Thursday, February 4, 2010


Throughout the ages men and women have been persecuted for the unforgivable crime of speaking the truth. This practice continues to this day. Yours truly is a victim of this form of persecution because I speak the truth about the reactionary right.

I've always believed in an open forum. All are welcome to come and agree, disagree, make a statement, brag on their kids, whatever they want. My kind and gentle nature prohibits me from censorship. Yet, my detractors choose to vilify me everywhere but here. Perhaps it's because they fear me or my uncanny ability to expose their deceit. Or they enjoy the cyber pats on the head for vilifying me at sites frequented by reactionary righties.

So while I enjoy being a small part of a group of left leaning, true America loving Patriots, I must admit that although I am not famous, I have achieved something just as impressive and awe inspiring. Like the great playwright and conversationalist Oscar Wilde, I am Notorious.

Thanks to all my reactionary right leaning friends who made this possible.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Somewhere along the way the right managed to make "liberal" a dirty word in the minds of the republican base of bigots, homophobes and idiots. And what they've also managed to do unwittingly is make the word "conservative" a far dirtier word.

And the truth of the matter is that "conservative" is a terrible thing. It connotes backward thought. And hatred of all that is not simply explained.

"Conservative" is an apt description of many of the evil bastards that have disgraced the world with their presence. Ayatollah Khomeini was "hard line conservative." The Taliban are "conservative." Warren Jeffs was another "conservative,"

The republicans have realized that conservatism is akin to prickism so they have made efforts to switch their pet word "conservative" to something else. The new word(s) for them are now "Tea Partiers."

This is quickly coming to an end though because the Tea Baggers say exactly the same bullshit as "conservatives." They just call themselves tea partiers.

It's gotten so bad for these turkey's that not even the goofy Michelle Bachman wants to speak to them at their "convention." They have to pay Sarah Palin 100 grand to show up. So much for her dedication to the movement. But republicans should be rightly proud that she is trying to make money off these hypocrites that sat on their hands while Bush was spending us into the abyss.

Eventually the tea baggers will realize they've been duped. They're probably just hanging on to the tea party thing to put off acknowledging that I am correct about them being nothing but dupes for the rich and powerful masters of the republican party.

Locally we have a wealthy and powerful guy who just bought a bunch of signs that say "The Tea Party Difference" on them. This was a response to the "Union Difference" signs that are seen all over my town. But the tea baggers are blind to the significance of this. It just shows that a rich guy is as usual, controlling them while they stab themselves in the back. And while he's at the club with his rich buddies, the rank and file tea baggers are going to work at their jobs with less than union wages and at the mercy of the whims of their employers. Maybe these people think serfdom is a wonderful life. But this goes to show that "conservative" as me and my big brother TAO say, equal feudalism.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Ordinarily I try to avoid topics other bloggers in this community have current posts on, but this time I have to allow myself an exception on the grounds that his premise pissed me off. Also he moderates comments now and that pisses me off to.

Our good friend, the right leaning Griper. posted a chart about how much more we're spending on Medicare and Medicaid now.

Well dude, shit costs more. There are more care options available. Medical science has advanced. I know that's hard for diehard right winger, anti evolutionists to accept. We can keep our elderly citizens enjoying a quality of life they didn't enjoy when Medicare was first established. It costs lots of money to replace a broken hip. The good news is medical science can replace them. I dare those that bitch using stupid stats that don't tell the whole story to tell Grandma she needs to spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair because Medicare costs are out of control. Hah! We all know the right would just run up deficits a little higher and blame Democrats.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


I read part of a post at Daily Kos earlier. The gist of it, I guess it was the gist cause I got bored reading it after the first two paragraphs, was that it complained of Democrats taking positions that weren't Democrat positions.

With all due respect to the Daily Kos cotributor that contributed that article, this Democrat isn't a mindless sheep waiting for any self appointed leader or "conscience" of my party to tell me what to think.

The Democratic Party and Progressive movement in general should not be tied to one mindset. It is the republicans that believe in a rigid set of rules and blind obedience. They're the ones that demand "purity tests" of it's members. My party wants government to help make lives better. The republican party wants government to go away so it's wealthiest and most powerful benefactors can continue to put the shaft to America like Ken Lay and Enron without fear of government interference.

There is no reason the Democratic Party can't be the party of fiscal responsiblity. Especially since we are the party of fiscal responsibility.

