Being an active participant in several discussions on health care reform has given me great insight into the right wing mind. It narrows down to them just being selfish.
Allow me to explain. The right demands tax cuts. They tell us nonsense about how cutting taxes raises taxes. Then they go into their spin about how lower taxes didn't lead to deficits. It was spending the money that wasn't collected even though more was collected when taxes were lowered. Eventually they also get confused and resort to calling people like me that call them on their nonsense commies.,pinkos and socialists.
Funny how the lion's share of their tax cuts go to the wealthiest of them. How about that. But this goes to prove my premise even further. Like it or not, anyone who describes himself as a republican and living anything but an upper class existence is a dupe.
Let me go even further. A big worry the right has with national health insurance is that illegal aliens will get treated on taxpayer dollars. The poor will get free health care. Think about what these right wingers are really saying. They are jealous of the poor and illegal aliens because they might get something free. It's a weird form of reverse class envy.
Now I've advocated for my single payer plan for two years. First as THE ORACLE. Now as Truth 101. I have graciously compromised with several right leaning bloggers who gave excellent suggestions to make this plan stronger. But the one thing I've done is propose a payroll tax and deductibles precisely so everyone will contribute to the system. For most of us with health insurance, this would be at worst a revenue neutral situation but the burden of health insurance would be lifted from business. Instead of embracing this plan in which even the lower wage earners contribute, the right pillories it. Even when a plan is submitted that has the poor pay they still complain.
It's time to stop worrying about people with little to nothing getting something "free." If the price of free health care and food stamps is poverty, they're the ones with the bad deal.
Truth - No way man, no way. I own and operate a small business. The punitive tax schemes and overall dollar amounts that go out of my business with 6 employees would boggle anyone's mind. There will come a point when it is not worth it to put so much effort in my small business, to tell you the truth, it's close right now! It has nothing to do with selfishness, it has everything to do with liberty. When a government takes 50% or more of my income I am no longer a free man. I am a slave. By the way too my friend, I am certainly not rich and am EXTREMELY overtaxed. This is where we apparently have zero agreement.
On the other hand, I am more of a libertarian than 'right wing' so perhaps your argument doesn't apply? Hope you consider my points.
If the burden of health insurance for you and your employees were lifted you would benefit LCR.
I don't have enough information about your tax schedule and if the benefits you get from your tax dollars are worth the money you pay LCR. That's really nobody's business anyway. Before you think about closing your business think about this though. I only have three regrets in my life. One of them is closing my business. There isn't a day goes by I don't kick myself for that or one of the other two regrets.
I stand by the premise of the original post. I've had far too many right leaning folks use anger that illegal aliens and poor people getting "free" stuff as an argument against universal health insurance to come to any other conclusion.
You will notice that I want everyone to have a stake in supporting government and the services it provides.
Let's look at a few things...
After all, this is a post to generate as much discussion as the last one. He doesn't really mean any of those things. Never bite at that stuff.
Libertarianism is a branch of conservatism. Neither are right wing. That is a concept the left teaches in basic gov.
Again, this is a post to get what T101 considers the "right" fired up. Don't do it.
If the government is taking 50% of your income (income being profits from business after all expenses) then you need to find yourself another CPA...or move to another state! Or you could set up multiple companies and then do the shell game trick and create an NOL that you can tap into from time to time; I call that the big company trick. Remember, 185 of the companies on the SP500 did not pay taxes at all in 2007 and yet they made huge profits.
The key is our country is keyed to reward wealth and investment gains but our tax code is not geared to reward hard work and or small companies with less than a hundred employees. The sad part is that we need to get back to rewarding hard work, savings, and people going off and starting their own companies because it is obvious that globalization will not give us the ability to create high paying jobs in the future.
We also need to give up on being a superpower militarily and look at regaining our ability as an economic and innovative powerhouse.
I hired 7 people this month and Fruit of the Loom, which is right down the street from me, laid off 150 in town and guess who is getting tax assistance from the local and state government? Not me.
The trouble is I have no lobbyists and neither do you...
The issue is not liberty, because if you follow that line then you justify the military expenditures to maintain our 'freedom' all over the world. If all of the sudden you stopped welfare, unemployment, and all of that, then you would have about 20% of the US population out in the streets and our towns would become very unsafe and our economy would be very unstable.
