My local Tea Party activist recently demanded that our local aldermen sign a pledge or his Tea Partiers would work against them in the next election. One alderman signed the pledge. So far the rest of them have shown good judgement and haven't signed it. There were some points of local interest in the pledge. I left them out because I'm interested in how this relates to everyone. Here are twelve of the points the Tea Party Grand Puhbah is demanding obedience to:
1. I will unconditionally honor and support the United States Constitution.
2. I will always support smaller government, smaller national debt, lower deficits and lower taxes by opposing legislation that is contrary to the Constitution.
3. I will always support market-based healthcare reform and oppose government-run healthcare.
4. I will always support market-based energy reforms by opposing cap-and-trade legislation.
5. I will always support workers' right to secret ballot by opposing card check.
6. I will always support legal immigration and assimilation into American society by opposing amnesty for illegal immigrants.
7. I will always support victory in Iraq and Afghanistan by supporting military-recommended troop surges.
8. I will always support containment of Iran and North Korea, particularly effective action to eliminate their nuclear weapons threat.
9. I will always support retention of the Defense of Marriage Act.
10. I will always support protecting the lives of vulnerable persons by opposing healthcare rationing and denial of healthcare and government funding of abortion.
11. I will always support the right to keep and bear arms by opposing government restrictions on gun ownership.
12. I will work toward legislation that provides term limits at all levels of government
I can understand wanting to follow the Constitution. Limiting government to only what will improve our lives. Wanting lower taxes. Who wouldn't?
But this thing is nothing but a repeat of Newt's "Contract with America." Nothing really original about it. It gives proof to my contention that these tea baggers are mostly dupes for the republican party. Look closely and everything in here is republican jive. All of it easily refuted and for the most part, just blather designed to appeal to the simple minded. A major constituency of the republican party.
What I thought was kind of funny was the threat of working against officials that didn't sign this silly blackmail note. What kind of sane thinking person would limit the options available by signing this thing? The two invasions and occupations have cost us nearly a trillion dollars. The Tea Partiers claim to be fiscally responsible and troop surges and occupations but then hypocritically give no way to pay for them because they demand no new taxes. JUST LIKE THE REPUBLICANS!
What all this has to do with a local city council I don't know. But one more thing to show this is just a republican higher up con job. The republicans demand loyalty above all else. Look at Michael Steele. This poor sap had to prostrate himself at the crotch of Rush Limbaugh soon after he was elected Chairman of the republican party. Think of all the others that have been forced to suck up to Rush. Now this document shows up demanding adherence to the right wing twelve commandments or the Tea Partiers, under there shadow leadership of Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck and these poor deluded fools don't even know it. Or the Tea Party will work against those that refuse to obey.
Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck pull the strings. The Tea Baggers dance. Let freedom ring.