The republicans have successfully bamboozeled millions into thinking it's the party of national security. Two wars and occupations unfinished by Bush. The Walter Reed scandal proved they care not about our Veterans. These jokers are high in their praise for generals that obey stupid orders without question while firing generals like Shinseki who spoke the truth.

There is room in my party for all points of view. One issue won't blind us to the evils of a candidate as it does republicans.

Most views, whether they be guns, religion, abortion or defense are fully reconcilable with the Democrats view of the role of government. The republicans have two unwritten rules regarding theirs: Will it keep the base of religious zealots, bigots and homophobes in the fold. And will it make our rich benefactors richer.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Much ado has been made about several of us left leaning bloggers voicing our displeasure with aspects of the Obama presidency.

I understand that some of us have gone overboard by threatening to not support President Obama. We all remember what he replaced. Good sense will triumph over anger when 2012 comes around. Relax.

But the point I'm trying to make is that we must do a good job of holding those we elect accountable. Whether it's BushI who vowed "No new taxes." Or BushII vowing to be a "compassionate conservative" (An oxymoron if there ever was one)

We looked for real change from the Obama presidency and the first year had many great successes. We're scheduled to have combat Troops out of Iraq in August. President Obama promised to focus on Afghanistan and he certainly has. Where many like myself are having problems are with how he has chosen to deal with the opposition. Particularly with the signature issue, health care reform. I could go on for ten paragraphs about what when wrong but that's been covered thousands of times and we probably all bored with that part by now.

To my friends on the left. It is our duty to hold President Obama accountable and to his word. To the same beliefs we share. That government plays an important role in making the lives of Americans better. That government is to serve all of us. Not just the rich and powerful. And our voices were heard by the President. In his SOTU Address he vowed to fight for what we believe in. He attacked the obstructionist republicans and the ultra right leaning corporate shills on the Supreme Court. Damn right I was proud of him for doing that. They deserved it.

And if you remember, outside of Ron Paul, I can't think of many republicans that opposed BushII on anything. While he cut taxes, spent and drove our Nation 11 trillion dollars into debt, the "fiscally prudent?" republicans for the most part said nothing. They voted with him on everything. They parroted his talking points. When cornered they all said "Well, uh. Um. Er. I, uh. Well. This president has kept us safe." Tell that to the four thousand Soldiers who lost their lives and the tens of thousands injured during an invasion and occupation of a country that was no threat.

The republicans failed to hold Bush accountable for his actions during his presidency. Funny how so many of them now decry his spending and governing. Too bad they didn't have the courage of a great republican like Teddy Roosevelt to say something back when it would have made a difference.

Democrats. Progressives. Independents that like Obama. It is our duty to our Country and our President to keep his feet to the fire. When we stop doing that and settle for "He's doing all he can with what he has to work with" the republicans win again. We can't afford that as a Nation. And I have no doubt that President Obama would want us to settle for mediocrity either.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Watching President Obama's speech last night I was overwhelmed with a sense of pity for the republicans. Not so much because they had to sit politely while being forced to listen to truth instead of being able to listen to comforting lies from Glen Beck. But because these jokers were lost without their one of their masters, Dick Cheney up front signaling with one of his many menacing stares when to applaud and when to remain silent.

These poor republican saps kept looking at each other while President Obama talked of the tax cuts that went to small business and 95% of Americans. The mindless sheep were obviously waiting for their orders when the electronics screwed up or one of their other signals failed them.

Of course, their failure to applaud may have been the one honest thing these republican sheep displayed this year. Perhaps they didn't applaud because they're really only in favor of tax cuts, bailouts and government largess for the rich and big business. But I doubt that honesty entered into their not applauding tax cuts.

When it comes to republicans, it's best to err on the side of deceit.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


President Obama is supposed to announce a freeze on discretionary spending tonight. Big fucking deal. That takes no courage. That requires no special knowlege or insight of the budgetary process. It does nothing but add to the deficit and crumbling infrastructure problems in the long run. Worst of all, at least to this partisan Democrat, it's a pander to the tea bagging, right wing fear mongering assholes that run the republican party.

Most every state in the Union is undergoing huge budget deficits. My home state of Illinois is one of the worst. The righties and the mindless independents and lefties are blaming the problem on unfunded pension obligations. They also blame the unions but it was the state legislatures that decided these obligations and then decided not to fund them. The pansy ass pieces of shit thought it better to borrow from their pension funds than tell citizens the freaking truth we all understand. Shit costs more. We need more to provide the services the public wants from government. But they were all too big a flock of pussies to do this. They continued to not fund and borrow. They said look at how wonderful we are. We didn't raise taxes. Vote for me. The pansy ass, iresponsible assholes have led not just Illinois, but just about every state in our Nation to financial ruin due to their idiocy.