The issue is why our economy is in the mess it is in and it has as much to do with our corporations as it does with our government.
Find one of the top 1,000 companies in the United States that pays 50% of its income in taxes...you can't! Now, ask yourself why their income is so different from yours...
It isn't but you begin to understand where Truth is coming from....as a small business owner myself I relate more to the folks on welfare and those clamoring for health reform than I do with the folks on Wall Street.
Truth - With all due respect, I want the decision to carry health insurance for my employees or not to be strictly a private matter between myself and my employees.
I appreciate your advice on shuttering my business, it would be a tough choice since I have put my blood sweat and tears into it for 15 years.
By the way too, you will never hear me argue against sweeping big-government programs that I am against by simply saying that 'illegals will milk the system' or such. To me that is an external component of a much larger philosophical picture. I would like to challenge people more on just why we should oppose an ever-increasing government largess and encroachment of our personal and civil liberties.
The trouble for Libertarians, Conservatives, and Liberals is that politics is no longer about invdividuals or individualism but rather about special interests and voting blocks.
Its corporatism plain and simple. The big difference between the reactionary right and traditional libertarians and conservatives is that the reactionary right wants to attack big government liberalism but says nothing about big government corporatism. Libertarians and Conservatives should have been just as opposed to Bush as they are to Obama while the reactionary right attacks Obama and secretly supports Bush.
Neo Conservatives are just liberals who couldn't get jobs with the Democrats....
Tao - I agree with you 100%. One of the reasons that I am such a 'nutty libertarian' is that I see daily the injustice that our government perpetrates on small businesses such as mine. As you say, I don't have lobbyists or essentially anyone speaking for me. Also, you are correct in that I need to find another state of residence. CA taxes at a top rate of 11% now, can you imagine that?
BTW too, Truth and TAO, I may not agree with you guys often but I do respect your intellect. I wish I could sit with you both over consecutive evenings and have spirited discussions over a few beers.......
TAO - Although I didn't have my 'bully pulpit' blog during the Bush era, I will tell you that I was just as big of a critic of him as I am of Obama.
Neo Conservatives are just liberals who couldn't get jobs with the Democrats....
Now that is the truth! You will find that there are many that agree, Carl Wicklander over at Uncouth Ruminations is one that comes to mind....
Truth be told LCR, were I ever to have the privilege of sitting at the table with you and TAO over a few, I would be content to listen.
I know what you mean about the jobs thing TAO. Perhaps not in the exact way you intend. But that's a subject for another post.
You really don't get it do you!
You can call it what ever you want to! I know just what you are doing! So do many others! I would act like this no matter what the party! Seeing “a government take over” of anything is not done in this country! It reminds me of what happened in Germany!
Stop calling me and my party member’s names!
You libs seem to have an excuse for everything. How come I don't see any complaining about rich liberals? There seems to be a distinction between rich Republicans and rich liberals in your distorted mind. . ... Talk about how Republicans screw everything up but the republicans aren't the ones in office now are they? Why nbot put the blame where it belongs in Obama's hands!!
Ted Kennedy's own private health insurance paid for by the Government, though not administrated by the Government, is why we should not name the Bill after Senator Kennedy. He himself and every other Senator would never be required to accept the same trash insurance the Government is trying to dump on we the citizenry as a whole. The fact that a single payer plan, which will be the goal whether currently stated or not, admninistrated by the Federal Government will rob us all as poverty sweeps the nation. The theft of our sovereignty, by Government spending on Kennedy's watch over forty years, and the fact that this bill would destroy us as a nation would be the best reason to name it after Kennedy. He is not representative of my America and neither is this bill which should be buried right along with him.
A Guy From Brooklyn...
You are already being robbed and are facing poverty...
Thanks to 20 years of your beloved Republican rule oh, and don't go on and on about how you have issues with Republicans because that is just something you can say now because the Republicans aren't in control...you had your 20 years to get what you wanted and demand the change you so want to see and guess what? NO ONE LISTENED TO YOU THEN so why do you expect anyone is going to listen to you now?
