More right wing bullshit. Seems these assholes think it's fine and dandy for AIG fatcats to get 6.5 million dollars in bonuses. These greedy rich bastards are telling us that the grease ball execs that are getting them have a contract and it wouldn't be right for the government to go around voiding contracts.
But this same group of right wing hypocrite pricks all said the UAW had to renegotiate their contracts with the Big Three automakers. You remember that GM and Chrylser got a around 15 billion between them. AIG is well over a hundred billion and counting. Proof positive the corporate right wing cabal of anti American Worker assholes only cares about the wealthy and has no regard for the contractual rights of anyone but one of their own selfish rich members.
You right wing neocon bastards deserve 400 lb. lesbians in your bedrooms.
Hum, was us right wing asshole,hypocrite pricks, neocon bastards, also responsible for
Chris Dodd being the largest recipient of campaign donations from AIG during the 2008 election with $223,478.
Or for Barack Obama receiving $101,332
Or for. Charles Schumer a member of both the Senate banking and finance committees, taking $116,400?
And Obama and his TAX CHEATING boys stated they didn't know until now...shame on them, and shame on us for electing such num nuts into office.
Is this the thing you are talking about when you talk about “These greedy rich bastards are telling us about the grease balls. Is this where your anger is coming from?
Hurry up and vote for the bailout. If we don't, the whole thing is gonna collapse, the Great One said. Perhaps if that Hugo Chavez in disguise were less concerned about Rush Linbaugh, he’d be more aware of what’s going on right at his front door. Like Timothy Geithner having a tax problem. And the head of the committee that writes tax law, the House Ways and Means Committee Crook in Chief Charlie Rangel. And the rest of that bunch of crooked lowlifes
Is that the proof positive you are referring to in your post, Num Nuts?
I don’t suppose you need me to tell you how disgusting this blog is!
But I'm sure you are going to reply with some more of your filth.
"Hum, was us right wing asshole,hypocrite pricks, neocon bastards, also responsible for
Chris Dodd being the largest recipient of campaign donations from AIG during the 2008 election with $223,478."
I agree with everything you say here LTD. Especially the first 11 words. Thanks for stopping by Toots.
Right wing assholes are just more noticable because all the left wing assholes are obscured by being filled with left wing faggot pricks.
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