This ignorance has led to governors all over making stupid decisions. Most of them have secret programs to release prisoners early. Shit. In Illinois the governor was letting violent creeps after two months. Sure as shit a few of them committed violent crimes. Now it will probably cost him the primary. Just like it cost Dukakis.

There is a price for every spending cut. Sure. It gives a politico a chance to go before a bunch of deluded tea bagging fools and say "Look at what I did. I saved taxpayers money." The money is really a drop of piss in the ocean but hell, these guys are heroes. Right? Fuck no!

When my former governor, Rod the most useless prick this side of Limp City, ordered all the other office holders to cut their bidgets 10%, most of them fell all over themselves to suck up to him. Our Comptroller, Dan Hynes, dutifully cut his and stood with Blago getting his pat on the back for fiscal responsiblity. Unfortunately for Dan, his department was responsible for overseeing cemetaries in our state. Guess what. Budget cuts meant not enough inspectors which meant a cemetary be Chicago, and God knows how many others, was digging up bodies and reselling the plots to new "customers." All because this pansy ass clown had to suck up to Blago and the right wing, anti tax crowd. Hynes is running against Quinn in the primary. I think he will win because what Quinn did with releasing freaking criminals will look less bad to primary voters than crooked cemetary operators but it doesn't matter because Hynes will lose the general election due to his shitheaded budget cut.

Obama is from Illinois and has or will learn nothing from this. He seems to have forgotten why he was elected. For hope and change. Not a continuation of republican bullshit.

At this moment, I have zero clue why republicans hate Obama. He's the best president they've had since... George W. Bush.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


For generations, overzealous Christians have declared the time of the Rapture to either be here or coming soon. I usually made sport of them because they've been saying this for the last 2,000 years. I understand God's timetable is different from ours but to be frank, we humans are a pretty sorry lot. There's far more hate in the world than love. John Lennon sang "All You Need is Love" and conservative bigots, idiots and homophobes hated him for it. If God were waiting for us to become so rotten that He decided it were time to put an end to us, we must really have some awful things to look forward to from ourselves.

But there are certain signs that are leading me to think the Rapture is here. The signs point to the "Beast" as being none other than the revered leader of the republican party, Rush Limbaugh.

They say the Beast will be a great deceiver. Who is better than Rush? The last honest thing he said was that he had seven cheeseburgers for lunch. He is the master of lies. He has convinced millions that he has their interests at heart while he's all cozy in his huge mansion.

So many of these nutty zealots are frightened of "The Mark of The Beast." They think it's a firearm owners card. Or a Social Security number that signifies this. No my deluded right wing friends. The mark is the bumper sticker millions of you proudly display on your bumpers that says "Republican, and proud." You may as well tattoo Satan's picture on your foreheads as display that obvious sign of fealty to your leader.

As Peter Finch's character in the movie "Network" said, the media is the most awesome goddamn for force in the whole godless universe, so Rush the Beast has channeled this into his own devilish agenda. The media allows him the most listened to timeslot, 11AM to 2PM every afternoon to spew his message of hate and destruction of America to the masses. The MSM rarely if ever calls Rush the Berast to task for his lies. Their silence shows their fear and makes the Beast more powerful.

The Beast is here today. He is not riding a horse. No horse is strong enough to carry him. He is riding the airwaves every weekday from 11AM till 2PM central time.

Friday, January 22, 2010


For those of you not from Illinois, this is Republican Governor Jim Thompson. Many of you may remember him from his membership on the 911 Commission.

Big Jim was Illinois governor for I think 26 years. So much for republican support of term limits. And every election he promised not to raise taxes. And then after winning, he raised taxes.

This isn't so much to make sport of Governor Thompson. In reality, his willingness to increase state revenue to keep paying it's bills was responsible governing. I commend him for that.

The real gist of this is that he was elected and reelected time and again for telling people whatever "shit" they wanted to hear. And when he turned around and did what he wanted it didn't matter because memories are short and Republicans are quick to forgive Republicans for anything as long as they say republican things.

We have elections coming this November. Republicans will be throwing out the same shit about less taxes and fiscal responsibility. The less taxes at least has some credibility. But that's only if you're very wealthy. For most of us it's a crock of shit. The fiscal responsibility is total bullshit.