Should have been blogging back in the days when Reagan was giving it up to the big corporations....or at least back in the days when Bush was giving away via lower taxes a SURPLUS projected by Clinton that no one now admits existed...
Tao, that was Spoken like a true leftist. Not only is Hussein a lefty, he is a radical lefty whose intention is to destroy everything that those before him stood for.
People like him and people like you are what is keeping our country divided. I did not vote for president Obama thank GOD , and I see what has been happening to our country in only 8 months. You "hard right" knuckleheads really need to get a life. This president his hell bent on bringing us to socialism weather you think so or not. I can see that you are a koolaide drinker and I pity you and those like you, but more than that I pit myself and people like me that will be going the path of this IDIOT along with you.
You Obama supporters need to jump ship while you can. We conservatives want tell anybody. We’ll can be Liberal enough just one time to let you come aboard our ship where Old Glory is flyin’ high. I love this country too much to just stand by and see it dragged down to third worldism. How can anyone that is not blind not see what he is doing, the nails have already been placed in our coffin
The radical fringe in charge of the dem party these days is sinking to a new low . And all you lefties can do is call people names. Well go ahead and kiss your ass goodbye along with your children’s as well, because they will never know the freedoms that we ONCE had and that brave people stood on foreign soil fighting and dying for.
Sorry to use your blog to send a message to Shaw Kenawe who so cowardly shut her blog down from comments. But I know she reads this.
Shaw in regard to you latest blog about a "Poem" to Ted Kennedy. That is the most ridiculous thing anyone could have come up with!!
You Freakin libs are so Predictable! Less than 24 hours after his death. You Libtards are so PATHETIC. "Do it for Teddy" RE-WRITE the BILL to reflect the SAME EXACT HEALTHCARE HE RECEIVED.
Well screw Ted Kennedy and the snorkel he swam home with.
I hope responsible Dems separate themselves from idiots like you and for once in their lives WAKE UP to the mess that people like Kennedy and Obama have put us in.
Pelosi says Ted Kennedy had the ability to effect change in people's lives. Ask Mary Jo Kopeckne how he changed her life. Oh, that's right, you can't ask her, can you?
Yes, you got that right, Shaw Kenawe is indeed the COWARD she calls everyone else.
Typical, liberal COWARD! With no logic they just attack, and then shut their comment setting down..
"has given me great insight into the right wing mind. It narrows down to them just being selfish."
Being selfish, because I don't want my hard earned money to go to taxes that will be used to pay for healthcare to ILLEGALS!
Get a grip on yourself, Screw them, I am not going to be the a compassionate jerk as you may be.
Your tax dollars already go to treat illegals that show up in emergency rooms Baby. How come your precious Republicans didn't change that when they and Bush were in power? Oh yeah. Selfish republican businesspeople that use illegal alien labor so they get out of paying social security and workmans comp don't want anything done about their cheap, slave illegal alien labor. You are a dupe.
. You are a dupe.?
Who the hell are you to tell her that?
I am TRUTH 101 Brooklyn Dude. Exposer of dupes. You're also a dupe pal.
TRUTH 101 said...
I am TRUTH 101
You are also A-Hole of the Blogisphere.
TRUTH 101 said...
I am TRUTH 101
A Guy From Brooklyn said...
You are also A-Hole of the Blogisphere.
Thank you Brooklyn Guy, I second that comment!
At least you two only hate me. If I were on food stamps you'd be jealous also.
More classless comments for the righty's
Please see the above photograph!
Where are you now my hypocritical liberal friends? Where are your protests against Obama's inept handling of the war? Our troops are still dying in Iraq and now they are dying in greater numbers than ever before in Afghanistan. Where is your outrage and concern for their welfare? Where are the poorly crafted facsimiles of Obama being burned in effigy? Why is Cindy Sheehan not camped outside Obama's house in Chicago?
Nowhere! That is where your protests are. I am thus vindicated. You do not care about the troops in the least! Not only that, but I am also vindicated in asserting that you have no idea how to handle troops. Your man's fat fingered efforts to fight "the right war", the one in Afghanistan is proving that. His ineptitude has bathed his hands in the blood of patriots.
You liberal hypocrites.
