Much ado has been made about several of us left leaning bloggers voicing our displeasure with aspects of the Obama presidency.
I understand that some of us have gone overboard by threatening to not support President Obama. We all remember what he replaced. Good sense will triumph over anger when 2012 comes around. Relax.
But the point I'm trying to make is that we must do a good job of holding those we elect accountable. Whether it's BushI who vowed "No new taxes." Or BushII vowing to be a "compassionate conservative" (An oxymoron if there ever was one)
We looked for real change from the Obama presidency and the first year had many great successes. We're scheduled to have combat Troops out of Iraq in August. President Obama promised to focus on Afghanistan and he certainly has. Where many like myself are having problems are with how he has chosen to deal with the opposition. Particularly with the signature issue, health care reform. I could go on for ten paragraphs about what when wrong but that's been covered thousands of times and we probably all bored with that part by now.
To my friends on the left. It is our duty to hold President Obama accountable and to his word. To the same beliefs we share. That government plays an important role in making the lives of Americans better. That government is to serve all of us. Not just the rich and powerful. And our voices were heard by the President. In his SOTU Address he vowed to fight for what we believe in. He attacked the obstructionist republicans and the ultra right leaning corporate shills on the Supreme Court. Damn right I was proud of him for doing that. They deserved it.
And if you remember, outside of Ron Paul, I can't think of many republicans that opposed BushII on anything. While he cut taxes, spent and drove our Nation 11 trillion dollars into debt, the "fiscally prudent?" republicans for the most part said nothing. They voted with him on everything. They parroted his talking points. When cornered they all said "Well, uh. Um. Er. I, uh. Well. This president has kept us safe." Tell that to the four thousand Soldiers who lost their lives and the tens of thousands injured during an invasion and occupation of a country that was no threat.
The republicans failed to hold Bush accountable for his actions during his presidency. Funny how so many of them now decry his spending and governing. Too bad they didn't have the courage of a great republican like Teddy Roosevelt to say something back when it would have made a difference.
Democrats. Progressives. Independents that like Obama. It is our duty to our Country and our President to keep his feet to the fire. When we stop doing that and settle for "He's doing all he can with what he has to work with" the republicans win again. We can't afford that as a Nation. And I have no doubt that President Obama would want us to settle for mediocrity either.