Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Gone but not Forgotten

 Been years since this site has been public. I only reactivated it because over the years I've lost several good friends who visited here and I at their sites.  Was close with some of them.  My big brother Carl (TAO) and one of my adopted sisters, Leslie Parsley.  This is the only connection I have left with them and thought maybe some of the others who have visited here in the past may want to view some of their comments for old time sake. 

 I had several friends from the right that visited as well. If Law and Order Teacher, Tom the Redhunter, The Griper and the Rattler, even Blue Pitbull whom I got off to a bad start with, are missed. I hope they're still among us but our conversations will always be treasured.

 Merry Christmas to any who happen to stop by.  Joe...

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Throughout the ages men and women have been persecuted for the unforgivable crime of speaking the truth. This practice continues to this day. Yours truly is a victim of this form of persecution because I speak the truth about the reactionary right.

I've always believed in an open forum. All are welcome to come and agree, disagree, make a statement, brag on their kids, whatever they want. My kind and gentle nature prohibits me from censorship. Yet, my detractors choose to vilify me everywhere but here. Perhaps it's because they fear me or my uncanny ability to expose their deceit. Or they enjoy the cyber pats on the head for vilifying me at sites frequented by reactionary righties.

So while I enjoy being a small part of a group of left leaning, true America loving Patriots, I must admit that although I am not famous, I have achieved something just as impressive and awe inspiring. Like the great playwright and conversationalist Oscar Wilde, I am Notorious.

Thanks to all my reactionary right leaning friends who made this possible.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Somewhere along the way the right managed to make "liberal" a dirty word in the minds of the republican base of bigots, homophobes and idiots. And what they've also managed to do unwittingly is make the word "conservative" a far dirtier word.

And the truth of the matter is that "conservative" is a terrible thing. It connotes backward thought. And hatred of all that is not simply explained.

"Conservative" is an apt description of many of the evil bastards that have disgraced the world with their presence. Ayatollah Khomeini was "hard line conservative." The Taliban are "conservative." Warren Jeffs was another "conservative,"

The republicans have realized that conservatism is akin to prickism so they have made efforts to switch their pet word "conservative" to something else. The new word(s) for them are now "Tea Partiers."

This is quickly coming to an end though because the Tea Baggers say exactly the same bullshit as "conservatives." They just call themselves tea partiers.

It's gotten so bad for these turkey's that not even the goofy Michelle Bachman wants to speak to them at their "convention." They have to pay Sarah Palin 100 grand to show up. So much for her dedication to the movement. But republicans should be rightly proud that she is trying to make money off these hypocrites that sat on their hands while Bush was spending us into the abyss.

Eventually the tea baggers will realize they've been duped. They're probably just hanging on to the tea party thing to put off acknowledging that I am correct about them being nothing but dupes for the rich and powerful masters of the republican party.

Locally we have a wealthy and powerful guy who just bought a bunch of signs that say "The Tea Party Difference" on them. This was a response to the "Union Difference" signs that are seen all over my town. But the tea baggers are blind to the significance of this. It just shows that a rich guy is as usual, controlling them while they stab themselves in the back. And while he's at the club with his rich buddies, the rank and file tea baggers are going to work at their jobs with less than union wages and at the mercy of the whims of their employers. Maybe these people think serfdom is a wonderful life. But this goes to show that "conservative" as me and my big brother TAO say, equal feudalism.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Ordinarily I try to avoid topics other bloggers in this community have current posts on, but this time I have to allow myself an exception on the grounds that his premise pissed me off. Also he moderates comments now and that pisses me off to.

Our good friend, the right leaning Griper. posted a chart about how much more we're spending on Medicare and Medicaid now.

Well dude, shit costs more. There are more care options available. Medical science has advanced. I know that's hard for diehard right winger, anti evolutionists to accept. We can keep our elderly citizens enjoying a quality of life they didn't enjoy when Medicare was first established. It costs lots of money to replace a broken hip. The good news is medical science can replace them. I dare those that bitch using stupid stats that don't tell the whole story to tell Grandma she needs to spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair because Medicare costs are out of control. Hah! We all know the right would just run up deficits a little higher and blame Democrats.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


I read part of a post at Daily Kos earlier. The gist of it, I guess it was the gist cause I got bored reading it after the first two paragraphs, was that it complained of Democrats taking positions that weren't Democrat positions.