Do you remember when George Bush was in the White House and the libs were pissed off because he wanted the ability to intercept the conversations of terrorists in foreign countries? So you think they're better than ol' George was? Well dash right out to www.cars.gov and see if your car qualifies as a clunker under the "cash for clunkers" program. If you are a democrat I dare you to!
After clicking on a "privacy" disclaimer, you are informed of the following:
This application provides access to the AoT CARS system. When logged on to the CARS system, your computer is considered a Federal computer system and is the property of the U.S. Government. Any or all uses of this system and all files on this system may be intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, audited, inspected, and disclosed to authorized CARS, DoT, and law enforcement personnel, as well as authorized officials of other agencies, both domestic and foreign.
So not only is the Obama White house interested in eavesdropping on the conversations of terrorists, they're interested in seizing your computer records and turning them over to foreign governments.
Like cockroaches scurrying to hide when the light is unexpectedly switched on, the Obama administration quickly removed the offending disclaimer and is working to "replace it with more appropriate wording". I wonder, how does one word a proclamation illegally seizing private property better?
You just can't make this shit up!
So my "
Little" liberal friend, don't go mouthing off about rich republicans when your own back yard is filthy!
Log on to any computer network and the same rule applies. Google is monitoring and placing tracking cookies on your computer as you read this. Log on to your bank's system. They have to protect their systems from malicious programs.
Truth101: The right demands tax cuts. They tell us nonsense about how cutting taxes raises taxes. Then they go into their spin about how lower taxes didn't lead to deficits. ... Like it or not, anyone who describes himself as a republican and living anything but an upper class existence is a dupe.
Yes, that certainly is convoluted logic. All they've got are disproven theories that they tried to justify with half-baked logic... when it was pretty clear from the beginning that the entire purpose of their economic theories was to justify tax policies that favored the rich. A quote from Nobel prize laureate James Tobin on wikipedia says, "the Laffer Curve idea that tax cuts would actually increase revenues turned out to deserve the ridicule with which sober economists had greeted it in 1981". Yes, I'd have to agree that they're dupes. Even after 20+ years of supply side economics, the upper 1 percent richer than ever, AND the economy in the toilet... somehow it's Barack Obama's fault.
Elmer Said... Our troops are still dying in Iraq and now they are dying ... in Afghanistan. Where is your outrage and concern for their welfare? ... Nowhere! That is where your protests are. I am thus vindicated.
Liberals Mobilize Against Obama’s Afghanistan Plan: ...a coalition of anti-war groups and individuals announced it is mobilizing a "major campaign" against any deepening of the war. The campaign will include legislative lobbying, grassroots organizing and online activism, according to the Brave New Foundation and Peace Action West.
There goes Elmer's "vindication". BTW we've got the same secretary of defense and the same military so I don't see how you can blame things going poorly there on President Obama's "ineptitude". We can't win. Other nations have tried and they've all failed. The sooner President Obama realizes that the better. I'll hold him responsible for the mistakes he's making. Although I'm sure you'd be screaming if he had decided to pull out immediately. It was the right war when bush was in office but the wrong war now that President Obama is in charge. It's YOUR hypocrisy which is showing.
BigWayneO said... You just can't make this shit up!
You can't? I'm inclined to think that YOU can, seeing as this disclaimer has now been "removed" and I have only your word that it was ever there in the first place. Sounds like a mistake blown out of proportion to me.
As for your claim that "libs were pissed off because [president doofus] wanted the ability to intercept the conversations of terrorists in foreign countries" -- that defense was disproven quite awhile ago. Try to keep current -- it will save you the embarrassment of repeating OLD debunked lies.
Inside Account of U.S. Eavesdropping on Americans Despite pledges by President Bush and American intelligence officials to the contrary, hundreds of US citizens overseas [our soldiers] have been eavesdropped on as they called friends and family back home ... the contents of the calls [are] "personal, private things with Americans who are not in any way, shape or form associated with anything to do with terrorism".
BigWayneO, This story is almost a YEAR old!
BTW *if* anyone is interested: I just posted again on my blog - that's three posts in 3 days. I'll try to keep it up for awhile and see where it gets me.
w-dervish said..BTW *if* anyone is interested: I just posted again on my blog - that's three posts in 3 days. I'll try to keep it up for awhile and see where it gets me.
not interested.