But as always, a certain number of people will be sucked by republican nonsense. The republicans will fuck things up as usual. Then in their tradition of "reliability" they will blame Democrats. Which the same group of mindless fools who accepted their lies about less government and fiscal responsibility will believe.

I've always believed in the old phrase that one could never underestimate the stupidity of the people. That's one of the key principles on the republican mission statement. Unfortunately, it's been working for them since 1968.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


There has been a call to end the fillibuster. Hell. There's been calls to end it for a long time. It ain't gonna happen.

As important as health care reform and other pressing issues are, they all take a back seat to the power and money grabbing tendencies of most in the senate.

What would happen if a simple majority could end the Iraq occupation? Our Troops could come home and defend our borders and ports. We would save billions. We would have the resources necessary to rebuild New Orleans and truly help Haiti. But the most important thing to many of our senators is keeping the cash cow mooing upon them with donations from big insurance and defense contractors. Or dickbrains like LIEberman and Nelson that want to hold up legislation for either revenge or pork. (In LIEberman's case, it's revenge and pork.)

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a notorious and despicable mouthpiece for the right lies like hell. They don't want reduced government spending. They want more.

The Tea Baggers claim to want less government. Bullshit. These jokers are angry because they were manipulated into being angry. Look at the signs at their rallies. "Tell government to keep it's hands off Medicare." Fucking mindless idiots they are.

Nah. Fillibusters will remain a part of the Senate rules. There's too much money to be made to end them.


The reality of losing former Senator Kennedy's seat is that it really didn't matter.

We're still in Iraq. We're still in Afghanistan. We still have useless sanctions on Iran and Cuba. Call me selfish and unAmerican if you will, but dammit! I like a good cigar!

We still have no health insurance reform. Unions are still losing members and running scared. The Wall Street Bailout package was created by Republicans.

Face it. Things are still a big freaking mess. Just like they were when Bush and the Republicans held Congress. It's like they never left.

Coakley's loss shouldn't have been that surprising. I give her credit for being an attorney general for Massachusetts. But looking at her and her campaign, the republican's must have given her free pass to that office. Any pictures or video I saw of her revealed the image of "loser." She always walked and stood like she was freezing. Stooped over and looking scared. Her campaign whined for President Obama to come help. Or to do more.

Coat tails are over rated. Stand up straight and speak for yourself. There is nobody to blame but Martha Coakley for losing. But as i said, it didn't matter anyway. The republicans are still in charge.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Not long after I started this site a blogger that went by the moniker "Gray Headed Brother" honored us with a few visits.

If you haven't heard of him that's too bad. He was an excellent blogger who made an impact on everyone that read his words.

GHB may have come off as bitter to some of the less open minded. I had more reactionary righties visiting in those days before Chieftess Rightie, Helga the Right is Right Lady ordered them to stop visiting. The reactionaries accused GHB of being a racist simply because they didn't like what he had to say. That racism was alive and well in America 40 years after Martin Luther King was assasinated.
My view was that GHB was an old man with a story to tell and he was welcome to tell it here. It was a privilege that he chose my blog and others in Octo's Swash Zone Community to say his piece.

He was beaten up on the blogs for his troubles. Several right leaning blogs dedicated dozens of posts ripping on him. One of their tricks was to create a blog under the same moniker and post garbage any sane person could tell was an obvious attempt at subterfuge. Gray Headed Brother was a gifted writer. Maybe somebody as talented as a Stimpson or JBW could have pulled something like that off. But not one the usual crop of deluded right wing fools.

Gray Headed Brother finally decided he'd had enough and retired from blogging after far too short a time.

If he still stops by I thank him for his contributions to this site and for reminding us that Dr. King's struggle still goes on today.

Best wishes to you Gray Headed Brother on Martin Luther King Day. I hope and pray you are well.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Ever since I expanded my blogging connections to the MadMike community, finding original subjects has grown increasingly difficult. MadMike told me this isn't a competition. But still, if a blogger does the work of researching and posting on a subject, I think he/she should have the opportunity to control the debate for a day or so at least.

That being said, most of the topics of the day are pretty well covered by my fellow bloggers of The Swash Zone and MadMike Community. Other than the Leno, O'Brien late night stuff which is really insignificant when you think of the shit that's happening.

One common theme I see that Righties and Lefties can agree upon is that things are fucked up. Blame whomever you want but shit is bad and getting worse.

