Saturday, December 20, 2008


Workers have a right to organize. Employers have a right to tell workers why they think they shouldn't organize.

The state is not the guardian of religion. If two people of the same sex want to have a state recognized marraige then it's nobody elses damn business.

George Bush is and after 1/20/09 was a shitty president.

The planet is getting warming and screwing things up.

Bloggers don't really make a whole hell of alot of difference in the great scheme of things. Relax.

GM, Chrysler and Ford may have done some things that have them screwed up now. But they are three of the greatest American companies. To let them die without trying to get them through this time would be stupid and unAmerican. 15 or 20 billion ain't shit compaered to the hundreds of billions an unimaginable amount of misery that would result from one or all of them to collapse.

Nobody is going to take anyone's guns away. Relax and worry about something that has a basis in reality.

Harry Truman wasn't that good a President.

Other than the war over the Falklands between England and Argentina, I can't think of any wars that have been won by any country(s) since WWII.

Putting a person in a position of authority because he/she is a prick is never a good idea. But for some reason, pricks continue to be put in positions of authority.

There is no such thing as a "good mutual fund paying ten to twelve percent." You find one that guarantees me %7 forever I will invest in it. And don't believe the crap about investing for the long term. Hundreds of mutual funds to choose from is not an investment choice. It's a crap shoot.

Necessity is the mother of everything. When we finally run out of oil we will get new sources of energy. Till then, buy stock in Exxon, Shell and BP.

Nobody will ever lower your taxes enough for you to actually notice. But politicians will continue to repeat this horseshit because we so desperatly want to believe it.

Religious zealots will spend the next thousand years telling us the end is near and the antichrist is among us.

Barack Obama can have anybody he damn well pleases pray at his inauguration.


Anonymous said...

This looks like antichrist stuff to me. Heathen!

Anonymous said...

Wow, your first post and you got a troll already. Good show!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I didn't mean to do any posts here. Been there, done that. Basically, I just enjoy perusing the blogs for deluded right wing fools to educate. Thanks for stopping by DLB.

Van Zan said...

I agree with first point, agree with second... agree, agree, agree, agree ,agree, agree, agree, agree, agree, agree, agree, agree...

Done. You rock. Officially.

Libby Spencer said...

You should keep blogging, or start up again. Great post.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Perhaps I shall.

Anonymous said...

Mutual funds don't guarantee anything. Of course you would buy something that guarantees 7% forever... that's why it doesn't exist. You are stupid.

If that is how uninformed you are regarding this one little thing... the rest of your gibberish is worth no more than a thimble full of piss. Keep up the work.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Look Professor. We can find some agreement out of this messy situation. I don't get the gay thing either. Women look better. They smell better. They feel better. They sound better. Their naughty stuff was made for accomodating male naughty stuff. Women don't need to be congratulated after a loud fart or belch. If we were women Don, with our sense of good taste, we'd be lesbians. If you think about it in that context of empathy and acceptance of those with different tastes, you would also be willing to live and let live.

January 15, 2009 6:19 PM

I'm saving this here in case the Nutty Professor deletes it on his site. I believe I am right to be proud of this comment.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

How sad have you and ther radical independents become when you attack our Commander in Chief for delegating responsibilities for military and hostage rescue activities to people trained to handle military and hostage rescue activities?

I suppose you believe Bush was an expert and handled all this by himself. Why do we even need Capatains and Admirals and Generals according to your deluded and spiteful thinking?

Would it make you happy if President Obama bought a ranch in Texas and spent a third of the year there and another third at Camp David? That would leave Christmas and Easter Seasons at the White House for photo ops.

Left here in case a deluded nut deletes it on her deluded site.

safe keeping said...

"So my friends; remember what Reverend Billy Graham told President Nixon. "Mr. President. Forgive thine enemy seventy times seven. As long as he's a Republican"

Hummmmmmmmmm, "I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again. I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time-never."
I forgot his name!

June 28, 2009 2:46 PM


safe keeping said...

Posted by Matt Rose:

Yes, I'm A Liberal

Conservatives have it easy. Every time something happens to confuse their world, they just open their maws and swallow it up, claiming it was conservative orthodoxy all the time. Even neo-cons, whatever the hell they are. "Oh yeah, we always believed that."

But liberals? Nooooooo. We get accused of the most absurd stuff by the Busherinas — Neville Chamberlin-like appeasement to the murdering scum terrorist sons of bitches in the Middle East. (How'z that for sounding like a tough liberal?) The damn conservatives have made "liberal" a dirty word, so now we're "progressive," we're Clinton "centrists," we're pragmatists. (And how did we liberals ever let those Republican word-meisters pin the liberal tail on Clinton's ass? If he's a liberal, I'm a porcupine.)