LYNNE said... not interested.
OK, that's fine. However, why the hell would you think I'd want to know that you WEREN'T interested? Sorry to disappoint, but my feelings aren't hurt.
"Funny how the lion's share of their tax cuts go to the wealthiest of them."
Well, they pay the most taxes, so it kind of makes sense, doesn't it?
As this Wall Street Journal article explains:
"A very small number of taxpayers -- the 10% of the country that makes more than $92,400 a year -- pay 72.4% of the nation's income taxes. They're the tip of the triangle that's supporting virtually everyone and everything. Their burden keeps getting heavier.
As a result of the 2001 tax cuts enacted by a bipartisan Congress and signed by President George W. Bush, the share of taxes paid by the top 10% increased to 72.8% in 2005 from 67.8% in 2001, according to the latest data from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).
Contrary to the myth that Mr. Bush cut taxes only for the wealthy, the 2001 tax cut reduced taxes for every income-tax payer in the country. He reduced the bottom tax rate to 10% from 15% and increased the refundable child tax credit to $1,000 from $500 per child, both cuts that President Barack Obama says we should keep. In so doing, millions of lower income taxpayers were removed from the tax rolls, shifting the remaining burden to those at the top, even after their taxes were cut."
It's not fair that so few people pay so much of the tax revenue.
The problem with the distribution described above is that lower wage earners see rich people as their piggybanks to be taxed for their personal benefit. This is not right.
We need to revise the tax burden so that it's more evenly distributed among all income levels.
Oh, how I love to argue about taxes. Who really understands this stuff? All I know is that I don't feel real good about the government intruding into my life. I make the money, I'd like to spend it. Just a thought.
I don't mind spending money on roads, sewers, sidewalks, military, etc. But the government has backed itself into a corner and now the majority of our budget is spent on entitlements. When did they become entitlements?
We are entitled to work, make a wage, and take care of our families. After that, it's a crap shoot that has gotten out of hand. I don't believe in victimization of any kind.
BTW, Bush and the Repubs spend money just like any other elected jerks. I don't hold much with any politicians. They all spend our money to enhance their power.
Drug dealers depend on addicts for their living and politicians depend on government services addicts for their living. Same difference.
Good day, sir.
I just came back for a shot visit to you friend Jennifer's blog and here is what I found there written by her.
" I went to a few conservative blogs that I don't normally visit and found they took great joy in bashing liberals."
How enlightening!
My President is Black and I’m Proud
Let Us Remember and Not Forget
o Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
o Malcolm X
o Medgar Evans
o Rosa Parks
o Emitt Till
o Huey P. Newton
o Stokely Carmichael
o Assata Shakur
o Angela Davis
o Linda Brown
o Ruby Bridges
o Homer Plessy
o Dred Scott
o Nat Turner
o Jessie Hackson
o Harriet Tubman
o The Little Rock Nine
o Ralph Abernathy
o Rev. Al Sharpton
o Ella Josephine Baker
o W.E.B. Dubois
o Fannie Lou Hamer
o And More
The wealthy control most of the wealth Tom and LAOT. That's why they pay the most taxes. It's tough being sympathetic to a Bill Gates or a health insurance company CEO because their tax burden is higher than mine. They have the influence over our legislators. They benefit from the largesse of America the most. bbI do agree we all need to contribute to our system. But even if we came together on a fair system, we'd still need an extremely rich guy backing us up to get it through Congress.
Points well made WD. Count me as a regular to your excellent site.
Glennisha: Thanks for your comment. I'm proud of President Obama also.
It was an interesting discussion until angry people derailed it. Then Lynne jumped on board.
Lynne, you shouldn't insult anyone or say anything unless you are going to unlock your blog.
I was learning about how small businesses are taxed and how they operate.
bluepitbull, as always your mouth is bigger than your brain. Conservatives like you have a lot to learn from people like Truth and Shaw... What these liberals have done is awaken American from the past 8 miserable years we had to endure and the president we had to put up with.
You should hang around here more often, you have a lot to learn from Truth and Shaw. So why not start with reading and listening instead of piping off.
Truth101 said:
Glennisha: Thanks for your comment. I'm proud of President Obama also.