A big earthquake devastates a small country that's not that far away from us and Jesus freaks blame the Haitians for a deal with the devil or some such horse shit. I think the Haitians have suffered enough without God's wrath. Pat Robertson's a fucking idiot.

President Obama is realizing what every president realizes shortly into his term. Economically there really isn't a whole helluva lot a president can do. So they all turn to foreign policy as way to build a legacy. For the most part, I think economic doldrums will cease when human nature sets in and Americans get tired of tightening their belts. I've tightened the hell out of mine but soon enough the lure of the 42 inch flat screen TV will be too much for me and millions of others. The economy will improve shortly. All the bad news will make people want to treat themselves to nice stuff to forget about the bad stuff.

The race between Coakley and Brown in Massachusettes doesn't seem to be going well for Coakley if polls are to be believed. I want the Democrat to win of course. But in the end, I also think at least one republican will cross over and vote for health care reform if Brown wins. Republicans hold a few seats in Democratic leaning states. Just as Nelson and a few others have to act like republicans sometimes to keep them happy in their home states, Republicans have a few that will have to do the same. And if it ends up being fillibustered anyway, we've waited generations for a national health care plan. We just go to work in 2012 to rid Congress of obstructionist bastards and try again. As Ted Kennedy said "The dream lives on." We owe it to him and our Country to not give up because 40 people are assholes that care more about corporate profits than the health and well being of America's Working Families.

Happy weekend my friends.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Many times my confounded integrity and sense of fair play have gotten me in trouble not just with the deluded right, but with my friends on the left as well. Sadly my friends, this is one of those times. But the good news is this will piss off righties as well and that's always a good thing.

I am a capitalist. I confess. I own stock in the evil Exxon Corporation. I also own stock in an evil bank. I own Turner Original Pocket Tees manufactured by TAO's company in anti union Kentucky. Plese click the picture of Kojak on the right. It will take you to the Turner Original website where you to can order your own fashionable and quality American made pocket tee just like Truth 101 wears.

Now that we have that established, I have to admit a sense of congratulations toward Sarah Palin and an even deeper affection for America. Where else could someone of such limited intellect, scope, and all around mediocrity make it so big. She's reaped millions from her book. She'll reap millions doing guest spots on FOX. Fox will reap millions selling advertising from her guest spots. Don't worry. I still believe the train wreck is coming. Everyone has a grandiose self image of their own intelligence. Remember Joe the faux plumber. A bigger idiot never walked the face of the earth. He parlayed his stupidity into a country music gig. Sarah is parlaying hers, or more accurately, FOX is parlaying hers into a fortune.

What will piss off the righties though, especially the ones of reasonable intelligence who put thought and effort into their blogs, that's why I have them linked, is that Sarah's success shows you don't have to study and work hard to get ahead. You mostly just need a feeble old man to make a rash decision and voila! You're running for vice president and the dreams of Avarice await you. Nice legs help also. Especially with the Fox News gig.

So I'm sorry my right leaning friends. No matter how hard you work. Whether it's serious minded, well thought out and defended blogging, or just coming up with a new attack on me, Shaw or TAO now and then, you will never be "discovered." You will never make any money at this. But as your friend Joe the faux plumber says: "You'd just have to give it all to the government anyway."

Monday, January 11, 2010


Several of my fellow bloggers have already broken the story about Sarah Palin becoming a contributor to FOX News. From a business point of view, I think this is a great idea. As tragic as they are, we all have to stop and look at a train wreck.

Sarah's gaffes, lies and misstatements will add to her legend. It will be interesting and give us bloggers great fodder to watch how FOX shelters her from real discussions with anyone of substance. She'll mostly just read whatever talking points are given her as though she came up with them or have a chef on during the holidays to show us how to cook a moose.

But the train wreck will come. She will say something so incredibly stupid that even the reactionary righties will have to make a show of disowning her as the rational right leaners ones have disowned the republican party. Well. They will disown her at first. Then Rush or Cheney will send out the memo that she was misquoted or under stress. She will spend time in Alaska "to be with her family." After a while all will be relegated to the recycle bin and we can get on to the next subject.

I think it was the Peter Principle that said people will rise to the level of their incompetence. Thanks to the good folks at FOX News for giving Sarah "Train Wreck" Palin the opportunity to prove Peter correct.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Republicans have been making an issue out of patronage since I was a kid. Of course, their hypocrisy on the issue is obvious. They're real issue is they don't like Democrats. But they wouldn't let anything like integrity get in the way of a good lie. Tom "The Hammer" Delay demanded anyone wanting to do business with the government while he was hammering only hire republicans. And this privatization of patronage has grown exponentially.

