Thursday, March 19, 2009


I've had my fill of all the outrage that's been going on. People are outraged because of the AIG bonuses. They know it's a small part of the overall bailout package, but goddammit! It's just plain outrageous!
Other's are outraged because of earmarks in the federal budget. I guess they wouldn't be outraged if no money to inspect and repair bridges led to people getting killed. But that won't happen. Except that one time in Minneapolis on I35.
Many are outraged that Veterans are not receiving quality treatment when coming home from Iraq. Walter Reed was an outrage they said. These same Lou Dobbs watching morons are also outraged when somebody suggests raising taxes to pay for taking care of Veterans and failing bridges. Not to mention the fucking deficit. That's also outrageous but screw our ungrateful kids. We spoil the shit out of them. The deficit is our gift of outrage to the next generation.
Many are outraged at all the guns smuggled into Mexico to be used by thugs in drug cartels. These guns come mostly from the USA. Outrageous! But God forbid we limit a guy to only buying one semi automatic weapon a month and worse, telling him he has to have a license for it too. That would be outrageous! A man needs a new semi automatic firearm every month. It's like a menstrual cycle. Women get urges for ice cream and heating pads. Men need to buy a semi automatic weapon. If Wayne Lapierre of the NRA is satisfied all these guns are going to be used and cared for responsibly by people he doesn't know, that's good enough for me.
President Obama will be on Jay Leno tonight. No doubt a bunch of do gooders will be outraged because it's demeaning to the presidency or some such nonsense. Other's will be outraged at the outrage of the outraged do gooders.
We need to save our outrage for something worth being outraged about. I heard they want to start taxing free internet porn. Now that would be OUTRAGEOUS!


OpenMindedRepublican said...

Oh Truth, gun control?
You are gonna make my head explode. If I talk about gun control I will have to make an alt or something, 'cause the 'openminded' thing would take a hit.

... although to give you credit, at least you do know they are semi-automatic.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I see nothing wrong with being sure only responsible, law abiding citizens have any type of gun OMR.

Anonymous said...

Now, I may be misrepresenting the NRA position, but they come across as being in favor of putting RPGs into the hands of felons. Yes, I am being facetious. But, they really seem almost that extreme.

I grew up in the Adirondacks. Nearly everyone hunted and nearly everyone owned guns. No problem.
It doesn't take much more than a .308 to take down a deer, though.

There has to be limits on who can own can own weapons and what kind they can own. Besides, the righties have to be disarmed before they're put into the camps, right?

OpenMindedRepublican said...

Truth, I'm not knocking what you said, it is just that I am trying to stay in the mode of 'discussion' vs. 'debate'.

And I am very anti gun control. This tests my self control.

DLB - Actually, from the gun rights side of the fence, the NRA is considered a bit too willing to compromise. Not joking. The Gun Owners of America, they are the hardcore ones. The NRA has actually helped write a lot of the gun control laws on the books. I do not entirely understand why they get such a bad rap.

dmarks said...

I reserve my outrage for Obama's appearance on Leno and his extremely mean-spirited Special Olympics joke.

He did not have a teleprompter in front of him. And he apologized later, of course. But I think this is an insight into the "real" Barack Obama, the way he thinks, without having editors to polish his writings or speechwriters to control him.

Shaw Kenawe said...

dmarks beat me to this blog to register my outrage.

I'm outraged at the people who are outraged!


Your pushing this nonissue is getting TARsome.

It's evident you want in the worst way to discredit the president.

He made an unfortunate remark. Now let's get on with our lives.

And please, don't compare what he said to the LIFETIME of Limbaugh's racism.

Anonymous said...

The anger/ fear and hate/ marginalizing are a regular part of peoples frustration in losing an election but it doesn't have to be that way. I, too, hope that enough people will support Obama nd stop the smearing and name calling campaign to show that this kind of hate doesn't work anymore.

Toad734 said...

Now they are outraged that Obama made fun of retards.

Anonymous said...

Toad734 said...
"Now they are outraged that Obama made fun of retards."

The neo-bunch will always find something to be outraged about something that Obama said or did.
Have No worries my friend.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I was going to say what The Gray Headed Man said.

I also agree kind of with Dmarks. I've seen President Obama bowl. It's an insult to all the handicapped that they would be considered as lousy a bowler as President Obama. Stick with Presidenting Mr. President. Your bowling is outrageously awful.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"@#!* it, Dude, let's go bowling."