But she's OBVIOUSLY only proud of him because he's Black!
How about you?
Blogger LYNNE said...
bluepitbull, as always your mouth is bigger than your brain. Conservatives like you have a lot to learn from people like Truth and Shaw... What these liberals have done is awaken American from the past 8 miserable years we had to endure and the president we had to put up with.
You should hang around here more often, you have a lot to learn from Truth and Shaw. So why not start with reading and listening instead of piping off.
Miserable years? What effect did it have on you? It certainly didn't make your blog uninvisible.
I refuse to listen to people like you who just live to derail conversations. You are clearly one of those.
PitBull Said:
"I refuse to listen to people like you who just live to derail conversations. You are clearly one of those."
And yet YOU do!
Anonymous said :
"Truth101 said:
Glennisha: Thanks for your comment. I'm proud of President Obama also.
But she's OBVIOUSLY only proud of him because he's Black!
How about you?"
Ivy League graduate. Served as a community organizer when he could have made tons of money doing something else. Worked his way up the ladder from state senator to US Senator to President of the United States. He has a fantastic wife and is raising two outstanding daughters.
Damn right I'm proud of President Barack Obama. I hope my own son grows up to be just like him.
Boy did I come late to this party! But this is an interesting one so I figure I'll add my $0.02 anyway...
I don't know if selfish is the word I'd choose, because there is a broad spectrum of conservative thought that has the same ideology for different reasons.
On one end you have poor republicans who statisically reside in the lower middle class spectrum or live in rural areas. Now the people in rural areas tend to have an attitude that they don't need government at all because they are incredibly self sufficient (which tends to be true) so it's not as much that they hate universal healthcare as much as they hate government everything.
Then lower middle class republicans, purely from unscientific observation, seem to say F the government... give me liberty or give me death! They also say this because the make juuuuuuuust enough money not to qualify for anything, and still get squeezed for everything else.
Then you have rich republicans, who like poor republicans feel they have earned their dollar and don't feel obligated to give back to the system that helped to create their wealth. This group, I'd call selfish.
But Middle Class republicans (and democrats) are in the same boat. No matter how you shake it, the middle class ALWAYS gets blasted with change first - the poor get federal and state assistance and the rich have enough money to absorb the damage. The question becomes "how willing are you to take the hit for massive reform?" Democrats tend to be ready to take the hit, even if begrudingly, because liberal ideology tends to take the long view at poltical issues. Conservatives however re not willing to take the hit in most cases because it hurts their wallets bad now, and they have a certain pride about doing it "the hard way."
So while I really hate painting in broad strokes, I'd have to say that the conservative argument, at least regarding healthcare, is not selfish but uncompassionate. I don't care if 46 million or 19 million people can't get healhcare, all I know is that everybody needs *some* kind of coverage. But they don't even believe that much! It's more about protecting their money than protecting the well being of their fellow Americans. That's what has, and will always make this debate an uphill battle.
My 89 year old mother in law, born and bred American, loves her medicare and cannot understand why everyone can't have access to medicare.
As a voter she is strictly conservative and has NEVER voted democrat...and she considers healthcare reform to be socialism and is against it....
So, on one hand she believes medicare should be available to everyone and on the other she believes "Obamacare" is socialism and will destroy this country...
Kind of like the veterans going on and on about the unions and their benefits bankrupting their companies while never realizing that the same argument could be made about the military/veterans and this country....
A promise is one thing if it is made to you and something is only 'earned' if you are the one receiving it...
truth101 said...Damn right I'm proud of President Barack Obama. I hope my own son grows up to be just like him.
don't worry, he most likely will.
TRUTH, excuse me for using this blog to reply to this commenter:
An American that cares! said...
Sorry to use your blog to send a message to Shaw Kenawe who so cowardly shut her blog down from comments. But I know she reads this.
To An American that cares: I shut down my blog because, as was very clearly stated and what you apparently chose to ignore, my blog became infested with the worst invective, smears, scatology, and loathsome talk about a man I cared about and who is dead. I had no obligation to allow sick minds to infect MY blog with their depravity. Apparently you didn't understand this, and called my action "cowardly" when it was, in fact, the only action I could employ to stop the sordid and detestable gutter talk written by your ilk about a dead man. It appears you're enraged because I did not give you the opportunity to join in with your fellow travelers in disgracing yourself.