Halliburton and it's subsidiaries rake in billions from the government for transporting troops. Operating kitchens. All kinds of stuff. Republicans, and many Democrats, yes, there are slimeballs on my side also, claim this bullshit "saves taxpayers money." How in the name of Christ paying truck drivers $100,000 a year to drive a truck in Iraq when we are paying Privates and Corporals that drive trucksaround 20 to 30 grand a year is saving money is beyond me. But Privates and Corporals aren't donating big money to politicos either.

The private sector employees are in constant worry about layoffs and plant closures. Who knows when an slick Chinese company rep will walk in and tell the owner of an American business that he has 500 Chinese workers that he doesn't have to pay any benefits for, and only has to pay them a fraction of what he's paying Americans. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce says outsourcing is good so the American businessman's conscinece is clear. If the U.S. Chamber says it's okay then it must be. They have "U.S." in their name. Real patriots these guys.

Our military people have enough to worry about with stop loss policies. Getting shot at. Mediocre generals. Washington in disarray. Now they have to worry about their jobs being privatized as well. Blackwater donates big bucks to office holders. How soon before Blackwater comes up with a plan to privatize the military. From what has been coming out, Bush was working on that during his term. Shit. The private sector even spies better than the CIA?

There's always a going rate for privatization of government. $100,000 in campaign donations to national committees is probably close to what a federal government contract costs. Maybe 10 grand to a state campaign committee. Far less for a local government contract. You just have to find your niche.

S here we have Blackwater paying guards over 1oo grand a year to kill innocent Iraqis and assassinate guys in Germany. We have KBR paying truckers over 100 grand to drive Troops that know how to drive trucks. But look at all the money being saved?

Friday, January 8, 2010


One of my few experiences in management left me truly appreciative of employees that don't need their freaking hands held while thet're doing their jobs. The best managers have the best employees.

That brings me to President Obama and is dilemma since he took office.

Everywhere I look, some newscaster, pundit, blogger, senator, congressman, the guy that changes my oil, says the President needs to talk to us about whatever the hell the issue of the day is.

Health care reform: Every freaking useless Democrat in Congress demanded Obama do more to get this or that in the bill. Listen you useless, ineffective impotent bunch of clowns. Do your fucking jobs! The President told you all what he wanted. If you can't do your fucking jobs and get it, get off his ass and look in the mirror.

Because of apathy or turf wars or some goddamned nonsense, the "dick bomber" was able to get on a plane. Now the President has to spend the vast part of his time which is the most valuble thing in the world cleaning up a mess made by fucking apathetic idiots.

I don't ask for anything unreasonable. I don't give a rats ass about how many times the floor was mopped or the windows washed. Just do the minimum well and everything will be fine.

People did drop the ball and several need to be fired. If the people in qusetion are unionized and whoever negotiated the contract failed to bargain for a management right to fire for incompetence, then that shithead needs to be fired.

I for one am sick of everyone saying the President needs to step forward and "speak to the American People" about everything from God to what laundry detergent he uses. When our leader over exposes himself on every issue it diminishes his effectiveness at the bully pulpit.

The next time someone says "The President needs to do more" I hope he/she gets off his own sorry ass and does something for a change.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


My local Tea Party activist recently demanded that our local aldermen sign a pledge or his Tea Partiers would work against them in the next election. One alderman signed the pledge. So far the rest of them have shown good judgement and haven't signed it. There were some points of local interest in the pledge. I left them out because I'm interested in how this relates to everyone. Here are twelve of the points the Tea Party Grand Puhbah is demanding obedience to:

1. I will unconditionally honor and support the United States Constitution.
2. I will always support smaller government, smaller national debt, lower deficits and lower taxes by opposing legislation that is contrary to the Constitution.
3. I will always support market-based healthcare reform and oppose government-run healthcare.
4. I will always support market-based energy reforms by opposing cap-and-trade legislation.
5. I will always support workers' right to secret ballot by opposing card check.
6. I will always support legal immigration and assimilation into American society by opposing amnesty for illegal immigrants.
7. I will always support victory in Iraq and Afghanistan by supporting military-recommended troop surges.
8. I will always support containment of Iran and North Korea, particularly effective action to eliminate their nuclear weapons threat.
9. I will always support retention of the Defense of Marriage Act.
10. I will always support protecting the lives of vulnerable persons by opposing healthcare rationing and denial of healthcare and government funding of abortion.
11. I will always support the right to keep and bear arms by opposing government restrictions on gun ownership.
12. I will work toward legislation that provides term limits at all levels of government

I can understand wanting to follow the Constitution. Limiting government to only what will improve our lives. Wanting lower taxes. Who wouldn't?