I love the attacks on the ACLU, the one organization that conservatives should be pouring money into. The ACLU has one purpose — to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. But the conservatives only agree with that when it suits their purposes. Equal rights for women, blacks, gays. Shit, ain't nothing written about that in the stupid Constitution. In fact, the Constitution institutionalizes slavery. Goddamn, ma'am. You gotta stand up for what you believe even if it's based on bias, bigotry, and brain aneurysms.

Posted by Matt Rose at 1:44 PM

safe keeping from BPB blog. said...

I am either being bullied into talking about my solution to China or people are relying on my ego to get the better of me. Either way, any solution I come up with will be met with derision and ridicule by my self-appointed opponents. So here goes:

We know that China holds over $800 billion in bonds with the United States government. Japan is second if I remember correctly and then a conglomerated Carribean. So, one blogger is right. We do need to pay off the Chinese. Here is the reality, the government/obama has set aside several billion dollars that doesn't exist for stimulus. How much of that has been spent? Not much at all and thank God for that. Seems to me a large cash infusion to China is in order.

So, next step. We have over 14K in Chinese students and perhaps a little more in Chinese tourists. When these people go back home, the Chinese government has a program in place where all these people are debriefed. Who knows how effective this program is? I'm sure with that many people in the country at any given time, it can be fairly to very effective. So, cut/limit the number of students and visitors from China to our country.

The idea that we can't survive without consumer goods from China is another problem to tackle. One of the biggest questions I have for you is how did we get to this point? The further our own government pushes us to make things easier for minimum wage earners in the form of increasing wages, benefits and the ever increasing demand from labor unions, the more consumer goods are pushed overseas. If we were to stop now, it wouldn't be enough. But, instead we are trying to further whip businesses into giving more entitlements to employees. Labor in this country is a joke, also. Not so in many of these other countries to include China.

Americans need to understand that entry level wage earners are just that. Entry level doesn't get you healthcare, four hour breaks, etc. The Chinese understand this as do many other countries. If our work ethic doesn't improve and we don't dump the sense of 'leveling the playing field' so that a boss is just the same as an entry level worker, we will continue to see businesses kept overseas.

It is a rough plan, but it's a start. One blogger who is a real red hat person (a show stopper) will just point out flaws in this, but the trouble is, they won't have anything beneficial to add.

We need problem solvers that are willing to put it all out there. The problem solvers can then get together and discuss. We need to keep the red hats doing what they do best, nothing. It's OK to apply critical thinking to any situation. What is not OK is to criticize and do nothing, for that is not critical thought.
Posted by bluepitbull at 8:34 AM

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safe keeping said...

LYNNE said...
But Jews have brains!

August 21, 2009 3:12 PM

On Redundant? Who, Me?

safekeeping said...

Matt Rose said...
Who wants Obama's Health Care? Not me!!
Why is he pushing this socialist plan down our mouths?
All for the sake of insuring millions of illegals, more benefits for people on welfare (MEDICAID) and those that choose not to get their own insurance. So my question to all that want this government health care reform to go through...How many millions of people do you want to die for the sake of your health insurance? Do you want more government control over your life or less? Are you able to look into the eyes of your parents/grandparents, an injured veteran, a premature baby, senior, disabled child or adult and say...Sorry, I must let you die because I'm younger, healthier and I need health insurance?! Really dig deep within yourself and ask...How many do I want to kill for my health insurance coverage? Yes, we need health reform for all, but not this DEATH reform and more government control.

August 22, 2009 11:58 AM

Posted by Matt Rose originally on REDUNDANT? WHO, mE?

Safe keeping said...

Why I hate liberals like you Truth101!
Let me count the ways..
Because they want to destroy my family, oppress my children, take away my beliefs and way of life. They are a scourge on society and have openly declared war on all Christians. Liberal are trying to keep racism alive by pushing whites down and making minorities think that all white people are out to get them. I hate liberals, along with most every-one I know and we will go to war with the bastards and when they are before the Lord in judgment they will learn the error of their ways only it will be to late!
they always come in with there stupid attitude that we took away the native Americans land so what if we did? That was the way it was at that time! And the same thing goes for the Blacks and their “Slavery” mantra .
I mostly hate liberals because of the hypocrisy, political correctness and zero-tolerance .
The biggest reason I hate liberals is the fact that they are whiny, ignorant, backward, spoiled, snooty, hypocritical MORONS! Not all liberals are but the ones one these blogs are.
And lets not forget that they are a bunch of "tree huggers" and "environmentalist wackos".

Posted by BloggingJoel, on "Blasphemous Racism 101" 9/2/09

safekeeping from SPD said...

I stand by what I wrote 100 percent Patrick. For you to say that the right doesn't make an effort to pander to bigots and idiots either shows you to be a blind fool or a fucking apologist for these assholes.