An American that cares also wrote:
Shaw in regard to you latest blog about a "Poem" to Ted Kennedy. That is the most ridiculous thing anyone could have come up with!!
American that cares. I don't know who you are, but the fact that you would mock me for posting a beautiful poem written by one of the world's greatest poets, and for posting it about someone who I admired and cared about ON MY OWN BLOG, shows me and everyone else who read that heartless comment you haven't a drop of human kindness or consideration in your cold and thoroughly contemptible heart.
I pity your family and friends--if you even have any.
(Thank you TRUTH for allowing me to reply to this miscreant.)
It's always hard to change people's minds because the old impediment to progress "that's the way we've always done it" is like an eleventh commandment to so many people. But after a change is made, whether it be FDR and Social Security or LBJ and Medicare, before long they get used to it. It then becomes as much a must have as cable TV and the internet. Remeber when Bush tried to revamp Social Security. The freaking program had the word "social" in it's name. I wonder why the righties weren't up in arms about that socialist government program and joining President Bush in his effort to privatize it.
Oh yeah. Votes meant more to them than anything like a silly ideology.
I was in favor of revamping SS as it and Medicare are for all practical purposes are broke. My mother is on Medicare so it isn't only for other people I want it reformed.
As for the military members who complain about unions etc., I got my benefits from the VA and I believe that soldiers today deserve theirs too.
I have been a union member since 1975. I believe unions are at the end of their usefulness in their present form. If they concentrate on helping their members with their working conditions and wages, I'm good with that. Stay away from politics.
I received 19 pieces of high quality campaign literature telling me to vote for Obama. I got it the first time. My wife also received an additional 22 pieces of campaign literature.
The printing bill for our union was monsterous. That's not union business, it's political business. There is my problem with unions.
Good day, sir.
I hear what you're saying LAOT. But as long as Chambers of Commerce and other pro business, anti union groups fund their candidates, the unions must do the same for pro worker candidates. Vicious and expensive cycle it is. Come up with a better plan and I'll join you.
As usual I appreciate your measured response and I too, hear you. Again, I'm a union guy, been one for many years.
We fought, often bitterly, for our rights as workers. We won some and lost some. I don't really recall politicians doing much for us but pimping our endorsement.
Most played both sides of the fence. I realize that cities aren't the most sympathetic institutions, but they clearly favored their political brethren.
I think the same applies to unions dealing with businesses. Donations to politician speak volumes and unions serve as props for speeches and free workers for campaigns.
An example is that the State of Ohio OKed a residency rule for city employees. We fought and fought but made no headway because politicians backed their buddies, not the rights of the employees.
I left one department because of the rule and went to another. Many of my fellow officers did the same.
If these unions feel that politicians are in there swinging for them, they're fooling themselves.
If as I suspect, the leaders of the major unions have sold out their membership for a seat at the power table and a huge paycheck, the usefulness of unions is suspect.
Unions have a lot of power in bargaining and should concentrate their resources at the bargaining table. Our best results came when we came to the table with realistic proposals that recognized the city's financial situation.
We found them willing to compromise and give a fair shake. Don't get me wrong, we dealt with some jerks, there always are, but for the most part we struck fair deals, protected the interests of our members and walked away with a good deal, some goodwill in the bank, and most importantly our sanity.
After all, we had binding arbitration and who wants to deal with a lawyer posing as a concerned arbitrator who more than likely will simply split the loaf. Just some thoughts.
Good day, sir.
"If as I suspect, the leaders of the major unions have sold out their membership for a seat at the power table and a huge paycheck, the usefulness of unions is suspect."
Amen to that LAOT. With certain powerful unions, leadership has made it virtually imposible to replace themselves. AS much enjoyment as I get out of bashing "rich Republicans", I probably should lump a bunch of these guys in with them. In reality, these guys are worse because they're pretending to be on the side of the rank and file while holding themselves above and beyond with their perks and safe, high paying jobs. I don't have a problem with big money for big responsibility as long as responsibility towards dues paying members is the number one priority.
Wow, I'm coming in a bit late here, but it has sure been interesting.