But this thing is nothing but a repeat of Newt's "Contract with America." Nothing really original about it. It gives proof to my contention that these tea baggers are mostly dupes for the republican party. Look closely and everything in here is republican jive. All of it easily refuted and for the most part, just blather designed to appeal to the simple minded. A major constituency of the republican party.

What I thought was kind of funny was the threat of working against officials that didn't sign this silly blackmail note. What kind of sane thinking person would limit the options available by signing this thing? The two invasions and occupations have cost us nearly a trillion dollars. The Tea Partiers claim to be fiscally responsible and troop surges and occupations but then hypocritically give no way to pay for them because they demand no new taxes. JUST LIKE THE REPUBLICANS!

What all this has to do with a local city council I don't know. But one more thing to show this is just a republican higher up con job. The republicans demand loyalty above all else. Look at Michael Steele. This poor sap had to prostrate himself at the crotch of Rush Limbaugh soon after he was elected Chairman of the republican party. Think of all the others that have been forced to suck up to Rush. Now this document shows up demanding adherence to the right wing twelve commandments or the Tea Partiers, under there shadow leadership of Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck and these poor deluded fools don't even know it. Or the Tea Party will work against those that refuse to obey.

Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck pull the strings. The Tea Baggers dance. Let freedom ring.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


There was an article in the paper yesterday about a guy that lost $270,000 investing in a "Christian" investment scheme. The guy said he researched it and did due diligence and all the other crap people that got burned said they did.

The simple truth is that anyone who believes in stuff just because the person representing it says he's a "Christian" deserves to get screwed.

In most elections the candidates have to discuss their religion and how important it is and how it shaped their lives and they pray before making any decisions and vote for me because I love God and Jesus. And for some ignorant reason, their are still millions of people in this country that allow themselves to be guided not by qualifications, resume and ideals, but whether or not a candidate is a "Christian" and is pro life.

I've believed since I was 17 that it was dumb to trust anyone that was too religious. Especially when they're trying to sell you something. Believe me. Jesus will not divinely intervene if the "religious" guy sold you a pile of crap.

Nobody understands more than I how desperate many people are to hear what they want to hear. A few preachers were in Uganda bashing Gays not long ago. Now the Ugandan government wants to hang gays. The preachers may not have come right out and said "hang Gays." But that's the message the Ugandans got and ran with all the way to the gallows.

And now the right wing preachers claim there is a battle for America's youth with the Gay Community. More people are leaviing The Church every day because of ignorant, bigoted, closed minded clergy. The Moral Majorty voted en masse for possible the worst president of all time, George W. Bush because he said he was a Christian.

If there really is a battle for America's youth betwen these right wing, religious zealots and the Gays, I'm rooting for the Gays.

Cross posted at American Nihilist

Monday, January 4, 2010


Being well known for my committment to fairness and balance, It is with greta pride that I inform everyone that noted righty and bigshot, John Feerey, is in complete agreement with my assessment of Eric Ericson, editor of Redstate, being a shithead.

Mr. Feehrey is a former Republican Congressman and founder of the Feehrey Group. A "boutique" that lobbies on behalf of it's clients on a multitude of issues. One of his clients was the well known republican front group, The U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The same group who's president, Tom Donahoe, said outsourcing jobs overseas was good for America.

Anyway, today on CNN with Wolf Blitzer, Feehrey was discussing things with Jamal who was representing the left when the subject of Eric Ericson came up. Mr. Feehrey said that Ericson was a "joker." He also said a few other derogatory things about Ericson.

It's good to know and be validated by an important righty as to the the "jokerness" I think "shithead" is more accurate but Feehrey was on national TV, of Eric Ericson.

Thank you Mr. Feehrey. I know if we work together we can find common ground on other important issues also.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


There is much ado on several right leaning blogs about how loathsome and vulgar I am. One of them cut and pasted a piece from the last post about the editor of Redstate being a shithead. I guess the cut and paster was offended because he himself is also a shithead and shitheads must stick together. Some crazy code among shitheads or something.