With all due respect to the Daily Kos cotributor that contributed that article, this Democrat isn't a mindless sheep waiting for any self appointed leader or "conscience" of my party to tell me what to think.

The Democratic Party and Progressive movement in general should not be tied to one mindset. It is the republicans that believe in a rigid set of rules and blind obedience. They're the ones that demand "purity tests" of it's members. My party wants government to help make lives better. The republican party wants government to go away so it's wealthiest and most powerful benefactors can continue to put the shaft to America like Ken Lay and Enron without fear of government interference.

There is no reason the Democratic Party can't be the party of fiscal responsiblity. Especially since we are the party of fiscal responsibility.

The republicans have successfully bamboozeled millions into thinking it's the party of national security. Two wars and occupations unfinished by Bush. The Walter Reed scandal proved they care not about our Veterans. These jokers are high in their praise for generals that obey stupid orders without question while firing generals like Shinseki who spoke the truth.

There is room in my party for all points of view. One issue won't blind us to the evils of a candidate as it does republicans.

Most views, whether they be guns, religion, abortion or defense are fully reconcilable with the Democrats view of the role of government. The republicans have two unwritten rules regarding theirs: Will it keep the base of religious zealots, bigots and homophobes in the fold. And will it make our rich benefactors richer.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Much ado has been made about several of us left leaning bloggers voicing our displeasure with aspects of the Obama presidency.

I understand that some of us have gone overboard by threatening to not support President Obama. We all remember what he replaced. Good sense will triumph over anger when 2012 comes around. Relax.

But the point I'm trying to make is that we must do a good job of holding those we elect accountable. Whether it's BushI who vowed "No new taxes." Or BushII vowing to be a "compassionate conservative" (An oxymoron if there ever was one)

We looked for real change from the Obama presidency and the first year had many great successes. We're scheduled to have combat Troops out of Iraq in August. President Obama promised to focus on Afghanistan and he certainly has. Where many like myself are having problems are with how he has chosen to deal with the opposition. Particularly with the signature issue, health care reform. I could go on for ten paragraphs about what when wrong but that's been covered thousands of times and we probably all bored with that part by now.

To my friends on the left. It is our duty to hold President Obama accountable and to his word. To the same beliefs we share. That government plays an important role in making the lives of Americans better. That government is to serve all of us. Not just the rich and powerful. And our voices were heard by the President. In his SOTU Address he vowed to fight for what we believe in. He attacked the obstructionist republicans and the ultra right leaning corporate shills on the Supreme Court. Damn right I was proud of him for doing that. They deserved it.

And if you remember, outside of Ron Paul, I can't think of many republicans that opposed BushII on anything. While he cut taxes, spent and drove our Nation 11 trillion dollars into debt, the "fiscally prudent?" republicans for the most part said nothing. They voted with him on everything. They parroted his talking points. When cornered they all said "Well, uh. Um. Er. I, uh. Well. This president has kept us safe." Tell that to the four thousand Soldiers who lost their lives and the tens of thousands injured during an invasion and occupation of a country that was no threat.

The republicans failed to hold Bush accountable for his actions during his presidency. Funny how so many of them now decry his spending and governing. Too bad they didn't have the courage of a great republican like Teddy Roosevelt to say something back when it would have made a difference.

Democrats. Progressives. Independents that like Obama. It is our duty to our Country and our President to keep his feet to the fire. When we stop doing that and settle for "He's doing all he can with what he has to work with" the republicans win again. We can't afford that as a Nation. And I have no doubt that President Obama would want us to settle for mediocrity either.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Watching President Obama's speech last night I was overwhelmed with a sense of pity for the republicans. Not so much because they had to sit politely while being forced to listen to truth instead of being able to listen to comforting lies from Glen Beck. But because these jokers were lost without their one of their masters, Dick Cheney up front signaling with one of his many menacing stares when to applaud and when to remain silent.

These poor republican saps kept looking at each other while President Obama talked of the tax cuts that went to small business and 95% of Americans. The mindless sheep were obviously waiting for their orders when the electronics screwed up or one of their other signals failed them.

Of course, their failure to applaud may have been the one honest thing these republican sheep displayed this year. Perhaps they didn't applaud because they're really only in favor of tax cuts, bailouts and government largess for the rich and big business. But I doubt that honesty entered into their not applauding tax cuts.

When it comes to republicans, it's best to err on the side of deceit.