First off, let me address the comment by "Lynne"
I'm not sure what your problem is with me but this has been two different blogs that you mentioned my name in. I am the first one to criticize those on the right that have nothing to say but rants and have time again picked up for Truth and Shaw. I consider them friends and yet you single me out.
I'm not sure where to even chime in here. Sometimes I think there should be a third party. One that is filled with common sense. One that focuses on the average American. I am an independent because I hate all government equally. The Democrats focus on the poor and the Republicans focus on the rich, but the middle class have no one looking out for them.
I have limited knowledge on taxes and small businesses so I will leave that to the others that know what they are talking about. :-)
I don't know what it is about you Truth that attracts these righties, but they are out in full force. Maybe you should change your cologne or something! Then again, you handle them quite nicely.
Jennifer SO wrongly said:
I don't know what it is about you Truth that attracts these righties, but they are out in full force. Maybe you should change your cologne or something! Then again, you handle them quite nicely."
Sorry to pour cold water on your meaningless rant Jennifer, but you are Sooo wrong, I am not a rightie!
Far from it and God Forbid!
I am a true and proud LIBERAL and a firm supporter of Truth101 and Shaw... It's the two faced republicans like you that I can't stand.
I hope that your wee- little brain can absorb that.. Have a very pleasant day..
Jennifer SO wrongly said:
I don't know what it is about you Truth that attracts these righties, but they are out in full force. Maybe you should change your cologne or something! Then again, you handle them quite nicely."
Sorry to pour cold water on your meaningless rant Jennifer, but you are Sooo wrong, I am not a rightie!
Far from it and God Forbid!
I am a true and proud LIBERAL and a firm supporter of Truth101 and Shaw... It's the two faced republicans like you that I can't stand.
I hope that your wee- little brain can absorb that.. Have a very pleasant day..
Lynne, first off I did not wrongly say anything. I am not a Republican, please get your facts straight before trying to criticize me.
Second, I never called you a rightie, I was speaking of those on the right that have been trolling Truth's blog. You seem to be a bit sensitive or conceited, believing my words were directly to you.
I am not two faced in any way, and it's ironic coming from you, who doesn't even let anyone see her/his blog, because I happen to be good friends with both Shaw and Truth. You would see that I defend them against other conservatives that attack them, if you cared to look. I have nothing but respect for both of them and for you to question my friendship is out of line and uncalled for. You say you are a firm supporter, well, so am I!
I take great pride in always trying to see both sides of an issue, because I feel strongly that it's the only way to learn and grow. I am not one of those that live and die by Rush, or Beck, and if you knew me, you would know that! Especially when I take slack for being too liberal leaning at times from conservatives.
Two faced is saying one thing to them and then going and doing the opposite, and you will never find proof of that. I have never bad mouthed them, nor would I.
I am not going to lower myself by insulting you, like you have done, regarding my "wee little brain"
I honestly don't care what you think of me, I care what my FRIENDS think of me. So say what you will, but please get your facts straight. If you still feel the need to put me down, at least do it with something accurate.
Sorry Truth, I didn't mean to use your post like this, but I felt the need to defend myself. (This all seems vaguely familiar) LOL
Jennifer said...
" First off, let me address the comment by "Lynne"
I'm not sure what your problem is with me "
My problem with you and people like you, Pamela for example, is that you come here disguised as a friend and a person who is sympathetic to Truth and Shaw and then you turn around and blast the Liberal party on your blog and on Pam’s.. Pam is the biggest phoney of the tow of you. Just read her blog and see the nasty remarks aimed at Liberals. To call you both two faces is being kind.
All of you republicans are the same, I can not see any difference between you or the trolls that are sent here by Bluepitbull. .
Why do I even try to explain these things to you idiots!
"My problem with you and people like you, Pamela for example, is that you come here disguised as a friend and a person who is sympathetic to Truth and Shaw and then you turn around and blast the Liberal party on your blog and on Pam’s.. Pam is the biggest phoney of the tow of you. Just read her blog and see the nasty remarks aimed at Liberals"
Just because we are conservative and don't usually agree with Truth or Shaw does not mean that we aren't friends. It is possible to be friends with people that you don't always agree with.
And you call me the idiot? That's rich!
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