The reactionary righties then spout off wherever they can find a sympathetic blog about how President Obama is Muslim and wants to destroy America when they're not attacking TAO or me.

To all my right leaning friends who have made me welcome at their sites and are most welcome here, I beg your pardon.

To the reactionaries who think calling me or the President a commie or America Hater makes them the next William F. Buckley, I join our President in the message he is sending you.

Thank you for reading Truth 101 and may God bless America.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I was watching CNN the other day when the two representatives from the left and right were talking. The one on the right was the editor of Redstate. I wish I could say I never heard a more useless bunch of crap emanating from the lips of another human being but sadly, the right is full of idiots that repeat the same bullshit to the delight of their hoards.

I've been in on several negotiations in which someone that was ignorant of what was going on got caught and tried to mumble nonsense to get out of looking like a fool. This is what Redstate guy did. He mumbled the word "socialist" a couple times but offered nothing in the way of ideas or cogent observation. But no doubt this shithead went back to his big blog and typed how he told that left winger a thing or two. Then all his minions, actually his minions are the same hoard that are Rush's and Beck's minions also. Anyway, they all cheered him because they are also idiots that have no clue what the hell is going on. That's why most idiots voted for Bush. It's a peer thing with them. Only idiots allowed. Too bad their embarrassment at their idiocy causes them to post hate and ignorance on right wing blogs instead motivating them to get smarter by reading blogs like TAO's Radical Perspective or one of the other outstanding blogs I have linked.

One day perhaps, the idiots that follow and emulate Rush and the Redstate guy will understand that they've been duped. Then perhaps they will open their minds to truth and a better America for all. I highly doubt it though. They are after all, idiots.

Friday, January 1, 2010


TomCat's "Politics Plus" has been on a good role since coming back in September. In honor of TomCat's growing readership, and in honor of my lazy friend John, I bring back one of my highest traffic posts of 2009. Thank you for stopping by and I hope everyone has a great 2010.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A friend of mine finally convinced me to go hunting with him. I warned him that I tried hunting 20 or so years ago and sucked at it so I stopped

My friend, John, told me not to worry. He had a great farm a few miles from Quincy that had plenty of animals to shoot. He wanted to go out and get some rabbits and squirrels for some kind of stew. John said I could use one of his guns cause I said I'll get the hunting license but I'm not going through all the red tape to get a FOID card just to shoot at a squirrel. John also said he'd get a case of beer so that made the trip kind of worthwhile.

So we get to the farm and John's brother is already there. I forgot John's brother's name so I called him "Brother" the rest of the day. Anyway, Brother is wearing a camouflage outfit and has his face smeared with some brown stuff. I thought it was overkill considering we were there to kill squirrels and rabbits, but I figured the guy must have spent alot of money on this shit at Walmart so I won't make any wise cracks.

John was unloading the case of beer and the guns we'd be using, a 12 gauge shotgun and a 22 caliber rifle. I was hoping he'd let me use the shotgun but he hands me the 22. Not much more than a BB gun. A gun for sissies I thought. I figured Brother must know what he's doing so I ask him if we're going to work as a team to flush out our prey. Brother said "I hunt alone." And gave me dirty look. To break the tension after asking him the offending question, I asked Brother why he was hunter. Brother said "For the meat" as he gave me another cold look. I wanted to ask him if he killed the three Slim Jims in his back pocket but I figured that might piss him off. Instead I told him to go kill something for us to feast on. Brother told me and John to head North and he would head south. I was born in Connecticut. Either say right or left. To save myself another icy stare I waited for Brother to head out so I could just go the opposite direction.

After traipsing around about two hours John and I hear Brother's gun go off and a yell from Brother. I heard the same yell on a fishing lure commercial so I told John
that Brother must have shot a fish.

After another hour John spotted our prey. The elusive rabbit. Not ten feet away. John lifted his 12 gauge and took deadly aim. It's hard to miss from ten feet with a 12 gauge shotgun. John pulled the trigger and the rabbit was ours. What was left of it anyway. John put the few remaining guts and fur in his pouch and we moved on in search of more life sustaining game.

We trekked another hour before seeing something worth shooting. An old "no trespassing" sign hanging from a barb wire fence. I looked at John and he nodded. I set my sights on the "no trespassing sign and readied to squeeze the trigger. Then it hit me. I'm a Nihilist. Not a hunter. I lowered my rifle and gave a nod to the "no trespassing sign. I could sense it nodding back. In the spirit of Black Elk, I laid down my rifle and vowed to hunt no more.