Every time they mention welfare the image isn't of a single Dad trying to raise his kids and make ends meet. It's a black mother with multiple kids and no husband. Willie Horton ad ring a bell Patrick? The right wing feux news Fox network giving airtime to idiots calling our President everything but the N word?

There is no defense for the bullshit racist innuendo Obama haters use. It shows they have neither substance as you accuse me of. All they have is bullshit attacks on the man's heritage because they're either too stupid to think of anything else. They know they have nothing else. Or they are just racist mother fuckers that don't like the idea of a black man being President.

Posted on Sane Political Discourse. 9/18/09

safe keeping from Right is Right's blog said...

Posted to Right is Right on 11/1/09

I came here with an open mind and open heart RiR. Just like one of my heroes, Jimmy Carter.

I found the same drivel from deluded right wingers as always. TAO gives a rational and reasoned defense of his views on how tax dollars are spent, and your minions offer nothing in return but call hin and I idiots.

I don't have a problem with you wanting your ego stroked RiR. I do feel sad for you that you have to appeal to backward thinking fools to get it though.

If you want to talk, I'm always available.

November 1, 2009 1:50 PM

safekeeping said...

Posted to RiR:

"Ok. Ok. You've done a good job baiting me to come here so you can tell your disciples you deleted Truth 101. As a gentleman, I consider this the same as holding the door for a lady. You may delete me now Ms. Right is Right.

But try to keep your squeels of delight at a low level Toots. Wouldn't want the neighbors thinking you're not the wholesome, all American sweetheart you've strived to portray yourself as."

November 12, 2009 12:27 PM

safekeeping said...

You come up with real spending cuts and policies to get our fiscal house in order and I will be glad to listen and praise you. The truth is you, and your neocon republican leaders won't because your side is not into making tough choices. And save me the crap about invading Iraq and Afghanistan as being tough for the neocon right. They were easy choices for them becuase they benefitted the defense contractors and Halliburton. Groups that donbate millions to them.

Posted to Landshark 5150 on 11/14/09

safekeeping said...

This comment posted by Malcontent, on 11/19 to "Go AHEAD. MAKE A RIGHT WINGER'S DAY"

Let’s cut to the chase regarding President Barack Obama’s health care plan, or, as it’s formally called, the Affordable Health
Maybe leftsist will get sick of Obama when they start to FEEL his policies for themselves.

I'm in disagreement w/breast cancer guidelines. Rationing to some women to treat others?

Leftist though, are classic misogynists. Perhaps Obama thinks we shouldn't give men prostate exams until they are in their 60's or older.

To hell with those who can't afford the exam but get it early. I guess they are just an acceptable statistic...

And let's not start the argument that a prostate exam is only $80-$100 for or so for a doctor's office visit while a mammogram is far more expensive. It's the principal.If You Like the Government Reducing Your Ability to Get Mammograms, You're Gonna Love ObamaCare!

I better get that dick enlargement operation done asap!
Finally we see the real obama, the guy who spent years at the knee of Rev Wright, the hate mongering anti American racist. Too bad McCain did not have the courage to use Obamas past and his assoiations against him, he might have saved the country, but that would have put his standing with the media at risk.
Obama appears to be no more than a race pimp in the mold of Jackson,Jackson Jr. and Sharpton with his attack on police and white people. You know what the difference between white and blacks are Mr. Obama? A white guy who acted your lowlife buddy would still be in jail,and thats the truth.
For months I could not figure out if Obama was an imbecile(proper tire inflation) or a lunatic socialist. Now I am convince he is both.
Obama is a radical left wing terrorist sympathizer that makes Jimmy Carter look like a conservative.

November 20, 2009 7:01 AM

safe keeping said...

Pamela said: "But is it possible with so many people wanting living wages, benefits, vacations, sick days and many being organized as unions. It ends up costing a lot of money and then the cost of the “item” is so much more than say importing it from China."

Let me ask you Pamela. Why wouldn't we all want a job with all the things you mentioned? We are fortunate to live in a Country that has encouraged this. I feel badly for the workers of other countries that don't. I believe it's criminal for our manufacturing jobs to go to countries that abuse and exploit. That doesn't mean we should abuse and exploit also.

Our workers have bit the bullet many times. When will CEO's start biting the bullet?

Your problem is with a system that encourages cheap price over quality at the expense of the American Worker.

Many foreign manufacturers are not subject to child labor laws. I don't believe for ine second that Nike sneakers would be priced any higher if they were made here in AMerica by workers making 12 to 16 bucks and hour with benefits than they are now being made in Indonesia by workers, many of them children, for a dollar or two a day.

There is nothing wrong with protectionism. I think it's damn patriotic to protect the jobs like yours and your husbands from unfair foreign competition.

November 28, 2009 9:00pm

Posted to Oracular Opinion