Somewhere along the way the right managed to make "liberal" a dirty word in the minds of the republican base of bigots, homophobes and idiots. And what they've also managed to do unwittingly is make the word "conservative" a far dirtier word.
And the truth of the matter is that "conservative" is a terrible thing. It connotes backward thought. And hatred of all that is not simply explained.
"Conservative" is an apt description of many of the evil bastards that have disgraced the world with their presence. Ayatollah Khomeini was "hard line conservative." The Taliban are "conservative." Warren Jeffs was another "conservative,"
The republicans have realized that conservatism is akin to prickism so they have made efforts to switch their pet word "conservative" to something else. The new word(s) for them are now "Tea Partiers."
This is quickly coming to an end though because the Tea Baggers say exactly the same bullshit as "conservatives." They just call themselves tea partiers.
It's gotten so bad for these turkey's that not even the goofy Michelle Bachman wants to speak to them at their "convention." They have to pay Sarah Palin 100 grand to show up. So much for her dedication to the movement. But republicans should be rightly proud that she is trying to make money off these hypocrites that sat on their hands while Bush was spending us into the abyss.
Eventually the tea baggers will realize they've been duped. They're probably just hanging on to the tea party thing to put off acknowledging that I am correct about them being nothing but dupes for the rich and powerful masters of the republican party.
Locally we have a wealthy and powerful guy who just bought a bunch of signs that say "The Tea Party Difference" on them. This was a response to the "Union Difference" signs that are seen all over my town. But the tea baggers are blind to the significance of this. It just shows that a rich guy is as usual, controlling them while they stab themselves in the back. And while he's at the club with his rich buddies, the rank and file tea baggers are going to work at their jobs with less than union wages and at the mercy of the whims of their employers. Maybe these people think serfdom is a wonderful life. But this goes to show that "conservative" as me and my big brother TAO say, equal feudalism.