. If you think I'm wrong tell me why.
Open Minded Republican: I can't get your new and exciting blog to accept comments. Is everything okay?
Truth, I was talking about JBW's nasty comment, not about you.
I believe Truth is actually Karl Rove in democratic drag! :)
You go girlfriend!
Don't worry about offending me Brother. I like what you have to say too much to stay mad at you long. Besides, agreeing with each other and sucking up is what right wing blogs do. I love the back and forth as long as there's an attempt to retain our dignity. I suspect you will be straightening me out and hopefully I you down the road. I'm still waiting for TAO to offend me but so far he's been too rational and insightful.
Truth, well, seeing as I really don't know what I am doing, I will have to look. It ought to be accepting comments, but I fiddled with a lot.
I'll see what I can figure out.
I hope Tao meant you go girlfriend in a masculine sort of way t101.
OK, got it fixed-ish.
I got rid of the in-line comments and went the full page setup most folks have. Like it better anyways.
Thanks for pointing it out, Truth.
Your right. Bipartisanship is for pansies. When the general population comes out of the delusion that this president is about "change", and see the debt that is building quickly, they will vote republican.
Good that you learned something Pitbull Guy.
bluepitbull said...
"Your right. Bipartisanship is for pansies. When the general population comes out of the delusion that this president is about "change", and see the debt that is building quickly, they will vote republican"
Some might think that bluepitbull is CLOSED minded.
"The spend and borrow"
Then what do you call what Obama is doing, with pushing a $2 - $6 trillion dolar deficit this year? Their alternative has been "borrow more and spend more", even during Bush.
What he is doing is paying for the mess left by George. W. Bush Dmarks.
101: What he is doing is paying for the mess left by George. W. Bush Dmarks.
Bullshit. He's not paying for a demned thing. He's borrowing more to expand the mess.
Bush left us debt and misery. How else can we pay to fix his mess patrick? He left us with no money.
The biggest problem is mounting debt. You don't solve it by adding more.
So your solution is to ignore the bank crisis and let the insolvent banks go under. Thus letting the FDIC pay off all the account holders who's banks failed. Gosh Patrick. That's a good idea. Let it get worse so the govenrment has to spend more on bailouts than it does now.
No, that's not my idea, although bankruptcy is certainly a part of it.
This is a problem that has been building for over a decade (between the housing bubble, Fannie and Freddie, and an atmosphere of irresponsibility in both government and the private sector). It's a perfect example of what happens when the government abdicates its responsibility of regulating the free market to protect the individual and instead tries to control the market through legislation and monetary policy.
This, in turn created the housing bubble, which begat the subprime mess, which begat the failures.
And the response to this disaster: Give them money to buy their way out of the mess. Then punish them if they don't spend the money the way you want. Then take them over because government has a great track record.
Any solution will 1. be painful and 2. get government out of the business of running private industry. I'll expand later when you get done trying to savage the logic.
That's the most sensible thing I've ever seen you write Patrick. I underestimated you and I apologise.
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